New to Eating clean! And new to mfp this week



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Afura wrote: »
    Eat all your calories, and read the forums, search for any questions you have. Try and stay on target, but don't beat yourself up if you have a moment.
    I can't reitterate better what was already said about to each their own. :grin: Clean eating to me is trying not to eat a lot of processed foods, but it is HARD because that's the world we live in. Ultimately, make smart healthy choices, but if you want something eat it (as long as it fits your macros! :lol: )

    weight loss does not have to be hard. Enjoy the foods you like and just eat less of them. Get a food scale and weight everything. And make sure that you log all your food into MFP and eat to the number that MFP gives you ...

    Shhh... You're intercoursing the construct! Weight lost is supposed to be difficult, expensive, and involve a secret sold by a MLM company.

    I thought dr oz had all the secrets???
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Afura wrote: »
    Eat all your calories, and read the forums, search for any questions you have. Try and stay on target, but don't beat yourself up if you have a moment.
    I can't reitterate better what was already said about to each their own. :grin: Clean eating to me is trying not to eat a lot of processed foods, but it is HARD because that's the world we live in. Ultimately, make smart healthy choices, but if you want something eat it (as long as it fits your macros! :lol: )

    weight loss does not have to be hard. Enjoy the foods you like and just eat less of them. Get a food scale and weight everything. And make sure that you log all your food into MFP and eat to the number that MFP gives you ...

    Shhh... You're intercoursing the construct! Weight lost is supposed to be difficult, expensive, and involve a secret sold by a MLM company.

    I thought dr oz had all the secrets???
    Rofl. He haz all the moneyz.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP here is my advice for you.

    set MFP to .5 pound or 1 pound per week loss and eat to that number
    get a food scale and weigh all solids and as many liquids as possible.
    log everything you eat into MFP.
    make sure that you are hitting your macro (protein/carb/fats) percent's and your micros.
    realize that no foods are bad and that you can eat the foods that you want and still lose weight. Yes, this means that you can eat pizza, ice cream, cookies ,etc; however, this does not mean that your diet should be composed 100% of said foods. You should also fit in some nutrient dense foods like vegetables, rice, chicken, fish etc.
    If you want to work out then find something you enjoy and do it, not necessary but it does help with overall health and body recomp. I like heavy lifting but that is just me...
    repeat until you get desired results.
  • gemma7115
    gemma7115 Posts: 15 Member
    laura3977 wrote: »
    A question I would ask is, why are you making the choice to "eat clean"? Is the reason why you want to do the whole eating clean thing because you feel you need to in order to lose weight? You can eat all kinds of foods and still lose weight. You will find that as you get used to your calorie goal and weighing your food, you will slowly begin to gravitate towards healthier/lower calorie foods since you can get more "bang for your buck" and you can still work in treats here and there depending on your calorie goal.

    I'm doing a fitness programme and it is recommended to 'eat clean' to help achieve my goal x
  • gemma7115
    gemma7115 Posts: 15 Member
    Clean eating can mean anythimg, and thus it means nothing.

    To lose weight you can eat anything you like within your calorie goal.

    To be healthy you should eat a variety of foods from all food groups every day.

    Don't eat anything that makes you sick.

    Don't believe something is bad for you just because you've read it in a magazine.

    If you want to, you can train your taste to like more foods.

    Thank you I didn't even think of it like that! I do try to stay within my calorie goal or at least be a bit under x
  • gemma7115
    gemma7115 Posts: 15 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    OP, it sounds like you haven't done a lot of reading yet, you have some goals in mind but not sure how to achieve them. MFP is a great place to start. Ultimately to lose weight, what matters is that you are in a calorie deficit. There are a number of ways to achieve that calorie deficit. Some people restrict certain food groups or eat "clean" but as others have pointed out, that word has variable definitions for different people. A number of folks here on MFP have had great success eating all the same things they love, just doing so in moderation.

    You may find some helpful tips in this link - there's lots of good info so read it as many times as it takes for it all to make sense.

    Good luck.

    Thank you - I'm doing a fitness programme and it was recommended for me to 'eat clean' I will have a look at that discussion thanks again x
  • gemma7115
    gemma7115 Posts: 15 Member
    Everyone has a different definition of eating clean. Personally, I think it's best to start out by sticking to your calorie limit, getting that under control, then making substitutions to make your feel better, if you need to.

    Exactly this! It'll take time, but slowly incorporate small substitutions, such as swapping full fat for diet, then to sugar free, and then eliminate it completely (except for cheat days ofc if you plan to incorporate them). It's going to take time, and patience will be your best friend in this game!

    Welcome, and good luck! :smiley:

    Thanks so much feeling a bit more positive free reading through :) xx
  • gemma7115
    gemma7115 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank everyone maybe I am being too strickt! I will concentrate on staying within my calorie goal. Still cutting the bread and spuds out haha!

    I really appreciate all your comments :smiley:
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    gemma7115 wrote: »
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    OP, it sounds like you haven't done a lot of reading yet, you have some goals in mind but not sure how to achieve them. MFP is a great place to start. Ultimately to lose weight, what matters is that you are in a calorie deficit. There are a number of ways to achieve that calorie deficit. Some people restrict certain food groups or eat "clean" but as others have pointed out, that word has variable definitions for different people. A number of folks here on MFP have had great success eating all the same things they love, just doing so in moderation.

    You may find some helpful tips in this link - there's lots of good info so read it as many times as it takes for it all to make sense.

    Good luck.

    Thank you - I'm doing a fitness programme and it was recommended for me to 'eat clean' I will have a look at that discussion thanks again x

    I'm not sure what the fitness program is, or who gave you the advice to "eat clean" but generally personal trainers have no credentials to be able to give nutritional advice. As others have said, you don't have to eat clean to lose weight, or to meet a variety of other health and fitness goals. If you choose to do that, it is fine, but many people find the concept of "clean eating" to be difficult, which is what you put in your original post, and we are telling you that is generally unnecessary.

  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    gemma7115 wrote: »
    Thank everyone maybe I am being too strickt! I will concentrate on staying within my calorie goal. Still cutting the bread and spuds out haha!

    I really appreciate all your comments :smiley:

    Being too strict too fast is where many people fail. They make too many changes, can't find balance, and ragequit.

    Don't do that.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    gemma7115 wrote: »
    Thank everyone maybe I am being too strickt! I will concentrate on staying within my calorie goal. Still cutting the bread and spuds out haha!

    I really appreciate all your comments :smiley:

    Excellent! You are on your way then! Happy cutting!
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    gemma7115 wrote: »
    Well My goal would be to loose 2stone, honestly I haven't a clue what I'm doing, I think I need to read up more just seems all the food which is ok seem to be fish based which the thought make me sick lol x

    If you are looking to lose weight, log your foods.
    Regarding eating clean, eat according to your definition, with what ever exceptions you choose. I try to avoid refined foods altogether, which means I don't eat products with refined wheat in it... I do my best to eat whole fruits, veggies, meats, and seafoods for the most part. But I also allow myself exceptions as I please- with a focus on staying within the calorie limit... I have tried restrictive diets- they really don't work for me. Everything in moderation is key ;)