March 2015 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited March 2015
    @stoshew71 Great race, congrats on the PR! - you couldn't find .65 miles to run to get to 200 :wink:
    @csman49 Hope you feel better soon, nutrition and exercise can wait until you are better :smile:
    @honunui love the observation deck. Great picture!
    @dennie24 congrats on hitting your goal

    Congrats to everyone who hit goal with days to spare!

  • harpere87
    harpere87 Posts: 142 Member

    Finished! With two days to spare. I'll go over for once!!
  • GrannyCrayCray
    GrannyCrayCray Posts: 71 Member
    I'm too late to the March 2015 party, and new to running. However, I ran my first ever race (5k fun run) and finished in less than 30 minutes! Had no idea how I would do in 'real' running because since beginning running in late 2014, I have only run at night on a treadmill - my son calls it 'fake' running. Felt great; I am hooked! Looks like I'll be joining y'all for April 2015; so, I better go find one of those super cool running tickers B)
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1 - 12mi, easy
    2 - 8.2mi, easy
    3 - 8.2mi, tempo
    4 - 10mi, easy w/FF
    5 - 8mi, intervals
    6 - 8mi, easy+3.2mi, tempo
    7 - 18mi, easy
    8 - Rest
    9 - 7.2mi, easy
    10 - 6.3mi, easy
    11 - 6.5mi, easy
    12 - Rest
    13 - 5.2mi, easy w/strides
    14 - 3.14mi, easy
    15 - 13.1, race
    16 - 3mi, recovery
    17 - Rest
    18 - 6mi, easy
    19 - 8mi, easy
    20 - 6mi, easy w/strides
    21 - 18mi, easy
    22 - 11mi, easy
    23 - 7mi, easy w/strides
    24 - 8mi, easy
    25 - 12mi, easy w/intervals
    26 - Rest
    27 - 8mi, easy
    28 - 16mi, first 6 easy, last 10 @MP
    29 - 10mi, easy
    30 - 6mi, easy

    Just looked at the numbers, and will hit 243 for the month tomorrow. Nothing I can do about that :)

    Total: 235mi

    Mar goal: 250mi
  • italysharon
    italysharon Posts: 195 Member
    edited March 2015
    March 1: 5 miles Tread mill
    March 2: 5 miles ™
    March 3: 2 miles ™ + strength
    March 4: 5 miles ™ no runners high today
    March 5: Rest
    March 6: 5.5 miles ™
    March 7: skied with the kids at Gunstock
    March 8: nothing
    March 9: 7.75 miles OUTSIDE!
    March 10: Pump
    March 11: Nada
    March 12: 5.3 Miles OUTSIDE! woo hoo, so dam hilly and windy, but felt great :-)
    March 13: Nothing
    March 14: Nothing
    March 15: Nothing
    March 16: 10.25 outside. great!
    March 17: Pump
    March 18: 3.75 outside with friend+ 1 ™
    March 19: nothing
    March 20: 6 miles outside- great run!
    March 21: nothing
    March 22: nothing
    March 23: 4.5 miles outside- windy and tough!
    March 24: 2 miles ™
    March 25: 4.8 slow miles outside with friend
    March 26: 2.2 miles ™ & Pump
    March 27: 2.5 ™
    March 28: Nothing
    March 29: 2.2 miles ™
    March 30: 5.3 miles- outside- I'm done, I'm done, I'm done, I'm done, I'm done! Now on to April!

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    In running related news, I won this cool Timex One GPS watch from Run the Bluegrass. It was a contest for who could run the most 3+ mile training runs from 9 Nov - 22 Mar, and I had 160 runs. It does live tracking, text messaging without a phone, and has 4gb of music storage with Bluetooth headphone capability.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I set up the April Challenge if anyone wants to start declaring their April miles.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited March 2015
    In running related news, I won this cool Timex One GPS watch from Run the Bluegrass. It was a contest for who could run the most 3+ mile training runs from 9 Nov - 22 Mar, and I had 160 runs. It does live tracking, text messaging without a phone, and has 4gb of music storage with Bluetooth headphone capability.

    Nice running jewelry :sunglasses: congrats on winning it. BTW how big is that screen, looks like I can see it without my glasses.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    In running related news, I won this cool Timex One GPS watch from Run the Bluegrass. It was a contest for who could run the most 3+ mile training runs from 9 Nov - 22 Mar, and I had 160 runs. It does live tracking, text messaging without a phone, and has 4gb of music storage with Bluetooth headphone capability.

    Nice running jewelry :sunglasses: congrats on winning it. BTW how big is that screen, looks like I can see it without my glasses.

    Looks like a 2" screen... It's definitely not going to be my everyday runner, but I'll wear it for races and long runs. It's a little heavy :)
  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    edited March 2015
    @SBRRepeat‌, @SonicDeathMonkey80, @Elise4270, @Abakan, @autumnblade75, @Stoshew71, and anyone else I missed excellent racing all of you!
    @dennie24 I love running with my kids, my older daughters are great runners. My youngest kids run with spurts of speed & intervals of walking, but that's how they learn. Keep bringing your son out with you he'll be running the whole 3 miles in no time.
    @_nikkiwolf_ If you can reverse that route it looks like a fun challenge & you can run the rolling downhill side without putting your life or legs in danger.
    @SBRRepeat‌ Getting caught in a hailstorm while running is painful- add the speed of cycling & that must have been awful, I hope you're okay.
    @HonuNui Beautiful moon & great job on the observation deck- all your hard work really paid off!
    @labyars There is walking and there is running. Running on a treadmill is still running, though running out of doors does feel so much better. :)
    @SonicDeathMonkey80- 160 3+mile runs is impressive. I went back and looked I only have 109 in that same time frame even though I ran at least a mile every single day.

