HCG... Help



  • yellowpear
    yellowpear Posts: 137 Member
    @erinhale: That was very informative.
  • erinhale
    erinhale Posts: 137 Member
    @erinhale: That was very informative.

    I cut and pasted it from my blog, but HCG kills me! If you are a female and take it, you increase your chances of getting pregnant SIGNIFACTLY, even if you are on birthcontrol.

    I wish people would stop with the quick fixes and get in the gym. I promise with hard work, exercise, eating right and a commitment- weightloss will happen. The weight you want to lose didn't happen over night, so its not going to come off over night either. I am actually going to go post now in sucess stories!
  • gesikale
    gesikale Posts: 12 Member
    This is just my experience, not my opinon.

    I tried it last summer. Before I did I asked my GYN about the affects it would have on ME. At the time she treating me for ovarian cysts. She told me it shouldn't affect the cysts, but it was not healthy.

    Well I was looking for a quick fix for an upcoming cruise. I did it for 2 weeks and lost 17 pounds. It was awesome, but I felt terrible. I could tell it was affecting the ovarian cysts so I quit. About 2 weeks later I went in for my follow up with my GYN. Sure enough the cysts had increased in size and number. I had 3 golf ball sized cysts on my left ovary. My GYN advised me not to do HCG again. The following month they were all gone....well except one that was a non hormonal cycst on my fallopian tube that had been there my whole life.

    Gained all the weight plus some over about 6 months.

    I also had been diagnosed with low thryroid before all of this. MOre recently I have been to an endocrinologist and she has diagnosed it as Hashimotos.
  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    I'm afraid of it. I don't like things that are un-natural. I've never even been on birth control. I take a multi vit. and calcium daily and that's it! Shooting yourself up with pregnant women's urine is just that, un-natural. At 53 I haven't had any symptons of menopause and I am scared to put this stuff in my system and screw things up. That's just my feeling on it. I'd rather take my time and lose weight the old fashion way. Watch what I eat and exercise!

    Be careful taking advice from people who have not had the time to do the research. FYI most people do not inject the HCG formula anymore. There are sublingual methods that are just as effective. @erinhale...that is simply not accurate information about pregnancy...if you have quality hcg...they are homeopathic and do not show up in urine or bloodwork. Won't be back to this thread so don't bother "arguing" with me...You feel how you feel and I know I how feel....great thing about where we live...

    Yes I edited my spelling...it's the teacher in me since it seems many are into name calling....
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    Be careful taking advice from people who have not had the time to do the research. FYI most people do not inject the HCG formula anymore. There are sublingual methods that are just as effective. @erinhale...that is simply not accurate information about pregnancy...if you have quality hcg...they are homeopathic and do not show up in urine or bloodwork. Won't be back to this thread so don't bother "argueing" with me...You feel how you feel and I know I how feel....great thing about where we live...
    tchrnmommy isn't here for arguing, but she clearly needs to work on reading for comprehension. She seems to be confusing erinhale's post with others. I did not see any inaccuracy regarding pregnancy in erinhale's post.
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    My IDIOT of an x husband is doing this and he already has poor family genes, DVT's and has to take Viagra for his male insufficiencies. His new GF talked him into this FAD diet. It's going to be interesting to see the long term effects it has on the body just like all the other weight loss fads including surgery. Unfortunately in my profession, I have to take care of people who do these FAD diets and suffer long term effects and the dammage it causes to their bodies. Another concern is what are we teaching our children........I have to combat all of his stupid ideas with my daughter and try to teach her the differences between hair brained ideas and good old fashioned work and good choices. Thank goodness she is tall and slender.

    lulu, be very cautious with this and make sure you do a lot of research and look for the long term effects this has on the body before you do it. Good Luck to you. Your going to need it with this diet.
  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    Quote from erinhale:

    I cut and pasted it from my blog, but HCG kills me! If you are a female and take it, you increase your chances of getting pregnant SIGNIFACTLY, even if you are on birthcontrol.

    Maybe you misread doc georgia

    Adding: The homeopathic drops will not affect fertility at all - no matter if you are on birth control or not. Some serious HCG treatments (straight injections of a VERY high dose - done only by a fertility expert) are used for fertility issues but the homeopathic dosage used with this protocol will NOT affect it. There is a lot of information out there - some correct, and some not unfortunately.
  • georgiajuly
    georgiajuly Posts: 126
    Quote from erinhale:

    I cut and pasted it from my blog, but HCG kills me! If you are a female and take it, you increase your chances of getting pregnant SIGNIFACTLY, even if you are on birthcontrol.

