What do you struggle with???

I start the week motivated and committed.... weekend rolls round and BOOM Ive blown it all with fast food and chocolate and then I spend the rest of the week in the working off what I did bad :( What do you struggle with and how would you support others?


  • letthelittlegirldance
    Struggle would be binge eating... support for me would be sharing my journey both the successes and slips..
  • pipsqueak1990
    pipsqueak1990 Posts: 791 Member
    I tend to binge on chocolate... I think I just eat this then I will not touch it again and eat too much.... Do you allow treats or cut things out completely?
  • pipsqueak1990
    pipsqueak1990 Posts: 791 Member
    vla246 wrote: »
    Try not to look at it as blowing everything and having to undo damage. It's ok to splurge, we are human. :smile: You are doing a great job. (I checked your profile and it looks like you are at your goal). If you are committed during the week to health and fitness you will still be getting healthier despite your weekend indulgence.

    Personally my struggles are pretty complicated. I have ongoing mental health problems that impact on everything. As for supporting others, I listen, I try to advise the best I can but I'm not afraid to ask them what they need from me. If they need me to just listen and appreciate how tough things are for them I do that. I know how rubbish and triggering unsolicited/misplaced advice can be.

    You sound really positive. . I do have some understanding of mental health and how it can impact your goals add me if you want to chat.. not something to really discuss in public unless your happy too xx
  • mignon44
    mignon44 Posts: 2 Member
    Chocolate.... ugh, me too!
  • pipsqueak1990
    pipsqueak1990 Posts: 791 Member
    so what do u do to stop chocolate from ruining your goals?
  • Cookie108
    Cookie108 Posts: 10 Member
    Chocolate is my weakness I don't keep any at home. At work my co worker keeps a bowl filled. I just drink water and don't think about it. When it gets "bad" for me I'll get a 3 Musterkers bar. For me if I don't think about it too much, I'm good. Good luck to you.
  • pipsqueak1990
    pipsqueak1990 Posts: 791 Member
    Cookie108 wrote: »
    Chocolate is my weakness I don't keep any at home. At work my co worker keeps a bowl filled. I just drink water and don't think about it. When it gets "bad" for me I'll get a 3 Musterkers bar. For me if I don't think about it too much, I'm good. Good luck to you.

    I wish my will power was as strong as yours :)

  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    Cookie108 wrote: »
    Chocolate is my weakness I don't keep any at home. At work my co worker keeps a bowl filled. I just drink water and don't think about it. When it gets "bad" for me I'll get a 3 Musterkers bar. For me if I don't think about it too much, I'm good. Good luck to you.

    I wish my will power was as strong as yours :)

    Practice makes perfect. You can do it too. Not everybody manages to resist all of the times they want to, I'm sure, but willpower is like a muscle - it needs consistent exercise to strengthen, and sometimes it will get worn out.
  • hyIianprincess
    hyIianprincess Posts: 302 Member
    Binging and the guilt/actions that ensues afterwards.
    Being reminded that it's just a slip up and it happens to everyone makes me feel a little better :)
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    Being a chef and wanting to just eat all day. Plus being a female in the kitchen all the guys on the line are always just making and brining me food haha. I can be eating healthy but then il get to work and go nuts.
  • aemw93
    aemw93 Posts: 134 Member
    I struggle with the idea of going to the gym. Once I'm there it's fine, it's just the thought of going that puts me off! :p
    As for the junk food, I have to cut it all out or one bite would lead to 4 empty packets lol.
  • welchbriauna
    welchbriauna Posts: 16 Member
    Omg ! Yes binge eating! But big food like burgers fries and nachos! Emotional eating!
  • wendykennedy219
    wendykennedy219 Posts: 6 Member
    Sweets... And a husband who likes to eat out. I hate having a salad while the rest of the family is having pizza. Feel ripped off ya know?
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    Chocolate. If it's sweet, then I want it. I crave sweets more than any other food. :'( I have to learn to control that.. It's so dang hard. I can only eat so much meat and potatoes!
  • Tatarataa
    Tatarataa Posts: 178 Member
    Binge eating! For me it is mainly the sweet stuff, including chocolate as well....I am still trying how to lose weight and maintain despite my binges...Cutting out certain foods completely did not help me, what helps more is including them....but sometimes it ends in binges..what sometimes helps is finding satisfying alternatives, like a lower cal chocolate ice cream bar or pudding snack!
  • Reema_capricorn
    Reema_capricorn Posts: 1,032 Member
    I love EVERYTHING. Pizza, ice cream, Chinese, indian, Italian. I give in to Chinese sometimes but usually I try to control :p Like that day I wanted an ice cream and I went out to get it but the shop was closed :( After some time the craving went away :smiley:
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    so what do u do to stop chocolate from ruining your goals?

    you build it into your daily life

    I'm not a chocolate fiend but occasionally I want some - so I take 20g of a good quality dark chocolate, take a small piece of it and pop it on my tongue and let it melt so I get the full flavour - it can make a small piece last a good half hour

    I like crisps and crunchy things and ice cream so I always allow calories for them

    I don't binge because I don't restrict - I make it work across the week

    it's an 80/20 approach .. I mainly eat healthily making sure I hit my protein macro goal where possible and the rest of the time I'll have what I crave .. no mental torment
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    2 pieces of pizza with a huge delicious salad on the side - around 350 calories .. no issue with that being a meal

  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    I struggle with getting movement in during the day. My job is pretty sedentary and I feel like I don't have time to get to the gym after work. I plan to make better use of my time after work. The daycare closes later in the evening and my gym is nearby, so I really don't have an excuse. Once I get home, I am pretty much useless after dinner. All I want to do is sit down and hang out with my husband and kid.
  • cdlee05
    cdlee05 Posts: 718 Member
    I can be awesome during the week but like you on the weekends it can be pretty rough. My biggest problem is on Friday nights when I'm exhausted and want to throw back a couple beers, then I get snacky! Sometimes I cave, sometimes I manage to fight it off.