March 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • BSWesley45
    Name: Brenda
    Age: 46
    Height: 5'4

    Start Weight (1st March): 238
    Goal Weight (1st April): 228

    1st March:
    8th March:
    15th March:
    22nd March:
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week:
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week:
  • mainebeachbum
    mainebeachbum Posts: 385 Member
    Name: Steph
    Age: 43
    Height: 5'7"

    Start Weight (1st March): 230.8
    Goal Weight (1st April):220

    1st March:230.8
    8th March: 229.8
    15th March: 227
    22nd March:225.6
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -1.4 pounds.
    Weight lost/gained this month: -5.2 pounds.

    Successes/struggles this week: Three days of snacking at night...enough snacking to not be able to track accurately! I was very busy at work so I must have gotten extra steps in the counteract it! Almost hallway to goal....

  • nandern
    nandern Posts: 5 Member
    Name: Nancy
    Age: 54
    Height: 5'8"

    Start Weight (1st March): 227.2
    Goal Weight (1st April): 223.2

    1st March: 227.2
    8th March: 227
    15th March: 225.4
    22nd March: 225.6
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight Lost/gained this week: +.2
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1.6

    Just keep on. One day at a time. I just ordered a step counter and back to the gym this week.

  • Kaylasmom
    Kaylasmom Posts: 116 Member
    March 1st: 166
    March 9th: 168.8
    March 15: 167.8
    March 22: 167.2

    Had company.....too much pizza and wine!
  • Mick1127
    Mick1127 Posts: 451 Member
    Name: Don
    Age: 69
    Height: 5'8"

    Start Weight (1st March): 194.6
    Goal Weight (1st April): 185

    1st March: 194.6
    8th March: 193.8
    15th March: 191.0
    22nd March: 189.0
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -2.2
    Weight lost/gained this month: -5.6

    Successes/struggles this week: Heading to the store this afternoon to buy a smaller belt. Yippee!!! My only struggle was giving in and eating something I knew I shouldn't; but, that entire "bowl"/package of Orville Redenbacher popcorn sure was tasty. I don't see myself hitting my original goal of 185 by April 1st; but, if I get to 187 it will still be a great month.
  • gleah1
    gleah1 Posts: 286 Member
    Name: Garri
    Age: 35
    Height: 5' 2"

    Start Weight (1st March): 137
    Goal Weight (1st April):134 or lower

    1st March: 137
    8th March: 138.6
    15th March: 136
    22nd March: 135.2
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: _ .8 pounds
    Weight lost/gained this month: - 2.2pound

    Successes/struggles this week: Completed several good to see the scale moving in the right direction just wish it was going even quicker. I will succeed again this week!! Thanks to everyone for the support and motivation.
  • guerrillatiger
    guerrillatiger Posts: 16 Member
    Name: Ari
    Age: 30
    Height: 178cm (5'10")

    Start Weight (1st March): 95.5kg (210.5 pounds)
    Goal Weight (1st April): 90kg (198.4 pounds)

    1st March: 95.5kg (210.5 pounds)
    8th March: 93.6kg (206.4 pounds)
    15th March: 93.5kg (206.1 pounds)
    22nd March: 90.6kg (199.7 pounds)
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -2.9kg (6.4 pounds)
    Weight lost/gained this month: -4.9kg (10.8 pounds)

    Successes/struggles this week:
    1st March: In Feb lost 3.3kg (7.3 pounds) and started the whole 30 diet 5 days ago. Always struggle with over eating.
    8th March: Had some good losses even with massively over eating for two days. Still doing the Whole30 but definitely haven't been getting enough sleep which is making everything seem like such a bit effort to complete.
    15th March: Keeping to the Whole30 but still massively over eating on the weekend which shows with this weeks poor results.
    22nd March: Still keeping with the Whole30 and saw huge results this week, probably a lot of water weight loss but I'll take it. Finishing the Whole 30 in 3 days hopefully I learn from it and make better choices in the future.
  • M3Kindschi
    M3Kindschi Posts: 72 Member

    Start Weight (1st March):128.4
    Goal Weight (1st April):124.5

    1st March:128.4
    8th March:128
    15th March:127
    22nd March:124.2
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: ALMOST 3 pounds LOST
    Weight lost/gained this month:4 pounds LOST!

    Successes/struggles this week: YIP YIP HOORAY!!! :smile:
  • WayneBradt
    WayneBradt Posts: 69 Member
    Name: Wayne
    Height: 5'10"

    Start Weight (1st March):213.7 lbs.
    Goal Weight (1st April): 199 lbs.

    1st March: 213.7 lbs.
    8th March: 209.2 lbs.
    15th March: 208.6 lbs.
    22nd March: 209 lbs.
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: +0.4 lbs.
    Weight lost/gained this month: -4.7 lbs.

    Successes/struggles this week:
  • amymcd
    amymcd Posts: 20 Member
    Name: amy
    Age: 54
    Height: 5' 8"

    Start Weight (1st March): 177
    Goal Weight (1st April):172 or lower

    1st March: 177
    8th March: 177
    15th March: 176
    22nd March: 175.6
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -.4 pounds
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1.4 pound

    Successes/struggles this week: i am so happy to have the scale moving in the right direction. Although the I have not lost much yet, it is going the right way, and I will keep at it. I have been satisfied with smaller portions and weighing has really helped, as has pre-planning.

