MFP Dating Thread



  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    Ok, I don't know what everybody else is doing but I am looking at a mound of paperwork on my desk and I am trying to avoid it. So because of that I am going to start another MFP dating thread. Lol which is in of itself funny cause my life is so busy (work fulltime, have full custody of 2 small kids, coach, etc) that I do not have time to date. But this is mainly to distract me from work :-) So what are the qualities you look for in someone when you decide to date? For me (in no particular order)...

    1. Must share the same faith as me
    2. Must love kids
    3. Must have kids and/or want more kids
    4. Must be honest & faithful
    5. Has to be a country girl at heart
    6. Has to have a silly side
    7. Must be compassionate, passionate and kind
    8. Must respect that the kids always come first.

    What does everybody else's list look like?

    1. Check!
    2. Check!
    3. I want about 15 kids...No joke. - Adoption : )
    4. Check!
    5. Check!
    6. Check check! Can a person be TO silly?
    7. Check!
    8. Check!

    To bad I am kinda young : )

    And I am pretty old! lol :-) 34.5 years old!
  • My3Rayz
    My3Rayz Posts: 373
    1. Must not be/have ever been a drug addict.
    2. Must not be an ex-con.
    3. Must not be/have ever been a prostitute (yes, I'm talking about men.)
    4. Must have a job.
    5. Must have some sort of transportation.
    6. Must respect me & my children.

    Is it sad that I have personal stories behind EVERY ONE of these??? just described my ex-husband (except no one would pay him to have sex with them!)
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    makes me laugh
    makes me think
    a little arrogant or sarcastic maybe?
    affectionate at home
    must have a very high sex drive
    must not want children, or have them, or at least be open to never having them.
    even tempered
    fitness minded, takes care of himself
    must love music and not be adverse to me playing the piano at random times of day/night
    must not have a crazy stalker ex or be married. (sad that i have to specify)
    financially independent
    that's pretty much all i can think of at the moment... but i'm sure there are more... lol
  • pandaeye
    pandaeye Posts: 126
    Knows when to make you laugh
    Knows when you need a hug
    Passionate and loving
    Enjoys being silly with myself or the kids
    Has a great sense of humour
    Never scared to enjoy life

    Now all I have to do is find this person lol!!
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    Someone who won't pepper spray me and run.

    On the other hand, my girlfriend had to lower her standards substantially.

    Anytime a woman dates any man she has lowered her standards. :-)

    How do you measure that? lol
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    Must be a woman. Other than that, I'm flexible.
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    Ok, I don't know what everybody else is doing but I am looking at a mound of paperwork on my desk and I am trying to avoid it. So because of that I am going to start another MFP dating thread. Lol which is in of itself funny cause my life is so busy (work fulltime, have full custody of 2 small kids, coach, etc) that I do not have time to date. But this is mainly to distract me from work :-) So what are the qualities you look for in someone when you decide to date? For me (in no particular order)...

    1. Must share the same faith as me
    2. Must love kids
    3. Must have kids and/or want more kids
    4. Must be honest & faithful
    5. Has to be a country girl at heart
    6. Has to have a silly side
    7. Must be compassionate, passionate and kind
    8. Must respect that the kids always come first.

    What does everybody else's list look like?

    You sound like one of my eHarmony matches! (wink)

    1) they must share my faith
    2) they must share my traditional values
    3) they must be passionate, compassionate, and a "touchy" type
    4) they must love the outdoors
    5) pictures in miiltary uniform bump them to the top of the list.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Must have a sense of humor!
    Be a bit of a free spirit!

    And be a good drinking buddy form time to time ;)

    All in all be supportive of my wacky zanie ideas.....
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    I hate to admit this, but I am picky.

    I tend to like what my friends call pretty boys. The more out of the league in the looks department they are, the more I like them :grumble:

    Family oriented meaning they would rather be with me and the kid/s doing something with us, than out bowling or golfing of fishing with thier buddies. Not that he should NEVER do those things, but they should not be priotiy # 1.

    Should be up on current events, I like to have conversations about what is going on in our world, be it poitical, religious, or even about the state of mind of Lindey Lohan or lack thereof...

    Should want to be a good provider for the family, not the only one, but at least not wanting me to take care of him and the family while he sits at home on the net chatting with other women... Yes I am bitter about that one! lol

    Should love PDA, not the gross make out in public kind, but the hand holding slip me a peck every once in a while kind.

    Average intimate life between us would be welcome. Five years of marriage with maybe a handful of passionate moments stunk!

    Good personal hygiene is a must specifically must brish their teeth! A handsome smile is a plus!

    I too am sure there a others, but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head, and since I have not found this special someone yet, I am willing to wait for it and not settle for less.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Ok ladies feel free to message me. I fit all your qualifications and more plus I'm big and brown! We all need a little latino heat in our lives.....HA!
  • susancelli928
    susancelli928 Posts: 190
    Honesty and trust are the two major things for me.

    love kids


    like to have sex

    likes sitting at home and watch t.v.


  • Thompsonic7
    Thompsonic7 Posts: 32
    1. Must be Jake Gyllenhaal.

    Other than that, I'm pretty flexible...
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    1. Must be Jake Gyllenhaal.

    Other than that, I'm pretty flexible...

    same here.....except I prefer David Beckham...what's wrong with that..:ohwell: :laugh: :tongue:
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Isn't shorter then 5'2"
    Isn't a Bible Thumper
    Understands what Straight Edge is and can deal with Punk/Hardcore/Indie/electro-pop/Hip Hop music and must HATE COUNTRY!!!
    is not a total girlie girl all the time
    Does not need to wear make up to look cute
    has the same love for all kinds of music and movies
    None judgemental
    Liberal and openminded
    has about a million Moral standards
    Loves dogs, not a huge cat lover!
    I dont like smokers but dont care if the chick is down with some pot every now and again
    Wants kids
    Loves the Cubs, Bulls, Hawks, Bears but is not a fan of the White Sox!!!
    Can understand and support my clothes and shoe fetish and my zest for spending money fruitlessly IE A sugar momma

    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Ok ladies feel free to message me. I fit all your qualifications and more plus I'm big and brown! We all need a little latino heat in our lives.....HA!

    You latino too? man I think we are brothers!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I like your 3rd reason! Definitely must love to have sex! burn some calories off sexo style!

    Honesty and trust are the two major things for me.

    love kids


    like to have sex

    likes sitting at home and watch t.v.


  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    MUST HAVE A GINORMOUS WEINER! other then that, who really cares! jk jk... too long of a list to even attempt. prolly why im still single!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    MUST HAVE A GINORMOUS WEINER! other then that, who really cares! jk jk... too long of a list to even attempt. prolly why im still single!

    Ohhhhhhhh K Where do I sign up?
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    im marred but looking... huh wait. i mean looking at the thread these are always entertaining
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Whats up baby cakes!?........Do you happen to like Chorizo?
    MUST HAVE A GINORMOUS WEINER! other then that, who really cares! jk jk... too long of a list to even attempt. prolly why im still single!