
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I think my mother is jealous of the fact I get on so well with my in-laws (they're great!).

    I'm tempted to tell her that perhaps if she didn't make a negative comment about my weight every. single. time. I visit, perhaps I would prefer to spend more time with her. She even makes these comments after my weight loss, and I was never huge to begin with. Ruins my day every time. But I can't be bothered to face the drama so I just ignore it, carry on, and spend more time with my in-laws.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »

    I have read this entire thread on my phone while walking laps around my kitchen, dining room and foyer. It's addictive and I've got 18k steps in the past couple days.

    I cannot stand touching wet skin. (Not my own but I avoid touching other people's wet skin if possible as it makes me nauseous.) I also can't stand touching aluminum foil and cardboard. *gag*

    I have consumed more calories today in Whiskey than food (medicinal reasons). I feel better & I'm still under my goal. I log everything religiously.

    Whenever someone notices my weight loss and asks me how I did it, I'm going to say "I eat a pinecone every day."

    You all know if I say " I watch what I eat and exercise" they will be sad so... I am really just bringing more joy to the world. I will straighten them out so I'm not to blame when somebody chokes to death on a pinecone but for a brief moment, they will have the secret knowledge of an ancient magical weight loss cure. And I will have the satisfaction of knowing that many people would rather eat a pinecone than count calories. ;)

    I've done that in a pinch when I had a Christmas tree where the treadmill goes. 120 laps = 1 mile. It's convenient, but no way I could read while I did it. I'd end up running into walls after every corner.
  • fellowtraveler87
    fellowtraveler87 Posts: 41 Member
    -Someone left an almost full bottle of shampoo in the shower at my gym, I threw it in my gym bag and have been using it for the past several weeks... I justify it by telling myself the staff would've thrown it out anyway. Happy to have it since they frequently run out of soap in the dispenser and don't keep it refilled.

    -A frequent breakfast of mine is 2 hardboiled eggs, chopped up and mixed with Louisiana hot sauce. It makes a sort of paste like consistency. I eat it at work and definitely get some strange looks.

    -I've been lurking in this thread for a long time
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,047 Member
    -Someone left an almost full bottle of shampoo in the shower at my gym, I threw it in my gym bag and have been using it for the past several weeks... I justify it by telling myself the staff would've thrown it out anyway. Happy to have it since they frequently run out of soap in the dispenser and don't keep it refilled.

    -A frequent breakfast of mine is 2 hardboiled eggs, chopped up and mixed with Louisiana hot sauce. It makes a sort of paste like consistency. I eat it at work and definitely get some strange looks.

    -I've been lurking in this thread for a long time

    My breakfast almost every day is cottage cheese drowned in Louisiana hot sauce!! definitely get some weird looks at work (I go through a bottle every couple weeks), but nom nom nom!
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Confession: I lack the ability to smell a select few things. It's a short list of things I can't smell and I'm not going to lie, I consider it a superpower and not a disability.

    Smells to which I am immune:

    The crazy thing is that this happened somewhere around my pre-teen years so I used to be able to smell these things and I remember what each of them smells like. I remember catching a whiff and knowing that someone had ripped one off. I remember going down the road and all of a sudden smelling the pungent odor of a skunk that had been hit. I even remember how the kitchen used to smell when Dad would chop up an onion for Thanksgiving dressing.

    However, I have not smelled any of these things since my childhood. I am not sorry.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Bulls_23 wrote: »
    Tincan, who are some of your favorite authors? (Fellow English major!)
    Steven King (pre-1995) - I think a lot of people overlook King. Especially for English majors and writes, I really believe there's merit in examining his character development.

    Speaking of books that got thrown across the room, I was furious at the ending of Needful was like he said "Screw it, gotta wrap this thing up!"

    It was all downhill for King after that. Although I've heard good things about Dr. Sleep.

    This has been my biggest complaint about Stephen King. He has amazing ideas and stories, but it's like he gets bored at the end and just wants to finish it quickly. The Stand was awesome, but I didn't think the ending was great. And I've only seen the movie Dreamcatcher, but I loved it - until the end. I've avoided his books for the most part, until now. My dad has convinced me to read the Dark Tower books, even though I've heard several times the ending is (again) terrible.

    His early work was great, including the endings, and I think he's at his best when he's writing short stories.
    Agree 100%. The compilation Everything's Eventual is one of my comfort reads.
    Don't get me started about the ending of Under the Dome.