  • ae92jay
    ae92jay Posts: 153 Member
    Name: Joe
    Age: 35
    Height: 5'1.5

    Start Weight (1st March): 153 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st April): 143 lbs

    1st March: 153 lbs
    8th March: 150 lbs
    15th March:152 lbs
    22nd March:154 lbs
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: +2 lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month: +1lbs

    Successes/struggles this week:
    I have not been feeling good emotionally, physically, spiritually for over a month now.
  • healthy_life2015
    healthy_life2015 Posts: 215 Member
    Name: Katie
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'7.5"

    Start Weight (1st March):168
    Goal Weight (1st April):160

    1st March: 168
    8th March: 166
    15th March: 164
    22nd March: 161
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight loss/ gained this week: -3 lb
    Weight loss/ gained this month: -7 lb

    Successes this week: Still doing a great job resisting temptations! This week we had a yummy Mexican catered lunch and 2 (!!) cakes. I fully enjoyed my lightened up Mexican lunch and no cake and didn't feel weighed down like everyone else! Last night we went to a fun upscale sports bar with sinfully delicious food. My friends ordered pizza, fancy and delicious tater tots, and other goodies, my boyfriend had chicken and waffles, and I had...a beet salad! Only one beer for me as well. My salad was small, but I was proud of my choices. I do not need to eat to have fun! That is my new mantra.

    Also have to mention that I hit my 20 lb goal this week (162)! I'm not sure what my ultimate goal weight is, but I'm guessing that I am close to half way there now :)

    Struggles this week: Just like last week, working out has been a struggle for me this week. I skipped three days and on Friday reached out to my boyfriend and MFP friends for help. I was going to get started back on Saturday but decided on Friday, no, today is still in my control so I did my video Friday evening. It is amazing how much harder it is (physically not mentally) to work out in the evening, and I struggled HARD. It was terrible but I am proud of myself for doing it. This week I am back and WILL wake up every morning and just do it!!!
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Name: Candice
    Age: 38
    Height: 5'10"

    Start Weight (1st March): 192.2
    Goal Weight (1st April): 185

    1st March: 192.2
    8th March: 190
    15th March: 186.5
    22nd March: 185.4
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -1.1
    Weight lost/gained this month: -6.8

    Successes/struggles this week:
    15 Mar - Reached my very 1st goal, to get to a BMI of 27
    22 Mar - Eating out twice this week at waaay over goal slowed my progress
  • khalinel
    khalinel Posts: 27

    Start Weight (1st March): 208
    Goal Weight (1st April): 199

    1st March: 208
    8th March: 204.8
    15th March: 207.8
    22nd March:203.2
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -4.6
    Weight lost/gained this month: -4.8
    Successes/struggles this week: Still retaining a lot of water - it's actually visible now, mostly because I'm not drinking enough of it. Either way, I lost back the weight from last week and then some so I'm happy enough with that.
  • MattMMorrissey
    MattMMorrissey Posts: 14 Member
    Name: Matt

    Start Weight (3/01/15):202
    Goal Weight (1st April):188

    1st March:202
    8th March:198
    15th March:193
    22nd March: 190
    29th March:
    1st April:

  • jwilkinsong
    jwilkinsong Posts: 20 Member

    Name: Julie
    Age: 58
    Height: 5'2

    Start Weight (1st March): 137.4
    Goal Weight (1st April): 132

    1st March:137.4
    8th March: 137
    15th March: 134
    22nd March: 134
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 0
    Weight lost/gained this month: 3.4

    Successes/struggles this week: retaining water weight...need to watch the sodium...ugh!
  • fbcarlson
    fbcarlson Posts: 283 Member
    Name: Eric
    Age: 47
    Height: 6'

    Start Weight (1st March): 372.6
    Goal Weight (1st April): 350

    1st March: 372.6
    8th March: 369.2
    15th March: 359.0
    22nd March: 364.0
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: +5
    Weight lost/gained this month: 8.6

    Successes/struggles this week: Had a terrible week. Roller coaster emotional week and I allowed it to lead to my old habits again. New week this week.
  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 183 Member
    Name: Nadine
    Age: 49
    Height: 5ft 6in

    Start Weight (1st March): 135.8 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st April): 130 lbs

    1st March: 135.8 lbs
    8th March: 134.2 lbs
    15th March: 134.2 lbs
    22nd March: 132.8 lbs
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 0.14 lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month:
  • cdcruizer05
    cdcruizer05 Posts: 1,006 Member
    edited March 2015
    Name: Chad
    Age: 28
    Height: 6' 0

    Start Weight (1st March): 328
    Goal Weight (1st April): 308

    1st March: 328
    8th March: 323
    15th March: 320
    22nd March:318
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week: overall lost 4, gained 2 back
    Weight lost/gained this month: -10

    Successes/struggles this week: ate too much pasta again last night, ugh before my weigh in day...ran a 5k, and then ran another 3 miles...
  • fejiofor
    fejiofor Posts: 373 Member
    Name: Fejiofor
    Age: 31
    Height:170 cm

    Start Weight (1st March): 104.2
    Goal Weight (1st April):99

    1st March:104.2kg
    8th March: 103.9kg
    16th March:103.5kg
    23rd March:104.4kg
    29th March:
    1st April:

    Weight lost/gained this week:0.9kg
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week: no soda drinks diet went well, did my walking and did some exercises.
    struggles: i don't know what went wrong but i added, guess my 99 kg goal is now an illusion. my ovulation and pom messing with my weight.