

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    I learned what causes an ice dam is when warm air escapes your home it heats up the attic and then the snow on the roof starts to melt during the day and freezes at night. The best way to prevent ice dams is to insulate your attic and plug off leaks like the older cans that recess lights are in. Insulating around your plumbing that are on outside walls. Snow raking and heaters in the gutters do not get at the cause. Here is Minnesota we also had the have a six foot extra layer put down by the roof line to help prevent the problem. If you have a significant ice dam it pays to have professional come to remove the ice because I have seen homes whose roofs and walls are severely damaged when the problem is not addressed.

    Good luck!

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,656 Member

    just because
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,656 Member

    another just because.. the yogi, the yogurt meister, the yoge-dude, the yoge-man!
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    bkrimpet wrote: »
    And we do use a roof rake, but our gutters are a mass of ice. Mikesmom1983 -- I am also a Douglass girl!
    Really! What year? I graduated 1978
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning, lovely ladies. It’s cold again, for us, but the sun is trying hard to peek out. Tomorrow it will begin to warm and we should get back to near normal around 60 degrees by Sunday. Then of course, more rain for a few days. I thank the Lord that all this rain wasn’t snow or we’d look like Boston. Best wishes to all with more snow than you want.

    Joyce, I’m glad you were so good at stomach tubes, but happy I never had to use your expertise.

    Angie, Welcome and best of luck on your ½ marathon.

    Mary, I’m so excited for you about the weights and squat rack. (that term makes me giggle for some reason?) I think it’s great that DH is planning to use it too. You know what they say, “The family that works out together…:"

    Sharon, that is so sad about your friends daughter. I can’t imagine how that would affect the poor parents. I hope they can get some help for her. I love your goals for today! Just a few minutes ago I realized that I answered DH with somewhat of an edge to my voice. It made me feel bad and I don’t even know why I did it. I want to always treat people with kindness and especially the one that I love more than anyone in the world. Great goals.

    Gilly, have a great time on your trip to Birmingham and be sure to tell us all about it.

    Allison, great that you will get the new stove operational. I grew up cooking with gas, but have never had it as an adult. I would go back to it in a sec if I ever had the opportunity.

    Linda, trust me, I’m very proud of my 38 pounds, but like many I want it to keep going. I do remember the last time I lost weight (at least 10 yrs ago) I hit a plateau at about this same weight. It is just hard to get every pound off now, but I know it will get better.

    Nena, welcome. You did it before so all you have to do is wrap your head around it and do it again. We will certainly give you support. So sorry about your Mom. I know something like that can derail your focus on eating but if you make yourself log everything that goes in your mouth, that is a good start. Hope to see you here often.

    Mary, you say it’s unrealistic, but on one of the news stations the other day, they did show a man on a roof with his snow blower. Go figure??

    Sylvia, it’s so good to hear from you again. I love the joke!!! We all send you lots of love and the strongest wishes for a quick and easy end to your problems. <3

    Chris, good for you on staying strong at your Girls group. Don’t you feel powerful when you take the opportunity to do what you know is right?

    I seem to have misplaced the recipe for the Chocolate Bran Muffins. I looked in the fridge and oven but it wasn’t anywhere to be found. ;) Would you please post it again or send it to me? I want to make them too.

    Debbie, Welcome to this group of supportive and informative women. Come often and post when you want and know that this works. Good luck.

    Cynthia, great pictures. Thanks.

    Heather in UK, I think it’s nice that you are having your nephew & wife over for dinner. My DH has become a bit unsocial in his old age. I like having people over and visiting with friends but he is so judgmental about everyone lately. :'(

    Karen, I love the joke and oh how true!!!

    Pip, love the pics.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I can’t believe this weekend is already time to set our clocks back for Daylight Savings Time. (In the US) I always thought that was in the spring? :# I do hope it arrives soon. I wish you all a wonderful day filled with happiness and good health.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Friday! Yesterday I had DGD most the day. Had my mamogram done and Janet I agree with losing weight it has gotten easier. Then cleaned house. I am working my short shift 6-2 today and then meeting a DGF for a vist. Tonight we have our monthly CMA meeting and got all my things ready for that. I hope. Also DH's sister and her DH are moving in with us this weekend. He stayed with us last summer, but because of medical issues they lost their house. We have a finished basement with bedroom, family room and bathroom, so they will not be under foot all they time. Just not sure how it will work with DSIL. So doing alot of praying that it will go well. Also DH's first wife is still really close with his sisters. Anyway she is visiting DSIL and planning to help them move their stuff into storage and move in our basement. She is planning to go back to the other sisters in Kansas on Monday. So sounds like Sunday night she will be staying at our house. I am trying really hard to not get stressed about it and eat. So far so good!!

