That was how many calories??? Guess I should check BEFORE I eat. :)



  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Naan Bread which is listed as half a bread is a full serving. So for a little pita looking thing is 190 cals for HALF! I was having 2 of those, with butter! Over 800 cals!
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    The amount of calories doesn't surprise me anymore...I just try to fit it in my diary...but.... the amazing high numbers of salt kills it for me.

    I just cant have that much salt. My BP sky rocket and my body literally blows up for 2 days. Even with a lot of water. Besides that my doc. goes bananas when he sees my excel sheet with food lol

    Really a shame because i follow "as long as it fits in my calorie allowance" life style.
    But eat no added salt or added sugars ( for medical reasons)

    So when i eat out, on rare occasions, i pay big time for it. Not even worried about the fluctuations or weight when i do, because i know i stay on track all the way. But health wise it is just crazy that restaurants, fast food centers, and ready to go meals use so much salt....well for me that is lol

  • spinnerdell
    spinnerdell Posts: 233 Member
    When I first started tracking my calories, casually thrown-together salads put me over my limit more than once. How many calories can a few little tidbits have? Quite a few, I found out. Pre-logging has served me well since then.
  • AndiJH
    AndiJH Posts: 84 Member
    My weakness....milkshakes. Most small 12oz milkshakes are upwards of 750-800 calories
  • auntyp147
    auntyp147 Posts: 38 Member
    Dry roasted almonds - 1 serve is 8 individual almonds (not even a handful - unless your a toddler! ) 1 serve = 182 calories. :\
  • NewTnme
    NewTnme Posts: 258 Member
    My_Butt wrote: »
    I always pre log everything to escape that problem. For instance, my dinner, lunch and snacks have already been out in my diary and I haven't even eaten my breakfast yet. It frees up your mind for the day to concentrate on other things besides counting calories.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    jenmovies wrote: »
    qwikstreet wrote: »
    I guess once a week it is ok to splurge.
    I read in an article a while back that even if you eat fast food (or in our case, go over your calories) once per week, you can gain a couple of pounds a year. After 30 years, that can be a lot of weight! It doesn't seem fair at all, does it? :'(

    That's totally wrong. Going over your calories once a week is not a big deal at all if your weekly calories are still at or under maintenance.
  • deamacgray
    deamacgray Posts: 13 Member
    I went to Freshii, which looked like a clean-eating, whole foods restaurant for lunch one day and ordered the Metaboost Wrap. I thought I made a great decision because it had spinach, kale, edamame, almonds,field greens, goat cheese (yum!) with a balsamic vinaigrette... Plus the name 'Metaboost' convinced me it was going to recharge my body with super nutrients! Well, it was delicious but it was also 888 calories!!! On a 1200 calorie a day limit, I was devastated when I realized I used my calories for the day!
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    cadbury cream egg mcflurry. My husband thought we deserved a treat and i thought it's soo small, maybe 400-500 calories. I knew it wasn't healthy or low cal. NOPE 800 calories of delicious guiltiness haha. Lesson learned. I generally prelog everything when i can..
  • kazminchu
    kazminchu Posts: 250 Member
    Basically anything from Starbucks. It's my guilty pleasure when we go on roadtrips, we'll always stop and have 'road coffee'.
    I've now become that person who orders a 'skinny cappuccino with sugar free hazelnut syrup'.
    I never thought I'd order skinny ANYTHING, but I'm not wasting ~300 calories on a drink!
  • ccam99
    ccam99 Posts: 119 Member
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    Dinner at Texas Roadhouse last night over 1,000 calories. I thought I was ordering well until I added it all up.

    Mmmmm. Texas Roadhouse. Love their salmon.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    jenmovies wrote: »
    qwikstreet wrote: »
    I guess once a week it is ok to splurge.
    I read in an article a while back that even if you eat fast food (or in our case, go over your calories) once per week, you can gain a couple of pounds a year. After 30 years, that can be a lot of weight! It doesn't seem fair at all, does it? :'(

    That's so wrong it's not even funny...especially when you consider that your calorie goals with MFP are a huge deficit from your maintenance calories.

