

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hello, everyone, a quick one this time. Made it to gym breakfast, then home, then out again for the timing of the kids race........whew, I might not be a runner but I can put up and tear down a finish line with the best of them! Just got home and settled here for a minute or two.

    Ok, stats and story for the newbies. Age 63, height 5' 3". Grew up very skinny (below 100lbs.), could eat anything. Never very active (except at work-nursing), a bookworm. Hit 119 (!!!!) at 42 and dieted down to 105. Started trying to lose again when in the mid 150's about 10 yrs. ago. Got down to 123 on another site........blew it over time. Started again (MFP this time) at mid 140's and reached 118 summer of 2013....goal had been 120 and I was soooo pleased!!! Started creeping up last summer and been courting the mid 130's since fall. Jan. lost 5 lbs.; Feb. blew it,have not been on a scale since Jan. I eat 1200 (when I'm behaving) and pay no attention to exercise cals. as my activity varies so greatly. I do tai chi, yoga, a womens light aerobics class, treadmill, rower, eliptical, and walk with no set sched..........and, sometimes, not too often; I know this is my downfall. Due to rather severe osteoporosis anything with impact is OUT. Also have a cardiac issue with a complete left bundle branch block.

    Got to go do something around the house.
    mid-Atlantic........sun and mid 50's with a strong cool breeze
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Peachstategal: your atomic clock is supposed to change automatically. If it doesn't, you may have to change the time zone setting. Mine gets the fall date a week later than it is supposed to, so I have to change the time zone for one week, then put it back.

    Mary in Minnesota: I have visited Bemidji. Isn't that where Paul Bunyan was born? My DH is from Itasca County.

    Sylvia: I love my stainless steel interior. I killed my last dishwasher with a plastic interior when a plastic utensil fell out and melted to the bottom

    Another glorious day here. I love this weather!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,724 Member
    Stats for them days:
    Jog- 44.19min, 6.6-7.3sp 8.53ap 5mi
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,813 Member
    im zonked will check in ,in the morning, ta ta for now <3
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    We went for a Sunday drive yesterday, Sunday. Felt so weird NOT having Mildred in the back of the car. We drove to Sheffield and walked round all the murals there and had lunch. Many new murals from summer.
    Rained last night but sunny now. I am washing our bed sheets and changing bed linen, plus vaccing, sweeping and dusting.Some gardening this afternoon, much needed
    I dragged the WiiFitPlus out for cardio before breakfast and truly enjoyed it again. Jeannette's circuit B for weights soon
    I am "sharing" my friend Betty's puppy, all I need for now
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • listeo
    listeo Posts: 5 Member
    Good evening Ladies!
    what a beautiful weekend this turned out to be. Disappointed my friend back out of a road trip to Wallace NC.
    Tina fron MD and Beth From ME-Thank you for the beautiful pictures

    Heather- Glad you had a great time

    Sylvia- Glad your out and about. Sorry about the constipation and hemorrhoids I can more than relate to it. Its so common with me we call it "the Affliction".

    I use the fitbit and love it. The only way I hit 10,000 steps is if I go on a hike of more than 3 hours or do the treadmill for 3miles. If I do the elliptical for 3 miles I do Not do 10,000 steps. I also use it with my water aerobics which are about 1 hour and also do Not reach 10,000 steps.

    Congrats on all who are losing weight. Hope to join you soon. I have been gaining and losing the same 2 lbs for over a month. I feel better with exercise and usually eat 1200 cal but can't lose weight and I think I know why. I have not had my synthroid for over 3months. I was supposed to get Bloodwork in Nov well finally got it done last week. Doctors appointment Tuesday.

    Friday did 45 mins on Eliptical, about 3 miles...did not hit 10,000 steps
    Saturday 25 mins on elliptical and 30 mins on treadmill with some weights...did not hit 10,000 steps
    Today 2 hours leisure walk only 5000 steps
    Tomorrow Water aerobics and will not get 10,000
    BUT boy does my left frozen shoulder and right leg feel great!!!

    All is good
    Liz in Va
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did about 40 minutes of Stephanie Huxabee's Power Fit DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some yoga (a new DVD I got), hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    Mahjongg here tomorrow night. I'm TRYING to do two rows/night on the Christmas tree skirt. Didn't do any last night as I watched Downton Abbey, maybe I'll get to more today.

    - to make the chocolate bran muffins, take 3 cups of wheat bran (lately, I've been using oat bran), 1 egg for the binder, 1 box of low fat brownie mix (Betty Crocker is the only one I've found who has this, but someone said they found it at Trader Joes) and 1-1/2 cup water. Mix it all together, put into greased muffin tins (full sized, not mini-muffins), and bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Be warned -- they are low in fat so don't use paper muffin liners as they'll stick. Spray the muffin tins with nonstick spray. As for the texture -- it's hard to say. Not like a granola bar. I guess I would say like a muffin. I do find that I can usually drink 24oz of water with one. No, no, no, we don't set the clock back, we set it FORWARD. You know, Spring ahead. I love when we move the clocks ahead. I love the extra hour of daylight.

