Thinking about going completely Paleo for a week to see how I feel



  • HannahsMother2012
    HannahsMother2012 Posts: 47 Member
    From my understanding a lot of people who follow the Paleo lifestyle do the 85/15 ratio. 85% of the time thy adhere to the Paleo restictions, and 15% of the time they eat "normal". This seems so reasonable and sustainable to me. Allowing for social gatherings and such where Paleo foods aren't always available. Today I indulged in gluten and dairy, something I've avoided (with the exception of Greek yogurt) for about a month now, and I feel horrible!! I have always thought I have some food sensitivities, hence the interest in such restricted diet. No one can deny its an incredibly healthy way to eat! I'm not interested for weight loss, as stated before, but for the benefits that come from feeding our bodies what it's meant to be fed. Thanks for your input everyone! I appreciate all the angles people view this topic from :)

    There is no reason to avoid gluten unless you have a medical condition. It would require more than just avoiding it for a little while to diagnose. And you are not supposed to introduce more than one eliminated food at a time and give it several days to evaluate.

    You also can't judge how "good" or "bad" a food is by how you feel after not eating it for awhile. Our bodies adjust to our diets. Eat low fat for awhile then have a high fat meal and you will experience stomach discomfort. Fat is essential, it is just our bodies have gotten used to digesting the lower fat intake. The same goes for going from a bland diet ot eating something spicy. Even adding more vegetables to ones diet can end up with stomach discomfort.
    dsalveson wrote: »
    From my understanding a lot of people who follow the Paleo lifestyle do the 85/15 ratio. 85% of the time thy adhere to the Paleo restictions, and 15% of the time they eat "normal".

    Sounds a lot like a regular balanced diet to me....


    Actually, diagnosing celiac disease requires an initial blood test, and depending on those results, a biopsy of the intestine, you MUST eat gluten regularly for those tests to be accurate. So me "avoiding it for more then a little while to diagnose" isn't how this medical condition is diagnosed. This isn't my first go around with avoiding gluten, and each and every time I feel better. I've been tested for celiac disease and the test was negative. I have a strong family history of the disease, and given my experiences with avoiding it, I do think I have a sensitivity. I'm avoiding dairy not because I think I have a sensitivity (although statistics show gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance often go hand in hand) but because after researching the topic, I've come to learn that our bodies are actually not made to digest cow's milk. However, the choices in my diet are personal, and if I feel absolutely wonderful with eating a Paleo diet, then I'm not too sure why one would discourage me from doing so! It's not for everyone and we all have our views, opinions and ways of finding our way to better health. Isn't that why we are here? I posted this in hopes of finding others who share similar views as me, who could maybe offer some insight into the completely Paleo world. So if that is the case, please send me a friend request! I'd love to connect with you :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    edited March 2015
    although statistics show gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance often go hand in hand

    Probably because half the people who wind up with "gluten" are half way hypochondriacs.

    I'm skeptical at best of that statement.

    I've come to learn that our bodies are actually not made to digest cow's milk.

    come again?

    Thirdly- if you already have decided you are trying it- why did you come here asking how you about it?
  • HannahsMother2012
    HannahsMother2012 Posts: 47 Member

    Thirdly- if you already have decided you are trying it- why did you come here asking how you about it?[/quote]

    I said I had posted in hopes to find those who could give me some insight into a completely Paleo diet. I wasnt asking how to go about it.

    For a place that is dedicated for health and fitness, I'm starting to see some less then nice comments from people who are sharing a journey to better health. It's disappointing to see and sad that as a newbie, I will be really reluctant to ever post again looking for like minded friends on here, in order to avoid catty remarks from those who don't share my same views. I thought as adults if the topic wasn't one you shared an interest in, one would just keep scrolling. But who am I kidding. It's the Internet and it takes all kinds I guess! I sincerely wish you all to find a lifestyle that works for you as individuals. And I will continue to find what works for me. Thanks to those who gave me insight, encouraged and were able to remain polite. I have found the paleo group that someone has recommended above (thank you!). Is there a way I can close this discussion before it gets out of hand?!

