Running, when to stop?

I did c25K last year and ran a 5K in September. After that I started using Higdon's 10K intermediate program. I got a few weeks into it but then it hit the point where I was supposed to run 5.5 or 6 miles. I can do 5k easily, and 4 miles too. But every time I get over 5 miles I start hitting a wall. It's not pain and I'm not "tired" or out of breath or anything, but my legs are not happy with it anymore. Like my hips, knees, ankles, and the bottoms of my feet are all acting like they're going to be mighty unpleasant to be around if I continue.

In the past I would have ignored it and followed the plan, (and maybe end up crippled for the rest of the week/month) but in my old age I've finally started to get a clue that you can, like, hurt yourself sometimes.

But I'm really not familiar with this type of training, so my question is, is this something I should just push through, it's just a normal part of adding mileage and my body will adapt? Or is this a sign that I really do need to stop at that point to avoid doing real damage?


  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    Whether it's a run-through-it pain or a damn-I'd-better-stop-now pain ... I don't have any help on that. At some point, you just know. Maybe someone else will be better help with that.

    However, I can tell you that - to me - it sounds like you could need better shoes - maybe better arch support. It's the "bottom of the feet" comment on up the chain to your hips that makes me think perhaps it would be helpful to get some good, local advice on running shoes. If you aren't supported enough in the arches, then your knees are going to naturally fall inward and your hips will tilt forward - it's all connected. After a while, this imbalance is going to take its toll. I bought a new pair of shoes once and ran only once before I knew they were not the right shoe for me. Runners: we only have one piece of equipment. Make sure they're right!

    If your head is ready but your legs are like, "nah, we're good ...," I would not push your body until you explore why your legs are so "done" by Mile 5.

    On the other hand, if your mind is playing games with you (and only you know that), then I reverse my advice - but it doesn't sound like that's what's happening.

    You're going to get great advice.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I was going to suggest maybe a shoe issue as well. Have you been fitted at a running store, had your stride/gait analyzed to find the best shoe and fit? Some people swear by it, and it can make all the difference to be in the right shoe.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    In addition to the shoes, you went from c25k which is a beginner plan to an intermediate 10k plan. Try Hals beginner 10k plan when you get new shoes
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    This is a good question. I'm in a similar boat as you OP. I get some numbness in the arches after 5 miles. I have a great shoe (fitted at the running store after running on the treadmill both in shoes and barefoot for them). The last time I went in they said that I have a super high arch so I might want to consider an insert on the longer runs. I've been against that.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Thanks so far!

    Additional relevant info: I just got new shoes at the running store, last fall they had looked at my stride etc on the treadmill and fitted me for shoes. I came back yesterday and tried out those, as well as a couple other similar types. I have been running in some comfy New Balance running shoes, and vibrams fivefingers in the meantime, and it's pretty much the same story regardless of the shoes.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    are you mixing up your running routes?
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    How's the cushioning on the New Balance? I know a lot of people who love their vibrams but their feet get killed as the distances get longer.

    Other question - when you run 5 miles, how do you feel the day after? Achy and terrible? Tight like you're going to snap? Or fine? If fine, it may be all just a mental thing.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    I also notice a difference between *cardio* fitness and *muscle* fitness when it comes to running. Generally my lungs and heart are in great shape to go farther, faster, and my legs wimp out with various aches, pains, injuries, and other protests if I try to run to my cardio fitness. Or: have you tried slowing down your pace a little? Does that help you break the distance wall?
  • haysavam
    haysavam Posts: 74 Member
    Oh my gosh I love this thread. This is all such great advice and I'm relating to so much.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I've been running on an indoor track this winter. (Before that I was running in my yard where I have 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 mile routes as well as running on the ATV trails around the neighboring cornfields.)

    The New Balance seem to be a decent amount of cushion, I've never been one for really thick shoes though.

    I haven't been really hurting or sore the day after a run.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    Okay ... could you mix up your pace a bit? On a day that you know you want to run ... say, 6 miles ... run talk-to-your-neighbor slow for a mile, kick it until the next lamppost (or whatever that's about 100 meters away), then back to a very conversational pace, repeat. Maybe it's a matter of breaking your routine? Trick your body - mix it up.
  • rrowdiness
    rrowdiness Posts: 119 Member

    I find the 'build' portion of any training scheme is pretty uncomfortable, ie when you're exceeding your previous comfort levels. Usually results in a few visits to masseurs and physios to loosen tight muscles. Then you plateau and it becomes about getting faster.

