Im single because......



  • determined_ella
    determined_ella Posts: 4,354 Member
    because I look like a psycho..... or at least I'm told I do :joy:
  • strozman
    strozman Posts: 2,622 Member
    kalin73 wrote: »
    I don't know. Never had a relationship
    Hard to believe that
    because I look like a psycho..... or at least I'm told I do :joy:
    Is that what a psycho looks like these days? Lolz too funny
  • determined_ella
    determined_ella Posts: 4,354 Member
    strozman wrote: »
    kalin73 wrote: »
    I don't know. Never had a relationship
    Hard to believe that
    because I look like a psycho..... or at least I'm told I do :joy:
    Is that what a psycho looks like these days? Lolz too funny

    lol apparently so.... and high maintenance! which I am so very far from :confused::joy:
  • determined_ella
    determined_ella Posts: 4,354 Member
    Indeed you look like a psycho

    thank you for confirming that... I wasn't too sure..... but now you've made me see it :joy:
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Apparently I am "too"... as in:
    I am too nice, too mean, too tall, too ugly, too fat, too southern (yeah, I really got that one), too loud, too quiet, too serious, too silly, too strong, too weak, too dark, too light, too uptight, too relaxed, too neat, too messy, too organized, too disorganized... shall I go on?

    So being "too," I am still single and wondering what is so horribly wrong with me that I am unwanted because it seems something about me should be a redeeming quailty to someone.
  • Delilahhhhhh
    Delilahhhhhh Posts: 477 Member
    ...I prefer it that way.
  • almondbutterbay
    almondbutterbay Posts: 221 Member
    because im too busy being obsessed with my many hobbies
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Apparently I am "too"...

    So being "too," I am still single and wondering what is so horribly wrong with me that I am unwanted because it seems something about me should be a redeeming quailty to someone.

    Me too. I seem to be "too": too active, too New York, too downtown, too smart, too conventional, too artsy, too complicated, too cool under pressure, too witty, too warm, too whacky, too creative, too weird, too outspoken ... I can go on...
  • xeno8604
    xeno8604 Posts: 193 Member
    I am selfish!
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    steve_uk9 wrote: »
    I'm single because I didn't forward that email to 15 people before midnight in 2009 :\
    oh man, i KNEW i should have checked my junk folder!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I was fat and mean for most of my adult life. Both of those things are significantly reversed now.
  • segwayne
    segwayne Posts: 52 Member
    The simplest answer is that after my divorce (a 50/50 fault), I let myself go. Partly out of rebellion, partly out of apathy. Now, I am "alone" (not really lonely per se) but I enjoy my life, if not my current location.

    Would prefer to have someone to share it with, but -- like me -- women my own age are either saddled with baggage, crazy, or too smart to put up with me (hahaha).

  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    I run, I ski, I lift, I read, I bake, I cook, I work.
    I don't make the time to suffer through horribly awkward and/or boring first dates.
    I'm 25, not particularly concerned with it.

    I've got my running, lifting, and career to focus on.
    I've deemed 2015 to be MY year to get my PE, to bust my PRs, and do great.
  • fefajar
    fefajar Posts: 1
    Because i chose to be single, when the other person did not want the same things as me!! wich is fine but not together!! and honestly much better this way!!
  • nunat919
    nunat919 Posts: 122 Member
    Apparently I am "too"... as in:
    I am too nice, too mean, too tall, too ugly, too fat, too southern (yeah, I really got that one), too loud, too quiet, too serious, too silly, too strong, too weak, too dark, too light, too uptight, too relaxed, too neat, too messy, too organized, too disorganized... shall I go on?

    So being "too," I am still single and wondering what is so horribly wrong with me that I am unwanted because it seems something about me should be a redeeming quailty to someone.

    Yep... too independent, too big, too short, too successful, too nice, too outgoing, too quiet, too much traveling, too caring (really?), too educated, etc etc

    You do have great qualities! Just have to find the person who appreciates YOU as a whole. All and I mean ALL of my exes had the "grass must be greener on the other side" symptom and every time, LITERALLY, every single one of them gave me the " you were the best thing that happened to me. Can we go back to what we were before" and I just laugh and tell them to kiss my "too" behind.

  • determined_ella
    determined_ella Posts: 4,354 Member
    edited March 2015
    nunat919 wrote: »
    Apparently I am "too"... as in:
    I am too nice, too mean, too tall, too ugly, too fat, too southern (yeah, I really got that one), too loud, too quiet, too serious, too silly, too strong, too weak, too dark, too light, too uptight, too relaxed, too neat, too messy, too organized, too disorganized... shall I go on?

    So being "too," I am still single and wondering what is so horribly wrong with me that I am unwanted because it seems something about me should be a redeeming quailty to someone.

    Yep... too independent, too big, too short, too successful, too nice, too outgoing, too quiet, too much traveling, too caring (really?), too educated, etc etc

    You do have great qualities! Just have to find the person who appreciates YOU as a whole. All and I mean ALL of my exes had the "grass must be greener on the other side" symptom and every time, LITERALLY, every single one of them gave me the " you were the best thing that happened to me. Can we go back to what we were before" and I just laugh and tell them to kiss my "too" behind.

    that is the way to do it! they only miss someone when they're gone... or because they got someone truly worse after you :joy:
  • fitfabforties
    fitfabforties Posts: 370 Member
    .....because according to the crazy/hot chart, Unicorns don't I guess I'm not really here typing this.....(gallops away.....)
  • sebailey3
    sebailey3 Posts: 12 Member
    My best guess is because I am too fat, ugly, boring, and stupid, also socially awkward... I've never been in a relationship so that's the best I can come up with. Also I may have too high of standards, but I can't at this point in my life fault myself for wanting a guy who at the very least has some goals for his life besides getting drunk every night. No, I'd rather be alone than feel like I compromised too much, because I know I'm not going to find a guy who's got everything on my list, but there are some areas were compromising isn't an option for me.
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    edited March 2015
    ... because in binary 10 is just me and you baby.
  • nunat919
    nunat919 Posts: 122 Member
    nunat919 wrote: »
    Apparently I am "too"... as in:
    I am too nice, too mean, too tall, too ugly, too fat, too southern (yeah, I really got that one), too loud, too quiet, too serious, too silly, too strong, too weak, too dark, too light, too uptight, too relaxed, too neat, too messy, too organized, too disorganized... shall I go on?

    So being "too," I am still single and wondering what is so horribly wrong with me that I am unwanted because it seems something about me should be a redeeming quailty to someone.

    Yep... too independent, too big, too short, too successful, too nice, too outgoing, too quiet, too much traveling, too caring (really?), too educated, etc etc

    You do have great qualities! Just have to find the person who appreciates YOU as a whole. All and I mean ALL of my exes had the "grass must be greener on the other side" symptom and every time, LITERALLY, every single one of them gave me the " you were the best thing that happened to me. Can we go back to what we were before" and I just laugh and tell them to kiss my "too" behind.

    that is the way to do it! they only miss someone when they're gone... or because they got someone truly worse after you :joy:

    Right! Apparently she used fake grass to lure them in and then they hop over the fence realizing it was just turf..

    Too bad I already put an electric fence, barb wires, land mines, heat detecting missiles, and a moat full of venomous creatures, shark, and Nile crocodiles on my fence. I just sit back and watch them squirm...BUAH HAHAHAHA