Is diet pop really bad for you?



  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    It will not prevent weight loss, as the calories are negligible. If you enjoy it and it helps you meet your goals, definitely keep drinking it.

    Just be sure and care for your teeth!

    If you have to take care of one of the hardest parts of your body (teeth), I can't even imagine what it's doing to your soft organs inside your body?

    Toothpaste and a toothbrush.

    What about fruit?

    We can always put it to the test, you drink whatever soda you like, how about 4 cans, and I'll eat 2 apples and 2 cups of strawberries a day, we'll do this for 5 months, take a picture of your teeth and see whose look better. But no brushing, we need to see real results. Hope you have a dental plan.

    Yeah ok that's exactly what I'm going to do. Stop brushing my teeth to see how bad soda is, because I'm sure that if I don't brush my teeth for 5 months when they rot it will be due to the soda not the lack of brushing. Lol. Nice argument.

    Thanks, guys, you reminded me I hadn't brushed yet this morning. :blush: Now my teeth are clean and breath minty fresh.

    BTW, I'm a regular (diet) soda drinker, have been for years, and as you can tell I'm a bit lackadaisical about my dental hygiene, and yet I don't have a ton of cavities or a mouthful of rot. I blame genetics for that.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    @kamakazeekim why not check the rumor before spreading it?

    Like I said, I didn't know if it was true or not and the one time I was intrigued enough to look into it I could not find any relevant information. I personally don't drink diet pop because I can't stand the aftertaste.

    It is interesting to think how misconceptions like that are passed along in college classes.
  • who4fan
    who4fan Posts: 388 Member
    At one point not so long ago, I was convinced by some clean eating advocates that if I would just give up my diet soda, my joint pain would miraculously disappear. So I did, for 30 days. It did not help at all. I am not sure if it was because I did not believe it would or if it was because it was hogwash to begin with. Anyway, as another case of anecdotal evidence, I drink diet soda daily because I enjoy flavor. It has been my drink of choice for a long time, literally through thick(er) and thin(ner). Do whatever works for you, there's no need to give it up unless you find compelling evidence to do so.
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    dantl wrote: »
    It does prevent weight loss because of the chemical artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, acesulfame-K (potassium), saccharin and aspartame. They have zero calories, but the chemicals and the sweet taste with zero calories doesn't trick the brain that you are eating sugar and instead stimulates your appetite so you eat more to make up for the calorie deficit the brain is expecting. It causes you to gain more weight and proportionately more fat and in turn slows your metabolism.

    I would suggest a few things. You can put lemon or cucumber slices in your water to flavor it. You an also try sparkling mineral water (Perrier has flavored waters) or using plain and mixing with a little bit of 100% cranberry juice with a touch of stevia. The more you can fall in love with regular water - the better your weight loss.

    Yer funny, Bro.

    Have a look at my profile pics and tell me again it "prevents weight loss"

    I'm laughin' over here ...


    Lol, agreed. I drink 1-4 cans a day and it isn't effecting my leaning out and maintaining my leanness.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    Because people are morons.
  • Jbarnes1210
    Jbarnes1210 Posts: 308 Member
    Wow!!! I didn't think I would receive so many comments, or that so many people were so passionate over diet pop. I guess I'm not the only one. I was giving it up due to an article I read on low carb dieting. The article said besides the chemicals in diet pop that are bad to you, that artificial sweeteners some how slow down, or prevent weight loss. I drank diet pop on weight watchers and didn't have a problem with loosing, but just wasn't sure how it works with Atkins. Today was my 1st whole day without in years. There's so many pro/cons, it's hard to tell what's the real truth. I'll have to do some more research. Thank for all the comments!!!:)
  • MiltonAFC
    MiltonAFC Posts: 121 Member
    Diet soda is fine in moderation.

    Listen, EVERYTHING is suppose to kill you. Regular produce is suppose to be infested with pesticides, microwaves cause cancer, the air we breathe cause cancer, anything that processed(probably 90%) of the stuff in stores is suppose to kill us too.

    Ok, maybe in 20-30 years they'll discover that aspartame really causes cancer and has killed people. Guess what? You'll be dead by then.