    There's no 'right' way to get to your running target. Training plans are training PLANS not training 'you must do this or you will fail'.

    While it's hard to do (and I'm guilty of not doing this) if you need to back off to avoid injury, back off to avoid injury. I bridged up from 5 to 10km and managed the hard parts by running 9 minutes, walking 1 min - gave enough time for the body to calm down!

    You didn't mention what's involved in the training - is it the long runs which are hurting? Or shorter runs with high intensity? If the former, then maybe drop your pace back till you're comfortable at the long distance, then increase.

    What are you doing post-run? It may help to ice the feet / area to reduce discomfort. Also foam rollers and 'The Stick' can help release some muscles and give good relief. My achilles are frequently sore, but it's caused by calf and ITB tightness rather than the achilles itself; foam rolling minimises the discomfort.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    It's the long runs that are the problem. I don't really have soreness or aching the next day so other than a few seconds of stretching I do nothing post run.

    I do have a hard time keeping a slower pace. There's also a gap between my walking and running speeds.

    I might try some run/walk to keep like an 11-12 minute pace and see if that helps. Ugh it's going to make 6 miles take forever though. ;)
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    Ah. Is there anyone you could partner with - someone with more running depth who would be willing to guide you to the next level? Maybe it is a mind issue ... bored? Are you listening to music? Take a run in a previously unexplored area? Or - and I'm a loner, so it pains me to suggest - find a running partner. Talk. Get distracted. Reach 6 miles unexpectedly.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »
    Ah. Is there anyone you could partner with - someone with more running depth who would be willing to guide you to the next level? Maybe it is a mind issue ... bored? Are you listening to music? Take a run in a previously unexplored area? Or - and I'm a loner, so it pains me to suggest - find a running partner. Talk. Get distracted. Reach 6 miles unexpectedly.
    Yeah that sounds more painful than anything, LOL. (I listen to a metronome and enjoy my quiet "no interruptions, no demands" time while running.)

    Based on all the "are you sore the next day" questions, it really sounds like I'm being overly cautious and just need to push through it.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »
    Ah. Is there anyone you could partner with - someone with more running depth who would be willing to guide you to the next level? Maybe it is a mind issue ... bored? Are you listening to music? Take a run in a previously unexplored area? Or - and I'm a loner, so it pains me to suggest - find a running partner. Talk. Get distracted. Reach 6 miles unexpectedly.
    Yeah that sounds more painful than anything, LOL. (I listen to a metronome and enjoy my quiet "no interruptions, no demands" time while running.)

    Based on all the "are you sore the next day" questions, it really sounds like I'm being overly cautious and just need to push through it.

    Great - good luck and let us know how it goes!! :smiley:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I get mighty uncomfortable around mile 5.5-6.5- I hit a mini wall around 3ish- where I'm like- man this isn't fun (I run much faster for shorter distances- so if I'm only doing 4- by 2-2.5 I'm like THIS SUCKS- and it's just an over all tired.

    But long runs- that 5-6 mile range I get REAL uncomfortable- and I just slow down- moderate and keep driving on. By the time I come out the other side I'm usually okay.

    But everyone has a point where their body is like FK THIS SHT. And throws the yellow doily of shame to try to stop the play.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    Really hard to diagnose something like this in this setting, but a few thoughts that came to my mind as I've read through the thread...
    1. building is naturally going to be uncomfortable. So hitting point where you struggle is normal. This is often as much mental as it is physical.
    2. you mention having your stride looked at by a running store. Was that simply to find a proper shoe? Have you ever had your mechanics/technique looked at?
    3. you describe your discomfort as being joint related, not fatigue or energy. This makes me wonder if it's related to repetitive jarring/impact. I had lower back problem at one point due to poor mechanics. I still do when my form gets sloppy as I get tired on longer runs, but improving my mechanics has made a HUGE difference. If you're in a minimal shoe, it could exacerbate the problem. Any difference when running on road vs running on grass/dirt vs running on a track/treadmill?
    4. I also agree with the previous poster who suggested caution. Taking a month off to recover is MUCH better than taking a year off to heal.
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    But everyone has a point where their body is like FK THIS SHT. And throws the yellow doily of shame to try to stop the play.

    LOL ... If it didn't sound so creepy, I would start keeping a list of your phrases and toss them out occasionally at my teenagers. They wouldn't know what to do with that. I love "yellow doily of shame..." [literally lol at my desk] Hope you're released soon.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I'd like to add a little note: if you're running regularly, shoes are meant to be replaced once every 6 months (500 miles) or so. It might be time for new shoes.