

  • jpenn2011
    jpenn2011 Posts: 14 Member
    Also, not to judge, but more than one person said they throw out a bunch of food. Why? There are so many starving people in this world, and doesn't that waste money? Maybe I just don't have a big food budget.

    My manager bought cookies and donuts for training sessions a few weeks ago. No one ate them and gave me 5 cookies to take home (I, at least, had the guts to say no to the donuts). 10 minutes into my drive home I ate 4 of the 200+ calorie cookies. I had to toss the last one out the window to prevent myself from eating it. For me, it was the only thing I could do to control myself.

    I think the second one wasn't too bad... but whole batches of recipes! Yikes I would cry to throw away that much money, next time just donate the batch to a friend etc.
  • jpenn2011
    jpenn2011 Posts: 14 Member
    I was looking at some cute gym guys the other day and nearly fell off the elliptical =(

    Bahahah this one made me laugh out loud for real. This is why I love the free weights at the gym, tons of hotties and I'm married, shame on me lol
  • jpenn2011
    jpenn2011 Posts: 14 Member
    funjen1972 wrote: »
    funjen1972 wrote: »
    I wear the same stinky workout clothes for several days without washing. Ewww gross, I know. Always change my socks though lol
    Questions (not judgement of course):

    1) do you mean you don't change out of those workout clothes for days or are you "airing" things out like some of these other ladies?

    2) For the ladies airing stuff out would it be just as easy to take those clothes in the bathroom+when you shower and leave them in a sink full of water and Woolite while you shower and the drain the sink while you dress and then hang them to dry for the same lenght of time they would have "aired out"?...without really costing you any more time if thats the issue?

    3) Is it the scented trash bag, and what do you do with the yellow drawstring tie it at your waist like sweats?

    4) What is the difference between, judgement, curiosity, "nosy" -ness, and concern?

    I put my workout clothes on hooks in my bedroom to air them out. Hand washing & wringing seems like wayyyyy too much work lol

    Exactly! I just busted my *kitten* at the gym, you think I want to hand wash these clothes I just tortured myself in? Nope, I'm good thanks :)
  • jpenn2011
    jpenn2011 Posts: 14 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    soloelixir wrote: »
    I resent thin people. I've been fat my whole life, and have no idea what it's like to be thin. I know I shouldn't resent them, but damn, when I see a thin girl complaining about how those jeans make her *kitten* look big, I want to slap her in the face.
    nellysen wrote: »
    Me too!!!!!! In fact it pisses me off. I think it is because I just WISH that the hunt fr the perfect jeans on a perfect body was my biggest issue. Maybe it is jealousy? But either way.... I feel the same!

    This is just damn sad. SMH :noway:

    I don't see it... It does annoy me when I see girls that look fantastic complain that their clothes make them look fat. Although I guess now I just feel sad for them because they don't realize how great they look, and they'll look back one day and realize that they were wasting too much energy on something that wasn't even true and wish they could look that way again lol.

    I totally fail to see how that is body shaming, like some people mentioned above... Being jealous of someone's body is shaming them? How?

    For not washing clothes after working out, some people just don't sweat much. I'm always sweating like crazy at the gym but I see people running in SWEATERS next to me and they seem just fine. So *shrug*.

    Of course you don't. *nod* *shrug*

    You know, the thread title asked for no judgement, and that's pretty much all you've contributed.

    Confession: I judge people for not washing their clothes... that ish is nasty as hell. Better?

    Reality check: All of us wash them. Just not every day. You made assumptions. You also made a leap and assumed that we didn't wipe down gym equipment. What exactly did you plan to do when you came into a thread sharing confessions?

    Question: Do you wash your judgey pants every time you put them on?
    Dude, I really like you. "judgey pants" ... awesome :)
  • jpenn2011
    jpenn2011 Posts: 14 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I listen to Let It Go (sometimes) while I run.

    That's nothing. I lip synch and quasi dance while on the eliptical. Anything to keep my mind off the fact that I still have x minutes to go. I'm sure my 6'4" 280 lb self looks quite manly singing Aung dancing to such classics as lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, etc.

    (btw I actually have decent musical taste outside the gym. I just find my usual indie fare lacks some motivational punch on the cardio equipment.)

    I lip sync too. People at the gym must think I am nuts.

    I lip sync three. To what's playing on my play list. Over my ear phones. I might even wiggle my hips a bit.

    I lip sync four. Have to check myself every now and then to make sure I'm not singing out loud to a gym full of people.
  • jpenn2011
    jpenn2011 Posts: 14 Member
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    I would rather have Wey Protein than fruit because it comes in chocolate flavour lol
    OMG right, I'm such a protein powder addict.
  • jpenn2011
    jpenn2011 Posts: 14 Member
    whenever I have sex I get upset that mfp wont track that burn so I eat a cookie and damn the cals :P

    I swear they should have that option. A two hour sweat session between the sheets should definitely count.
  • jpenn2011
    jpenn2011 Posts: 14 Member
    Jolinia wrote: »
    whenever I have sex I get upset that mfp wont track that burn so I eat a cookie and damn the cals :P

    Biological imperative. Men go to sleep, women get the munchies.

    I just pulled that out of either my musty memory tome from something I read ages ago or I pulled it out of a less polite location.

    Confession, I have ordered my husband to make me a sandwich after sex. I think you're point is valid.
  • jpenn2011
    jpenn2011 Posts: 14 Member
    Confession: I'm that annoying person at the gym who grunts... loudly. But screw the stares, I'm working hard dammit!
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    edited April 2015
    Does anyone else play/have a child that plays Minecraft? My son loves it, but I can't get the appeal.

