March 2015 Running Challenge



  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member

    3/1--Rest day
    3/2--3.32 miles(treadmill)
    3/3--Strength Training
    3/4--3.34 miles(treadmill)
    3/5--Strength Training
    3/6--rest day
    3/7--rest day
    3/8--rest day
    3/9--3.27 miles
    3/10-strength training
    3/11-3.3 miles(treadmill)
    3/12-strength training
    3/14-3.38(week 16 completed)
    3/16-3.12(Outside w/ the Zombies)
    3/17-Strength Training
    3/18-3.16(Outside w/ my Zombie peeps making me drop my supplies because I refuse to start off too fast)
    3/19-Strength training
    3/20-Strength training & 3.33 miles(treadmill)
    3/21-3.34 miles(week 15 completed)
    3/22-rest day
    3/23-4.18 miles(Outside)
    3/24-Strength training
    3/26-Strength training
    3/28-3.14(Glo Run 5k-week 14 completed)
    3/29-rest day
    3/30-3.44 miles(treadmill)
    3/31-strength training

    Congrats to everyone who completed races this month! I'm also sending a big "Whoop! Whoop!" To everyone who set new personal records

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    edited March 2015
    March 1 - 5K - 3rd place in my age group. Not my best time, but happy with it! 29:07
    March 2- rest
    March 3- 5.05 miles and strength training
    March 4 - 5.09 miles
    March 5 - 5.13 miles
    March 6 - strength training
    March 7 - 34 miles Biking - brutal winds today. I couldn’t keep up around the lake.
    March 8 - 71 miles biking. Beautiful day out but that was too long.
    March 9 - rest day
    March 10 - strength training.
    March 11 - 5.2 miles - knee felt fine! So thankful.
    March 12 - 5.2 miles.
    March 13- rest
    March 14 - 10K
    March 15 - 3.3 miles
    March 16 - 4.4 miles
    March 17 - Strength training
    March 18 - 5.0423 miles :)
    March 19- 5.12 miles.
    March 20 - Strength Training
    March 21 - 34 mile bike ride.
    March 22 - 5 mile run; 8 mile biking.
    March 23 - Strength Training
    March 24 - 5.01 miles
    March 25 - Strength Training
    March 26 - 5.5 miles
    March 27 - rest
    March 28 - rest - driving up to visit mom in Virginia
    March 29 - 5.2
    March 30 - 4.1 running; 35 miles biking.
    Bike riding along the Potomac River in Virginia. Oh my gosh… forgot about these things called hills! We hardly have any at home. We rode up to Mount Vernon and of course, George Washington had to live on top of a big hill.

    I was so jealous of every runner we passed! It looks like such a great place to run!!! Twisty, turny, beautiful along the Potomac.

    Tomorrow I may be a little sore! Probably will take a rest day!


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited March 2015
    3/1 - 6.5 miles
    3/2 - 3.9 miles - miserable windy 20 mph with gusts, I hate wind even when it's 100 out LOL
    3/3 - rest day
    3/4 - 6.1 miles a beautiful 64F at 5:30 am when I ran - ran in a tank top. I love Alabama, tonight it will be 25F with a winter storm watch
    3/5 - ice day
    3/6 - ice day
    3/7 - 8.4 miles
    3/8 - lazy day
    3/9 - 3.5 miles
    3/10 - 6.5 miles
    3/11 - 4.4 miles - yes yes yes it's been a bit since I was a sub 10:30 pace...10:27 but hey it's sub 10:30 :smiley: I felt great today! Wish I'd paid better attention to the time, it got way dark and I had to head home. Didn't have my lights with me.
    3/12 - rest day
    3/13 - lazy day LOL
    3/14 - 8.4 miles - cut 4 mins off my time from when I ran this course on 3/7 :-)
    3/15 - 3.5 miles
    3/16 - 4.5 miles
    3/17 - 6.3 miles
    3/18 - planned rest day
    3/19 - 3.5 miles
    3/20 - 3.5 miles
    3/21 - rest day and beach day! Did walk about 3 miles at the outlets :smile:
    3/22 - 5.3 miles Goal!
    3/23 - rest day - went on an air boat ride with Skip and saw some alligators - too fun!
    3/24 - 9.5 miles
    3/25 - rest day
    3/26 - 4.4 miles
    3/27 - rest day
    3/28 - rest day - my thighs were sore and I knew I wanted to run some of my HM course on Sunday so I rested 2 days
    3/29 - 12.1 miles my goofy iPod stopped tracking miles at 3 but I'm sure this is about right. Ran my HM course - I was panicking the other day but now that I ran it, I like it.
    3/30 - 3.1 miles

