Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    I didn't like how I looked in photos and my clothes didn't fit any more. It was depressing. Everything fits now, including a pair of size 6 jeans from 6 or 7 years ago.
  • SabrinaLovesPandora
    SabrinaLovesPandora Posts: 33 Member
    My favorite thing to wear used to be leggings, jeggings or tights. Those were the ONLY bottoms I wore. No jeans, no shorts.

    For almost a year straight of only wearing those 3 types of bottoms, I tried to get back into my size 1 jeans...

    To find out that I could only fit in size 7 to 9

    Being 5'3 and small framed all my life, that really was my "I see the light moment."

    After that, I've been really making an effort to not only lose weight, but to get healthier overall.
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    I was regularly eating entire medium pizzas on payday from pizza hut, and then the seam ripped in the fly of my favorite shorts. It was time for a wake up call.
  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    I had lost a bunch of weight (75 lbs in 07/08) kept all of it off for a few years, then gained 30 back then stayed there for a for years. Then over the last two years gained another 25 lbs back. I am still down 20 lbs from my highest. I keep meaning to do something about it. I am 5'9 and right now 207 lbs. Highest was 227 and at goal I was 152. So it makes my BMI just above 30 right now and I am 42.

    But then last week I started to feel off. And one night before bed I had this odd feeling I might have a heart attack in the middle of the night. Weird body feel slight pain in chest and back pain. I sent a text to my kido who was on a trip just saying I love you(just in case) and tried to brush it off. I also didn't tell my husband what I was feeling.

    When I woke up in the morning I thought about the fact that it seemed possible to me that I could be having a heart attack. I also thought about my kid. It is my job to make sure I do everything in my power to insure he has a healthy mom.

    I would love to look better again. I was very proud of what I achieved before. I have always looked young for my age and at goal I got a lot of compliments on how I looked even from people who never knew I was heavy. But really right now in my 40's hitting the early part of what is called Peri-medopause (which sucks girls I am not going to lie) this feel like is is life or death even though I am heavy but not morbidly obese. And even though I am under where I started in 2007. I would not be surprised if I was also mildly pre-diabetic.

    I decided to add MFP along with WW (I may drop WW we will see) and I am running again.
  • drewst18
    drewst18 Posts: 8 Member
    Whenever the topic of pant size would come up I would say 36.
    Then I had to go shopping for a wedding, grab 36 and couldn't even try to get em on. 38 I ripped trying on, couldn't fit in the 40 either so I bought the 36 and hoped that by the wedding I'd fit into them.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited March 2015
    Extreme marital stress, death in family, starting to run just to relieve all the stress then realized I have lost about 40lbs. Side effect of a bunch of stress for me is not much of a appetite. I never really intended to loose weight. I would not advise my path to anyone. I am doing well now and maintaining eating healthy exercising regularly.
  • shopdrop1980
    shopdrop1980 Posts: 7 Member
    When my husband wanted to take me out to dinner and I had a complete anxiety attack in front of my kids and him cause I was too upset to go in public and people see me. I work midnights in a home and stay in my place and sleep or hide all day. That was March 14. Started March 15. Never want to feel like that again.
  • lesliewalker108
    lesliewalker108 Posts: 61 Member
    PRE DIABETES! The doctor told me I was pre diabetic and I was like , no way!
    cant be ! and seeing 214 pounds on the scale ( im only 5"2). Seeing way too many people die from diabetes. And I refuse to die from something that I have control over.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    My "fat" clothes were tight and the next size up was going to be plus sized.
    My mother died of undiagnosed diabetes.
    My cellulite on my thighs compounds so much I think my thighs were/are almost just cellulite =/
    My stomach was starting to get bigger (pear shaped and I have a fat butt and thighs no matter what, yes I know... I need to lift).
    I was beginning to get acid indigestion.
    I was beginning to have to go to the bathroom all the time (urinary tract).

    25 with all that... nope it was time to lose the weight. So I lost 40 pounds from 25-26. I gained almost 10 pounds back and am losing it again. I have a range I like to stay in: 130-135
  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    MirryhaD wrote: »
    The Dr. says my BMI is Obese for my height, my entire family is huge, diabetes and cancer run as thick as the Nile in my family, I want to be able to wear a swim suit and not want to hide, and above all none of my pants fit the way I want them to...

    I can't wait til my BMI is in the healthy range.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    It might sound superficial, but I'm going on a vacation to the Dominican Republic and want to look good in a bikini. Unfortunately my self esteem is so low that I probably am not going to think I look good in a bikini no matter what! I'm hopen to at least lessen that feeling.
  • stinegulliksen
    stinegulliksen Posts: 39 Member
    I´ve always been overweight, used to fluctuate 10 lb up and down. The last 2 years, after moving away from home, I´ve been eating way too much candy and fatty foods, and som I never went back down to my lowest weight, and continued to slowly gain weight.
    I hid my scale last year, and finally stepped back on it a little over a month ago. I was 20lb heavier than what I was the last time I stepped on the scale. I´d gained 20 lb in about 5 months! It was the shock I needed. I´ve lost about 12 lb since then!
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 507 Member
    I'd been half heartedly trying to lose weight for years, I was going to hit 40, then 50. I was getting remarried, etc. When I went from being prediabetic to full blown diabetic and was put on insulin, I knew it was time to get serious. I had a new husband and we wanted to travel, and a grandbaby on the way. I want to live a long time to see her and her sister grow up, and, maybe, actually get to do some traveling with my husband.
  • nealsland
    nealsland Posts: 18 Member
    I really blossomed over the winter. I typically have to use the last hole on my belt and unbutton the top of my pants. I got to the point that even that was uncomfortable and had no other bigger clothes so Feb 7th I made a change. 19lbs now and counting :smiley:
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    edited March 2015
    ...and I made the decision when I hit the same clothing size as my very overweight mother...
  • Yahminah
    Yahminah Posts: 3 Member
    I have two daughters (14 and 10) and I realized that my eating habits were negatively affecting them. I decided that I was going to get fit for 2015 and have managed to stick to healthy eating habits and regular exercise for the past 6 weeks. I am happy to say that I have already lost 12 lbs! I have 65 to go!
  • LittleNell107
    LittleNell107 Posts: 71 Member
    I went to my PhD award ceremony and afterwards saw a video of the event - instead of me going up to collect my certificate there was some fat, middle aged woman on the platform!

    Followed closely by a complete stranger (a woman) leaning across the aisle of an aeroplane while we were sitting waiting to take off and asking if I was pregnant... too much...
  • Not getting any younger. After 30 it occurred to me to make the change.
  • therealklane
    therealklane Posts: 2,172 Member
    A lot of things led to it, but the "oh !@$*" moment came when I was finishing my Master's degree and realized how hard I'd worked academically to get the job I wanted in law enforcement, but had done absolutely nothing physically..and at that point I needed to be in tip top shape like yesterday.
  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    Not getting any younger. After 30 it occurred to me to make the change.

    No better time than present to start getting healthy.