Relationship problem (don't know where else to post)



  • iamfat1967
    iamfat1967 Posts: 17 Member
    Your ex enjoys all the attention and drama you give him. When you can move on and ignore him and put yourself first in a healthy way he will realize what he had. Don't cling to him or apologize and say you'll change. He loves that control and thats not how you treat someone if you really love them.
  • Lissa_Kaye
    Lissa_Kaye Posts: 214 Member
    TBH he sounds really controlling. The fact that you broke up and now he is going off about you messaging someone else, is very controlling. How long were you together and how long ago did you break up? This sounds like it could only really get worse. If you have know him for a really long time, and everything is still fresh, I would distance for a while and see how things are after they cool, if you want to remain friends. Sometimes you just can't with some people. But the guy is sending tons of red flags. I have dated some of my best male friends and never went through anything like that after breaking up.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Listen to your friends... and drop him forever. He's disrespecting you, yet you're the one apologizing. Let him go and learn to love yourself.

    +1 on this -->
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    emdeesea wrote: »
    Classic typical behavior of an abusive controller. You have to walk on eggshells to not piss him off, you can't have men friends, your behavior upsets him and he blames you for his response.

    You would really be better off without this guy. No good ever comes of a relationship like this one.

    ^^this and most of the other posts on this thread.

    So many red flags in your post. This guy is NOT your friend. He is however very talented at manipulating you. If you end up back with him you will spend the rest of your life apologizing for a long list of imagined transgressions.

    It's not about you doing something wrong. You can't change your behaviour enough to stop him being angry with your behaviour because his anger at your imaginary transgressions is about control. What right has an ex to be angry with you for moving on? If you were flirting it is none of his business.

    I wish you the very best and I suggest that you read up on codependency and abusive relationships. You can spend a lifetime trying to work out how this type of person ticks but it is way more important to explore why you think it's OK for someone to treat you like this. Work that out so you don't keep finding/seeking out the same personality type in your relationships.

    You are young, and attractive and the chances that out of the more than 7 billion people in the world that this guy is "the only one" for you is statistically miniscule. There are lots of amazing human beings in the world, go out and meet them.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    You're 18. Concentrate on school not guys.

    Unless of course you want to end up like I did... 23 and stuck in an abusive marriage with a newborn baby.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    You are putting so much effort into the relationship trying apologizing and changing is it all worth. Ask yourself are you happy?

    Wow wish someone had said that to me a decade ago. <3

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Why does your ex even have a say in who you flirt with or not? Or am I missing something?

    I am a firm believer in taking some time apart after a break up (obviously not every relationship can do this). No friends. No contact. While some people successfully manage to be friends, more often than not it is extremely complicated and someone gets hurt. One party usually wants to be friends and the other one hopes they will reconcile.

    It is also hard to get perspective when you are still so close. I can remember not being able to imagine not having my ex in my life - until a few months down the road without him in my life and I realized a lot of other things, primarily that things were much better without him.
  • lmbs1966
    lmbs1966 Posts: 57 Member
    RUN! RUN away as fast as you can and don't look back!
  • JeffS435
    JeffS435 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm exhausted just reading this. dump this loser and move on
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    He's a little fish. Throw him back. You deserve better.
  • dinobomp
    dinobomp Posts: 170 Member
    I haven't read the other replies; but let me tell you how I screwed up my life by choosing the wrong husband...
    I was in college, didn't really care about a degree, although I got one. Dated several guys, and sort of clung to the most promising one ( it looked like he was going to have good income)...All I really wanted was to be happy, and have babies. So he seemed fine, and I thought I was in love.
    Well, the first year we were married (both 21) I realized things weren't as great as I had dreamed. BUT I had no grounds for divorce, and I didn't want to shame my family or be shunned by my church. So I stuck with it. He wasn't abusive, just inattentive. Not very loving. So I thought "I'll get pregnant", so I'd have someone to love. And I did.
    Fast forward to 37 years later. We were still married, kids were grown and gone, and now all I have are my pets to love. Been 10 years since we'd had sex, or even kissed. I asked him if he wanted a divorce, and he said no. He never had a conversation with me, or really talked to me at all. He always wanted to go out to eat, which I didn't enjoy that much. We were both overweight. I thought I was fulfilling my duty as a proper wife; just hanging in there because of the commitment I'd made decades earlier. I was pleasant and took care of everything, and cooked good meals. Everyone loved me, except HIM! We moved for his job one last time, but I loved our current place, so I asked again, are you sure you want to stay married? He said yes. So I moved, and cried and cried about leaving my "perfect place". We bought a house HE liked, because a time crunch was upon us. He unpacked all HIS things, and I had to beg him to bring up my things from the basement (I can't do stairs). I never did get much at all that should have been upstairs.
    Then...I became very ill, almost died. He did a short term turnaround, and was sweet to me! It was such a nice change, but once I improved, he drifted away again. He went to a local weight loss thing at the hospital, and lost 100#. I don't know if it was there or at work, but he met someone new. He began dreaming about having a great life with someone else. He asked me, just after our 38th anniversary for a divorce. I was still disabled, and needed help. Our son moved in with us, and he moved out. That was 8 mos ago and I haven't seen him since. I'm SIXTY years old, have never really been loved, and am now alone. I never ever ever thought this would happen to ME. All I ever wanted was to be loved, and to have children. Thank goodness I had the children, but he didn't really love me. Probably not ever. I've spent 30+ yrs on antidepressants because of how unhappy I was. We went to counseling way back when, but he quit going when the guy agreed with me I had a right to be unhappy with him. He didn't want to go before the divorce. So my advice to you is this: DO NOT MARRY SOMEONE, OR COMMIT TO THEM, UNLESS EVERY DAY WITH HIM IS BLISS!!! I am serious. I would give every possession I have to have a do-over. I feel my life is a failure. Yes, I have my kids, but they have their own lives! I would never ever choose someone again unless I was SURE they were my SOULMATE. And what that means is, they love and cherish everything about you, and want only the best for you in every circumstance. They put you ahead of their own wants and needs. And yes, such relationships exist. Don't settle for anything less. PLEASE! You need to date other people if you aren't sure. Having doubts isn't a good thing. Think about being someone's Cinderella! It does happen. I've told you all this because of the HUGE regrets I have for being in a hurry to settle down and have a family. It was a big mistake.
    I hope you will seriously think about what I have said. My life is loveless, but yours doesn't have to be. Please give the new guy a chance, and don't settle for anyone that doesn't CHERISH YOU. Best of luck to you, and blessings always.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I would also add you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Cut off all contact with him. You don't need someone like that in your life as either a boyfriend or a friend. Friends should respect you. It doesn't sound like he has any respect for you at all. With what you have said he sounds like he is either verbally abusive, very bitter over the breakup or both.

