Discouraged by MFP



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Seriously, THAT is enough to discourage you?
  • AbsoluteTara79
    AbsoluteTara79 Posts: 266 Member
    Next time have a snack.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    To everyone calling me judgemental for "judging' the judgers: From all the posts I've read where someone asks a question, and then get bombarded with negativity, I'd say the majority of people here would rather not have that kind of reply. Of course, I am only speaking for the people who I've seen be upset by this. Everyone who wants to be talked down to, or made fun of, if that's what gets you pumped, then more power to you.

    The most ridiculous thing I see on here is people thinking they'll reflect the word "judgement" back on to the person saying "stop judging".
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Meh! you know what, I'm getting so bored of the sycophantic "meanie" posts round here, they actually turn my stomach a little.

    Since the day I started here I've enjoyed the straight-forward adult advice from a wide number of posters here. :

    There's a difference between being straight-forward and being negative. I didn't read through the entire thread to see if you fall into either category. I'm merely responding to your last comment made.
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I have enough people in real life to sympathise, empathise and tell me everything is fine.

    Not everyone has enough people in real life.
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    It might be a cultural difference ...we don't do cheerleading so much, but I find that's also true of other nations and vast swathes of the US

    *hoiks up judgey-pants* but hell, at least I know I'm wearing them :huh:

    I'm from Jersey (specifically the suburbs outside New York City), where almost EVERYONE is straight-forward and tells it like it is. Again, there is a HUGE difference in being honest and being an as*. Again, I haven't read the whole thread to see which category you fit into, just responding to your comments.

    Bottom line, OP was clearly feeling discouraged and reached out to a people in a forum for encouragement. If you (general YOU... not calling YOU out rabbitjb) didn't want to offer encouragement, then cool, but you (general YOU) didn't have to offer DIScouragement either, or make her feel worse than she already did.
    I found your post highly negative.
  • anniebelle26
    anniebelle26 Posts: 43 Member
    Its just a tool to use to help you on your journey..it was nothing personal!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    sjrutherf wrote: »
    This is my third day on MFP.

    I have officially been chastised, in red letters, by MFP. I didn't eat enough calories yesterday. I understand they want you to be healthy. I would understand if this was a common occurrence or something, but trust me this is rare for me! I wasn't hungry most of the day and I took advantage of it. Before starting this journey, I would probably eat a zillion calories a day. Ok, maybe not a zillion, but A LOT.

    Yesterday I made such healthy decisions! I found time to take three walks during my work day! I work at a desk, so this is often hard for me to fit in. I also joined my friends and went to a casual volleyball league that I had been avoiding. I didn't eat the cake or cookies that were laid out at work. I didn't go out with my friends for ice cream after volleyball. I was so proud of myself! I was excited to complete my entry for the day. And then all I saw was red text and MFP telling me to make additional entries. I almost went out and ate the entire kitchen.

    I was no longer proud.
    I was no longer excited.
    I just wanted to give up.

    I went from being all pumped up to finally try and change things to feeling like a failure 2 days in.

    First of all, welcome to MFP! I've stated this before: people here can be mean, and will readily focus on the negative - no, wait, i'm sorry - "tough love" they call it? - rather than on encouragement. People so quickly forget they were the ones feeling the same things not too long ago once they shed some weight/gain some muscle, log 1K posts, and now they're fitness and diet experts. SMDH

    Mixed in with all the bullsh*t above is some decent advice, so please filter through the negativity to find the encouragement... there isn't a lot I can say that someone hasn't already said.

    When I'm feeling discouraged, I talk to boyfriend who also happens to be my training partner. I know a lot of people don't have the luxury of having someone around them constantly who is going through the same thing and understands wanting to give up, so if you ever feel discouraged again, feel free to message me directly. And also, IMHO, I'd never start a thread on the forums unless it's asking consumer reviews about a non-consumable product... such as shoes, gloves, etc. I find it's worked out better for me that way.
    You seem angry.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    rayw89 wrote: »
    To everyone calling me judgemental for "judging' the judgers: From all the posts I've read where someone asks a question, and then get bombarded with negativity, I'd say the majority of people here would rather not have that kind of reply. Of course, I am only speaking for the people who I've seen be upset by this. Everyone who wants to be talked down to, or made fun of, if that's what gets you pumped, then more power to you.

    The most ridiculous thing I see on here is people thinking they'll reflect the word "judgement" back on to the person saying "stop judging".

    wait, aren't you judging people right now?

    who made you the alpha judge?????
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    edited March 2015
    Is OP really that mad at MFP ..??

    anyone got cliffs????
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    First of all, welcome to MFP! I've stated this before: people here can be mean, and will readily focus on the negative - no, wait, i'm sorry - "tough love" they call it? - rather than on encouragement. People so quickly forget they were the ones feeling the same things not too long ago once they shed some weight/gain some muscle, log 1K posts, and now they're fitness and diet experts. SMDH

    Mixed in with all the bullsh*t above is some decent advice, so please filter through the negativity to find the encouragement... there isn't a lot I can say that someone hasn't already said.

