Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    bregalad5 wrote: »
    Went to an all-you-can-eat brunch today. Only had one plate plus a small dessert pudding. I sooo wanted to go back for more bacon but didn't :P WIN!

    Way to go! I really admire your discipline... I wish I had, had more on Sunday! My Dad made all of my favorite foods with absolutely no regard for calories or sodium. I tried my best to log it all but I'm sure I goofed it up. I was wishing they just had a giant button that said ate way too much add 2000 calories to the day and prevented me from eating more. I did stop after Supper though which was at 5:00pm so by 10 I was hungry again. I'm counting that as a win
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    edited April 2015
    I just started the myfitnesspal 30 day walking challenge. It's under groups if anyone wants to try
  • ninthnarnian
    ninthnarnian Posts: 237 Member
    Neat- I was thinking... hmmm if I keep to my goals when will I be at goal weight. If I keep it up at my current rate- I can expect my new figure to be here:

    December 25th 2016

    It doesn't seem like that far away- and it will be fun to try and get it accomplished sooner.

    What about you? What is the arrival date of your goal physique/figure?
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello everyone! More new faces. Great! My email to add me on fitbit is daniellesaurers@gmail.com. Feel free to add me. Just let me know you are from here!

    I have never tried the Jillian videos. They sound intense though. Maybe in my future!
  • HMittra
    HMittra Posts: 15
    Hey all! Good luck everyone, I'm also trying to lose 100+ pounds. Anyone feel free to add me if you want to do this together!
  • Sweetnspicy731
    Sweetnspicy731 Posts: 4 Member
    Could use some friends, add me
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    prof_newme wrote: »
    bregalad5 wrote: »
    Went to an all-you-can-eat brunch today. Only had one plate plus a small dessert pudding. I sooo wanted to go back for more bacon but didn't :P WIN!

    Way to go! I really admire your discipline... I wish I had, had more on Sunday! My Dad made all of my favorite foods with absolutely no regard for calories or sodium. I tried my best to log it all but I'm sure I goofed it up. I was wishing they just had a giant button that said ate way too much add 2000 calories to the day and prevented me from eating more. I did stop after Supper though which was at 5:00pm so by 10 I was hungry again. I'm counting that as a win

    It was tough but there were about 30 other people in the group that went with me and I only knew one, so I told myself I was going to have control so that I didn't look weak and like the (awful and not true) stereotypical "fat girl who eats everything in sight" in front of everyone
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Welcome new friends! You have come to a great place! Feel free to add me if you like. I love to cheer people on!

    @bregalad5 I think you did awesome!

    I will admit that yesterday I broke down and ate a big chunk of a Reese's Giant Peanut Butter Easter Egg. I was trying to portion it out and it just didn't work. But I have been sticking with my exercise and I am off the rest of the week after today so I am going to try and squeeze in an extra CKO Kickboxing class.

    I hope everyone else has a wonderful week as well. Today's goal is to drink more water and up my step count!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Good morning and welcome to all new people! I've discovered arugula! LOL I know that sounds funny... I knew it existed but figured I wouldn't like it. I bought a pre-made salad kit at the grocery store without realizing it was arugula and LOVED it!. I had blue cheese crumbled on top with some dried cranberries and walnuts and came with a sherry wine and grainy mustard type salad dressing. YUMMY!!! So I bought all the ingredients and have been making my own version of the salad often! I even have one for lunch today with some tuna.

    As I was discussing with a friend on here the other day, trying new things can be scary. You spend money on something you aren't sure you're going to enjoy and sometimes end up wasting it because you don't like it. I had started a group 4 years ago (and I think I mentioned this before) that had a food and fitness "challenge" each week. I've decided I"m going to start it again. The fitness challenges were quirky but got me moving and the food challenges got me to try new foods.

    If you are interested in joining me, I'll post the group name later (I can't remember the name right now lol)
  • chrissab_b
    chrissab_b Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me! I started in January with over 100 lbs to lose and down 36 so far from clean eating!
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    Neat- I was thinking... hmmm if I keep to my goals when will I be at goal weight. If I keep it up at my current rate- I can expect my new figure to be here:

    December 25th 2016

    It doesn't seem like that far away- and it will be fun to try and get it accomplished sooner.

    What about you? What is the arrival date of your goal physique/figure?

    If I lost 2 pounds a week (which right now I scale isn't moving ) :neutral: but I will reach my goal June 11, 2016 which would actually be AWESOME because hubbby & I's 10 year anniversary is June 17th and we always said for 10 years we were going back to Atlantis our honeymoon spot.
  • 1nelle
    1nelle Posts: 39 Member
    edited April 2015
    feroshus wrote: »
    Hello ladies and gents!

    I have added a bunch of people from this thread now, but decided I should do an introductory post. I am a 28 year old teacher from Canada and also have 100 pounds to lose. My weight has been going up and down (mostly UP!) since I was 9.

    My number one issue is meal planning for sure. I get very tired on weeknights and end up not making healthy choices when I come home hungry (think Wendy's.) My number two issue is late night snacking with my hubby in front of the TV. I am loving this app because now I am holding myself accountable for the calories I am taking in!

    I go to Les Mills BodyPump classes 2 or 3 times a week. I am STRONG! :) Now I need to do some cardio... just bought the Zombies, Run! app and looking forward to using that too.

    Yesterday my friend lent me a bunch of her Clean Eating magazines so that I can choose some of the recipes and grocery lists to help keep me on track.