  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    Hannah you might find better support from the Paleo group. I'm not trying to chase you away but people here seem to get upset when a way of eating has a label regardless of how well it works for you. A lot of us tend to feel we get more out of groups. If you are low carb we have a group for that as well.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Sugarbeat wrote: »
    Hannah you might find better support from the Paleo group. I'm not trying to chase you away but people here seem to get upset when a way of eating has a label regardless of how well it works for you. A lot of us tend to feel we get more out of groups. If you are low carb we have a group for that as well.

    I second this, try the and the

    You will find a lot more info and support on a group dedicated to your lifestyle change than you will in the general forums
  • HannahsMother2012
    HannahsMother2012 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks sugarbeat! I have found the group and have had lots of support there :) just trying to see if I can close this discussion before it becomes all out WW3! That was not my intention at all and I had no idea (since I'm fairly new) how these types of topics can become all out arguing!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Thanks sugarbeat! I have found the group and have had lots of support there :) just trying to see if I can close this discussion before it becomes all out WW3! That was not my intention at all and I had no idea (since I'm fairly new) how these types of topics can become all out arguing!

    heh- you must be new to the internet.

    This conversation has been about as vanilla as they come. Good luck with your journey- and with- you know life. seems like you're gonna need all the help you can get if you think this is excessive.
  • HannahsMother2012
    HannahsMother2012 Posts: 47 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Thanks sugarbeat! I have found the group and have had lots of support there :) just trying to see if I can close this discussion before it becomes all out WW3! That was not my intention at all and I had no idea (since I'm fairly new) how these types of topics can become all out arguing!

    heh- you must be new to the internet.

    This conversation has been about as vanilla as they come. Good luck with your journey- and with- you know life. seems like you're gonna need all the help you can get if you think this is excessive.

    Thank you! Good luck with your journey as well :) i guess I have been blessed with a very supportive and loving group of friend and family !
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited March 2015
    anyone here paleo? How do you like it? I'm very intrigued by the whole concept! With the exception of Greek yogurt, oats, brown rice, lentils, black beans, soya sauce, mayo and cane sugar, I've basically followed a Paleo diet these past few weeks, and I'm thinking about cutting out those last few things for a week or so to see how I feel and how sustainable the Paleo lifestyle is. Looking to hear what you have thought about the Paleo diet!'

    I was curious about it around the time I started this, and ate somewhat paleo already (the things I had to cut were similar to yours, except for the mayo which I never buy), so I did it for a couple of weeks. I found that I didn't feel any different than I did eating the way I had been, and later when I started eating grains off and on again (I usually don't eat lots of grains because of what I consider worth the calories, although lately I've been intentionally upping my carbs and including more grains is an easy way to do it, although not the only way), I found again that so long as I achieved a balanced diet (not too carb heavy, protein and some fat at all meats), I felt basically the same.

    Ultimately I couldn't figure out why paleo would be helpful for me, since the things I would have to cut out--like dairy and oats and beans and in-season corn and, yes, the occasional pasta meal or sandwich--were foods that I didn't tend to overeat on and which I found either actively positive additions to my diet or conveniences (being able to buy a perfectly good for me sandwich or lentil soup at a couple of lunchtime sandwich places). Thus, cutting them out wasn't something that worked for me. I decided instead to keep the things that I thought made sense about paleo (that I was basically doing anyway, for other reasons, like trying to source my meat well, eating more parts of the animal and more game, etc., and of course lots of veggies, although that's hardly something that is unique to paleo), and go ahead and eat the foods that paleo barred that seemed to affect me well and help me reach my goals.

    However, if someone wants to experiment with it, I see no harm at all. I just don't think it's a healthier diet than non-paleo diets and really couldn't personally come up with any reason to stick with it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    That all above of course if you gonna be on low carb diet, which is by far the most popular way how to do Paleo. All tho you could be just eating tons of fruit and lots of carbs, and technically still be on Paleo. But in that case it's same as being on a normal generic diet when it comes to weight and fat loss, and energy, so there isn't really a point.


    i second the what..
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - what are your goals? Paleo is totally unnecessary for weight loss, fat loss, general health, etc…

    and FYI - it has absolutely nothing to do with how real paleolithic people ate.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    tat2cookie wrote: »
    Going Paleo was the best thing I've ever done. It's really not as hard as everyone makes you think. I make my own mayo, use almond butter instead of peanut butter. coconut Aminos instead of soy sauce. Just listen to your body.