    103.3 out of 70 miles

  • VintageMatch
    VintageMatch Posts: 49 Member
    03/02 - 2 miles
    03/04 - 2.5 miles
    03/06- 3.1 miles
    03/09 - 3 miles
    03/10- rest
    03/11- 2.5 miles
    03/12- rest day (backyard clean up- 'tis the season, and agility practice)
    03/13- 3 miles... Graduated C25K today!!! At the start of the year I could barely run 90 seconds, now I'm running 30 min straight.
    03/16- 2.5 miles
    03/17- rest day w/ more dog training.
    03/18- 2.5 miles
    03/19- 2 miles(went back and did an interval of running/walking with faster runs) + weight training. Will be out of the gym for four days as I will be at an event. But I will be right back at it on Monday!
    03/23- 2 mile intervals(running as fast as I could for a min) + weight training. Shin is feeling soar after my run so may have over did a bit.
    03/24- arc trainer and weights, shin still sore.
    03/25- rest day(will try for a run tomorrow)
    03/26- 2.5 miles + weight training
    03/30- 2 miles + weight training

    Total 29.5 miles .....Goal 26 miles

    So glad I'm finished! Not sure what my goal for April will be kinda getting board with treadmill running. :(
  • cooter_mom
    cooter_mom Posts: 108 Member
    01/03- rest sick
    02/03- rest still sick
    03/03- 3.6 miles TM
    04/03- 3.74 miles TM
    05/03- 3.84 miles TM
    06/03- 4.08 miles TM
    07/03- 1.4 miles OUTSIDE 3.7 TM
    08/03- rest day
    09/03- 1.5 miles TM
    10/03- 4.25 miles outside on a trail
    11/03- 2.7 miles trail
    12/03- 4.32 miles road
    13/03- 4.48 miles road
    14/03- rest Happy Men's Valentine's Day ;)
    15/03- 4.02 miles TM
    16/03- 4.47 miles road
    17/03- 4.62 miles road
    18/03- rest
    19/03- 2.2 miles road with hubby and the munchkin
    20/03- 4.42 TM incline/speed intervals
    21/03- rest (science fair/going away party out of town)
    22/03- 4.9 miles road with hubby
    23/03- rest
    24/03- 5k walk with a friend
    25/03- rest
    26/03- 5.29 miles road
    27/03- 4.8 miles road
    28/03- cold miserable day at my moms=no run
    29/03- 3.3 miles PR'd
    30/03- 3.47 miles (hard going today)

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    01-Mar - Rest
    02-Mar - 3.16 run
    03-Mar - 2.17 run, 2.18 walk
    04-Mar - 2.59 run
    05-Mar - 2.16 run, 2.11 walk
    06-Mar - surgery
    07-, 08-, 09-, 10-Mar - recuperation
    11-Mar - 1.24 walk
    12-Mar - 2.19 walk, 1.95 walk
    13-Mar - 4.00 walk (dreadmill)
    14-Mar - 3.26 walk
    15-Mar - 2.20 walk, 2.91 walk
    16-Mar - 4.98 walk, 3.02 walk (dreadmill)
    17-Mar - 4.35 walk, 2.59 walk
    18-Mar - 4.60 walk
    19-Mar - 4.25 walk (dreadmill), 1.25 walk (dreadmill)
    20-Mar - 2.36 walk (dreadmill), 2.00 walk (dreadmill)
    21-Mar - 5.40 walk
    22-Mar - Rest
    23-Mar - 6.08 walk (dreadmill)
    24-Mar - 7.21 walk
    25-Mar - 4.08 walk (dreadmill)
    26-Mar - 4.26 walk
    27-Mar - 5.50 walk
    28-Mar - 3.16 RUN!!!!!! First post-surgery. Also 2.60 walk
    29-Mar - 2.15 run
    30-Mar - 3.00 walk (dreadmill)