  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    __Date___ Miles
    Mar 1 ___ 3.5am 7°F + 6.1pm 26°F + strength training
    Mar 2 ___ 5.7 with friends + 3.6 alone
    Mar 3 ___ 1.4 streak + strength training
    Mar 4 ___ 5.1 with friend + 3.5 alone
    Mar 5 ___ 2.3 + strength training
    Mar 6 ___ 8.8am alone + 4.6pm w/friend
    Mar 7 ___ 3.1
    Mar 8 ___ 12.5 cloudy, then snowy, then sunny all in the same run
    Mar 9 ___ 6.0 w/friends (& another 1.4 with my youngest not included in total.)
    Mar 10 __ 3.1+ strength training
    Mar 11 __ 5.8 + Yoga
    Mar 12 __ 2.2 + strength training
    Mar 13 __ 7.1 + Yoga ***halfway to goal***
    Mar 14 __ 4.6
    Mar 15 __ 1.5 last run for the streak- 203days 1265.6miles (6.2 miles/day)
    Mar 25 __ 6.2 + 1
    Mar 27 __ 6.1
    Mar 28 __ 6.6 snowing
    Mar 30 __ 8.1 snowing again

    Month total= 118.4 running miles __46.6 remaining


  • JustWant2Run
    JustWant2Run Posts: 286 Member
    In running related news, I won this cool Timex One GPS watch from Run the Bluegrass. It was a contest for who could run the most 3+ mile training runs from 9 Nov - 22 Mar, and I had 160 runs. It does live tracking, text messaging without a phone, and has 4gb of music storage with Bluetooth headphone capability.

    It makes your wrist look dainty :p

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    33.7 last week. 128.2 for the month. 1.8 to go, which means, unless something catastrophic happens between now and the time I head out for my run after work, I got this!
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    Yay goal! Congrats to you guys!

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    In running related news, I won this cool Timex One GPS watch from Run the Bluegrass. It was a contest for who could run the most 3+ mile training runs from 9 Nov - 22 Mar, and I had 160 runs. It does live tracking, text messaging without a phone, and has 4gb of music storage with Bluetooth headphone capability.

    It makes your wrist look dainty :p

    That's why I asked what size it was. It's very cool.

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    In running related news, I won this cool Timex One GPS watch from Run the Bluegrass. It was a contest for who could run the most 3+ mile training runs from 9 Nov - 22 Mar, and I had 160 runs. It does live tracking, text messaging without a phone, and has 4gb of music storage with Bluetooth headphone capability.

    It makes your wrist look dainty :p

    That's why I asked what size it was. It's very cool.

    I do have dainty wrists, what can I say :)
  • ShortMrsN
    ShortMrsN Posts: 177 Member
    03/03 - 6.2km
    04/03 - 8.59km
    06/03 - 4.0km
    10/03 - 6.1km
    11/03 - 6.02km
    13/03 - 4.02km
    18/03 - 4.04km
    24/03 - 6.10km
    25/03 - 6.0km
    28/03 - 5.02km
    31/03 - 8.5km

    A near perfect run to finish out the month!! Weather was great, temperature was bang on, gentle breeze appeared at just the right moments to cool me down, I felt good and apart from the track being a bit slippery from last nights rain it couldn't have been better!!!!



  • akirkman86
    akirkman86 Posts: 89 Member
    @labyers Congrats on the 5k and welcome!!

    Super excited.... hit my goal today!!!! And I did 10 miles on Friday, which is the furthest I've done yet.

    We did it! Post-run selfie.


    This is my first month doing the running challenge on the board... thanks for welcoming and supporting me! Off to set my April goal! :-D

    3/2 = 4.56 miles
    3/3 = 2.26 miles
    3/4 = 3.52 miles
    3/5 = rest
    3/6 = 4.51 miles
    3/7 = rest
    3/8 = 8 miles
    3/9 = rest
    3/10 = 5.02 miles
    3/11 = 3 miles
    3/12 = 4.59 miles
    3/13 = rest
    3/14 = rest
    3/15 = 6.41 miles
    3/16 = 2.03 miles
    3/17 = 5.0 miles
    3/18 = 3.58 miles
    3/19 = rest
    3/20 = rest
    3/21 = 7.02 miles
    3/22 = rest
    3/23 = 4.67 mi
    3/24 = 3.37 miles
    3/25 = 3.4 miles
    3/26 = rest
    3/27 = 10.01 miles
    3/28 = rest
    3/29 = rest
    3/30 = 5.68 miles

    Total = 86.63 miles

  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    @fabnine‌ it was pretty small hail. No serious damage done. :wink:

    I did a quick three miles in the park where I first started running today. I moved, so I haven't been back since I finished C25K almost two years ago. It was a surreal experience. This route used to kick my butt. Like, collapse panting and shaking on my front porch, potentially with heat stroke. One lap was less than a mile and a half.

    That "big hill" that I used to struggle up and usually ended up walking? 16 feet of elevation change. 16!

    I can't believe I ran 110 miles (okay, 109.4) this month. At least 4x as much as I could do then...
  • loratliff
    loratliff Posts: 283 Member
    I'm wrapping up March with 66.4 miles, including my first half marathon yesterday. 'Twas a great month—can't wait for April!