    I maintained for over a year and a half before my bulk and I had plenty of days where I was over...the human body is actually extremely adaptable where energy balance is concerned. To gain weight you have to consistently over-eat just as to lose weight you have to consistently under-eat.
  • ccam99
    ccam99 Posts: 119 Member
    edited March 2015
    PearlAng wrote: »
    ccam99 wrote: »
    I had a BLT for breakfast today from Wawa thinking it may not be that many calories considering the lettuce and tomato but wow when I logged it in it came up to 450 calories. I did add cheese which I never do at home and I guess I should have left it off. Have you eaten anything and then shook your head when you realized how many calories it cost you?
    I love Wawa BLTs :smiley: I eat at least one a week

    I haven't had one there in a long while and it was delicious! I tried Rutters once and arghh. Their food is terrible.

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I mentioned this yesterday in a similar thread... My husband brought home a medium banana split milk shake. Nom Nom Nom..

    Went to log it after dinner and it was 950 calories and it was called a MILKQUAKE and not a milk shake...

    It should have come with the words MILKQUAKE on the cup (it did not) along with bells and horns, whistles and alarms after you inserted the straw.. LOL
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I hate the WAWA BLT's cause cheese has no business on a BLT or a club. They put it on both. I do love WAWA in general though.

    I ordered fish tacos from Joe's crab shack. Usually fish tacos are a pretty safe bet. These were even grilled, but when I looked them up they were still like 1,000 calories. Not sure how they managed that.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    A Starbucks white chocolate (Canada) that was 1100 calories, almost a days worth of calories when I'm cutting weight, without the nutritional benefits.
  • ccam99
    ccam99 Posts: 119 Member
    You can order the BLT w/o cheese but I did leave it on yesterday. At home I would never think of putting it on my BLT's either. They also told me that I could switch the lettuce for spinach leaves but just need to tell them after I put my order in.
  • lemertsedlak
    lemertsedlak Posts: 4 Member
    Fish tacos at a Mexican restaurant. I thought "that sounds pretty good for you" until I looked it up- 2200 calories and the highest thing on the menu. I was so sad. :-(
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    alcohol. I just want to sit down and enjoy a beer or a glass of wine, but I also try and prelog everything so that I know what I am getting into for the day. For example today I have logged everything except dinner, and i have approximately 400 calories for dinner but I need to get some more protein in.

    As far as eating out is concerned, I look ahead and pick something that sounds yummy. If it is 1200 calories, I'll ask for a box and put 2/3 in the box right away, and then I have dinner for 2 more nights. I'm not worried about it being exact because over the course of the week it's the total number of calories that maters.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    BLT with cheese.... Shouldn't that be called something else?

    Maybe BLTC..
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    lindsayh87 wrote: »
    SueInAz wrote: »
    Yeah, I've done this, too many times to count, really. I think one of the things that really surprised me, though, was the fact that two slices of bread or a hamburger roll are usually upwards of 200 calories. It's gotten to the point that I eat lunch meat without bread and a hamburger patty without a bun most of the time. I'd rather use those 200+ calories on something better.

    Check out Aunt Millie's light breads! They have whole wheat and oatmeal breads with 35 calories per slice. They also make buns with about 110 calories each! The bread is pretty tasty too!

    Looks like Aunt Millie's is a brand marketed in the Midwest... never see it out West here! That said, we have "Natures Harvest". At 40 calories and 6 grams of protein a slice it offers a great nutritional bread option. Not to mention, it tastes great too!

  • pdank311
    pdank311 Posts: 137 Member
    ccam99 wrote: »
    I'm not that organized yet, lol

    It comes with time and repetition. Just off hand, since I make them quite often, I know mine roughly come out to this.
    4 slice bacon 160c
    2 slice mancini bread roughly 210 depending on weight
    mayo 70c
    Lettuce / Tomato... well somewhere near 20-30c. I'm never so close with my cal's that I'm super accurate with veggies as a sammich topping.
    So what's that 470 with no cheese.