    Heather--Hope you are feeling better.

    Welcome Beth from Maine and Chris from MA and Kathy from Alabama. You have come to a great place for support and friendship.

    Katla--So glad to hear the key has been found.

    Lesley--Your light sounds pretty. Last year when my dad passed a friend gave me a solor flower and I plan to put it in my rock garden this Spring.

    Gilly--Glad to hear you are back swimming. Keep it up and you will be at 64 laps before you know it.

    Cynthia--Glad you talked to organization that helps victims of violence. There are a lot worse cases, but just the same you were the victim and deserve their help. Sending prayers for the job interview.

    Allison--Sending HUGS and you come vent anytime. You are such a speical person and deserve to be treated better at work and at home.

    Sylvia--Glad to hear you are doing better. We were getting concerned such had not heard anything. Please just take it easy and sending HUGS! Hope you get to go home today, but be sure and do not over do.

    Carey--What a neat house. It would be special to be able to restore it and live in.

    Chris--Congrates on the pound loss. We need to celebrate!!

    Nena--Welcome and sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my dad last March. One Day at a Time. We can do this.

    Well time to sign off and get some work done before I leave for the weekend. Have DGD's birthday party tomorrow afternoon. She will be 8 on Sunday and they are moving about 150 miles away next week. DSD has a new boyfriend and thinks it is ok to move all 4 children while school is going on. Can't talk sense to her so just waiting till it all goes south. Life gets more interesting everyday. Have a good day and remember One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE

    March Goals
    1. Log everybite
    2. drink water, stay away from diet pop
    3. No eating after 8pm
    4. Off the computer by 9pm.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    My husband just always keeps the roof clean just like the sidewalk and driveway. No snow no water no ice no caved in roof. he does scare me to death though when he is up on the roof. MNMargaret is right about not having sufficient insulation in your roof is one of the causes of melting and freezing. just a different idea but a lot of work shoveling the roof especially for those in the east. we have Electric heat only so if we were to have the electric wiring in our Eves Our bill would be unbearable. My DSIL has her eves wired but she doesn't have it on all the time only when melting starts.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,773 Member
    edited March 2015
    Dreamwriter ... those are significant stressors! So very sad about the 12 year old ...

    Cindy in SoMD ... there are two entries I'm aware of concerning snow "Operating snowblower while walking" and "shoveling snow." I use them!

    Mary in Minnesota ... what is a squat rack/cage? Actually, we have seen people this year on the roof with smaller snowblowers! I think that's an accident waiting to happen. Our roof is a hip roof and we have a significant amount of snow on the roof. But as Margaret mentioned, ice dams come from heat loss ... which we took care of years ago. My only concern has been the weight. This has been one of our worst winters and so far we're doing ok. But I think we're going to invest in one of those roof "rakes" that uses a chute type mechanism to take "slices" of snow off of the roof. My husband can no longer climb on the roof in the winter.

    Well ... my son is going to be home tutored again by the school. Migraines have been debilitating and making school impossible to attend. I think it's Toni that mentioned accupuncture ... we have considered it ... have a good friend who does accupuncture ... but son is reluctant. Which is crazy since he endures Botox injections. The cause of his migraines is becoming more identifiable ...and it's complicated ... none of his doctors think accupuncture would offer much relief.

    The one down side of thawing ... and you dog lovers will understand this ... is that it is not crocuses I see cropping up in the yard. Still too much snow to do any real clean-up, but the time is coming. I make the family join me on what I call the "treasure hunt!"

    Hoping for an uneventful weekend where I can just relax and get caught up on things. Really have to spend some time taxes.

    Drkatiebug ... I put the book away and ate an overstuffed donut ... because, yes, oh yes, I deserved a donut today!!