    Please add me to help hold me even more accountable! I think I have kept everything public? New to the site so not sure how it works :blush:

    I just bought the Zombies run app to cant wait to use it lol
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    I have never heard of Zombies run......let me know how it is! I love Zombie stuff and if this will help me work out more....even better!
  • ninthnarnian
    ninthnarnian Posts: 237 Member
    @want2behappy31 That sounds great- a great inspiration to keep to your goals.
  • bloodewine
    bloodewine Posts: 29 Member
    I really like the "Zombies, Run!" program, except that it can only use music that you have loaded onto your phone, and I've mostly been using Spotify to make running playlists lately. But it's a good app, especially if you want to do intervals - you can set it so you have to outrun zombies periodically!
  • rinalloyd
    rinalloyd Posts: 3 Member
    New here and looking for friends to me stay on track. I have 80 pounds to lose. Working out is not my problem, eating is hard for me. So far so good this week.
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    Yesterday was bad for me!!! It rained all day so I didn't get a chance to go for a walk. Plus I didn't get to take a lunch which turned into me eating a bag of chips and drinking a coke for lunch. Then last night we had KFC for dinner. So just bad day all around! I am determined to make up for it today and get back on track. It is calling for rain all day again here but hopefully I can sneak out between storms. I refuse to let one bad day kick me off track like I normally would.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    @want2behappy31: You go girl! One day isn't a tragedy! We will have these days, every one of us and it's OK! It's really how you react and get back on track that makes a difference and you've got the right attitude! Outrun that storm!!! :)

    This morning I got to work and decided I'm going to try to NOT take the elevator at work today. If I can do this one day, I can do it every day! I work on the 5th (top) floor and the ground floor is the 1st floor so it's technically 4 flights up. I was huffing and puffing when I got to my desk but DANG it felt good!!!

    I can do this and so can you!
  • Bobzfit
    Bobzfit Posts: 41 Member
    Wow, I'd like to join you all. I started my journey, gosh, 8 years ago at 247 pounds. I didn't use myfitnesspal then, but I managed to track food and lose about 90 pounds the healthy way (diet/exercise)...over the years my weight has fluctuated up and down a bit, and now I'm sitting at about 195. I'm trying to get my weight back down to around 170. Over the last 8 years I've become a huge runner, I've probably ran 10 marathons and lots of other halfs and even a Tough Mudder. I love fitness. Sometimes I think my extreme endurance stuff causes weight loss to be tougher, trying to figure out how much food I really need before and after these long runs (ran 24 miles last Saturday and then overate by 1000 calories 3 days following), etc. I find myself wanting to binge the day after a long one.

    This finitely a cool support group! You're in! Congratulations on all your victori
    Anyway, I just wanted to join in on this discussion. I see so many supportive and encouraging comments. Very cool!

    2run2ski wrote: »
    @shirayne and @want2behappy: Remember that stupid large picture I mistakenly postki;31925590"]@shirayne and @want2behappy: Remember that stupid large picture I mistakenly posted of my Nalgene bottle a while back? :) I have two of them and they really, really help me to get water everyday. Each holds a quart (plus one cup). Yup, I lug them to work. But, I feel great consuming that water. It's nice to see the levels go down. I'm a proponent of Nalgene because 1) It's what I happen to have! :) 2) Each holds a quart plus. Good luck! :)
    @2run2ski, I do exactly the same thing with water. I Have a 20oz water bottle and I kind of pace myself through the day, one before I leave the house, one by lunch, one before I leave work, one by dinner. I shoot for this, and sometimes if I haven't got the water down, I just chug it and try to keep it going :) We all have our little tricks, don't we.

    I am sorry to say that the other day when I feeling awful with allergies I totally pigged out and didn't even track stuff. I got right back with the program the next day.

    I got my body fat % tested yesterday (39%!) and got a consultation on the results and the gal said she didn't think I was eating enough or often enough still, even with me increasing my daily goal this last month. I only lost 1.8 pounds all month last month...so it worries me a bit to eat more. Right now my goal was set at 1850 calories a day, and I'm 194 pounds, 5'7" and I exercise 6x a week for at least an hour - I burn 400-700 calories most days, then a long run on Saturdays burning anywhere from 1000-3000 calories. What do you all think? I raised my daily goal to 2100 but it is scary to think I could eat that much and still lose weight??

    The other thing she mentioned was that I was basically fasting from dinner to the next day at breakfast (7:30-9am depending on day), and I exercise before I eat. She thinks this is stopping me from losing body fat.

    Sorry for the long post, just want advice on what you all think. Thanks!!
    bregalad5 wrote: »
    Went to an all-you-can-eat brunch today. Only had one plate plus a small dessert pudding. I sooo wanted to go back for more bacon but didn't :P WIN!
    bregalad5 wrote: »
    Went to an all-you-can-eat brunch today. Only had one plate plus a small dessert pudding. I sooo wanted to go back for more bacon but didn't :P WIN!

    Fantastic se
    Yesterday was bad for me!!! It rained all day so I didn't get a chance to go for a walk. Plus I didn't get to take a lunch which turned into me eating a bag of chips and drinking a coke for lunch. Then last night we had KFC for dinner. So just bad day all around! I am determined to make up for it today and get back on track. It is calling for rain all day again here but hopefully I can sneak out between storms. I refuse to let one bad day kick me off track like I normally would.

    Raining here too. If you can't get out at least walk in place or dance. Any body movement will help you feel better and get you closer to your goal.
    See if you can drink a glass of water before you binge on bad snacks or food. It will help you feel full and give you a moment to reconsider your choice.
    Today's a new day to start!
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Raining here as well. Which is a bummer because I am off of work today. How about we all post our favorite walking youtube videos to help motivate us to walk inside today!

    I like this one. It not only helps you walk inside but also has a few other moves to help with your Belly, Buns & Thighs. Oh and the cute dog also helps!
