"You're too skinny!" Do others ever make you question your maintenance weight?



  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    edited March 2015
    My neighbor feels the need to make this comment every time she sees me. Last night I was putting out the trash and she says something about me "disappearing", but mostly its the skinny comments that drives me effing crazy. Not only am I NOT skinny, but I do not even aspire to BE skinny. I've told her this a million times, but she just doesn't get it. I've been at this weight for almost 2 years, so I don't understand why she feels she needs to continue making comments about my weight. Whew...needed to get that off my chest. Thanks.

    ETA: I should add that she moved in with her mother a couple of years ago and have since put on quite a bit of weight, so I don't know if that is why she does this.
  • TracyV125
    TracyV125 Posts: 100 Member
    I am 5'4" and 148 (down from 252)

    I just had to say.....Wow and job well done!!! You look fabulous!!!!

  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    I used to get it before I gained a few more pounds and my response was always "Nope. My doctor says this is my healthiest weight."
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    I have had more than one person say this me, while being overweight (obviously) themselves. My response (usually in my head, occasionally out loud) is "Really? Hmm.. Well, since we are being honest with each other, you could stand to lose a few pounds. You know, cause I am concerned about your health too. How about we meet in the middle somewhere?"

    Lol... Amazing how offended they get when someone comments on their "unhealthy" weight, but have no issues commenting on (what they perceive to be) my "unhealthy" weight.

    And I am 5'5', 130 pounds at 17% body fat. I weigh a lot more than they think, and its all muscle :) I dont give a rats *** what they think. I am strong as ***. ANd I will undoubtedly outlive them.
  • Vossii
    Vossii Posts: 45 Member
    Isn't it sad that people think that a healthy weight is too thin? Look around, practically everyone is overweight! THAT is not healthy. Good for you on knowing your body and what feels good. I know that if I lost that much weight I would be ecstatic. It is all about a strong mind and a strong will to make your body change. It says a lot about you. Don't worry what anyone else says.
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    Someone said that to me once. I just ignored it. I am no where near to skinny. I am 5'1'' and 130ish pounds. I think with me I have gotten a lot leaner. I have added a lot more running into my weekly workouts and not to mention the time I work with my trainer. I am good with my weight right now. I am wearing a size 2-4 so I am happy and healthy. You have to find what is good for your body and as my trainer says "where you body finds it happy and healthy place."

    So basically I just smile and go for a run. :smile:
  • Wingg_
    Wingg_ Posts: 395 Member
    I've been maintaining for over a year now and I still do get thaws comments. People will say 'stop dieting! You're too skinny', even after I've told them that I'm not dieting anymore. Now I'll just give up. I'll just smile and say 'I'm within the healthy weight range'
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    I can't wait for someone to tell me I am too skinny... lol :D but seriously I hope after reading some of these comments I have never said that anyone ever.
  • nancyat60
    nancyat60 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank Goodness I found these comments You'all make me feel so normal I am a 5 feet 6 inches tall and weigh 128 pounds and want to be 120 My sister and best friend are driving me nuts The stupid part is I weighed about that for decades until change of life set in I do need to get in better shape as I am not very active But please Give me a break Sometimes I think they do not know what normal looks like
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    I find that its either all or nothing. some people don't comment at all - in which case I think what's wrong with you? haven't you noticed how fabulous I am??!! I then get the 'don't loose too much' comments but I think they come from a place of love. Thats just people saying 'you used to be really fat and now you're fab!!' but not really knowing how to say it.

    I got told by a girl I don't know in my boxing class that I had lost loads of weight and am looking good. It was so good to hear because it came from someone who understands weight loss and training. She knows that I know I used to be fat, it's no secret! It comes as no surprise to me that I have lost weight. I waved goodbye to each and every pound personally!

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    arahn777 wrote: »
    I haven't ever posted before, but appreciate the support that this forum offers and want to get in on it! Lately, I've been in need of support from those who understand the struggles of weight loss and maintenance.

    Since the fall of 2013, I went from 180lbs to 125lbs (female, 5'6") and have been maintaining at 125 (+/- 2lbs) for the past 6 months. As time goes on, I have gotten more and more serious about exercise and specifically running. I really enjoy seeing where my body can take me and it's motivating to break my personal records and times while running.