    Ughhh the worst. It makes me cringe to think about the ending of Under the Dome. It was such a fabulous study of what happens when people think that no one is watching/judging their behavior, and then... the ending.

    I am also a huge fan of older King books, but gave up on his newer stuff years ago....therefore, I have never read Under The Dome, someone please tell me how it ends, now I am curious!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Now I want to know which one it was! Hope you can smooth things out with the fiance. Have you resolved the problem? Kind of hard to get over it until then.

    The problem, sadly, isn't one that can be resolved in a night. I don't know if anyone else is in an interracial relationship, and normally, I don't even think about it, but issues have come up recently with his friends not appreciating my whiteness being involved with him. And I've finally had a tiny taste of what he has had to deal with for a very long time, and it's opened up my eyes, and makes me realize how selfish I can be about some things. But the issue for me, is I don't bring that stuff home. I never make racial jokes, or comment, but he is forever joking around every time we have a difference in opinion and says it is because I am white. I feel like he is putting a big space between us by bringing those types of comments into our relationships. Like he is highlighting a meaningless difference. (Not meaningless in the world in general it seems, but in terms of our relationship)

    And that was a whole lot more personal and ranting than I wanted it to be. SORRY! To stay on topic, confession wise: Sometimes I think I would be happier if I just stayed huge. Because when you're bigger people don't notice anything about you except your weight. And that is comfortable, because it is like a disguise.

    Have you told him this bothers you?? This would not bother me, because as a white person, I must say, white people do some really weird crap that people of other races just generally do not do. Of course, there are exceptions.....My friends and I always joke about race, in a fun and not hurtful way. Like for example, my daughter, who is half Jamaican, when asked what she wants to eat, will almost always answer "chicken, for obvious reasons".
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »

    I cannot stand touching wet skin. (Not my own but I avoid touching other people's wet skin if possible as it makes me nauseous.) I also can't stand touching aluminum foil and cardboard. *gag*


    I CANNOT touch wood! Finished wood like a coffee table is fine, but no kind of raw wood! When my daughter left for school this fall, I had to search high and low for a rolling pin made of marble! If the wood is wet, it is even worse, just looking at it will give me goosebumps!

    And do not even get me started on ice cream on a stick! ONE OF MY WORSE NIGHTMARES! I cannot even watch other people eat it without cringing!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    At my heaviest, I used to sit on the remote unknowingly. I know what you're thinking, how do you sit on a remote and not know or see it? The answer is, I've got NO flipping clue. Seriously, I would sit down without looking down. Then I look for the remote and find out I was sitting on it. I was so dang heavy I didn't feel it! I laugh at this now but back then it was an eye opener to lose weight!

    This still happens to me :(

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Oh, I don't do it for anybody else--it would bother ME if I didn't shave my legs. I only need to do it twice a week or so to keep up.

    Between swimming a couple of times a week, doing dance fitness in capris about three times a week, dance practicas in capris, and wearing dresses, I guess I am bare-legged a lot, even in Winter.

    I also do it for me. All year round, whether I'm seeing someone or single. I'd feel gross if I didn't do any hair maintenance all Winter. Is it just legs people let go or is everything left to grow wild?

    I shave everything, all year round. Those ounces add up ;)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited March 2015
    -Someone left an almost full bottle of shampoo in the shower at my gym, I threw it in my gym bag and have been using it for the past several weeks... I justify it by telling myself the staff would've thrown it out anyway. Happy to have it since they frequently run out of soap in the dispenser and don't keep it refilled.

    -A frequent breakfast of mine is 2 hardboiled eggs, chopped up and mixed with Louisiana hot sauce. It makes a sort of paste like consistency. I eat it at work and definitely get some strange looks.

    -I've been lurking in this thread for a long time

    My breakfast almost every day is cottage cheese drowned in Louisiana hot sauce!! definitely get some weird looks at work (I go through a bottle every couple weeks), but nom nom nom!

    I love pepperoncinis (no spellcheck, I don't mean peppercorns), and on occasion still will just grab a few off a salad and eat them. Up through the first few months of my weight loss (and starting well before), I would buy a jar and just snack on them while watching TV. It would take me maybe three nights to get through a small jar. (If that was all I'd snacked on, I might not have gotten fat, of course.) One of my favorite things--which I've mostly lost the taste for--was to eat them with some cottage cheese. I'd eat the peppers, shake the juice from the extra juicy ones into the cottage cheese, and then finish with the cottage cheese mixed with the pepper juice.

