What do you struggle with???



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    so what do u do to stop chocolate from ruining your goals?

    I eat chocolate almost every day. Very dark chocolate that fits into my calorie goal. Sometimes a whole bar fits, sometimes only a couple squares. But that's just in addition to my nightly gelato as well.
  • alicaramik2
    alicaramik2 Posts: 71 Member
    Being disabled, my biggest struggle is finding exercises that I can do. What do you do when even walking is a no-go? I can do some isometrics and lift light weights for upper body, but I'd live to find something that can get my heart rate up.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Being disabled, my biggest struggle is finding exercises that I can do. What do you do when even walking is a no-go? I can do some isometrics and lift light weights for upper body, but I'd live to find something that can get my heart rate up.

    Can you swim? Regardless, you will lose weight without exercising, especially if you are heavy to begin with (obese or overweight categories) as long as your calorie deficit is adequate. As you get closer to goal, or sometimes just because you've been eating at a deficit for so long, it can get harder to lose without upping your exercise/movement. This is what happened to me this winter for a few months. I'm not disabled but I'm not motivated to walk outside in below zero temps and found that the gym is not as appealing as I hoped.

    In order to lose at that point, the answer is to eat even less. Not fun. Hopefully by the time you get to that point you'll have found an activity that you can do with your limitations that burns a bit more than when you are completely inactive.

    But, if not, you'll still be able to lose, just at a much slower rate.

    And what I've decided is there is nothing wrong with losing slowly really. You learn a lot about yourself, your eating habits and what it takes to keep weight off; because when you lose just 1/2 pound a week your logging has to be super accurate, so much you are also maintaining, to a degree.


  • FemaleWarriorxo
    FemaleWarriorxo Posts: 222 Member
    I start the week motivated and committed.... weekend rolls round and BOOM Ive blown it all with fast food and chocolate and then I spend the rest of the week in the working off what I did bad :( What do you struggle with and how would you support others?
    Eh, chocolate, fast food, soda, and back problems. If my back hurts I would use that as an excuse to not workout or just do yoga :# However, I ordered some Tommie Copper products to see if it will help :)
  • haleynorthrup
    haleynorthrup Posts: 6 Member
    I definitely struggle with the iced chai teas at starbucks! Those are so good! They are HORRIBLE for you i've learned and I've actually gained weight this semester at school from getting them everyday (Starbucks is included in our meal plan so I would swipe at starbucks everyday).

    It doesn't help that the starbucks is in the same building as one of my classes :s

    It's really hard for me to give them up but I think I'm just going to reward myself with them, or at least get a tall or grande (I HAVE been getting the Venti :sweat_smile:
  • LokiDokiArtichoki
    LokiDokiArtichoki Posts: 36 Member
    I struggle with portions and not binging. I don't want to go back to cutting foods completely out of my diet (hello, binge trigger), but sometimes it's hard to just eat a little bit of something (especially chocolate/sweets or chips). I'm getting better at it. What is helping is not getting mad at myself and discouraged when I slip up. It's all part of my process. I'd rather say "Opps, I overate. I wonder why I did that? Am I sad/feeling lonely/bored/PMSing/depriving myself/really hungry?" and identify why I messed up and then tell myself it's ok and congratulate myself on working out or some other little accomplishment I achieved that same day vs beating myself up and going into the "well I f*cked up AGAIN! Time to throw all my progress out the window and binge on every crumb of food in my apartment" mindset.
  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    I struggle more with my intake on weekends like a lot of you. I also struggle more logging on weekends than during the week. It's like I hit a "fu.k it" switch as soon as Friday evening hits. At least I workout like a bad *kitten* and am still losing consistently though.
  • jddicarlo
    jddicarlo Posts: 171 Member
    Late night eating is probably my biggest. I do great all day, log my food and come in under calorie goals. Then, sometimes I sit to watch tv and boom..have to go grab the bag of chips or other snacks. Try water but that doesn't always cut it. Sometimes I give in and sometimes I make it through. That's probably my biggest challenge. If anyone wants to adds feel free. Maybe you can motivate me to beat those late night munchies and I can do the same for you!!!!!!
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Snacking is my problem...mostly when I am bored. My three main meals are generally healthy. Then I have a snack and I eat too much. I have tried the route of a piece of fruit or something along those lines, but then I find some sort of sweet or chips or crackers and eat too much of that. I happily to go to the gym or do some sort of exercise daily, but it is true that you can't out train a bad diet. It helps some, but not as much as I would like.
  • melorastar
    melorastar Posts: 31 Member
    I struggle with my brain! Gave up haribos for lent and now I can't stop craving them hahaha

    I struggled with just general laziness and just enjoying unhealthy food too much, instead of making dinner just grabbing the phone and ordering something delicious always seemed like the more appealing option. However, completely restricting myself from fast food places and takeaway made me crave it more and not being able to stop thinking about it. I learned that it's okay once in a while, just not constantly, it should be a treat. Now I hardly order takeaway on my own anymore, and I go to Mcdonalds with my friend for what we call "Maccy Monday" but still of course minding what I eat, calorie counting and cutting down portions, which is working great for me :)
  • beccam83
    beccam83 Posts: 51 Member
    I struggle with being active. It's so easy to sit on the computer all day or stay in. Particularly as a student it's easy to be holed up in the library all day. Study breaks are actually so much more refreshing when I take a walk around the quad!
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Hurt my shoulder lifting in November, it finally healed up 2 weeks ago but I injured my thumb 1 week ago on a snowboarding trip. I usually end up with 2-3 knee injuries per year too.
  • Sacha3071
    Sacha3071 Posts: 16 Member
    edited March 2015
    Honestly, forgetting to eat (I have SEVERE short term and long term memory loss,yayyyy) and eating enough. I was over 300 lb so people would naturally think it was due to overeating everyday but in truth, it wasn't. I would not eat for a day or two and suddenly remember "hey, I'm hungry" and then binge on taco bell or eat a whole pizza.and then the cycle would repeat.But now that I eat consciously and set alarms to eat it's working alot better to say the least.

    I do still have problems eating enough. Half the time I have to eat 3 tbls of peanut butter after dinner to make sure I'm getting over 1200 calories. I just don't have an appetite.
    But there are a few days that taco bell just yells at me...=( What's worse is it's literally a block away from my house.
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    When we have chocolate in the house, I just plan my daily calories to allow for me to have a piece or two. That way, I don't play the mind game of "I CAN'T have that!" Which is a trigger for binge eating for me. I also make sure that when I DO get chocolate, I savor every bite.
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    I struggle with the recalcitrant little kid in me who doesn't want to log and doesn't want to plan and wants to eat whatever she wants whenever she wants. I am trying to teach her that there is an adult in charge.