Fifty plus (or so) support group



  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    Mick1127 wrote: »
    When I started this quest on 12/27/14, my ultimate goal was to go from 217 lbs. to 190 lbs. by April 1st. Yippee!!!! I got there this morning - 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I am now destined for 180 lbs. by May 1st. It's always a good thing to set new goals.
    Good on ya Mick -- Way to go!!
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    High five, Mick! Awesome job!

    Sylvia, all that matters is you're back on track :)

    Slose, it's a long, hard journey, but well worth it. I am actually amazed at how well this app works. Keep under calorie and it will come off. :)
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Mick1127 wrote: »
    When I started this quest on 12/27/14, my ultimate goal was to go from 217 lbs. to 190 lbs. by April 1st. Yippee!!!! I got there this morning - 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I am now destined for 180 lbs. by May 1st. It's always a good thing to set new goals.

    Great job!!
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Good job, Sylvia, getting back on track -- and welcome here, Slose!!
  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    Hi everyone. 52 y.o. married guy here. One kid in college, one in H.S. I took a run at this a couple of years ago and flamed out. This time it's going much better, at least after a couple of months. Looking forward to getting fit with all the other seasoned members here.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Happy St Paddy's Day :D. I'm so excited! I weighed in yesterday and lost 2 lbs over the past two weeks despite bumping up my carbs and calories a bit. I'm actually looking forward to my doctor appointment next week because I'm hoping to be within one pound of reaching the classification of "normal" BMI for the first time in probably 15 or 20 years <3. Ten more to reach maintenance!

    It's so exciting to see you all doing GREAT things! In December when I found myself within 3 lbs of moving into the obese classification I really didn't see myself reaching these milestones and have become complacent too many times in the past even when I could see the finish line.... But for some reason this time my mind has done a conscious switch to embracing a new healthier me and I think in large part it's because of my MFP friends <3. Having a great bunch of supportive and motivated friends who help you work through those bumps in the road is terrific :D

    My reward for hitting a normal BMI is going to be a new sassy haircut for summer :D

    Have a great time today if you're treating yourself to corned beef and green beer B)

  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    OH that is something that you'll have to share Tami! Sounds like a good trip to the doc's office for certain. I'm still 18-lbs above "Overweight" (and 57 above "Healthy"), but it sounds significantly better than "Grade-2 Obesity"...

    Take it to your Doc & shake it! Should be rewarding.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Mick1127 wrote: »
    When I started this quest on 12/27/14, my ultimate goal was to go from 217 lbs. to 190 lbs. by April 1st. Yippee!!!! I got there this morning - 2 weeks ahead of schedule. I am now destined for 180 lbs. by May 1st. It's always a good thing to set new goals.

    Terrific job Mick
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Oops my smiley got cut off :D
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Well what lovely weather we have today. After a really bad day on Sunday got back on it Monday so here's hoping I can pull back before weigh in Friday. I set macro at 30 35 35 see how I go.
    Hope you all have a good week ☺

    Weekends are definitely hard :s. I'm excited to see if your new macros make a difference for you! Be sure to let us know when you weigh in Friday!!

  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Well tomorrow is weigh in. So hoping I can keep the downward path :)

    The wedding is getting closer and closer. I'm getting more stressed and more stressed. Lol. So much still to do it seems.

    Beautiful here in Ohio today.

    How did you do? Be sure to take time to enjoy all the wedding prep fun and don't let the stress get to you <3 Have you picked out your dress?

  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    nuffer wrote: »
    Hi everyone. 52 y.o. married guy here. One kid in college, one in H.S. I took a run at this a couple of years ago and flamed out. This time it's going much better, at least after a couple of months. Looking forward to getting fit with all the other seasoned members here.

    Welcome, nuffer!!
  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hello (and welcome and stuff) there @nuffer‌ !

    The toughest part is getting going, since there can be quite a few changes. My approach (I'm still "starting this" in my mind) was to go at things as baby-steps. My thinking on that is 2-fold:
    1) - Changes are tough enough, so changing everything all at once is tougher (plenty of people here have great success just "going for it", but it seems tougher that way for me)
    2) - If I screw-up and kinda 'slip back' into a previous behavior, then I've only 'fallen' one baby-step and not 'completely off the wagon'. Hopefully, this will keep me closer to recovering where I was, and minimize any self-destruction I cause by slipping.

    Having a thread like this to read and share in helps to kinda keep me accountable, I hope it works for you as well.

    Beyond the information on how to operate the app, and eat, and keep moving that I see here, I particularly enjoy this thread that lists the many fun and novel experiences that we could be headed for as this weight drops off (it's a fun read, and has helped me keep motivated as well)

    I hope everyone is doing well (I'm hoping to post a "Wow! 30-lbs!" thread this Friday; so far, things are looking good to hit that, by logging and watching what food goes into my mouth! (just 83 days). that'll make my next week's check-in a half-way story (@90-days)...

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Beyond the information on how to operate the app, and eat, and keep moving that I see here, I particularly enjoy this thread that lists the many fun and novel experiences that we could be headed for as this weight drops off (it's a fun read, and has helped me keep motivated as well)
    I love that thread! Here is another one that is inspirational to me, as the Non Scale Victories can be just as important as the weight loss.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Here's one if you want to see Inspirational Quotes made by real people on mfp, not fake photoshop ones!

    MFP Fitspirations
  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    I've been haunting a few corners in the forums getting a feel for the place and have found the "unexpected results" and NSV threads. Useful for helping stay motivated.

    Logged a somewhat disappointing scale loss yesterday, then went and swam for 30 minutes. Next week should be better.

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • sylviajackson23
    sylviajackson23 Posts: 27 Member
    Not looking forward to doctors tomorrow weigh day hope I have pulled back a bit after last weekend
  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    Sylvia, I understand totally... BUT --- a day is a singular event, and you're working toward an outcome that will take months. Don't allow a sample from a single instant in that journey dissuade or dishearten you. You will have success, if not at that particular instant, you'll see success later. Keep the faith sister!

    (oh, and if your weigh-in goes well -- that's the beginning of your success trend -- you'll have many more of those once things start moving)
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Excellent advice and comments, Standenvernet!!
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Well tomorrow is weigh in. So hoping I can keep the downward path :)

    The wedding is getting closer and closer. I'm getting more stressed and more stressed. Lol. So much still to do it seems.

    Beautiful here in Ohio today.

    How did you do? Be sure to take time to enjoy all the wedding prep fun and don't let the stress get to you <3 Have you picked out your dress?


    I was down 2. Total of 19. Would love to lose another 24 before the wedding. And no dress yet. Gonna wait as long as I can
    Sylvia, I understand totally... BUT --- a day is a singular event, and you're working toward an outcome that will take months. Don't allow a sample from a single instant in that journey dissuade or dishearten you. You will have success, if not at that particular instant, you'll see success later. Keep the faith sister!

    (oh, and if your weigh-in goes well -- that's the beginning of your success trend -- you'll have many more of those once things start moving)

    You are so good at advice I'm gonna start calling you Doc :).