    (I've never told anyone this before.)
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    -Someone left an almost full bottle of shampoo in the shower at my gym, I threw it in my gym bag and have been using it for the past several weeks... I justify it by telling myself the staff would've thrown it out anyway. Happy to have it since they frequently run out of soap in the dispenser and don't keep it refilled.

    -A frequent breakfast of mine is 2 hardboiled eggs, chopped up and mixed with Louisiana hot sauce. It makes a sort of paste like consistency. I eat it at work and definitely get some strange looks.

    -I've been lurking in this thread for a long time

    My breakfast almost every day is cottage cheese drowned in Louisiana hot sauce!! definitely get some weird looks at work (I go through a bottle every couple weeks), but nom nom nom!

    I love pepperoncinis (no spellcheck, I don't mean peppercorns), and on occasion still will just grab a few off a salad and eat them. Up through the first few months of my weight loss (and starting well before), I would buy a jar and just snack on them while watching TV. It would take me maybe three nights to get through a small jar. (If that was all I'd snacked on, I might not have gotten fat, of course.) One of my favorite things--which I've mostly lost the taste for--was to eat them with some cottage cheese. I'd eat the peppers, shake the juice from the extra juicy ones into the cottage cheese, and then finish with the cottage cheese mixed with the pepper juice.

    (I've never told anyone this before.)

    I may have to try this next time I get cottage cheese. Don't have pepperoncini, but I try to keep giardiniera in the house.
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    edited March 2015
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Bulls_23 wrote: »
    Tincan, who are some of your favorite authors? (Fellow English major!)
    Steven King (pre-1995) - I think a lot of people overlook King. Especially for English majors and writes, I really believe there's merit in examining his character development.

    Speaking of books that got thrown across the room, I was furious at the ending of Needful was like he said "Screw it, gotta wrap this thing up!"

    It was all downhill for King after that. Although I've heard good things about Dr. Sleep.

    This has been my biggest complaint about Stephen King. He has amazing ideas and stories, but it's like he gets bored at the end and just wants to finish it quickly. The Stand was awesome, but I didn't think the ending was great. And I've only seen the movie Dreamcatcher, but I loved it - until the end. I've avoided his books for the most part, until now. My dad has convinced me to read the Dark Tower books, even though I've heard several times the ending is (again) terrible.

    His early work was great, including the endings, and I think he's at his best when he's writing short stories.
    Agree 100%. The compilation Everything's Eventual is one of my comfort reads.
    Don't get me started about the ending of Under the Dome.

    Ughhh the worst. It makes me cringe to think about the ending of Under the Dome. It was such a fabulous study of what happens when people think that no one is watching/judging their behavior, and then... the ending.

    I am also a huge fan of older King books, but gave up on his newer stuff years ago....therefore, I have never read Under The Dome, someone please tell me how it ends, now I am curious!


    ETA: no, seriously though, actually aliens.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    -Someone left an almost full bottle of shampoo in the shower at my gym, I threw it in my gym bag and have been using it for the past several weeks... I justify it by telling myself the staff would've thrown it out anyway. Happy to have it since they frequently run out of soap in the dispenser and don't keep it refilled.

    -A frequent breakfast of mine is 2 hardboiled eggs, chopped up and mixed with Louisiana hot sauce. It makes a sort of paste like consistency. I eat it at work and definitely get some strange looks.

    -I've been lurking in this thread for a long time

    Dat breakfast tho...

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    I HATE being judged for wanting to eat healthier or for weighing my food by overweight coworkers. DON'T JUDGE ME BECAUSE YOU'RE LAZY AND DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH!!!

    Rant over.
  • kourjenn
    kourjenn Posts: 3 Member
    I just had breakfast at home and then bought an oar fudge bar from starbucks.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    crfischer4 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Another confession: There's a guy in my office, Mr. Foot Shuffler, the guy I want to throat punch, that pronounces Missouri, Miss er uh. Like with an "a" at the end. It irks me a lot more than it should but every time he says it, the throat punch urge becomes really strong with me.

    Much like @tincanonastring‌ I overreact to insignificant things.

    Everyone I work with says ECK-specially. When they say it, I quit listening.