    Gonna have to give some serious thought to next month's goal....

  • johnsonnelly
    johnsonnelly Posts: 103 Member
    March 1 -Rest
    March 2 - 4 miles
    March 3 - 5.1 miles (furthest run to date)
    March 4-6th - Rest arches, I pulled them jumping rope.
    March 7 - 4 miles OUTSIDE!!! It was so warm here, I was surprised!
    March 8 - 4 miles (plus a hike on the mountain)
    March 9 - 3.1 miles (5k OUTSIDE!!, plus a 2 mile walk and weight training)
    March 10 - 2.25 miles (It was hard to run tonight....)
    March 11 - 3.1 miles (5k)
    March 12 - 3.1 miles (5k, outside and the pace was MUCH different than on the treadmill. It was 9:47 mpm versus the almost 12 that I get on the machine)
    March 13 - 2 miles (night before first 5k race)
    March 14 - 3.1 miles (5k) I feel great about most of my first race! I ran my fastest mile time so far (8:56 mpm) and was on track to *maybe* place but ended up with a side stitch right in the middle that slowed me way down for about 1/2 mile (I need to fine tune what I should eat on race mornings) so my finish time was right at 30 minutes. I *think* this is a decent time for a first 5k race?? :)
    March 15 - 4 miles
    March 16 - 3.1 miles (5k)
    March 17 - 3.1 miles (5k)
    March 18 - 22 Traveling and horrible stomach flu
    March 23 - 2 miles (Wanted to make sure my stomach could handle it)
    March 24 - 4 miles
    March 25 - 3.1 miles (5k)
    March 26 & 27 - Rest
    March 28 - 3.1 miles (5k)
    March 29 - Hiked over some local mountains
    March 30 - 4.15 miles on the dreadmill....

  • johnsonnelly
    johnsonnelly Posts: 103 Member
    Looks like I won't quite make my goal this month but after 5 days of nothing due to a horrible stomach flu that left me drained I feel pretty good about getting as close as I have! I plan to get another run in tomorrow but it won't be 11.7 miles (even if I wanted to attempt it I won't have time). Congrats to everyone this month, way to go!!!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    Congrats to all the racers this last weekend - sounds like everyone had great results!!
    Congrats to everyone running so well this month making, exceeding, or even almost hitting your goal, everyone has done an amazing job this month!!
    @VintageMatch‌ - is there somewhere you can run outside, maybe even take your dog along for a run? You will probably find it much more fun and interesting!
    @skippygirlsmom‌ - look at you getting in over 100 miles this month after just getting back from an injury! Wow, you are awesome!

    03/01.... 2.00....... 2.00 - Dog Beach run
    03/02.... 5.22....... 7.22 - Fast rain run
    03/03.... 7.88......15.10 - + Strength Training
    03/04.... 0.00......15.10
    03/05.... 4.03......19.13 - + Strength Training
    03/06.... 8.74......27.87 - Windy and so dry
    03/07.... 6.70......34.57 - Hot, hot, hot (sorry to all who are still dealing with snow and ice!)
    03/08.... 2.00......36.57 - Dog Beach run
    03/09.... 5.09......41.66
    03/10.....9.52......51.18 - + Strength Training
    03/11.....0.00......51.18 - much needed rest day!
    03/12.....4.75......55.93 - + Strength Training
    03/13.....7.08......63.01 - Hot and windy but a good run! Much better than yesterday :)
    03/14.....0.00......63.01 - pre-5K rest and travel to San DIego
    03/15.....3.10......66.11 - 5K
    03/17.....5.05......76.60 - + Strength Training
    03/19.....7.16......83.76 - + Strength Training
    03/20.....4.64......88.40 - early morning run watching the sunrise behind the clouds
    03/21.....3.00......91.40 - Dog Beach run
    03/22...11.87....103.27 - Longest run this month! Found a new route!
    03/24.....6.28....114.70 - + Strength Training
    03/26.....6.24....120.94 - + Strength Training
    03/27.....6.05....126.99 - Goal!