    - I try to get in 1253 calories/day. I'm 5'1". That's what I came up with when I used the Harris Benedict equation. Good for you losing! My weight seems to range in the mid 130's. There was one time I got below 130 and I looked and felt like c*** so I decided "never again". Never fostered a dog, only helped Jessica train a service dog but that info doesn't help you any. Now we have some friends who fostered a cat, tho. When Vince found out that they were foster a cat he said to me "so, how long do you think it'll be before they adopt it?" And sure enough, they did adopt it.

    - Vince seems to have gotten more social as he gets older. Maybe it's because now he has more time, who knows? I'm just glad that he is being social

    - what is an atomic clock? Arizona and Hawaii don't change their clocks.

    dia_nruf - congrats on that loss!

    One clock I totally forgot to change was the clock in my car! How many remembered that one?

    Cindy - how did you determine the calories you needed, or did you let MFP decide for you?

    Chris - oh, no, Filene's Basement went out of business! Bummer, major bummer

    Janet - I've decided to keep that sweater. There was a pull in it and I wasn't sure that I could pull it thru. But I was able. It matches these green pants that I have, and for $7.80 I really can't go too wrong. my dh feels just the opposite from your dh. He feels "do we really need to spend that money". I will pay full price ONLY if I really really love something and it fits me really well and I need it. Otherwise, it's Salvation Army or sale racks for this gal

    Chris - awesome loss! I'm impressed. I don't care at all for no fat foods, sometimes, tho, I do have low fat foods. but I do have to admit that they are usually higher in sodium and/or sugar, so it's really a tradeoff. I agree, the full fat versions of foods are more satisfying for a longer period of time

    Liz - you did 30 minutes on the treadmill and didn't make 10,000 steps? I'm surprised. Do you maybe take your fitbit off when you exercise? I used to take my pedometer off when I took a step class.

    Michele in NC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gang. Haven't been here much; trying to recover from drama that didn't even involve me. Saturday was parent daughter day and while I had fun with DD#2 buying a prom dress, it was an entirely different story with DH and DD#1. He finally had to tell her to stop talking about it and stop texting her now ex-BF who kept texting her saying "You have to come back. The baby is crying". The aunt and his mother both say he refuses to have anything to do with the baby; she couldn't even get ready to go out with DH because the baby was crying and he wouldn't help. And on and on and on.....

    Yikes! I wasn't even going to talk about it! Well I hope you have had a nice weekend and I'll see everyone on Monday.

    To the person who mentioned roof layers, in Omaha you can legally have three and be in code. I'm surprised there weren't more!

    Take care, meg from Omaha where we had a gorgeous day!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Sylvia: healing prayers to you!!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele in NC - thanks for the recipe! Which do you prefer the wheat or oat bran?

    Maryfrom Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Meg from Omaha - you do have a lot going on! We're here for you!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Sue in SD – congratulations on selling your house. We've had ours for sale a long time sure wish we could be that lucky. We need to down size at our age now it's more than we can keep up. I'm sure when the packing and lifting you will burn a lot of calories, enjoy it.

    Sue in TN
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Back from Spring Break with DS and family. Got a lot o catch up on. I did set my goals before I left and will post tomorrow. I also upped my steps by 500 and am up to 5000. Exceeded that almost everyday I was gone.
    5001. Sue inTX
  • crm519
    crm519 Posts: 2
    Hi all new here not quite 50 but almost there
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    Hello from beautiful Utah where we have been since Thursday. We fly home tomorrow and will be able to pick up the pets :D

    I met my step goal every day in spite of long meetings and ate according to my rules except for the Marie Callender ' s chicken pot pie tonight

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hi Friends,
    I have finally returned home after 4 business trips in 3 weeks. I’m tired and have 2 fresh pounds to shed before I leave again on Friday for 9 days straight. I did well posting exercise, but with restaurant meals I tend to throw in the towel and just try to keep my choices clean and smart. Operative word here is ‘try’. I haven’t been reading this thread but I’ll knuckle down and make it a point to catch up with all your stories of success in the next few nights. Please know that even though I disappear for weeks at a time, I do think of you all, hear your wisdom all in my head and send you all my love and best wishes.

    Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    Feb Goals and Results:
    1) Keep to under net 100 carbs per day = 70% success
    2) 80 oz of water per day = 50% success
    3) Add a few minutes of hand/wrist exercises every day = 95% completed
    4) Meditate for minimum of 10 mins per day = 100% completed
    4) Savor more, guzzle less. This aligns with my word for 2015: Mindfulness = making progress
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited March 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening, Ladies.

