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Binge Eating Disorder (B.E.D.)



  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    recovering binge eater here. I find it helpful to log my binges on MFP and to not wallow in shame.
  • aektroop
    aektroop Posts: 10 Member
    xandralaw wrote: »
    OK - don't laugh - but my trigger is going home - so what do I do? not? lol Its really a stress factor and that there is just so much at home and i escape with the food - so stress management i guess? Not really sure how to do that. My schedule allows for so little time for myself its very challenging.

    I'm with you! My binges happen when I go home and decompress for the day. Whether I'm tired or stressed or excited about good things at work, I binge for comfort and pleasure. I find if I work out right when I get home or just take some time to play with my dogs or sit outside, I am less likely to binge. Every day is a struggle, though.
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 491 Member
    I've dealt with this as well. I'm getting better but one way that I've changed is to not keep junk in the house
  • mary1217mfp
    mary1217mfp Posts: 4 Member
    @xandralaw - I'm right there with you....end of the day and I believe it is my stress reliever. Now that the weather has improved I intend do use the suggestion about sitting outside for a bit before hitting the couch to zombie-out. My real bewitching hours are 5:30-9:00 pm. I've got to get out of this binge-restrict-diet-binge-restrict-diet cycle
  • Hey guys!!!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    adriiienne wrote: »
    Hey guys!!!

  • N4T4L1E130
    N4T4L1E130 Posts: 4 Member
    @Hearts_2015 I joined through the link that was shared but have not yet become active either. Even sharing through this thread is a huge leap for me, so thanks again for being brave enough to open the dialogue and giving all of us space to talk about our struggles.

    As many have mentioned stress at the end of the day is killer. I am trying to pace myself through a 100 calorie bag of kettle corn right now, as I had a pretty stressful day and depleted much of my will power passing up drive thru after drive thru on my way home. Still hanging in there with lots of water!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    coney724 wrote: »
    Hi there. You can add me. I've developed a binge eating habit about 7 years ago and it's gotten worst as the years went by. Currently I am 18 days binge free but I still get the urges. I struggle back and forth a lot and need support from others!
    OMG that's awesome! I'm finishing out Day 4 binge free and feel such a sense of freedom even in this short of time... empowered. I know there will be days that are not easy and I appreciate those of you that have shared tips and tricks and are being open as you are. <3

    Even letting in new friends here that also have binge issues is a new thing for me. It's both exciting & comforting to feel I'm not alone in this and that there's others to talk to that don't think it's bizarre.

    It's the highs to lows that are hard ...I was just sharing on my page in comment to @xandralaw that for me it's like a roller coaster. If I go with a trigger food it's not just that day but days after or weeks or longer in the past. Like I eat whatever is an issue and then need another fix the next day and so on. Is that how it works for you guys?

    It's just me and my kitty ^..^ here so bringing food in is where my issue is, I don't keep any in the house regularly. But it's going out to get it (grocery store, fast food etc.) in the first place that grinds at my mind until I cave or somehow alter my thoughts and don't do it. It's like it's gotta be enough to get me through the binge and I have to eat it all THAT Day so I don't have trigger stuff in the house the next morning. smh.. It makes no sense but it makes all the sense in the world in my mind when I'm in the mode.

    Thanks for listening ;)
    Hearts <3

  • Ursine714
    Ursine714 Posts: 13 Member
    Sigh. Hi, my name is Lea and I'm a binge eater. I've been fighting it most of my life. I didn't put emotional eating and binge eating in the same category, but I see now I binge when I let my emotions get the best of me. I have many triggers - anger, sadness, loneliness, and being tired. Eating is my comfort. I think it's my way of having control over something since I couldn't control the negative events. I gained back 20 pounds in the last 3 years and I'm on another downward swing. So I guess I really don't have as much control as I thought?? (I did quit smoking and it's been about 15 months, so I'm not as hard on myself this time as I normally would be.) Each time I think is the time I'll lose even more weight and keep it off. I keep fighting the same 25 pounds. I don't let myself get above 215 now or below 190. Once I get down to 190, I think I'm good and the cycle starts again. I also know I use my weight for protection. :-(

    Right now, I'm in a good place, it's been 3 days. Another holiday coming up though.,,

    I can't do this alone anymore. I'm hoping by posting, it will help. But, I do tend to run when I start getting closer to people or opening up more. Sigh
  • hollyholbrook75
    hollyholbrook75 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started overeaters anoynomous, I finally feel like I can get help for my compulsive overeating
  • adamitri
    adamitri Posts: 614 Member
    I didn't take control until I finally broke down and told my therapist. I was so ashamed and hiding it that it was like second nature to never let the secret out. But, I'm so grateful I did talk to her because I was doing it out of depression and hibernation (what she said) and until I conquered those I couldn't move past it. I'm still not over the hill yet but I'm learning triggers and when binges are starting. I'm learning to divert myself so I don't feel like a drunk person that just awoke in a blind stupor not remembering what I ate. My last binge was somewhere over 3700 calories and that's only what I remember from it. I'm still stabbing at the root of the problem but one day at a time.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Ursine714 wrote: »
    Sigh. Hi, my name is Lea and I'm a binge eater. I've been fighting it most of my life. I didn't put emotional eating and binge eating in the same category, but I see now I binge when I let my emotions get the best of me. I have many triggers - anger, sadness, loneliness, and being tired. Eating is my comfort. I think it's my way of having control over something since I couldn't control the negative events. I gained back 20 pounds in the last 3 years and I'm on another downward swing. So I guess I really don't have as much control as I thought?? (I did quit smoking and it's been about 15 months, so I'm not as hard on myself this time as I normally would be.) Each time I think is the time I'll lose even more weight and keep it off. I keep fighting the same 25 pounds. I don't let myself get above 215 now or below 190. Once I get down to 190, I think I'm good and the cycle starts again. I also know I use my weight for protection. :-(