    I made fun of my mom 2 weeks ago for saying "pacifically" instead of "specifically". My response..."Oh instead of Atlantically?!" She didn't appreciate my witty comeback.

    Confession: I am a terrible person that makes fun of my mother's grammar.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Now I want to know which one it was! Hope you can smooth things out with the fiance. Have you resolved the problem? Kind of hard to get over it until then.

    The problem, sadly, isn't one that can be resolved in a night. I don't know if anyone else is in an interracial relationship, and normally, I don't even think about it, but issues have come up recently with his friends not appreciating my whiteness being involved with him. And I've finally had a tiny taste of what he has had to deal with for a very long time, and it's opened up my eyes, and makes me realize how selfish I can be about some things. But the issue for me, is I don't bring that stuff home. I never make racial jokes, or comment, but he is forever joking around every time we have a difference in opinion and says it is because I am white. I feel like he is putting a big space between us by bringing those types of comments into our relationships. Like he is highlighting a meaningless difference. (Not meaningless in the world in general it seems, but in terms of our relationship)

    And that was a whole lot more personal and ranting than I wanted it to be. SORRY! To stay on topic, confession wise: Sometimes I think I would be happier if I just stayed huge. Because when you're bigger people don't notice anything about you except your weight. And that is comfortable, because it is like a disguise.

    I was in a relationship with a guy of another race and he was forever pointing out differences & making comments about it, things I never would've even noticed or thought of. I felt the same way you do, like he was putting a big space between us over something that shouldn't have mattered. We weren't together for a long time so I'll never know if it would've become an issue (he had some other major issues that led to us breaking up!) but it was eye opening for me.

    I hope you two can work it out!

    That sucks.
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I confess that I haven't read the most recent Stephen King books, even though I've read all the others (agreed about the Stand... end kinda sucked, but I still loved that book). To be honest, I read them all pretty much in a year when I was 14 so I've forgotten most of them...

    I did like Firehouse Sub, but a medium was not enough for me (I got the New York Steamer without mayo on wheat). So I went home and finished last night's shepherd's pie too. That's what happens I guess when you're up at 4.30am and have breakfast at 6am because you're starving.

    Confession - I actually feel sad for people who are so proud to be 'clean eating'. I kinda pity them because they deprive themselves of delicious foods for no reason. I always feel obligated to reply that I've lost 80 pounds eating 'bad' food.

    I'm glad you got to try it. I really like it. Would you go back? Maybe try something different, the hero, or hook and ladder. I never finish my whole sandwich because I devour my chips and most of my 32 oz. Dr. Pepper. Glad you tried it and like it though. :smile:

    I might go back. I don't know. I'm a bread snob and I'd rather have a good old baguette on my subs I guess... plus it would probably be more filling.

    My confession is that someone mentioned on another thread that grilled cheese sandwiches is the first thing they learned how to cook... I have no idea how to make a grilled cheese. Quite sure that when I tried, it was burned outside and the cheese wasn't melted enough.

    Grilled cheese was literally the first thing all 4 of my kids learned to cook and I can remember my oldest cooking the thing on like 8 out of 10 heat. Just like you described, black outside, half-melted cheese at best inside. On our electric range, the perfect heat is 4-5 out of 10 (medium heat) and it takes about 4 minutes the first side, 2.5-3 on the second to make perfect, golden brown grilled cheese. The kids like theirs less toasted, so it's more like 3 and 3 minutes.

    That was me. I used to babysit my younger sister in the summers and I'd make grilled cheese for her and several of her friends (and myself, of course). Loved it. We had a perfect square pan for making 4 at a time.

    My dad taught me how to make grilled cheese. I didn't realize until I was an adult that most people don't butter the inside on the sandwich. He would layer it butter, bread, cheese, butter, cheese, bread, butter. It makes me feel queasy thinking about it now... But every now and then I am tempted to make it that way.

    That's exactly why I rarely eat grilled cheese anymore. It's no good without ALL THE BUTTER! I also probably learned that from my Dad, who died at 59 from complications due to diabetes and heart disease.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    annette_15 wrote: »
    I confess that I hate reading and I'm sad this thread has turned into a conversation about books and ppl I couldnt care less about
    I love how this thread morphs into a new conversation regularly. Hang around, the topic will change.
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    I hate Taylor Swift's music.

    Me too....She is SOFA KING annoying.