    Yeah I was mind blown at first but coming up on 3 years of doing this, it's pretty easy to add stuff up in your head.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Hot chocolate always surprises me-especially when it's one that tasted really weak and watery yet mfp says it has 300 or 400 cals regardless
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    aylajane wrote: »
    I use rice cakes in place
    lindsayh87 wrote: »
    SueInAz wrote: »
    Yeah, I've done this, too many times to count, really. I think one of the things that really surprised me, though, was the fact that two slices of bread or a hamburger roll are usually upwards of 200 calories. It's gotten to the point that I eat lunch meat without bread and a hamburger patty without a bun most of the time. I'd rather use those 200+ calories on something better.

    Check out Aunt Millie's light breads! They have whole wheat and oatmeal breads with 35 calories per slice. They also make buns with about 110 calories each! The bread is pretty tasty too!

    I use rice cakes in place of bread all the time. The buttered popcorn flavor just adds salt/butter taste and crunch to anything for just 35 calories. I put PBJ with whipped cream on it, hot ham and cheese with bbq sauce, pizza sauce and pepperoni, etc.

    ANd bonus for me since I am terrible at grocery shopping - bread molds before I ever get halfway through it (sometimes before I even open it...), but those rice cakes are like styrofoam and last forever so I can just stock up. Luckily I have low standards for food :)

    If you plan to toast your bread... try storing it in your freezer and thawing it before use... I can't tell any difference in frozen verses fresh when I toast it!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Pretty much anything from wawa is going to run you over 4/500 calories- I'm not really sure what the 'surprise' is here.

    Their Tuna Wraps are like 450- and they are TINY. Ridiculous- but not surprising.
    I tend to grab hard boiled eggs and a cheese- or a yogurt- just safer.

    Yeppers- just pre-log all the things- you'll be fine- and it's not really about organization- almost everyone has a smart phone- use the app- it's easy- I log everything I pack for the day and what I plan to eat at night that AM- either over my morning coffee or once I get to work.

    I takes less time than checking facebook.
  • Fluffy_Angel
    Fluffy_Angel Posts: 6 Member
    Went to Zaxby's and looked on my phone at their menu/calories - the chicken platter (which I normal ordered in the past) was 1249 calories... choke choke.. I ended up with the Blue Salad, blackened chicken w/ no dressing (I'm weird like that, don't really like dressing on salads) was 649 calories. BIG EYE opener for me!!!!

    Also, something funny as I was eating it the salad I stirred it around a bit and told my husband "wow, it has blue cheese crumbles on the salad!" He politely, trying not to be a smarty pants and said "It is a BLUE salad" using his fingers to quote blue... looked at him and had my blonde moment.. oh yeah... DUH. Anyways it was yummy!!

  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    everything I don;t make myself and even some of the things I do

    same with sodium, 2 tbsp of ketchup has how many mg of sodium? 40 cals 280 mg sodium
  • Kasey_Ford
    Kasey_Ford Posts: 38 Member
    Yesterday, ice cream. I was all like, just this one thing won't matter (til I logged it)! Yikes!!!
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    I've learned this too much... I usually make the mistake of eating it again... lol. But I've decided to never eat at DQ or Perkins EVER again, and my beloved Angry Orchard... why do you have to be 210 calories a pop?! Because you can never have only 1 Angry Orchard. :( I'm so bad.. I need to clean my ish up because it kills having to workout an hour or two just to indulge in my bad habits. I mean, I'll still workout but I'd rather it go towards getting rid of the fat instead of just zeroing out something bad I chose to put in my body. :( This means no eating out... unless it's Jason's Deli salad bar... lol.
  • selena_teresa
    selena_teresa Posts: 110 Member
    davidcliff wrote: »
    Made that mistake the first week on MFP. Coaching at a swim meet and someone asked if I wanted a coffee from Caribou, not thinking I said sure Lg Turtle Mocha, POW! 710cal, ouch

    Ha! That happened to me when I got the white chocolate Mocha From Starbucks after an hour walk on my lunch break- 370 calories. Should have gotten the caramel macchiato. I make sure I look things up now.

    I like to order a Grande Cafe Mocha, no whip and non fat and it works out to be 220 calories, but has 13g of protein so I figure its a pretty good treat. :)