    As long as you don't replace water with diet soda, I don't see an issue. Diet soda is definitely helpful for people that were once addicted to regular soda like I was. These days I strictly drink water but I have to give props to coke zero and diet mountain dew for helping me when I first started my weight loss journey.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    dantl wrote: »
    It does prevent weight loss because of the chemical artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, acesulfame-K (potassium), saccharin and aspartame. They have zero calories, but the chemicals and the sweet taste with zero calories doesn't trick the brain that you are eating sugar and instead stimulates your appetite so you eat more to make up for the calorie deficit the brain is expecting. It causes you to gain more weight and proportionately more fat and in turn slows your metabolism.

    I would suggest a few things. You can put lemon or cucumber slices in your water to flavor it. You an also try sparkling mineral water (Perrier has flavored waters) or using plain and mixing with a little bit of 100% cranberry juice with a touch of stevia. The more you can fall in love with regular water - the better your weight loss.

    How is this relevant if you are not eating ad lib?

    Also, it is not true for everyone.

    How does gaining weight slow your metabolism?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    dantl wrote: »
    Wow my first post (now my last) - as I find too much negativity here. That's too bad - you should be nurturing a supportive open environment here, rather than being defensive, critical and immature (laughing, really?) and let people make their own decisions. If something works for you - great - if not then find what does. There wouldn't be thousands of diets if one way worked for everyone. If you want to state what worked or didn't work for you fine - but there's certainly a better way to do that than what I am seeing here.

    Jessica asked a question, I provided an answer. She asked why she hears that drinking pop will prevent weight loss. Keep in mind everyone is different and there are long term effects to take into consideration. The incidence of metabolic syndrome is a fact - and you can have it and be thin, so be careful not to fall off the diet wagon - the weight gain will be much worse.

    For all of you ingesting chemicals and being so defensive - you do whatever you want. But it doesn't take a genius to know that drinking water is better than drinking pop - or soda or whatever you call it where you live - that is made with chemicals!

    Multiple different scientific studies are cited in the articles below, from several credible resources.

    Oh dear...
  • svirds
    svirds Posts: 57 Member
    Water is best for hydration. There is no nutritional value in soda at all, but it is loaded with other junk. I personally do have a strong reaction to artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame. That's a person choice based on what you believe or how your body responds. My two cents would be - why put chemicals and crap in your body if you don't need to?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    svirds wrote: »
    Water is best for hydration. There is no nutritional value in soda at all, but it is loaded with other junk. I personally do have a strong reaction to artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame. That's a person choice based on what you believe or how your body responds. My two cents would be - why put chemicals and crap in your body if you don't need to?

    Because it tastes nice, and in reasonable doses, does not have any negative effects.
  • MiltonAFC
    MiltonAFC Posts: 121 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    svirds wrote: »
    Water is best for hydration. There is no nutritional value in soda at all, but it is loaded with other junk. I personally do have a strong reaction to artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame. That's a person choice based on what you believe or how your body responds. My two cents would be - why put chemicals and crap in your body if you don't need to?

    Because it tastes nice, and in reasonable doses, does not have any negative effects.

    Nailed it.
  • vbaez6
    vbaez6 Posts: 18
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    One concern about artificial sweeteners is that they affect the body’s ability to gauge how many calories are being consumed. Some studies show that sugar and artificial sweeteners affect the brain in different ways.

    The human brain responds to sweetness with signals to eat more. By providing a sweet taste without any calories, however, artificial sweeteners cause us to crave more sweet foods and drinks, which can add up to excess calories.

    So in conclusion, don't use artificial sweeteners if you can help it (AKA diet soda).
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    vbaez6 wrote: »
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    One concern about artificial sweeteners is that they affect the body’s ability to gauge how many calories are being consumed. Some studies show that sugar and artificial sweeteners affect the brain in different ways.

    The human brain responds to sweetness with signals to eat more. By providing a sweet taste without any calories, however, artificial sweeteners cause us to crave more sweet foods and drinks, which can add up to excess calories.

    So in conclusion, don't use artificial sweeteners if you can help it (AKA diet soda).

    It only increases the appetite for some - for others it helps adherence to their calorie target. Your body does not determine how many calories you have eaten - what you put in your mouth does.