    I was in a verbally abusive relationship. The best thing I did for myself was to really take the time to figure out what I did wrong (like avoid red flags, made decisions based on my insecurities) and what I can do in the future to avoid men like that before I would allow myself to even think of getting involved with someone else. You can't do that if he is still in the picture and treating you like garbage.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited March 2015
    honey, you feel bad and wrong because he has made you feel bad and wrong. this guy is abusive and you don't need to waste your thoughts on him. i've been there, and it's *kitten* awful. but it is not your fault. you have not done anything to deserve being treated like this. he's impatient, a little immature, and selfish, and you deserve far better than that.

    i know it's hard to say goodbye to someone you care for, but you gotta do what's best for you, and talking to him is not that.
  • MissusHay
    MissusHay Posts: 11
    navi_silva wrote: »
    Hey I've been in this situation before only I was the guy being a *kitten*. Honestly just leave him. All it is is pent up insecurity and immaturity. If he was worth keeping around he would have had an actual conversation with you about the issues and went on from there. Given that he's acting so spiteful and genuinely foul with his language only shows that hes a little kid throwing a tantrum. A bad past relationship is not an excuse to be annoying and immature, he's carrying the worst type of luggage. Take my criticism with a grain of salt and hopefully you'll save yourself a lot of headaches and heart break.

    This. ^^^ All of this.

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    That is not a healthy relationship or friendship. Stop spending time with this person--all you are going to get is more frustration.

    As a general practice, you probably should not be showing your texts to anyone. Those are meant for your eyes only, and sharing them with other people to get their opinions is really immature and inappropriate on your part. Nothing good is going to come of that sort of thing.
  • stevesgirl824
    stevesgirl824 Posts: 74 Member
    I am pretty sure you wouldn't accept this type of behavior from one of your girlfriends, so why consider accepting this behavior from him? This guy has lots of red flags and doesn't seem to respect you. There are PLENTY of other men who will respect you. In the mean time, focus on your goals and stay positive.
  • kitchensolo
    kitchensolo Posts: 38 Member
    edited March 2015
    ... lots of wonderful advice here, please do heed it! ;-)

    One thing I will add is that in my experience, people fond of hurling insults at people they supposedly love have no real concept of love. Words DO matter, and you deserve better.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts ... keep in mind that every person in the world who gives their love to someone else, or *something* else - like a pet for example - fears the possibility of that love not being accepted, or the eventuality of not being able to give that love because that person, or animal, has passed. You're feeling a little bit of that fear right now. It scares you that someone you see as a friend is not being accepting of your friendship and love, and as a result, you're feeling hurt. That's natural, and we've all been there. We don't like it - but we've all been there. So, recognize that it hurts (that's okay), but also recognize, that the hurt is being delivered to you purposely by someone who says they're your friend, and when that happens, it's critical you see that behavior in it's true light. My dearest friends have been friends for decades and none of them have ever, or will ever, tell me to *$%^-off. And, I say that not as in: "they'll never do that, 'cause I'll drop them forever ... " I say that because I know for a fact they don't have in them to ever say that to me.

    As others have stated, and as guys are fond of telling guys, you'll find someone better, who deserves you. Move forward with that. You'll be fine without him. Trust us. ;-)
  • JazzKazz150
    JazzKazz150 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you to everyone who has posted! Honestly, i've been so overwhelmed with emotions. I cant believe that this was a relationship that was considered verbally/emotionally abusive, but you all are right. It's scary...I always told myself that I would never get into an abusive relationship but I guess it sneaks up on you...One person posted something about feeling like i was "walking on eggshells" around him, and that is completely 100% true. He always tells me that i can tell him anything and he'll accept me no matter what, but whenever i do tell him something, it ends up with him being mad at me...There's no trust. A lover or friend shouldn't make me feel like apologizing for breathing, and tbh i have no idea why he's so mad when i've never even hung out with my friend after classes, yet he can study with a girl alone and chill with one alone hypocritical. I'm very headstrong about how i feel, but to see how he emotionally black mails me is scary. It will be awhile before I date, but then again I'm in no rush...I know i shouldn't think of all guys as the same, but it will be hard to offer letting my walls down again. I'll give back everything he has given me and focus my emotions towards working out and getting healthier...I just hope I don't fall for his attempt to get me back this time. Once again, thank you all so much. You all don't understand how much you've helped me become more aware. One day I'll find my prince charming who will treat me like a blessing every day. But until then...I'll focus on me