It's almost spring! Will you walk your dog?



  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I don't, because my dog is dog aggressive, and frankly I don't want to deal with it, considering we had to pay $800 of vet expenses once when he attacked another dog.

    So is one of mine. It does suck.

    We used a pinch collar and a muzzle at first. No longer need the muzzle now but we do continue use the pinch collar.

    Oh and always use a leather leash for walking as you will have more control over your dog. I hate those flexi leashes that people use and allow their dog to run up on mine.

  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    I have a german shepherd. He wants to walk even more when it's cold LOL. Even as the snow melts, he insists on walking on whatever snow is left. We do shorter more frequent walks for my comfort, but he still has to be walked no matter the temperature or he drives me nuts.

    My other dog is short hair, boxer/am staff mix, so she would rather not be out in a lot of cold for very long even with a coat.

    Our temps are warming into the high 50s low 60s this week and all snow is long until it gets way too hot, there will be lots of walking for both.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    So is one of mine. It does suck.

    We used a pinch collar and a muzzle at first. No longer need the muzzle now but we do continue use the pinch collar.

    Oh and always use a leather leash for walking as you will have more control over your dog. I hate those flexi leashes that people use and allow their dog to run up on mine.

    I hate them too! Besides, they can easily break and then the dog is loose when it sees a squirrel or something else to chase. My doxie loves being on a leash; makes him feel safe.
  • fat2fitvegan
    fat2fitvegan Posts: 30 Member
    Yep we do 30-45 minutes at least once a day with shorter walks throughout the day (high energy dog means a lot of work for me). But I live in the southeast, so the bad weather for me is in the summer when it's prohibitively hot. We also like hiking at state parks or unpaved trails when the weather is nice.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Your dog is adorable, ridleyprime!
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    My lab mix is my jogging buddy. As soon as it's warm enough for me to be able to stand it we'll be back on the pavement. Meanwhile, we're both going stir crazy.
  • serenity1097
    serenity1097 Posts: 135 Member
    Cannot wait for the snow & ice to melt here, love driving into town with my Boxer boy to take a nice long walk (we live on a busy highway so no walking straight from the house).
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I don't have a dog (wish I did but my schedule doesn't allow for one). I live in a city where a lot of people have small dogs and walk ups so they weewee pad train them. I always feel so bad for them :(. I am in and out of people's apts all day, and if I could, I'd walk all the poor dogs. In my building, a lot of people have big dogs and constantly walk them in the park, even in winter.

    I'd walk my cats, but I know my one is a hunter. First bird she sees and that would be it lol.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Don't feel bad for the small dogs who are paper trained. They wouldn't appreciate the cold weather, most likely. Not all dogs need to be walked, believe it or not. Most tiny dogs do fine just being allowed to wander inside their homes. As long as they get sunlight and interaction with their people, that's all they need.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    we live in way out in the country. my younger dog (just turned 1 thursday!) goes on walks with me whenever i go - anywhere from 3-5 times a week, and they are upwards of 2-3 mile walks). Shes a high energy 50 pound mutt. but she also runs free in the mornings and visits her doggie friends and plays with them. not everyone has that luxury, i know. (but boy does she love it!)

    my 7 year old mini schnauzer loves walks, but HAS to stop for EVERYTHING. every blade of grass, mailbox, tree, whatever. so hes a pain to walk with. my girls take him out with them pretty often, though. in general hes pretty lazy though, and doesnt really like to be outside to begin with, unlike his younger 'sister' LOL
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Haha walk mine in winter too. I had a neighbour a while back who didn't walk her wee Jack Russell - felt quite sorry for her dog but I wouldn't offer to walk it, I have enough to do.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I was thinking about walking my cat but somehow I don't think that will involve much walking.

    I had a cat years ago who used to stalk me when I walked the dogs. Obviously wanted to go a walk but really didn't want us to know he was there, very funny.