    When I'm feeling discouraged, I talk to boyfriend who also happens to be my training partner. I know a lot of people don't have the luxury of having someone around them constantly who is going through the same thing and understands wanting to give up, so if you ever feel discouraged again, feel free to message me directly. And also, IMHO, I'd never start a thread on the forums unless it's asking consumer reviews about a non-consumable product... such as shoes, gloves, etc. I find it's worked out better for me that way.
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Meh! you know what, I'm getting so bored of the sycophantic "meanie" posts round here, they actually turn my stomach a little.

    Since the day I started here I've enjoyed the straight-forward adult advice from a wide number of posters here. :

    There's a difference between being straight-forward and being negative. I didn't read through the entire thread to see if you fall into either category. I'm merely responding to your last comment made.
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I have enough people in real life to sympathise, empathise and tell me everything is fine.

    Not everyone has enough people in real life.
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    It might be a cultural difference ...we don't do cheerleading so much, but I find that's also true of other nations and vast swathes of the US

    *hoiks up judgey-pants* but hell, at least I know I'm wearing them :huh:

    I'm from Jersey (specifically the suburbs outside New York City), where almost EVERYONE is straight-forward and tells it like it is. Again, there is a HUGE difference in being honest and being an as*. Again, I haven't read the whole thread to see which category you fit into, just responding to your comments.

    Bottom line, OP was clearly feeling discouraged and reached out to a people in a forum for encouragement. If you (general YOU... not calling YOU out rabbitjb) didn't want to offer encouragement, then cool, but you (general YOU) didn't have to offer DIScouragement either, or make her feel worse than she already did.

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Honestly, the first couple weeks of counting calories are quite a learning experience. MFP just wants to make sure you're doing this in a healthy way, and eating such a low number, for the majority of people, is not that. Yes, that ensures you're losing weight, but if you stick to that amount it can cause health problems down the road.

    I hope you're still around for day 4 and aren't letting any other messages get you down.
  • stopdropandstay
    stopdropandstay Posts: 16 Member
    Wow, there are lots of people on here who are extremely insensitive. I think some people just can't grasp the fact that health/weightloss is a different journey for everyone. For me, it is an extremely emotional one, and for someone to just tell me to "suck it up" and to "stop making excuses" for myself would only hurt my process and trigger me into unhealthy eating habits again. This is so much more than just a "you get what you put in" situation. This misconception that people have is the reason why society has such little tolerance for people of different/extreme body shapes. I'm honestly ashamed to see such negativity, and this only adds to the list of reasons of why I don't frequent the forums here.

    Anyhow, dearest OP, I am so proud of you! I know those numbers can be discouraging, but it's amazing that you were able to get yourself to feel that way. Health is so amazing, and I'm glad you found a moment of that. Just keep on trying the best that you can. I know there will be days when you want to cry and give up, but just trust me on this - this is not something worth giving up that amazing feeling for. I definitely believe in you, so you go on doing your own thing, and don't let anyone or anything ever get you down, because your process is your own - nothing can or should take that away from you! <3
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    edited March 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Is OP really that mad at MFP ..??

    anyone got cliffs????

    1) hard to know if OP is really mad, she hasn't come back

    2) usual MFP meanies stuff

    3) several people seem to think it's great to get the warning that they're eating too little (as in, they're happy they're under-eating, not 'opps thanks for the warning, I'll go eat something), and get it all the time

    I think the first time I got that warning I was all 'WTF??' and then 'hey, that's a really good feature' (and went and had some more to eat). First time I got the red at the other end I was also miffed, then reminded myself that I was the one that put the food in my mouth, not the app.
  • AdventureFreak
    AdventureFreak Posts: 236 Member
    sadness flows over me.
  • librarydebster
    librarydebster Posts: 177 Member
    You made some great choices, and you dropped some bad habits, so continue to feel good about yourself and stay confident. You are the boss, so if you are getting good results, then you will succeed. MFP is an aid and hopefully you will find more positive features about it, and use it in tandem with whatever else works for you. It's one of the accountability tools I lean on.
  • LoveMyBabes3
    LoveMyBabes3 Posts: 53 Member
    Don't log your exercise.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Don't log your exercise.

    Please don't encourage people to under eat. Also, MFP doesn't take exercise into account with that warning, so her net intake would have been well below the cut off.
  • pinksyringes
    pinksyringes Posts: 21 Member
    It is only day 3. Keep it up!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    This is going to sound mean, but please understand that I'm not being mean.

    OP, you're overreacting. You may want to spend some time thinking about why this bothered you so much. Otherwise, you're not likely to make it through this process.