Starting 30 Day Shred Today!! Who's with me? 5/11/2011



  • Boo_08
    Boo_08 Posts: 94 Member
    Day 2 Down
  • rhapsody527
    rhapsody527 Posts: 60
    Finished Day 2! I am SO sore!! Way to go everyone!
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    Did Day 2 with the hubs and yelled at him for commenting too much on Jillian's mean motivation! LOL I told him "If you don't want to do this then don't, but don't distract me from it".... and he now realizes that I am serious this time!

    2 days down, 28 more to go. Keep up the good work ladies!
  • annetten83
    annetten83 Posts: 20
    Day 2 down for me! I was still sore from yesterday, but did it anyway and SO glad I did!
  • Count me in!! I actually started on the 7th and have taken one day off so today will be Day 6, but I'd love to join. I need all the encouragement I can get!! Good luck everyone :)
  • I bought a HRM and used it for the first time last night while doing my JM workout. When you say you were in a fat burn for 15 minutes, do you mean you were in your target heart rate zone? My summary says that of the 25 minutes I was working out, I was 'in zone' for 20 minutes, with avg HR of 125 and max HR of 209. I'm still learning!

    What kind did you buy? I have the Polar FT7 and it breaks it down for cardio/fitness and fat burn. So mine will show how long I was in a cardio mode and how long I was in fat burn mode.
  • Day two...... done
    I am gonna be in some pain today. The front of my legs are killing me. It's funny, I can do two hours of Zumba and feel fine the next day.... 20 something minutes with her and I can't wlak right. Guess that is a huge reminder we need to be mixing up our workouts!!!
  • AngelLittle
    AngelLittle Posts: 25 Member
    Day 2 done! My son is 15 in skinny as a rail but doing it with me and complained this morning! Cracked me up! Having to modify the jumps because of a heel spur but I'm going strong (yes I know it's only day 2 but I have to stay up about it!) . I can barely sit down! :) At least I know that when I'm done (ok after manth 30 days and I'm done) I will have a butt worth looking at! :)
  • TheCloverFreak
    TheCloverFreak Posts: 49 Member
    Day two complete! I can really feel it!
  • abbymeg
    abbymeg Posts: 4 Member
    Day 2 done. Feeling quite sore, but wasn't as difficult as yesterday :smile: .
  • sandralina
    sandralina Posts: 126 Member
    Okay, I have to admit: I skipped day 2. But I had a valid reason (not really)! My boyfriend ended up staying because he didn't have to work AFTER ALL, which meant I didn't have sweaty Jillian time because -- well -- I don't jiggle my bits in front of him. Except sometimes. But those times are different. Kind of.

    However, will be doing it at work today! Would love to double up, but I am in so much pain I can barely move and getting down stairs? Forget about it. The boy has to practically carry me around.

    Also: Boy massaged my legs yesterday to help me out and get the blood moving/grooving/repairing/something and I think I cried. Don't recommend it if you're a pansy like I am. Do recommend if you want to make your significant other feel like a terrible human being, which makes you feel like a terrible human being, which starts the vicious cycle and ends in amazing jiggly-bits time. However, will not guarantee the above outcome.

    Since I had celebratory time with the boy for being home, does that count at least as PART of my exercise toward's Jillian's shred? :p
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    Day 3! I'm sore but it seems to get easier!
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    I bought a HRM and used it for the first time last night while doing my JM workout. When you say you were in a fat burn for 15 minutes, do you mean you were in your target heart rate zone? My summary says that of the 25 minutes I was working out, I was 'in zone' for 20 minutes, with avg HR of 125 and max HR of 209. I'm still learning!

    What kind did you buy? I have the Polar FT7 and it breaks it down for cardio/fitness and fat burn. So mine will show how long I was in a cardio mode and how long I was in fat burn mode.

    I bought the Polar FT4 - it was the best I could afford. Mine doesn't break it down as much as yours does - that's cool! Still, I'm very happy with it.
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    Day 2 done! My son is 15 in skinny as a rail but doing it with me and complained this morning! Cracked me up! Having to modify the jumps because of a heel spur but I'm going strong (yes I know it's only day 2 but I have to stay up about it!) . I can barely sit down! :) At least I know that when I'm done (ok after manth 30 days and I'm done) I will have a butt worth looking at! :)

    This is so funny - my 15 year old daughter - also skinny as a rail - decided she wanted to do the JM kettlebell workout after me. The real draw was the heart monitor which I reset with her details. She finished it and worked her *kitten* off. She burned about 35 calories more than me! Does this mean she was working harder or that her heart was working harder and isn't as conditioned as mine? This stuff really fascinates me. Anyway, she just about fell down the stairs afterwards, her legs are like jello - just wait until the morning!

    Thanks everyone for continuing to check in - see you tomorrow!
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Great Job everyone! Anyone else's knees bothering them? This happened last time I did the shred too. I think it's all the lunges. I guess I'm doing them right, I do try to have good form but my knees, especially the right one, feel swollen/inflamed. It's also a little hot to the touch. When I bend it it feels weird too. I cannot kneel or it's painful. My legs hurt anyway but that's muscular. This feels like fluid... Sucks. Anyway, I may take tomorrow off as I'm really busy but the thought of doubling up on Sunday brings a tear to my eye.
  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    I've been hopping through the numerous 30 Day Shred threads, hoping to find one that updates a lot and will hold me accountable. This thread looks active (errr... no pun intended). :) I'm on day three.

    Does anyone else find the stretches really hard? I'm so inflexible that I actually dread the stretching at the end.
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    Great Job everyone! Anyone else's knees bothering them? This happened last time I did the shred too. I think it's all the lunges. I guess I'm doing them right, I do try to have good form but my knees, especially the right one, feel swollen/inflamed. It's also a little hot to the touch. When I bend it it feels weird too. I cannot kneel or it's painful. My legs hurt anyway but that's muscular. This feels like fluid... Sucks. Anyway, I may take tomorrow off as I'm really busy but the thought of doubling up on Sunday brings a tear to my eye.

    My knees have been problematic, off and on, for several years. My right knee, especially. I wear a supportive elastic brace when I work out and that helps. If it hurts a lot afterwards, I ice it for 20 minutes. If you're really bothered by pain, make sure you modify your squats and lunges and don't go so deep into them. You might want to see a physiotherapist? And yeah, a day off sounds like a good idea.

    @elksy, yes this seems to be a pretty active thread - glad you're joining us! I actually love the stretch/cool-down, but I'm not very flexible either. I guess it's just relief that the hard part is over LOL.
  • elksy
    elksy Posts: 45
    @elksy, yes this seems to be a pretty active thread - glad you're joining us! I actually love the stretch/cool-down, but I'm not very flexible either. I guess it's just relief that the hard part is over LOL.
    Haha, I can definitely understand that! Maybe we'll be a little more flexible when the 30 days are over... fingers crossed!

    Finished day three now! I actually managed to do regular pushups for the entire time! Well, okay, by the end of the second set they probably didn't resemble regular pushups at all, but man did they burn.
  • Boo_08
    Boo_08 Posts: 94 Member
    Well day 3 is Down :D I seem to be getting....a little better at it
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    I hope you all had a good day 3, do you all feel like it is getting easier?? I felt like I kept along with them more tonight, still a couple minute breaks here and there, but was able to get right back into it. I gotta say though, those side squats with the weights lifted to your eyes.... are KILLER!!!! My arms seriously wobble for hours after the workout!
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