    Pam, I giggled at your statement about resetting the Basset Hound. I think I’m actually more of a morning person, once I’ve been up for about an hour. When I was working I got out of bed early so I could sit with my coffee and wake up before I had to start moving. I’m good in the afternoon and evening but not for expending too much energy. Maybe I’m just a lazy person? Who knows? I did set one clock back early last night and when I went to bed I figured out I had done it backwards. lol

    Jane, Grandmother Heaven is what it sounds like. How nice to have them all together.

    Michel, you misunderstood me. My hubby is the same as yours about what I buy. I’m the one that tells him, “It’s not what I spend, but what I save”. It’s become a joke with us. Now he is a bargain shopper. He does all the grocery shopping and if something is on a good sale, he might buy 3 or 4 if it’s something we use regularly. One time my DD was here and opened the pantry and said, “Are we having another Y2K?” She knows how to make fun of her Dad.

    Meg, hope you get over the drama soon. I know it can wear me out. *hugs*

    Crm, welcome. We don’t really care how old you are as long as you act old. Just kidding. Tell us something about yourself. This is a great place for support and encouragement so come often.

    Sue TX, welcome back. Where did ya’ll go? Did you get wild and crazy? I hope you weren’t flashing your boobs, were you? I know how those spring breakers are. When I was in HS, we always went to Padre Island. Of course back then there were only a few hotels and restaurants, but I sure have fond memories.

    Barbie, welcome back. I had no doubt that you would meet your step goals. You are so dedicated.

    Rori, welcome back, if only for a short visit. Good for you on choosing the best you can with all that restaurant eating. Safe travels.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I’m going to a convention here at the beach for just two nights in a week and a half. I’m not sure what the room will have other than a microwave and small fridge, but have to figure out some things to take to eat. The parking lot is so full, that if you go out for dinner you may not have a place to park when you return. There is just one restaurant in the resort and it’s a hamburger and fried food joint. I might eat one meal there, but not two a day for sure. I’d love some suggestions for a meal. I’m good on snacks.

    I wish you all a happy and healthy week ahead. <3

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
    A beautiful, sunny day in the 60’s
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Okay - I am tired...not finished in the basement.. :s:\

    watched the final curling game - so now into withdrawal until the Worlds start....

    Need to make my lunch for work tomorrow, pack my laptop to the car, shower ....

    Lillian in West central Saskatchewan
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Mary - I think sometimes I prefer the oat bran.

    Meg - come in and tell us all about it. Sometimes it helps to get things off your chest

    Sue in TX
    - nice to see you upped your steps. Baby steps and you're doing it. Glad you had such a good time

    crm519 - welcome to a great place

    Janet - when I'd go food shopping, if I bought a lot of something we used the kids would say "ma, we know what was on sale that you had a coupon for"

    Rori - good to see you back. Come in whenever you can

    Janet - when we go away, I usually take some apples (or another type of fruit), those small boxes of almond/soy milk, I make 1/2 sandwiches, one thing that I do take is some of those (stop laughing) baby food vegetables. they don't need refrigeration, but they are just vegetables (not the stuff in the jar, the Gerber Graduates). I also take some nuts, dried fruit, things that I've preportioned out at home. Just some ideas. I used to take microwaveable popcorn but I don't any longer because once one of the popcorn husks got in my tooth and I had the hardest time getting it out. So that's something that I don't bother with any more.

    Right now I'm feeling blue. Gotta keep out of the goodies that I have in my freezer. Before we left for FL we sent Bryan a package. A few weeks ago I sent him an email asking if he got the package and how was the pill shooter working out. Still nothing. I REALLY am feeling right now that if he can't be bothered even to do that much, I would really like to give his portion of his inheritance to Jessica. I know, I'm being mean right now. But I can't help how I feel.

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pam in N Texas - great job on logging every day, every morsel and losing a pound! You cracked me up about resetting your Bassett hound.

    Jane - I am happy that you got to enjoy your granddaughters!

    Yanniejannie - you have a great workout variety. I thought of taking Tai Chi but the adult class starts at 13 years and I would prefer adult only.

    Drkatiebug - yes,Bemidji is the home of Paul Bunyan and where I live in Hackensack is the home of his girlfriend Lucette. If your DH still has family in the area we can get together if you come here.

    Lesley - your friend is kind to share her puppy with you. Those puppy kisses are special!

    Liz in VA - too bad about your road trip! Have you taken your measurements, sometimes they are shrinking when the weight isn't moving.

    Suebdew -welcome back!

    Barbie - good for you meeting your step goal and being able to eat healthy. I love the pot pie!

    Rori - welcome back! You did great if you only have 2 lbs to get rid of! Sometimes my DH's job has us living out of a suitcase and it is hard to find healthy food at restaurants sometimes.

    Janet Myrtle Beach - have fun at the convention.

    Michele in NC - thanks, I will try the oat bran first. I feel like that with my DH'S DD she never liked me and has always been a Bully to me.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota