Extra session with trainer or bottle of wine....



  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    OP, just stop calling yourself a friend to that person.
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    That's pretty much a no-brainer.


    Agreed. I would Always pick the wine. All trainers are a waste of time and money. And they're terrible people too. They don't deserve the money and should all starve. But wine, however, will always be there for me. Wine won't let me down. Wine deserves that sweet sweet money.


    Beautiful words you speak. I would totally let you be my trainer.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    A Story as told by a terrible friend. Next time just get a table for one instead of taking Mr. BMI along, Mr. Judgy McJudgerton.
  • Eudoxy
    Eudoxy Posts: 391 Member
    With friends like that, who needs friends.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Wait, he already has a trainer and doubling up is better than wine?

    Is this the new math?
    I suck at the new math.

  • takumar
    takumar Posts: 42
    edited March 2015
    To the few that responded to the issue: choices and outcomes, You Got It!
    To those who think I should be left on a deserted island, thank you too.
    I mean it. Always good to know the make-up and mindset of any forum you’re in.

    OK, more background:
    We’ve been friends for over 35 years. I mention his BMI and difficulty walking so that readers can realize the condition he’s in. The trainer is mainly for knee strengthening because doctors say it’s too early for knee replacement. He is on a self-maintaning diet, cholesterol and BP medication, uses a CPAP for sleep. Am I being too judgmental again?? In spite of some comments I think true friends can and should offer critical advice when needed.

    This began at the table when he said he picked a few more pounds. I suggested the trainer just as a bit of helpful advice. This posting was more out of my frustration when he said he couldn’t afford it. The wine is irrelevant, could have been a $50 shirt instead. Regardless of excuses he is still my friend and will continue to wish him well. Just reminding him, his health is in his hands.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Except instead of talking to him- you're making a federal case on a public forum- it's one think to just put a rant/vent up on your wall- it's saying an entirely other thing to make an ENTIRE POST ON IT.

    I also think I'd rather spend 50$ on wine than a trainer.

    But I'm a 5$ a bottle wine kind of person- so I guess I'd REALLY rather have the 10 bottles of wine.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    takumar wrote: »
    To the few that responded to the issue: choices and outcomes, You Got It!
    To those who think I should be left on a deserted island, thank you too.
    I mean it. Always good to know the make-up and mindset of any forum you’re in.

    OK, more background:
    We’ve been friends for over 35 years. I mention his BMI and difficulty walking so that readers can realize the condition he’s in. The trainer is mainly for knee strengthening because doctors say it’s too early for knee replacement. He is on a self-maintaning diet, cholesterol and BP medication, uses a CPAP for sleep. Am I being too judgmental again?? In spite of some comments I think true friends can and should offer critical advice when needed.

    This began at the table when he said he picked a few more pounds. I suggested the trainer just as a bit of helpful advice. This posting was more out of my frustration when he said he couldn’t afford it. The wine is irrelevant, could have been a $50 shirt instead. Regardless of excuses he is still my friend and will continue to wish him well. Just reminding him, his health is in his hands.

    There are ways to get your point across without being condescending. Your first post was mean-spirited in its delivery (and really the fact that it exists at all). How is this helping your friend again?

    I would also rather spend $50 on wine than a personal trainer. An extra session a week with a trainer isn't going to help your friend. For one, you can't out exercise a bad diet and, two, fitness requires more than two days a week at the gym.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Except instead of talking to him- you're making a federal case on a public forum- it's one think to just put a rant/vent up on your wall- it's saying an entirely other thing to make an ENTIRE POST ON IT.

    I also think I'd rather spend 50$ on wine than a trainer.

    But I'm a 5$ a bottle wine kind of person- so I guess I'd REALLY rather have the 10 bottles of wine.

    I'd recommend at least going to $10--for that, you can get some tasty Spanish reds, and interesting whites.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    takumar wrote: »
    To the few that responded to the issue: choices and outcomes, You Got It!
    To those who think I should be left on a deserted island, thank you too.
    I mean it. Always good to know the make-up and mindset of any forum you’re in.

    OK, more background:
    We’ve been friends for over 35 years. I mention his BMI and difficulty walking so that readers can realize the condition he’s in. The trainer is mainly for knee strengthening because doctors say it’s too early for knee replacement. He is on a self-maintaning diet, cholesterol and BP medication, uses a CPAP for sleep. Am I being too judgmental again?? In spite of some comments I think true friends can and should offer critical advice when needed.

    This began at the table when he said he picked a few more pounds. I suggested the trainer just as a bit of helpful advice. This posting was more out of my frustration when he said he couldn’t afford it. The wine is irrelevant, could have been a $50 shirt instead. Regardless of excuses he is still my friend and will continue to wish him well. Just reminding him, his health is in his hands.

    I'm all about choices but I don't get how it is one or the other here. Does choosing the wine mean he can't workout at all? Can he not do the exercises the trainer gave him on his own?

    You didn't offer critical advice. You came to a forum and bashed your friend's choice.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Except instead of talking to him- you're making a federal case on a public forum- it's one think to just put a rant/vent up on your wall- it's saying an entirely other thing to make an ENTIRE POST ON IT.

    I also think I'd rather spend 50$ on wine than a trainer.

    But I'm a 5$ a bottle wine kind of person- so I guess I'd REALLY rather have the 10 bottles of wine.

    That's brilliant how it's now getting to ten bottles of wine instead. We've now got ourselves a Party!!!! Whooo!!
  • MaternalCopulator
    MaternalCopulator Posts: 125 Member
    Anyone else in here sweating? It's very smuggy.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Azdak wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Except instead of talking to him- you're making a federal case on a public forum- it's one think to just put a rant/vent up on your wall- it's saying an entirely other thing to make an ENTIRE POST ON IT.

    I also think I'd rather spend 50$ on wine than a trainer.

    But I'm a 5$ a bottle wine kind of person- so I guess I'd REALLY rather have the 10 bottles of wine.

    I'd recommend at least going to $10--for that, you can get some tasty Spanish reds, and interesting whites.
    trader joe's has some great wines- table reds- blends and malbecs for only 4.99- I'm okay with it. :D
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Except instead of talking to him- you're making a federal case on a public forum- it's one think to just put a rant/vent up on your wall- it's saying an entirely other thing to make an ENTIRE POST ON IT.

    I also think I'd rather spend 50$ on wine than a trainer.

    But I'm a 5$ a bottle wine kind of person- so I guess I'd REALLY rather have the 10 bottles of wine.

    That's brilliant how it's now getting to ten bottles of wine instead. We've now got ourselves a Party!!!! Whooo!!

    seriously- it is a party- I take my cheap wine drinking seriously!!!! :D
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Azdak wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Except instead of talking to him- you're making a federal case on a public forum- it's one think to just put a rant/vent up on your wall- it's saying an entirely other thing to make an ENTIRE POST ON IT.

    I also think I'd rather spend 50$ on wine than a trainer.

    But I'm a 5$ a bottle wine kind of person- so I guess I'd REALLY rather have the 10 bottles of wine.

    I'd recommend at least going to $10--for that, you can get some tasty Spanish reds, and interesting whites.
    trader joe's has some great wines- table reds- blends and malbecs for only 4.99- I'm okay with it. :D

    $5 bottles of wine.
    I cannot wait for my US trip next week.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Azdak wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Except instead of talking to him- you're making a federal case on a public forum- it's one think to just put a rant/vent up on your wall- it's saying an entirely other thing to make an ENTIRE POST ON IT.

    I also think I'd rather spend 50$ on wine than a trainer.

    But I'm a 5$ a bottle wine kind of person- so I guess I'd REALLY rather have the 10 bottles of wine.

    I'd recommend at least going to $10--for that, you can get some tasty Spanish reds, and interesting whites.
    trader joe's has some great wines- table reds- blends and malbecs for only 4.99- I'm okay with it. :D

    $5 bottles of wine.
    I cannot wait for my US trip next week.
    they aren't ALL 5$- but yeah- Trader Joes. winning
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Except instead of talking to him- you're making a federal case on a public forum- it's one think to just put a rant/vent up on your wall- it's saying an entirely other thing to make an ENTIRE POST ON IT.

    I also think I'd rather spend 50$ on wine than a trainer.

    But I'm a 5$ a bottle wine kind of person- so I guess I'd REALLY rather have the 10 bottles of wine.

    That's brilliant how it's now getting to ten bottles of wine instead. We've now got ourselves a Party!!!! Whooo!!

    seriously- it is a party- I take my cheap wine drinking seriously!!!! :D

    We could have a party with the cheap Wine and invite the guy around who enjoys his $50 wine to teach us a bit of class and develop our pallets. We could invite the OP but I don't think enjoying himself would be his scene. I would hate to feel judged :'( Although all are welcome.
  • Yawnetu
    Yawnetu Posts: 53 Member
    Interesting to follow the posts here. Occurs to me that those bashing the OP for bashing his friend aren't doing anything different from what the OP did. Pot/kettle/black much?

    For the record, I don't think you can automatically draw an equality sign between wine = bad choice here. That's assuming action not in evidence, given what the OP said originally.

    I also don't think getting healthy is necessarily a choice between a trainer and wine. That's a logical fallacy.

    The 'wry smile' comment was snarky, for sure.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Yawnetu wrote: »
    Interesting to follow the posts here. Occurs to me that those bashing the OP for bashing his friend aren't doing anything different from what the OP did. Pot/kettle/black much?

    For the record, I don't think you can automatically draw an equality sign between wine = bad choice here. That's assuming action not in evidence, given what the OP said originally.

    I also don't think getting healthy is necessarily a choice between a trainer and wine. That's a logical fallacy.

    The 'wry smile' comment was snarky, for sure.

    AS was the waddling.

    No one here criticized the personal appearance or life choices. Also, OP posted in a public forum where feedback, both good and bad, should be expected. His friend did not ask for that. So, it's really not the same thing at all.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    OP - I totally get your point - my mother is the same way. Refuses to go to a weekly exercise class with her friends as it is $10/class (she thinks that is way too much for a one hour class), yet very happily drinks at least that amount in wine per day without giving it a second thought!