What's Your Most Recent NSV



  • savouryduck
    savouryduck Posts: 43 Member
    Not sure if this is a NSV. I've been trying to work on my fitness levels by walking and going to the gym.

    Earlier this year I could manage about 9.5 miles on a walk. Today I completed 19.74 miles in 5 hours 44 minutes.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Not sure if this is a NSV. I've been trying to work on my fitness levels by walking and going to the gym.

    Earlier this year I could manage about 9.5 miles on a walk. Today I completed 19.74 miles in 5 hours 44 minutes.

    This is an NSV!
  • bametels
    bametels Posts: 950 Member
    Kim_S_G wrote: »
    After my shower I was able to wrap my towel all the way around me - just like the young women in the movies do right before they get attacked by the ax murderer.

    LOL - too funny. But most importantly, CONGRATS, that's a great NSV!
  • cmcdonald525
    cmcdonald525 Posts: 140 Member
    I managed to go out to lunch with friends, an Easter party with the whole extended family, and egg hunts with my kids, and I'm STILL within my calorie goal today. I may have had cake for dinner, but I'm not starving and I proved to myself that I have more self control than I thought. It's a victory in my book!
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    Today I had to run to the store and pick up a pair of jeans because all of mine were too big, and I didn't want to spend the entire day pulling my pants up. I grabbed a pair a size smaller, tried them on, and they seemed to be ok, so I headed home with 2 pairs of them.

    I get home, pull them on, and my husband comments that they look ok, but I could have probably went even a size smaller. I told him I thought they were ok, and I really didn't think the next size smaller would fit. Well, I guess he was right and I should have tried the smaller pair. I still spent the day pulling my pants up!

    I guess I'll be taking the second pair back to the store and exchanging them for a smaller size!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I bought a new bike - that uses a computer to calculate the rpms I'm doing
  • duckykissy
    duckykissy Posts: 285 Member
    I decided it was time to go shopping for clothes- in the back of my closet. 30% of them fit me, another 50% will fit me in less than 5 kgs. These are clothes I haven't looked at in 3 years, since I started gaining weight back after my gallbladder surgery, but just couldn't toss them. Now they're all starting to fit again and it feels good.

    Anyway, I spent the morning wavying goodbye to all my 22's/2XL and 20's/ XL. I'd pretend to be sad about losing all these pretty new clothes, but I would so be lying.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    I went shopping for summer clothes this weekend. All sizes 12 and 14, a year ago I was shopping for sizes 22 to 24.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    I ran up 2 flights if stairs carrying my 35lb toddler a couple if times this weekend and was never out if breath!
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    My most recent NSV was over the Easter long weekend. I really pushed myself to eat at my calorie goal despite the constant temptations of chocolate easter eggs etc. And I succeeded. Until tonight. When I over indulged in chocolate.. I wouldn't care if I hadn't had a crazy hormonal issue last week where I over ate on 3 different days.. but my next NSV came after this chocolate binge. I so badly wanted to give up, but I went back and read some of my entries from when I was just starting out on this when I was 10kg heavier (my heaviest weight ever) and the things I had written inspired me. I was so determined to get to where I am now, and I'm here. I actually did it! And that just makes me certain that I can continue on and go well past what I expected of myself and hit not only my goal weight (only 4 more kg till I reach that!) but reach my ultimate goal weight (7.5 kg). The old me inspires the new me, go figure! Looking ahead to how much further I have to go is daunting, but then I remember how far I have already come. And I know I can do it.

    What an amazing idea! I'm going to start doing that today!
  • Timby1
    Timby1 Posts: 294 Member
    I had 3 people at church yesterday comment that I'm looking much younger! I'll take that, thank you. :)
  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    The size 18 dress pants I bought like 2 months ago are starting to slip down when I walk. My gray dress pants that used to be my "feeling skinny" dress pants that still gave me a muffin top..I'm wearing them today and you can probably fit a small turkey in the gap space in the back.
    Saturday I went shopping at TJMaxx and they had the CUTEST Betsey Johnson dress but it only went to a size 14. On a whim I figured why not, and tried it on. It zipped! Sadly I could outline every bump on my body so I didn't buy it...but that was exciting.
  • whatang
    whatang Posts: 102 Member
    Ran my 1st mile on December 29th and it nearly killed me. Decided I would make myself run 100 miles total. Today, 98 days later, I ran my 98th, 99th, 100th, and 101st miles.

    And immediately set a new total distance goal on Runkeeper :smile:
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    I am at work and I think my slip is...slipping. I should probably do something about this.....
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    I cycled 21 miles yesterday. A year ago I was 325 pounds and could hardly walk more than 20 minutes at a time.
  • kantalope
    kantalope Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2015
    A bit over two weeks ago, I attempted rock climbing for the first time at the local REI rock wall, the “Pinnacle.” That is a great 34’ version/replica of Castleton Tower (Moab, Utah), with five difficulty levels. Castleton Tower is 400 feet, considered one of the 50 classic climbs of North America. They usually use a route called Kors-Ingalls. In any case, I’m afraid of heights. Put me on top of a parking garage, a second story balcony, a tall wall… and I’ll start shaking. I was terrified of roller coasters as a young teenager, and still feel like I might well just die when I go up the first climb of any major roller coaster these days. Three weeks ago, my partner had asked me to climb the Pinnacle after he’d done it, and at the time I thought he was absolutely ridiculous. I basically told him I liked seeing his behind up there, nice and tight, but I wasn’t about to put my large and flabby bum in a harness and make a fool out of myself. I didn’t want to be laughed at. The more I thought about it, though, the more I knew I had to know whether I could stomach the climb. So I said I’d go with my nephew for the first time—I found it less intimidating than imagining my partner far below, peering at my wide behind, judging my every move. And before you ask—he’s nothing like that. But low self-esteem can really do a number on your rational mind! So a week later, my nephew and I made our first attempt. I made it a bit over halfway up, then bowed out because my limbs were shaking and my arms were like rubber. My nephew bowed out a little bit before that point—but for him it was entirely mental. He was just terrified that the belayer would let him down in more than a figurative sense. After that first time, I went with my partner several times. At this point, I’ve been on that wall 5-7 times. And last night, I rang the bell at the top of the first level. Huzzah!

    As a side note, nearly every time I’ve been on the wall pictures have been taken. The verdict is in. My rump is just fine. :P

  • kantalope
    kantalope Posts: 4 Member
    amcook4 wrote: »
    I cycled 21 miles yesterday. A year ago I was 325 pounds and could hardly walk more than 20 minutes at a time.

    Super impressed! Great job!
  • AngeBee18
    AngeBee18 Posts: 180 Member
    My face shape is changing - and from the right angle I can see a little definition from my cheek bones! Who knew I had those!? :D
  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    Just looked over my measurements, and since I started tracking 9 months ago I've lost 16.25 inches overall.
  • wick3tgirl
    wick3tgirl Posts: 47 Member
    I keep logging and staying accountable for the red numbers despite how bad the last few days have been. I'm ready to get right back to the defici, when I get home in a couple of days and things level out. I have also been reaffirming myself that a few bad days do not delete 3 months of hard work (I'm looking a you, scale, you better not be too high).
    life and *kitten* happens all the time, you just gotta keep on keepin' on.
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