Rocking the C25K May 2011 group



  • Friday has not went as planned for me so far. I was planning on getting up before my children and doing W1D2 but they decided to wake up almost 2 hours earlier than they ever do. So no plan, housework housework housework and when hubby gets home from work I'm going to give W1D2 a go. I don't ever run in the afternoon or evening so this will be a challenge for me as I'm an "energy in the morning" type of person. Wish me luck!

    Good luck getting your evening run in! It seems that whenever I plan to wake up early and get something done, my son always decides to wake up early, too! Never fails :wink:

    I'm missed my morning walk today, but my shins are somewhat bothering me. I'll try to get my weights in tonight at home and call it good :happy:
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Definitely better to get sorted with the sore shins than get injured.

    I did it, I did it! My first non-morning run! Not only that but I also ran 0.6 km further than I ever have before. So pumped up, I must have looked crazy running because I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face, haha.

    How is everyone else's week going?
  • I just read about this might be giving it a try here in the next day or so.
  • Oooh, may I join? :D
    I just finished W4W3. Here's the plan for week 5!
    Sun. May 15th: W5W1
    Tue. May 17th: W5W2
    Thu. May 19th: W5W3
    I run at night (I live in a pretty safe neighborhood, and I'm a night owl!) Anyone else an evening runner?
  • Oh sore shins ain't fun at all!! Hope they feel better soon :)
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Oh sore shins ain't fun at all!! Hope they feel better soon :)

    How is your week going? Are you keeping up with your schedule?
  • Oh sore shins ain't fun at all!! Hope they feel better soon :)

    How is your week going? Are you keeping up with your schedule?

    Going just fine. I really need to do some workout tonight. I'd love to do the next day (w2d1) today, but since it is scheduled for tomorrow and I am already running every second day it might not be wise. I totally love running. It is an awesome feeling. My schedule for next week is:

    Th: W2D3
    Sa: W3D1

    How about you? Are you following the plan?
  • Finnka
    Finnka Posts: 10 Member
    Count me in too please, just joined MFP this week and started c25k:

    10th May - w1d1
    12th May - w1d2
    15th May - w1d3
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    I'l love to join your group, please!! I've run 2 days so far, but there were a few days in between. Just wanted to get the feel for it. So I'm thinking I'll start over again and do it properly. I'm going to run:

    w1d1 - Sunday May 15
    w1d2 - Tuesday May 17
    w1d3 - Thursday May 19
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member

    Can I join too!

    I am on Week 2 but have my first 5k scheduled for 3 July! eek!

    I think I have a slightly different version, being from the UK I am doing the NHS C25K but it still gives three runs a week.

    So my week looks like this:

    Sat - Wk2D2
    Sun - Rest
    Mon - Wk2D3
    Tue - Zumba Class! My fun workout!!
    Wed - Wk3 D1
    Thurs - Rest
    Fri - Wk3D2

    Since I lost 4 weeks with a pulled ligament at the side of my knee, C25K takes me exactly to race day, so I have no room for error!!

    Mandy x
  • Welcome to all new runners to be. I just need to complain some.

    I didn't want to do any exercise today but since i knew I'd be over on calories I thought I'd just get it overwith. i put on Jillians Baniish fat Boost metabolism and started the warm up. felt good till my hamstrings said see you later! I have no clue on what to do - and this might mess up my C25K workouts. I really wanna go through with them. Running makes me happy so this totally sucks!!!
  • micki59
    micki59 Posts: 25
    Hello all. Can I join too? How do i join a "group"??

    I REALLY need some motivation!! Today was W1D1 for me. I couldn't run every time I was supposed to but tried to at least run part of it. Once I just walked, did the last 60 second run..whew. Does anyone else feel this way starting? I've been on MFP for almost almost a month, joined a gym and go a few times a week. I just keep reading how people build up to really running and enjoy it. Running is not (was never) my favorite thing but I'm hoping I can get to like it, sounds like a great way to drop lbs if you really DO run. :wink:

  • Hi peeps!

    Today I did w2d1. Felt really good even though i messed up a little with the app in the beginning. Paused it by accident :explode: But it was only in the warm-up session so the result was just an extra long warm-up. Did feel a little from my exertion asthma, but nothing much. had no problems jogging all sessions, even though i would liked a bit better weather. Hope it is going great for you guys as well. have a nice Sunday!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Ran today in the rain - never did that before! It was my fourth day running and it felt really challenging. Do you think that is to be expected? The first 3 days didn't seem that bad, but today I couldn't seem to get out of my own way!
    Anyway...not giving up!
  • pocha0704
    pocha0704 Posts: 64
    Can one of you PLEASE explain how to change the speed on the treadmill from the walking to the jogging speeds? Thats the part i do not get. How do u walk for 60 sec and run for 90 sec and not have to stop.

    Thanks so much!
  • Ran today in the rain - never did that before! It was my fourth day running and it felt really challenging. Do you think that is to be expected? The first 3 days didn't seem that bad, but today I couldn't seem to get out of my own way!
    Anyway...not giving up!

    The first workout of week 2 was challenging for me too--don't worry! Just keep going, and it will get easier. :)

    That being said, I just finished W5W1! Yay! I'm excited to try my 1st 20 min run at the end of this week. :)
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Thanks for the affirmation!
    Good luck on your first 20 minute run! Very excited for you:happy:
  • qtpie99
    qtpie99 Posts: 35 Member
    I would love to join the group if I could. I am on W5D3. I did W5D3 last week and wasn't able to run the full 20 minutes so I am repeating the day tomorrow. I felt like it was a big jump from W5D2 to W5D3. I am running my first 5k on July 4th so I need to keep up with this.
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member

    I completed Wk2D3 today, although it was a real struggle, my allergies are bad at the moment so breathing was the challenge! Got to admit I am a bit scared about doing Wk3D1 on Wednesday, struggled with 90 sec intervals today not sure how I am going to go with 3 min ones! Though its all in my head, I know....I CAN DO IT!!!!

    Good luck everyone.

    Mandy x
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    To all the new folks, WELCOME!!

    I've been having a great week! I hope everyone else is too! On May 11 I did C25K W1D1, May 12 34 min bike ride and 38 min stepping, May 13 W1D2, May 14 an hour walk pushing the stroller and playing at the park and some bowling, May 15 took it easy, May 16 (so far) day 1 of boot camp, I plan on doing C25K W1D3 and then I have dodgeball this evening! Busy day today for me!
    Can one of you PLEASE explain how to change the speed on the treadmill from the walking to the jogging speeds? Thats the part i do not get. How do u walk for 60 sec and run for 90 sec and not have to stop.

    Thanks so much!

    I'm sorry, I haven't used a treadmill in years! I run outside but I'm sure if you call a gym and talk to a trainer they would be able to help you.
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