Thread for Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety, other?



  • 39in39
    39in39 Posts: 32 Member
    I was a group fitness instructor when all of this started

    Me too! I feel like a different being walking into a different world when I go into gyms now.
  • 24Sept
    24Sept Posts: 178 Member
    Hang in there.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Gosh a lot of pills. If you have mild depression, then I would suggest that exercise can really be a big help to get you back on track as its a way to take a part of your life and normalise it. Try and keep a little bit of yourself for you and protect it.
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    I was on Celexa but for me it wasn't very effective. I find that exercise helps and practicing positive thinking. I know that sounds simplistic, but for me it works better than medication.
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    Has anyone found a book that they thought was helpful in battling their depression?
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
  • edises1
    edises1 Posts: 13 Member
    I just wanted to put this out there. I moderate a NAMI Connections meeting each week. That stands for the National Alliance For the Mentally Ill. I'm on 5 meds. Nothing has been as successful for me as diet and exercise. This new life style began just 2 months ago. Now I have even more to offer to my peers that attend our group. We all have something to offer. I will always have bi-polar disorder and PTSD. Join a group, they are all over the place. Get support and give support. Share how your healthy lifestyle has impacted your fight.

  • 39in39
    39in39 Posts: 32 Member
    I never thought about a support group. How does one find a group?
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    I would love to get some support. I'm not a drama queen. I'm not a special snowflake. Just need some help.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    Usually you can find support groups by 1st trying to call some mental health hospitals in your area. Also, do a Google search and be kind of specific. Psychology Today has some good groups here in Jacksonville, FL. A lot of them are ran by licensed people, not just other people with mental health problems. There's a big difference in a group that's run by someone with a degree and education. These types of groups are usually better focused and managed. Some groups ran by ordinary people with mental health issues tend to get way off track and you get a lot of people just complaining about their issues and problems and the group isn't that focused on helpful ideas. Try some groups out and see which ones are a fit for you.
  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    I'm Amy. I'm 51 and have been dealing with lots of psychological issues/problems for most of my life. I"m Dx with anxiety disorder, chronic PTSD, schizoaffective DO, and DID (dissociative identity disorder--used to be called MPD...multiple personality disorder). All stress really exacerbates all my psychological problems. Also with chronic PTSD and DID, stress brings on a lot of mental problems. Stress also sends my schizoaffective DO into states of paranoia, and I definitely then can't handle managing much. With my DID, stress causes other "parts" or alters to come out and function for me. I have no idea what goes on when I have parts or alters out functioning for me or taking care of things for me. I also have lots years of my life with my DID. There has been so much abuse and so many times I was trying to just survive and live until the next day, that I just dissociated all that out. Alters were out taking what ever all was going on that was so horrible and each alter that i have holds their own memories and it is too stressful for them to talk about it. They came out and formed to help me cope and they are all still with me, inside.

    I've noticed a lot of people on here have depression, anxiety Dx's, and some BPD. I hope everyone can find the best ways to cope for yourself. Coping is a big problem with mental illnesses. I wish the best for everyone.