    Yes and he talks to me about it constantly. Sometimes I wish I could just tell him to shut up.
    I play it with him sometimes and it is fine but I kind of don't get the obsession. He likes to play on the creative mode where nothing even happens.

    He also is obsessed with Legos. I love the comment that Minecraft is Legos for the mind. So true.

    Kid's not even 6, I hope he grows up to be a nerd like his parents :)

  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    tiona83 wrote: »
    ethim wrote: »
    Confession: When the confessions on the thread get serious I want to show sympathy/empathy, give support and advice but I'm rubbish at it. I get really awkward and don't know what to say. So I'm not ignoring them - I just don't know how to respond appropriately. (I'm even worse in real life.)

    ^^ this
    You are not alone. Sometimes my husband says I lol mad and it's just because I feel awkward as I don't know what to say or do. Or I hesitate.
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    The need to be right on the internet is annoying. I see this a lot here and other boards I've posted on. I'm like yeah ok, rock on with your bad self. :wink:

    I don't get the need to argue either. I've posted my opinion (on a FB group). The other person posted theirs and I just said we'd agree to disagree and it was done. Someone else came along looking for a fight and completely derailed the post.
    What's the point in arguing with some complete stranger online? My opinion isn't going to change because of them and I doubt I'll change theirs so let's just be adults and move on.

    I agree with this. What annoys me the most is when people start an argument online then rage quit/flounce off like a 2 year old because people aren't agreeing with them. It see it on FB all the time. Pathetic.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    edited April 2015
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    edited April 2015
    I swear to god I only hit Post ONE TIME. ONE CLICK. And it posts THREE TIMES. every time on this thread

  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    The need to be right on the internet is annoying. I see this a lot here and other boards I've posted on. I'm like yeah ok, rock on with your bad self. :wink:

    I don't get the need to argue either. I've posted my opinion (on a FB group). The other person posted theirs and I just said we'd agree to disagree and it was done. Someone else came along looking for a fight and completely derailed the post.
    What's the point in arguing with some complete stranger online? My opinion isn't going to change because of them and I doubt I'll change theirs so let's just be adults and move on.

    I unfollowed my brother-in-law on Facebook because he spends 90% of his time arguing with random people on Facebook, and the threads kept popping up on my timeline. He made me so mad once that I deactivated n my Facebook for a while, just to get away from it. We get along in person, but I can't stand him online.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    The need to be right on the internet is annoying. I see this a lot here and other boards I've posted on. I'm like yeah ok, rock on with your bad self. :wink:

    I don't get the need to argue either. I've posted my opinion (on a FB group). The other person posted theirs and I just said we'd agree to disagree and it was done. Someone else came along looking for a fight and completely derailed the post.
    What's the point in arguing with some complete stranger online? My opinion isn't going to change because of them and I doubt I'll change theirs so let's just be adults and move on.

    I unfollowed my brother-in-law on Facebook because he spends 90% of his time arguing with random people on Facebook, and the threads kept popping up on my timeline. He made me so mad once that I deactivated n my Facebook for a while, just to get away from it. We get along in person, but I can't stand him online.

    My fb is blowing up today because of that pizza place down in Indiana that's refusing to cater gay weddings. It's an hour or so from here, but their local news is our local news, too.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    A more light-hearted confession for my American football friends: I LOVE J.J. Watt. And I'm a Bears fan...


    You've made an opening for a confession I've been thinking about for a while. I also love JJ Watt but I'm from WI. BUT I can't stand Aaron Rodgers. I feel like I'm the only person in this state that doesn't worship him.

    I like Aaron Rodgers... and I'm a Bears fan. *shame*

    So then I might be the only person in the world that doesn't like him

    In all fairness, when Cutler is your QB, what are you supposed to do? Us Bears fans have to have some QB to admire.

    At least you have a qb. Try being a Vikings fan right now

    I'm a Jets fan. Talk about lack of QB!

    Me too!!! It's tough.
  • TheVogonVegan
    TheVogonVegan Posts: 75 Member
    My facebook is blowing up from that Indiana thing too...I mean, I live -in- Indiana, but nowhere near that city, so it's like...don't give them more publicity guys. -_-
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    mziegler01 wrote: »
    My facebook is blowing up from that Indiana thing too...I mean, I live -in- Indiana, but nowhere near that city, so it's like...don't give them more publicity guys. -_-

    South Bend news said they shut their doors already. Not sure how they didn't see that coming?

    Tonight's confession: my dinner is a sandwich made on pancakes. I'm trying to figure out how to make it more often, except it takes a huge chunk of my calories for the day.
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    AllTheNoms wrote: »
    AllTheNoms wrote: »
    Latest confession: I cannot stand "TMI Tuesday" and I get stabby when I see people in my friend list littering my home page with it

    1) Love your username!

    2) I unfriend those people. Immediately. No mercy. ;)

    1) Thanks!

    2) Happy to hear I'm not the only one :)

    What is TMI tuesday?

    I assume like throwback Thursday except you share too much information? First time I heard of this as well.

    Lol I figured the "Too Much Info" but I just didn't know if it was a thing on here or like a specific type of information they are sharing too much of?
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I have felt so unsatisfied today! Ate a huge cucumber and tomato to prevent myself from eating some carby, sugary thing like cookies... drank a couple of protein shakes (which are pretty gross. Hope Optimum Nutrition will be better). I shouldn't have blown through so many calories on drinks!