Does 5KM of walking do anything?



  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    getting two dogs was the best decision ever for me! got me moving again. We go for two long walks a day...between 8km-10km total each day. I use an app that logs your distance and donates to your animal charity of choice. It's not a lot of money...but I figure it's something I'm doing anyways. Walking and yoga are really my only forms of exercise right now (on medical instructions...dying to get back to heavier cardio/strength training)
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    So I've been doing dailywalks of 5km with a general km pace of 12:40. Is this helping me? I can't afford a gym membership so this is the only exercise I'm getting at the moment. I just need help. LOL

    It burns about a calorie per pound of body weight. It won't create a big deficit or anything like that, but getting up and moving is almost always better for you than not.

  • Thunaer
    Thunaer Posts: 21
    I also do a lot of walking. About 5-7 km per day, 7-8 kilometers per hour. It helps me burn calories, clear my thoughts and I also get some good ideas for work/studies while walking.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Walking is great mentally & physically. You might want to eventually look into joining a walking group in your area and get in a longer walk every week. I belong to a few in my area that hold anywhere from 5k to 52k walks.
  • jenniator
    jenniator Posts: 475 Member
    edited March 2015
    Absolutely walking can make a huge difference. :) I lost my 40 pounds just from walking 2 hours 5 days a week (6.3 miles in total per day). Unfortunately my body has gotten use to the walking routine since I was doing it for 6 months, so it doesn't burn as many calories and it takes longer to lose a pound. I think around 30 pounds it started to really slow down, so I added some jogging to my routine and that helped a lot. :) But now I do the elliptical for a hour since it burns a lot more than walking and in less time.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Exercise is great for your health, so of course it's doing something. Additionally, it helps the deficit, as weight loss, is all about the deficit.
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    If you can walk 5k you could slowly build up to running it using the couch to 5k app. Not sure if that's something you are interested in doing but it would be a great personal challenge for you. If you want to stay with walking make sure you are walking fast enough to get a bit out of breath (for improved fitness). I think a daily walk (of any speed) is a brilliant way to relax and get fresh air. Keep it up!
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    edited March 2015
    So I've been doing dailywalks of 5km with a general km pace of 12:40. Is this helping me? I can't afford a gym membership so this is the only exercise I'm getting at the moment. I just need help. LOL

    For me the way I see it is it's an hour where your not sitting still watching tv or watching cat videos on you tube.

    As long as you don't have a bung knee it can't really hurt you to walk.

    Not sure about you but I would find that pace a little slow/easy. Probably best to go at a pace were your a bit out of breath, where you can't carry on a normal conversation :p

    Maybe that's where your at already

  • captivatedlife
    captivatedlife Posts: 60 Member
    Walking is a gateway drug! You start walking and see the benefits - for me increased mood, general outlook on life, wow- I can eat a little more! - and bam! You're doing zumba at home, you're trying the "power abs" in home walk someone showed on YouTube. Then you see all the thoughts on strength training and you borrow a resistance band... And it goes on! You meet your neighbors, everyone recognizes you....

    I'm sick today (and for the last 2 days....) and really miss my walk. It's an amazing stimulant.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I love walking I built up from doing a half mile to one mile to 3.5 to 10 then 13 miles! Its a great feeling and after about 2 months my body realky started to change! I had to pace myself not to walk too fast and stretch before your legs and ankles to prevent injury. Add on a half mile each time and create a walk schedule alternating short walk and long walk days and if you change up your pace from warm up to brisk to cool down you will definitely see a better fat burn zone which is about 20 to 30 min into the walk! And mentally very mood affecting:)
  • sarahlucking
    I use map my walk. It calculates calories burned for me. I'm working hard, 7km a day. I am Canadian so I don't work in miles Lol. But I used to be unmotivated to do anything. I'm slowly losing, and hopefully this week coming I can be in the 10min a km. Fingers crossed I surpass my goal of losing 10lbs this month. Especially when I have so much to lose.

    Thank you all for the help!
  • sarahlucking
    I had one day where I Did 5km in an hour. By the end of the week I'm hoping for 6km an hour.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Yes, yes! You will start to recognize increased vitality and stamina. Out of breath less often. If your progress gets boring, change it up. I ended up running.
  • ycel0612
    ycel0612 Posts: 57 Member
    I think it still help for maintaing weight. But if you want to lose pounds, you havw to adjust your calorie intake