    Taking tomorrow off as a rest day. See everyone over on the April Challenge!!
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    31-Mar: 5.9K as End of March-finale ... April is going to focus on achieving 10k distances within 55 minutes ... we'll see
    Total running miles March: 108
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    edited March 2015
    bring on April
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    3/1 - 8 miles
    3/3 - 4 miles
    3/4 - 3.5 miles
    3/5 - 3 miles
    3/6 - 4 miles
    3/8 - 9 miles
    3/10 - 4.5 miles
    3/18 - 3 miles
    3/21 - 3 miles
    3/22 - 6.2 miles, Muddogs 10k, PR!
    3/24 - 6 miles
    3/26 - 3 miles
    3/28 - 10 miles
    3/30 - 3 miles

    Will do 5 tonight, which will get me to my goal.


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for March

    3/1 6.5 miles - 6.5 <<<< 1.5 w/u plus 8K race
    3/2 5 miles - 11.5
    3/3 8 miles - 19.5
    3/4 8 miles - 27.5 <<< new shoes today (ASICS Gel Noosa Tri 8's)
    3/5 6 miles - 33.5 <<< TM intervals (ice covered streets)
    3/6 8 miles - 41.5 <<< TM progressions @ recovery & easy paces
    3.7 15 miles - 56.5 <<< Madkin and Weeden Mtns long run (1,299 ft elevation gain)
    3/8 6.2 miles - 62.7
    3/9 8.5 miles - 71.2
    3/10 8 miles - 79.2
    3/11 6.2 miles - 85.4
    3/12 9 miles - 94.4
    3/13 REST DAY
    3/14 15 miles - 109.4 << Madkin and Weeden again
    3/15 REST DAY
    3/16 10.15 miles - 119.55
    3/17 10 miles - 129.55
    3/18 6.2 miles - 135.75
    3/19 9.75 miles - 145.5
    3/20 REST DAY - <<<<< It was just a busy day and I woke up late to run
    3/21 15 miles - 160.5
    3/22 REST DAY
    3/23 10.5 miles - 171
    3/24 10 miles - 181
    3/25 REST DAY
    3/26 5.25 - 186.25 <<< starting a mini taper for my half in Knoxville this weekend.
    3/27 REST TAPER
    3/28 REST TAPER
    3/29 - 13.1 = 199.35 << Knoxville Half (1:40:02 I got a PR)
    3/30 REST DAY
    3/31 - 6.2 = 205.55


  • mmabry72
    mmabry72 Posts: 100 Member
    Just Made it!


    1 March – Rest
    2 March – P90X3/push up, sit up circuit
    3 March – 3.07 miles
    4 March – Push up, sit up circuit
    5 March – Rest
    6 March – 3.07
    7 March – 3.25 – 5k(26:34 @ 8:11 Avg. pace) + plus .5 mile warm up and .5 mile cool down not logged.
    8 March – 3:13
    9 March – Rest
    10 March – 4.06
    11 March – Push up, sit up circuit
    12 March – 5.28
    13 March – Push up, sit up circuit
    14 March – 3
    15 March – 5.31 Farthest run yet!
    16 March –rest
    17 March – Push up, sit up circuit/ 4.05 miles. (1mi warm up-2 mile track work-1 mile cool down)
    18 March – Crazy day, never found time to work out.
    19 March – 2.14
    20–23 March – Out of town
    24 March – Recover from trip, i.e. Netflix marathon
    25 March –Push up, sit up circuit – 3.08 miles
    26 March – Another busy day. No workout.
    27 March – Push up, sit up circuit
    28 March – 5.32
    29 March – 2
    30 March – 3.07
    31 March – 3
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Last day of the month and everyone kicked some butt!

