March 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • karasunaki
    karasunaki Posts: 6 Member

    Start Weight (1st March):149
    Goal Weight (1st April):140

    1st March:149
    8th March:151
    16th March: 148

    Weight lost/gained this week: -3
    Weight lost/gained this month:-1

    Successes/struggles this week: I am still struggling with too much snacking although this week was much better.
  • minamina27
    minamina27 Posts: 89 Member

    Age: 42
    Height: 5'61/2

    Start Weight (1st March): 212.6
    Goal Weight (1st April): 204

    1st March: 212.6
    9th March: 208.2
    16th March: 205.6
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -2.6
    Weight lost/gained this month:-7

    Struggling with a very bad knee, hopping everywhere, not able to continue my c25k so hoping my calorie deficit alone will be enough for another great weight loss this coming week.
  • khalinel
    khalinel Posts: 27

    Start Weight (1st March): 208
    Goal Weight (1st April): 199

    1st March: 208
    8th March: 204.8
    15th March: 207.8
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: +3
    Weight lost/gained this month: -.2

    Successes/struggles this week: No struggles at all actually (other than wanting to eat something forbidden and naughty - a feeling I didn't give in to, mind you), nope I stuck to my diet and exercised 6 days this week. My best guess is water weight so we'll see for next week.
  • khalinel
    khalinel Posts: 27
    flissy5 wrote: »
    Name - Flissy
    Age - 33
    Height - 5'3"

    Start Weight 02 March 2015 - 69.9
    Today's weight - 68.5kg!!!!!!

    Goal Weight 01 April 2015 - 68.5

    NEW Goal Weight - 67.9kg


    Congrats on making goal!! Great Job!
  • kellyfall0n
    kellyfall0n Posts: 1 Member

    Start Weight (1st March): 150
    Goal Weight (1st April): 144

    1st March: 150
    8th March: 148
    15th March: 148
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 0
    Weight lost/gained this month: -2

    Successes/struggles this week: I didn't accurately log anything this weekend, and it kept me from making progress this week. This happens pretty regularly in my life, so it's something I'm going to try to better monitor. For me the weekend is a time to unwind and unplug from devices (and indulge in a few of my favorite beers or a bottle of wine) so those things in combination mean, really, the time I should most be logging all of my liquid calories, I don't want to be near my phone or computer.
  • csylva
    csylva Posts: 16 Member
    Start weight 3/1 160
    Weigh in 3/15 158
    Down 2 lbs
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    Name: Kristi
    Age: 30
    Height: 5' 8"

    Start Weight (1st March): 179.6
    Goal Weight (1st April):173.5

    1st March: 179.6
    8th March: 179.6
    15th March: 176.0
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -3.6 lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month: -3.6 lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: Went out for nachos with a friend and didn't eat them all just so they wouldn't be 'wasted'. I'm getting more and more okay with not eating as much food, and looking at it more like 'I ate my fill, so that made it worth it to me'. Also bought some size 12 pants! And purged some clothing that was getting lose on me and making me look frumpy :)
  • WayneBradt
    WayneBradt Posts: 69 Member
    Name: Wayne
    Height: 5'10"

    Start Weight (1st March):213.7 lbs.
    Goal Weight (1st April): 199 lbs.

    1st March: 213.7 lbs.
    8th March: 209.2 lbs.
    15th March: 208.6 lbs.
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -0.6 lbs.
    Weight lost/gained this month: -5.1 lbs.

    Successes/struggles this week:
  • steeliebob
    steeliebob Posts: 22 Member
    Age: 46
    6 ft 2 in

    Start Weight (1st March): 195
    Goal Weight (1st April): 189

    1st March: 195
    8th March: 193
    15th March: 190
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week:-3
    Weight lost/gained this month:-5

    Successes/struggles this week:

    Happy to have seen some big losses with the tape as well as I also checked in there in recent days. Very happy with the week as my marathon work schedule continues for a few more weeks.

    Had a little scare with my unknown knee issue that started last fall that took me off walking / running for several months and put me on elliptical. Renewed running in January did not bother it, but had a day on the water (fishing guide) in which I had to shove the boat through some rapids in a few places in super low flows and that pain reappeared a little. Took a few days off running path and returned today and it felt fine even after about 6 miles of jogging and a few more walking .... hoping that remains the story!
  • lilig81
    lilig81 Posts: 20 Member
    Name: lili
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'4" - 1.63cm

    Start Weight (1st March): 70.6kgs
    Goal Weight (1st April): 68.0kgs

    1st March: 70.6kgs
    8th March: 69.8kgs
    15th March: 69.0kgs
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: lost 0.8kgs
    Weight lost/gained this month: lost 1.6kgs

    Successes/struggles this week:
  • Hagoal
    Hagoal Posts: 63 Member
    Name: HA
    Age: 38
    Height: 5.1"

    Start Weight (1st March): 149
    Goal Weight (1st April): 144

    1st March:148.6
    8th March:147.0
    17th March: 145.6

    Success: Managed to stay within the calorie limit even when on vacation.