  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    3laine75 wrote: »
    I was thinking about walking my cat but somehow I don't think that will involve much walking.

    I had a cat years ago who used to stalk me when I walked the dogs. Obviously wanted to go a walk but really didn't want us to know he was there, very funny.

    We have a kitten now, he's about 8 months we think (started as a stray) and sometimes he goes out with the dogs, does his thing, and comes in with the dogs LOL. He does have a litter box. I bought him a harness this week since neighborhood rules say all 4 legged critters need leashes...he's freaked by the leash LOL

  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    we live in way out in the country. my younger dog (just turned 1 thursday!) goes on walks with me whenever i go - anywhere from 3-5 times a week, and they are upwards of 2-3 mile walks). Shes a high energy 50 pound mutt. but she also runs free in the mornings and visits her doggie friends and plays with them. not everyone has that luxury, i know. (but boy does she love it!)

    my 7 year old mini schnauzer loves walks, but HAS to stop for EVERYTHING. every blade of grass, mailbox, tree, whatever. so hes a pain to walk with. my girls take him out with them pretty often, though. in general hes pretty lazy though, and doesnt really like to be outside to begin with, unlike his younger 'sister' LOL

    Hah, that's the trouble with boy dogs! Mine does fine with familiar territory (i.e., my neighborhood), but taking him to a park is a riot! As you said, every tree, blade of grass, etc.! I keep telling him that he doesn't have anything left, but he still pretends he does!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well my dog aggressive dog is fine playing in the backyard at least. We have a pretty big one. And he's almost 10 so he's fine just hanging out.

    We did everything right, socialized him, puppy classes... but he was a rescue puppy, dumped at 5 weeks in a shelter and I guess he got some very bad experience there. Eventually around 1 he snapped at a rottweiler at a dog park and we stopped taking him around other dogs since... just not worth it.

    We do walk him occasionally when it's not cold though, but typically I let my husband do it because I'm just too scared of what he might do, especially as there are so many idiots who have their dogs off leash. But yeah... I can't go for a walk in this neighborhood without seeing other dogs.

    My cat used to follow us when we went for a walk too. Always scared me that she'd go too far and get lost. Thankfully now she doesn't really go out anymore as she's old too, and my next cats will be indoor cats.
  • ilovemypeekapug
    ilovemypeekapug Posts: 106 Member
    My dog LOVES the cold and snow, so I've walked her a lot this winter (when the temp is at least 20, otherwise her paws stick to the ice and she acts like it hurts). I can't wait until spring to walk her even more! She can't handle heat very well, so in the summer we take short walks, then I drop her off at the house and walk more by myself.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    My dog LOVES the cold and snow, so I've walked her a lot this winter (when the temp is at least 20, otherwise her paws stick to the ice and she acts like it hurts). I can't wait until spring to walk her even more! She can't handle heat very well, so in the summer we take short walks, then I drop her off at the house and walk more by myself.

    I'm lucky to have several very shady parks within ten miles. I'm the one who can't take heat very well!
  • compgeek812
    compgeek812 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm lucky to have several very shady parks within ten miles. I'm the one who can't take heat very well!
    Where I live its not the trees that make the parks shady haha. So I take walks in the upper-middle class neighborhoods, relatively safe and unlike the high class neighborhoods, no security guards to hassle me. B)
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I'm lucky to have several very shady parks within ten miles. I'm the one who can't take heat very well!
    Where I live its not the trees that make the parks shady haha. So I take walks in the upper-middle class neighborhoods, relatively safe and unlike the high class neighborhoods, no security guards to hassle me. B)

    I hear you - my last neighborhood started out great, but over 18 years, became shady (and not from trees!). Which is why I ended up moving to another state . . .
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I was thinking about walking my cat but somehow I don't think that will involve much walking.

    Hah! You never know until you've tried!

    I saw someone walking a rabbit here.

    I don't have a dog, but I have children who I have to walk every day lol.