    LOL I always love this…

    yea, because we all know that paleotlithic man made their own mayo, and had almond butter stashed in their caves….

    they really need to change the name to something like…Restrict all the foods just because this diet sounds cool < but I guess that would not sell books...
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    tat2cookie wrote: »
    Going Paleo was the best thing I've ever done. It's really not as hard as everyone makes you think. I make my own mayo, use almond butter instead of peanut butter. coconut Aminos instead of soy sauce. Just listen to your body.

    LOL I always love this…

    yea, because we all know that paleotlithic man made their own mayo, and had almond butter stashed in their caves….

    they really need to change the name to something like…Restrict all the foods just because this diet sounds cool < but I guess that would not sell books...

    Thank you for not using the misnomer 'cavemen' <3
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    tat2cookie wrote: »
    Going Paleo was the best thing I've ever done. It's really not as hard as everyone makes you think. I make my own mayo, use almond butter instead of peanut butter. coconut Aminos instead of soy sauce. Just listen to your body.

    LOL I always love this…

    yea, because we all know that paleotlithic man made their own mayo, and had almond butter stashed in their caves….

    they really need to change the name to something like…Restrict all the foods just because this diet sounds cool < but I guess that would not sell books...

    Thank you for not using the misnomer 'cavemen' <3


    I almost did because it is easier to type...
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It's also funnier.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    edited March 2015
    Ive been following this all day.... it beats unpacking.

    If you like mayo and greek yogurt, why not go 'primal' since its paleo plus dairy?

    I don't really agree with the term 'paleo' and the 'science' behind it but the premise of largely whole foods makes sense to me. But I dont enjoy cutting out whole food groups so whatevs.

    Check out for some recipes if you havent already. And (this is a gluten free and low carb website. There might be dairy, i don't remember)

    ETA: i do agree with others who say a week probably isn't long enough to feel any real changes. I believe thats why Whole30 and other sensitivity/elimination diets are 4-6weeks
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Thanks sugarbeat! I have found the group and have had lots of support there :) just trying to see if I can close this discussion before it becomes all out WW3! That was not my intention at all and I had no idea (since I'm fairly new) how these types of topics can become all out arguing!

    heh- you must be new to the internet.

    This conversation has been about as vanilla as they come. Good luck with your journey- and with- you know life. seems like you're gonna need all the help you can get if you think this is excessive.

    Thank you! Good luck with your journey as well :) i guess I have been blessed with a very supportive and loving group of friend and family !

    agreeing with you is not the same thing as support.

    The people who are giving you push back are the most supportive people who can actually help you met your goals and if you were to open to that concept they are probably the ones who can get you the most success- why? because they do this- we eat live and breathe this stuff- and most of us have had great success with it.

    We WILL give you push back. We will NOT always agree with you. But we won't sugar coat it and we can help you achieve your goals.

    Do no confuse back patting for support.

    Those two are not the same things.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    It's also funnier.

    Ha, yeah. It's just my automatic archaeologist's reaction to see red :p. You should see me with Discovery/History channel shows, my ex-partner actually banned me from watching them cos I would get so wound up.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Ive been following this all day.... it beats unpacking.

    If you like mayo and greek yogurt, why not go 'primal' since its paleo plus dairy?

    Mayo is oil plus egg.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    It's also funnier.

    Ha, yeah. It's just my automatic archaeologist's reaction to see red :p. You should see me with Discovery/History channel shows, my ex-partner actually banned me from watching them cos I would get so wound up.

    Oh, I totally get this. I'm a lawyer, and usually I have high tolerance for lawyer things on TV, but every once in a while something drives me crazy.