    In the process, my body fat percentage has dropped to around 18% and while I am happy with the way I look, a lot of people around me keep making comments like "you're too skinny" or "you had better not lose any more weight". It's not just 1 or 2 people either -- it's many of those I am close to and even family members. It really makes me second guess myself and question whether I have some kind of body dysmorphia or eating disorder even though I am within the healthy range for BMI and I eat between 1800-2300 calories/day (depending on how much I work out).

    Has anyone else dealt with this? How do you respond to comments like this?

    After losing roughly 200 lbs., I get it all the time. Like you, I am also more serious about eating correctly and exercise.

    I know several things for a fact:

    My weight is within the medically recommended range for my height / age; My rheumatologist and cardiologist are thrilled with my success and were aware of what I was doing / eating. They had actually been recommending surgery; My wife is happy; and most importantly – I am happier with myself and all the benefits I have reaped.

    In general, I keep weight-loss “details” to a minimum and simply say “thank-you” if I get a compliment.

    With regards, to “too skinny” comments I reiterate that I am well within norms and where my doctors want me to be – that usually ends the conversation.

  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    My boss is on a kick now of telling me, "you need to be careful, you are getting really thin through the face" or "I don;t think you need to lose more, you look great". I am convinced she is doing this because she lost weight last year on a newspaper challenge and gained it back and can't stand it that I am successful and that she isn't the "skinny" nurse anymore!
  • mjglantz
    mjglantz Posts: 498 Member
    I've been getting this for a while. I'm 5'8" and now weigh around 138-140 and at lunch a friend said "you should gain a few pounds." I get it a lot and usually just smile and say "thanks for your feedback. I feel great!"
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    mjglantz wrote: »
    I've been getting this for a while. I'm 5'8" and now weigh around 138-140 and at lunch a friend said "you should gain a few pounds." I get it a lot and usually just smile and say "thanks for your feedback. I feel great!"

    Same stats as you, except i cant seem to get under 140lbs.

    A lot of people here have said tell them your doctor says you're ok or in the right weight bracket. I have tried that one to no avail. These people have a bloody answer to everything! lol
    I get, "well its not the right weight for YOU" or "doctors don't know everything".

    It's ok, it's only my mum,sister and hubby that say it, i can grin and bear it
  • lauries8888
    lauries8888 Posts: 70 Member
    mjglantz wrote: »
    I've been getting this for a while. I'm 5'8" and now weigh around 138-140 and at lunch a friend said "you should gain a few pounds." I get it a lot and usually just smile and say "thanks for your feedback. I feel great!"

    Same stats as you, too. But my entire family is 5'2" and size 2s so I will always be the big'un, no matter how much I weigh. <sigh> No one has ever told me that I am too skinny.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    This happened to me recently. I've lost 20lbs and my husband made the comment of "You're not going to be able to lose anymore. It's genetics. You're already skinny enough for your body type, your body naturally isnt going to let you lose more."

    I had to stop for a second and ask myself who gave him the RD in Dietary Nutrition, because as far as I knew he worked on computers, not metabolisms.

    It really upset me and threw me off, but I'm getting back on track now.

    bahaha...i can't wait until you lose more and can be all like "ok...so what other bro science would you like to try to sell me on?"

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    This happened to me recently. I've lost 20lbs and my husband made the comment of "You're not going to be able to lose anymore. It's genetics. You're already skinny enough for your body type, your body naturally isnt going to let you lose more."

    I had to stop for a second and ask myself who gave him the RD in Dietary Nutrition, because as far as I knew he worked on computers, not metabolisms.

    It really upset me and threw me off, but I'm getting back on track now.

    bahaha...i can't wait until you lose more and can be all like "ok...so what other bro science would you like to try to sell me on?"

    My hubby said that i'm not ever going to be able to lose my belly, after all I'm not 20 anymore!! I agree with him, in that it wont go from diet alone, to get a completely flat tummy the gym and weight room is in my future :s

  • 64mustangsue
    64mustangsue Posts: 27 Member
    I get that from my Mom of all people. The same person who told me I was getting heavy. Can't win. I am 5' 1/2" and 102lbs. Just keep reminding her I weighed 98lbs when I got married and she didn't think I was to skinny then.