    Struggle: sick kid at home. Can't go to gym for my workout. But did the workout Video at home instead.
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member
    Name: Dave
    Age: 54
    Height: 6'6"

    Start Weight (1st March): 252
    Goal Weight (1st April): 247

    1st March: 252
    4th March: 251
    11th March: 250
    18th March: 248
    25th March:
    1st April:

    Weight loss/gained for the week: -2 lbs.
    Weight loss/gained for the month: -4 lbs.

    Successes/struggles for the week: Lost 2 lbs. this week after indulging on pizza on Sunday
    which I struggled with the digestion. I guess I can't eat more than 2 pieces without getting sick. Lost 30 pounds since January 1st, halfway to my goal weight. :)
  • PegJens
    PegJens Posts: 59 Member

    Name: Peg

    Age: 57
    Height: 5'2'

    Start Weight (1st March): 205.6
    Goal Weight (1st April): 194

    4th March: 204
    11th March:204.4
    18th March:204
    25th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week:
    Weight lost/gained this month: 1.6 lost

    Successes/struggles this week: Well eating out again this week! I guess I need to rethink my eating habits, cause what I'm doing now is not working! At this rate 5 lbs will be a stretch.

  • MsJennyffer
    MsJennyffer Posts: 85 Member
    Name: Jennyffer
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'4

    Start Weight (1st March): 223
    Goal Weight (1st April): 213

    1st March: 223
    8th March:220
    18th March:216.2
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -3.8
    Weight lost/gained this month:-6.8

    Successes/struggles this week:
    Successes: Honestly I had an tooth infection and haven't eaten much, so that is probably why, but before then, yes I was watching what I was eating, staying away from sweets, and bad carbs.
    Struggles: A lot of birthdays made it a struggle to stay on track, but I managed to work it out.
  • HannahsMother2012
    HannahsMother2012 Posts: 47 Member
    edited March 2015

    Start Weight (1st March):
    Goal Weight (1st April):210

    1st March:219.5
    8th March:216
    16th March: 215.5

    Weight lost/gained this week: -0.5
    Weight lost/gained this month:-4

    Successes/struggles this week: I had a good week and a half pound loss I think reflects water retention. Need to stop snacking after dinner and drink and log t water.
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    Name: Jennie
    Age: 39
    Height: 5'5"

    Start Weight (4th March): 231.2
    Goal Weight (1st April): 224.6

    4th March: 231.2
    11th March: 230.2
    18th March: 227.0
    25th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -3.2
    Weight lost/gained this month: -4.2

    Successes/struggles this week: Had a great loss this week. Managed to complete my 20 minute run on C25K without any problems. Heading to the gym right away onto Week 6 Day 2 :)
  • mhook760
    mhook760 Posts: 42 Member
    Happy Happy!

    Name: Mhook
    Height: 5' 4"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 259
    Goal Weight (3/31): 249

    3/1: 259
    3/6: 257
    3/13: 255
    3/20: 253.4

    Loss/gain for the week: 1.6lb
    Loss/gain for the month so far: 5.6lb

    Struggles or successes of your week: It's been a great week again! No problems to report. Had a slightly down day at one point but just trucked on through it.
  • samfordbelle
    samfordbelle Posts: 25 Member

    Start Weight (1st March):178.2
    Goal Weight (1st April):170....lofty but my 32nd bday is April 4 and I'd like to see my pre- 2nd - baby weight before then!

    1st March:178.2
    8th March: 177.8
    15th March: 176.2
    20th March: 175.0
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -1.2
    Weight lost/gained this month: -3.2

    Successes/struggles this week: Successes: losing more weight. Struggles: I ate most of a bag of large popcorn at the movie theater. I think that stalled me some. ;) I got right back on my routine though.... I need to lose 5 more lbs by end of month. I don't know if I'll make it but I'm glad I'm progressing. I'm going to try to get there by April 4th (my bday).
  • kab789
    kab789 Posts: 110 Member
    edited March 2015
    Name: kab789
    Age: 50
    Height: 5'1

    Recording Today on My Friday weigh in

    Start Weight (1st March): 193.5
    Goal Weight (1st April): 185.5

    1st March: 193.5
    8th March: 190
    15th March: 188
    22nd March: 185
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -3
    Weight lost/gained this month:-8.5

    Successes/struggles this week: It was a pretty good week there were no big surprises. I did finally come to the realization that I need some kind of protein with breakfast or I feel hungry for the day

    Everyone have a good week!!
  • viciouslitany
    viciouslitany Posts: 187 Member
    Name: KADE :o
    Age: 23
    Height: 5'9.5"

    Start Weight (1st March): 214.2 [citing most recent weigh in, re: 27 feb]
    Goal Weight (1st April): 209.7

    1st March: 214.2
    7th March: 212.6
    13th March: 212.6
    20nd March: 211.8
    27th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 0.8 pounds
    Weight lost/gained this month: 2.4 pounds

    Successes/struggles this week: feeling good about seeing a loss and managing to handle things most days. stress isn't helping, but I'm working on other ways to cope.