    Right now, I'm in a good place, it's been 3 days. Another holiday coming up though.,,

    I can't do this alone anymore. I'm hoping by posting, it will help. But, I do tend to run when I start getting closer to people or opening up more. Sigh

    I understand <3
  • jwebb579
    jwebb579 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I've struggled with just about evey type of ED, but primarily BED for nearly the last 20 years. This is really the first time I've seriously acknowledged it and have decided to stop shaming myself for it, but rather seek help in the way of support for myself, and hopefully supporting others. I'd love to continue dialog with whomever would like to follow me. This time around my goal is not to be losing, or gaining, counting or obsessing, but rather a goal of overall health and happiness! :smile:
  • I dont know where to begin! :) Well firstly its great to read all your stories and get your advice. I'm 37 and have had a BED since I was 8yrs old. I have attended numerous therapies/groups. I've been binge free for periods of time here and there and I experienced great freedom during those times but mainly because I was smoking to control my urges which I found such a great tool but it's obviously an unhealthy one. I haven't smoked in 2yrs and have literally spent one week eating healthily only to binge solidly the next for the last two years. I've been careful not to restrict during those healthy weeks knowing that'll only lead to a binge yet I still end up there. It's a living nightmare as I found it so shameful and the weeks I'm binging I literally cannot bare myself. I feel liberated and strong when I am not binging and I'm so proud of myself yet somehow I just cant maintain it. My poor husband is so supportive & im so lucky to have him but he's so tired of this crazy cycle. Anyway, thanks for listening! Wishing you all the very best and hoping for lots of binge free days ahead :)
  • puja25
    puja25 Posts: 31 Member
    I am a binge eater, mostly when my emotions fluctuate. I would binge late night when everybody is off to sleep. It included chips, bread, leftover even fruits. I just needed to stuff my mouth and watch some movie while binging so that i can shut off my mind and mechanically eat until I feel sick. The entire day I would eat normal, but at night I would easily consume 1500-3000 calories at one go. I also loved eating out, any fatty , salty food. My Binge started after I lost a massive 45kg. Then due to my binge eating and drinking alcohol I put all my weight back. For the past one month I have avoided eating out and and have binged just one day. I am proud of myself. I am taking baby steps and trying to control my urges and understand my emotions better. That is the key I assume, to find balance.
  • cruisingthrough
    cruisingthrough Posts: 10 Member
    It's so relieving to see actual people with actual tips and stories to share on BED because it's something that before recently, never came up in media and I was always way too ashamed to admit...

    I need serious help and I'm not sure whether I should seek a professional or not. It's really impacting my performance at the gym and in my sport, but when I am about to begin or beginning an episode, I seem almost out of my own control. It's like my brain blacks out during a binge episode and just can't stop until I've thoroughly overdone it, and then I'm in pain and have trouble falling asleep that night (because my episodes are usually late-night, when I'm alone).

    Help :(
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    I'm also a binger (a struggling one) but I've been doing really well at controlling it recently; obviously these won't work for everyone, but here is what has been helping me out:

    Not keeping food in the house; I do little shops but often, and only buy healthy things.

    Working out WHY I was binging; I discovered that I am also an emotional eater, so any emotion is an excuse to eat. I also see food as a treat, so when I get rare 'me' time, my first thought is always to go and buy a load of crap to enjoy. So now, when I have my 'me' time, I buy healthy snacks and find something active to entertain myself such as scrapbooking, rather than just sit in front of my laptop eating. I also worked out that I am more likely to binge late at night, when I'm tired. My body is actually telling me to sleep, but because I want to stay awake I think it is telling me to eat, so I start binging on chocolate and sugary things. Now, when I feel that late night binge coming on, I just go to bed.

    Allowing myself treats everyday; I always allow myself a strip of dark chocolate or something in the evenings, so I don't feel like I'm denying myself anything.

    Sounds a bit 'airy fairy' to some people, but meditating helped me a lot. Focus on your goal; how much do you want to lose? Now, HOW are you going to lose it? Convince yourself that 'slow and steady' wins the race and that you CAN control your binges.

    Obviously, it won't cut out binges altogether, I still have my bad days, but definitely not anywhere near as many of them and I am actually seeing a decent weight loss rather than bounding between losing and gaining the same 5lbs over and over again. Good luck to everyone who is struggling with binging, it isn't easy :)
  • adamitri
    adamitri Posts: 614 Member
    Logging most of my binge sessions on MFP has let me see a strange pattern;. I was bingeing on Wednesday and Fridays. Each week Wednesday or Friday was a binge day. I don't know what about those two days upset me.
  • Nuka_Gina
    Nuka_Gina Posts: 92 Member
    I just wanted to say thank you for posting this! :)
  • xandralaw
    xandralaw Posts: 50 Member
    N4T4L1E130 wrote: »
    As many have mentioned stress at the end of the day is killer. I am trying to pace myself through a 100 calorie bag of kettle corn right now, as I had a pretty stressful day and depleted much of my will power passing up drive thru after drive thru on my way home. Still hanging in there with lots of water!

    I hear you on the drive thru hell - i made the mistake a few weeks ago of going home a different way and discovered MORE that way! ugh.. I try to distract myself so I forget- I've been listening to podcasts - specifically storytelling ones - that are so hysterical or intriguing that I sometimes don't even notice that I am already past the drive thru.