    The studies that are thrown around were done under ad lib eating conditions.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    svirds wrote: »
    Water is best for hydration. There is no nutritional value in soda at all, but it is loaded with other junk. I personally do have a strong reaction to artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame. That's a person choice based on what you believe or how your body responds. My two cents would be - why put chemicals and crap in your body if you don't need to?

    Everything is chemicals.
  • vbaez6
    vbaez6 Posts: 18
    edited March 2015
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    vbaez6 wrote: »
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    One concern about artificial sweeteners is that they affect the body’s ability to gauge how many calories are being consumed. Some studies show that sugar and artificial sweeteners affect the brain in different ways.

    The human brain responds to sweetness with signals to eat more. By providing a sweet taste without any calories, however, artificial sweeteners cause us to crave more sweet foods and drinks, which can add up to excess calories.

    So in conclusion, don't use artificial sweeteners if you can help it (AKA diet soda).

    It only increases the appetite for some - for others it helps adherence to their calorie target. Your body does not determine how many calories you have eaten - what you put in your mouth does.

    The studies that are thrown around were done under ad lib eating conditions.

    Thanks for undermining my reply but I don't see any thoughts of yours posted on here that reflect any sort of academic work. Just opinions after opinions. Oh and more opinions....
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    edited March 2015
    vbaez6 wrote: »
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    vbaez6 wrote: »
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    One concern about artificial sweeteners is that they affect the body’s ability to gauge how many calories are being consumed. Some studies show that sugar and artificial sweeteners affect the brain in different ways.

    The human brain responds to sweetness with signals to eat more. By providing a sweet taste without any calories, however, artificial sweeteners cause us to crave more sweet foods and drinks, which can add up to excess calories.

    So in conclusion, don't use artificial sweeteners if you can help it (AKA diet soda).

    It only increases the appetite for some - for others it helps adherence to their calorie target. Your body does not determine how many calories you have eaten - what you put in your mouth does.

    The studies that are thrown around were done under ad lib eating conditions.

    Thanks for undermining my reply but I don't see any thoughts of yours posted on here that reflect any sort of academic work. Just opinions after opinions. Oh and more opinions....

    Undermining your reply? Really? It's called disagreeing.

    And raised the studies, not me. How about you support that assertion of yours before playing the 'opinion' card and trying to deflect your lack of citations of any 'academic work'.

    What were you saying about opinions after opinions again? Your post is highly ironic.

  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    vbaez6 wrote: »
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    vbaez6 wrote: »
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    One concern about artificial sweeteners is that they affect the body’s ability to gauge how many calories are being consumed. Some studies show that sugar and artificial sweeteners affect the brain in different ways.

    The human brain responds to sweetness with signals to eat more. By providing a sweet taste without any calories, however, artificial sweeteners cause us to crave more sweet foods and drinks, which can add up to excess calories.

    So in conclusion, don't use artificial sweeteners if you can help it (AKA diet soda).

    It only increases the appetite for some - for others it helps adherence to their calorie target. Your body does not determine how many calories you have eaten - what you put in your mouth does.

    The studies that are thrown around were done under ad lib eating conditions.

    Thanks for undermining my reply but I don't see any thoughts of yours posted on here that reflect any sort of academic work. Just opinions after opinions. Oh and more opinions....

    You make the claim, you back it up. That is how debates work. Some other person posted faulty citations that were quickly pointed out as such, followed by another poster posting relevant research regarding studies done that do not find any significant information that agrees with your opinion.
    For some people, it helps control calorie intake. For others, it might make them want sweet things. But it's not a constant factor given for everyone. It's completely individual.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    vbaez6 wrote: »
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    One concern about artificial sweeteners is that they affect the body’s ability to gauge how many calories are being consumed. Some studies show that sugar and artificial sweeteners affect the brain in different ways.

    The human brain responds to sweetness with signals to eat more. By providing a sweet taste without any calories, however, artificial sweeteners cause us to crave more sweet foods and drinks, which can add up to excess calories.

    So in conclusion, don't use artificial sweeteners if you can help it (AKA diet soda).

    You're not making any sense. So...if I eat something sweet, my body wants to eat more.....but if i eat something artificially body wants to eat more. So what's the difference?

    More to the point, who cares what my body wants to eat? My brain decides what goes on my mouth, not my body. And where are even all these people that can't become overcome with hunger after drinking diet coke? It's never had that effect on me. It actually makes me feel full