    Beth in WNY
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Beth in WNY - the above picture is what a squat rack looks like. It makes it easy to get the bar off the rack so that you can perform a squat. as you can see I am starting with the really small 12.5 bar with really light weight.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    just in case any of you are wondering, That other bar that you see standing vertical is not for pole dancing!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Baby Mackenzie Mae was born this afternoon,mom and baby ok.Baby wt was 9 lbs 13oz and 22 in long.Can`t wait to see her.
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Beth: My name is also just Beth, named after Beth in Little Women. I was given that name because the dr's told my parents that I would not survive to the age of five.....boy did I prove those dr's wrong. I have never liked the name because it is just one syllable. LOL

    I understand your snow problem as I have 8 feet sitting in my front yard at the moment (kennebunk maine)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,773 Member
    Mary ... I was envisioning something else entirely! Dummy me ... How neat to have the space for that equipment. At the gym, my son and I call that type of equipment the "jungle gym stuff." We're very technical you see ... ;)
  • GTJanuary
    GTJanuary Posts: 11 Member
    edited March 2015
    GT January: Nobody on MFP discusses weight loss supplements or products. They are not a welcome topic. Count calories, drink water, and move more. It works permanently, but not quickly.

    Braggs is not a weight loss supplement or a weight loss product. It is vinegar. I was just wondering since someone else was talking about health foods in the earlier part of this thread. Specifically, fermented foods. Sorry, I did not know the rules of this thread were that stringent. I won't discuss it again.

    Other than that, how was your day? ;)

    PS: You can call me Nena

    Nena from New Jersey

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 395 Member
    bkrimpet wrote: »
    And we do use a roof rake, but our gutters are a mass of ice. Mikesmom1983 -- I am also a Douglass girl!
    Really! What year? I graduated 1978

  • listeo
    listeo Posts: 5 Member
    Good Afternoon All.
    Went to work this morning. I am 4 miles from work it usually takes me 10 mins to get it. Some of the roads were frozen , it took 1 hour to go 4 miles. This afternoon all is sunny and the white stuff is melting. I shoveled snow this morning so that does count a some sort of cardio.

    Michelle in NC- I don't think your daughter will have that much snow to shovel and after Boston this is nothing!

    Grandmallie- Thank you for the Welcome. Great going on the purging. It is such a gratifying experience to get rid of 18 years of accumulation.

    Beth in WNY- I have never seen 7 feet of snow and I hope that I never do. I have yet seen Girl Scout Cookies for sell and if I do I'll politely decline.

    Mary from MN- Thank you for Welcoming me. You have a very impressive work out routine. One I hope to have one day. My complaint of snow seems silly compared to the amount you have. My son will be moving to Minneapolis in August. I tell him I'll visit in the summer.

    Janet SC- Love it-"damitJanit" Thank you for the welcome

    CynthiaT6-NetFilxs is great. I do streaming and 1 dvd at a time. Good luck with your interview!

    Welcome Beth from Kennebunk, Maine- My mom's fathers family were from Kennebunk Port, Maine. I went once..in the summer!!! 8 feet of snow I just can't imagine.

    Looking forward to the weekend. Going to do my 3miles on the treadmill

    Liz from Va

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 395 Member
    The weird thing about that insulation is that every time we have had someone look at it they say, yeah looks good, looks about right. Maybe we need extra in that one spot. Yet another project for the spring on this old place…will be talking about that wiring this weekend too, and the iceman cometh on Monday!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,774 Member
    evening ladies,
    got out of work at 5, and went and got one of the nails that I smudged fixed, 10 min ,in and out.. I go back past where I work and the so called office manager and the other assistant where still there, now the Troll as my DB calls her makes sure I punch out on time or before ,but they are milking it so the get over 40 hours and I barely make 30.. just ticks me off.
    Electrician and contractor both come tomorrow,electrician has alot that needs to be done, and contractor we are getting an estimate on refacing cabinets... tuesday we have the rescheduled contractor coming about the bathtub surround.., somewhere in there I have to get grocery shopping..
    so no rest for the weary..
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,773 Member
    Nena from NJ ... Katla was not criticizing. We talk about everything on this thread. And there are no rules. We're all different and have different methods of losing weight. She is right in that MFP doesn't encourage pills or unnatural weight-loss methods. And, of course, vinegar is not unnatural by any means. I have an 85-yr old gentleman friend who swears by vinegar for his longevity!