I Don't Get Yoga



  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    Yoga is for flexibility and relaxation more than anything. You aren't supposed to be sweating and sore afterward. There are some forms that are more aggressive but you'd probably want to work up to those.

    Not true. If you're challenging yourself with advanced poses, you will most certainly be sweating and sore. I lost a lot of weight doing yoga and loved it from the first class I took. It's fine if you don't, but no need to minimize its benefits and mislead noobs. :)
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    @ elyelyse

    <standing applause> :flowerforyou:
  • busycitystreets
    busycitystreets Posts: 64 Member
    Probably the fact that you're doing it at home by yourself makes it so boring. Try going to a class with other people. Try a hot yoga class. I find regular yoga to be kinda meh, but love hot yoga.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Most of it is for the purposes of engaging your body mind and spirit and living in a more mindful and present manner.

    See, this is what I mean! So before yoga, my body/mind/spirit are NOT engaged? Engaged in, uh, what? Living in a present manner? As if I was living somewhere ELSE before? What does that even mean?? I'm pretty sure someone made that up, because it makes no sense at all, lol. Anyone who's seen "I Heart Huckabees" can maybe relate to how I feel about nonsense Confucio-talk like that. (No personal offense, poster)

    i didn't read all the replies so i apologize if I am being redundant...
    If you are thinking about what you are making for dinner while you exercise, instead of focusing on your breathing and movement, you are not engaged.
    If you are wondering who you can get to babysit for the kids on Saturday night, instead of focusing on the alignment of your body during a yoga pose, you are not living in the present.
    THAT IS THE CHALLENGE of yoga, just as much as any of the physical postures are a challenge.

    Why is that presence of mind so important? lots of reasons. During the practice it's important so that you can get deeply and correctly into the postures without distraction or injury. Once you practice that mind-set during yoga class enough, you take it out of the class with you into your life, and it can help you focus on what you are doing, and teach you to enjoy and appreciate each moment for what it is. It teaches us how to turn our mind from the day to day annoyances that stress us out, to getting work done efficiently. and it teaches us to take a moment and breathe, feel the sun on our faces, or whatever else it is that gives you a sense of peace and quiet, without all the internal chatter of our normal lives.

    You don't have to come to like it, but it's not as silly and "made up" as you think, and there is no need to mock this ancient practice just because you don't understand it.

    ^^^^^^Awesome response!!!!! Well said!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    there is no need to mock this ancient practice just because you don't understand it.
  • I've tried both and actually prefer pilates over yoga. I feel like I'm really engaging my core muscles during pilates and working out versus just relaxing during yoga but I have to say, most people who do yoga regularly or are yoga instructors have amazing arms, flexibility, balance. So, it's gotta be doing something.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    versus just relaxing during yoga

    you are doing it wrong
  • Which is EXACTLY why I said I prefer doing pilates over yoga because obviously my yoga instructor sucked.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Which is EXACTLY why I said I prefer doing pilates over yoga because obviously my yoga instructor sucked.

    yoga is great for inner peace also
  • ExcelDave
    ExcelDave Posts: 59 Member
    If you're worried about cults, give P90X YogaX, or DDP Yoga (YRG) a try! BANG! :D It won't feel like a cult, and you'll work your butt off.