    @9voice9 - 75 miles past goal! Holy crap!
    @shanaber thanks I'm so happy with my mileage this month. I put 120 I think for April I might need to rethink that because I have a half on the 12th so my first 10 days of the month will be shorter runs. I'll see.
    @johnsonnelly you had a great month even with missing 5 days with the flu
    @ddmom0811 it is so beautiful near Mt. Vernon. You are right a beautiful place to run/ride...but lots of hills!
    @SBRRepeat isn't it cool when you go back to where you used to run and what kicked your butt and you kill it! Love it.
    @akirkman86 - super job on the 10 mile run that is fantastic. I love the selfie with your little man, just too sweet.
    @stoshew71 - congrats on hitting goal, great month of running!

    @cooter_mom I have to say you get the runner of the month award from me. You went from treadmill running, to running outside like a pro. What a super month you had! Hello fresh air, good bye treadmill!

    I'm taking a rest day today, legs are sore as heck from Sunday's run and then doing a short run yesterday. See you all in the April thread. What an awesome group we have here!
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member


    March wasn't over got another three
  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member

    A run after work and I will hit my goal! Man, 2 weeks of packing/moving/unpacking got me off track, but I still made it! XD
  • harpere87
    harpere87 Posts: 142 Member
  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member
    Just got back from vacation. I met my goal for the month! There is no way I can catch up on all the posts though. I will catch up on the April thread!

    DATE … MILES … Total
    3/1 … 3.5 … 3.5
    3/2 … 6 … 9.5
    3/3 … 6 … 15.5
    3/4 … 6.5 … 22
    3/7 … 20.5 … 42.5 (5100 ft elevation gain)
    3/10 … 6 … 48.5
    3/11 … 5.75 … 54.25
    3/12 … 5 … 59.25
    3/13 … 3.5 … 62.75
    3/14 … 13 … 75.75
    3/15 … 10 … 85.75
    3/17 … 6.25 … 92
    3/18 … 3 … 95
    3/19 … 6 … 101
    3/20 … 6 … 107
    3/22 … 26 … 133
    3/24 … 6 … 139
    3/25 … 5.5 … 144.5
    3/27 … 6 … 150.5
    3/29 … 10 … 160.5
    3/30 … 5 … 165.5
    3/31 … 6.5 … 172

    Ran 172/160 goal
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1 - 12mi, easy
    2 - 8.2mi, easy
    3 - 8.2mi, tempo
    4 - 10mi, easy w/FF
    5 - 8mi, intervals
    6 - 8mi, easy+3.2mi, tempo
    7 - 18mi, easy
    8 - Rest
    9 - 7.2mi, easy
    10 - 6.3mi, easy
    11 - 6.5mi, easy
    12 - Rest
    13 - 5.2mi, easy w/strides
    14 - 3.14mi, easy
    15 - 13.1, race
    16 - 3mi, recovery
    17 - Rest
    18 - 6mi, easy
    19 - 8mi, easy
    20 - 6mi, easy w/strides
    21 - 18mi, easy
    22 - 11mi, easy
    23 - 7mi, easy w/strides
    24 - 8mi, easy
    25 - 12mi, easy w/intervals
    26 - Rest
    27 - 8mi, easy
    28 - 16mi, first 6 easy, last 10 @MP
    29 - 10mi, easy
    30 - 6mi, easy
    31 - 8mi, easy

    I missed my arbitrary goal of 250, and that's ok!

    Total: 243mi

    Mar goal: 250mi