Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • jenniewannabethin
    At my sons birthday party he wanted me to sac race and the pictures scared me!
  • jamescottam
    jamescottam Posts: 5 Member
    I can't carry my 3 yo daughter upstair to bed without getting out of breath thats when i realised i was unfit and badly overweight
  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    I was at the park playing with my son, he wanted me to go down the slide with him and my butt would nowhere near fit down that thing. That was the moment I knew I had to start changing, because I want to do any and everything with him and if I don't do something now he might be disappointed in who his mom is and how she let herself go.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    dougl004 wrote: »
    My story is a little funny. I was sitting in my chilly office with a small jacket on. I leaned back to yawn and a button from my jacket popped off and flew accross the room. That was my AH HA moment. What was yours?

    Didnt find that remotely funny.....
  • keme2016
    keme2016 Posts: 6 Member
    Waking up one morning and feeling sick of being trapped in my own body.
  • marine172064
    marine172064 Posts: 28 Member
    When I was choosing clothes from my wardrobe for a event function and nothing-fit . All of a sudden I decided to go out and buy a scale. The numbers were depressing. I was 25 pounds heavier.
  • ffallings
    ffallings Posts: 20 Member
    I saw a picute of myself and thought I looked very... Wide.
  • LadyLots2Lose
    LadyLots2Lose Posts: 110 Member
    But recently I have kicked it into a higher gear because my younger sister is getting married. Depressing enough that my younger sister is getting married while I am still single, I didn't want to be the chunky Maid of Honor.
    I had the same goal when my twin sister got married in 2003. Then the weight crept back on, my thyroid meds were neglected and life got rather sedentary. I'd had enough of the unflattering photos and cruel comments by 2011 and decided to do something about that. Now I'm heading towards my 40's almost 34 kg lighter, in better shape than ever and a whole lot happier.

  • charmaineandres615
    charmaineandres615 Posts: 5 Member
    Whenever i go to dept stores and window shop to boutiques, those sales lady would always tell me that their biggest size is large or x-large only and they will look at me from head to toe. So frustrating right?!
  • ivoluntas
    ivoluntas Posts: 30 Member
    edited March 2015
    I used to run. I ran for about 4 years and never watched my diet. I was in OK shape but never great considering all the running I did. I originally wanted to just build strength with weightlifting but six months on now and I barely run. Weight-lifting is addictive for me. So, since I built all of this muscle I want to be in my best shape. I'm trying to cut fat. Now that I have eliminated added sugar it has been going great. I consider this goal to lose fat a real challenge and I'm ready to be as healthy as I can, not just on the outside but inside too. Some people like to use exercise as an excuse to eat whatever they want. I don't want to be that person anymore.
  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    So many reasons... One of the most heart breaking was waiting in line for a ride at an amusement park for two hours only to be turned away because the safety harness thingy would not engage properly.

    This happened to a friend of mine as well. Sending positivity your way. I hope you reach all your weight loss goals.
  • fitinthe6
    fitinthe6 Posts: 43 Member
    when i went on vacation with my friends, i felt so fat and insecure
  • eva512
    eva512 Posts: 92 Member
    I waitress part time and was eavesdropping on a group of couples talking about a friend who couldn't make it to dinner. They were saying how fat she's gotten and how horrible she looks. Why doesn't she do something about it, and so on..... Made me think, I wonder what MY "friends" and family say about me when I'm not around. Started logging and lost 50 LBS. Thought I had things under control, stopped logging and put it back on.

    Fast forward a few years, Had a friend who was about 25 lbs overweight. Kept telling her how great MFP was and that she should use it. Meanwhile, I hadn't been using it and was 100 lbs overweight. Talk about a hypocrite. Now I've been here 700 days, have lost 45 and workout at a gym and with a trainer. Never looking back!!!
  • herselftheelf13
    herselftheelf13 Posts: 1 Member
    jgd68 wrote: »
    Well, when I was 23 I went from 210 to 155, size 16 to a size 6. I kept it off for about 6 yrs. Then got pregnant in 2010 and basically used that as an excuse to eat anything and everything. I've wanted to lose the weight ever since I had my son but never pushed myself very hard. This year I decided it was time. I weighed in at 232 on New Years Day have high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, high triglycerides and a fatty liver. So no more excuses! I'm exercising, keeping to my diabetic diet and have already lost 8 lbs! I'd like to get down to 150. I'm not trying to be sexy like when I lost my wt 10 yrs ago. Doing it for my health and my son this time.

    This is exactly my journey!!!! I have no health problems yet but they were coming
    I am sure of it. My original motivation this time was my husband leaving me to "be with other women". He was such a jerk it made me realize I was only hurting myself being fat. And my emotional pain was showing itself on the outside by fat. So no more pain. No more fat.
  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    fitinthe6 wrote: »
    when i went on vacation with my friends, i felt so and insecure
    I have a trip coming up and I want to have fun and look good while doing it. I hope you meet all your future weight loss goals.
  • melissacurry04
    melissacurry04 Posts: 34 Member
    Multiple things, looking back at old pictures of myself, realizing none of my clothes fit, and being invited to be a bridesmaid and not wanting to be the "fat bridesmaid"
  • queen_of_disaster
    queen_of_disaster Posts: 61 Member
    I had always wanted to as a teenager, but thought it was impossible. Then I realized it was possible. Sounds silly, but that's how it first happened.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Even in the upper 150s, I didn't have a big belly. But one day I looked down and it was so round and hard and I thought...NOPE.

    Also, knee cellulite. Once that cellulite started creeping to the front of my legs...also NOPE.
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    I went to a fancy-schmancy gala event for an apartment association-- complete with red carpet-- and when I got the pictures back, I was mortified. I knew I was heavier, but my first thought was, "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME I LOOKED LIKE THAT?!". Ha!

    I can so relate to this! I knew I had gone up a size and I'd added quite a few pounds after I turned 40, but I hadn't realized what it really looked like. I'm not one to study myself in the mirror. I check the hair and make sure the clothes are covering what they should and then I'm off. Looking at some candid pictures from a night out was quite eyeopening.