    Maybe you misread doc georgia

    Adding: The homeopathic drops will not affect fertility at all - no matter if you are on birth control or not. Some serious HCG treatments (straight injections of a VERY high dose - done only by a fertility expert) are used for fertility issues but the homeopathic dosage used with this protocol will NOT affect it. There is a lot of information out there - some correct, and some not unfortunately.
    I stand corrected. Actually, I thought you were referring to erinhale's original post, not the second one. I apologize for the oversight and for my snide and uncalled-for comment. I do not have enough information about the homeopathic dosage to address this intelligently.
    Of course, the issue of homeopathic dosing is a whole 'nother can of worms, best not to address here! :smile:
  • Fallingawake
    500 calories a day. Of course you will lose. I wish my doctor would let me be anerexic again some days or bulemic at 240lbs how bad could it hurt. The hormones??? May help a little.
  • Fallingawake
    500 calories a day. Of course you will lose. I wish my doctor would let me be anerexic again some days or bulemic at 240lbs how bad could it hurt. The hormones??? May help a little.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    hilarious...! (in a kind of sad way).. anyhow, the last time i had hCG in my system I was pregnant.
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    Adding: The homeopathic drops will not affect fertility at all - no matter if you are on birth control or not. Some serious HCG treatments (straight injections of a VERY high dose - done only by a fertility expert) are used for fertility issues but the homeopathic dosage used with this protocol will NOT affect it. There is a lot of information out there - some correct, and some not unfortunately.

    Curious, and not trying to be snide, but I'm assuming that by homeopathic, you mean over the counter and not regulated. Why in the heck would anyone want to take what basically sounds to me like grey market hormone supplements?

    I'm guessing ANY endocrinologist would be horrified at the thought.
  • ivyann73deleted
    I say we bring back the tapeworm diet. It's 100% natural AND organic!

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    lulusland - I can help you with HCG. My husband and I are in Phase 4 and feel incredible! I lost about 24 lbs and he lost 37 lbs. Don't listen to anyone who says it's unhealthy as it was fully approved by my family doctor. It's the BEST thing I've ever done for myself. I have never felt better and have so much energy. It resets your metabolism and helps you retain your new weight. No joke - it's a hard program for the first 30 days, but as you see the lbs dropping off - it's a motivator to keep going.
    Well, your doc is insane.

    DO NOT MESS WITH YOUR HOROMONES!!!! DONT DO IT!!!!! Especially as a woman, it can screw you up for life.
    :laugh: I like your Spunk! I too have nothing good to say about hcg. 99% of us on MFP are taking the high road and losing steady, healthy and learning to keep it off. OP? You're more than welcome to come join the majority, that way you can keep the weight off and not find out down the road you've damaged your body!:noway:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    FACT: Just because some doctors are prescribing this does not make it safe. The majority of doctors and researchers believe HCG to be ineffective and unsafe. HCG is a cash cow and there are many doctors that are more concerned about the money rather than patient health.
    Sad, but true. I am a physician, and I can only conclude that the physicians chasing this are seedy, greedy, or misled. As we all should know by now, if it seems too good to be true...
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    wow I just had this conversation 10 min ago with a co worker. Since I'm the largest around they keep trying to pitch me the HCG diet. I dont think I can function on 500 cal a day without feeling deprived. I dont feel deprived here and know it will be slower but will stay off this time.
    Kudos to you!! The hcg diet doesn't allow you to exercise, which is a pretty big red flag in my book. Who tells someone working on weight loss they can't exercises? Not that you'd have the energy but still. I know I personally would get sick of eating Melba toast everyday and apple days and steak days if you screw up. If that doesn't scream fad diet, I'm not sure what does!
  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    Quote from erinhale:

    I cut and pasted it from my blog, but HCG kills me! If you are a female and take it, you increase your chances of getting pregnant SIGNIFACTLY, even if you are on birthcontrol.

    Maybe you misread doc georgia

    Adding: The homeopathic drops will not affect fertility at all - no matter if you are on birth control or not. Some serious HCG treatments (straight injections of a VERY high dose - done only by a fertility expert) are used for fertility issues but the homeopathic dosage used with this protocol will NOT affect it. There is a lot of information out there - some correct, and some not unfortunately.
    I stand corrected. Actually, I thought you were referring to erinhale's original post, not the second one. I apologize for the oversight and for my snide and uncalled-for comment. I do not have enough information about the homeopathic dosage to address this intelligently.
    Of course, the issue of homeopathic dosing is a whole 'nother can of worms, best not to address here! :smile:

    Much appreciated :)