Why did you come to the conclusion to lose weight?



  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited April 2015
    I noticed that my usual fluctuation of weight (about a 2 - 3 pound swing) were up so that what used to be the "top" weight is now the bottom weight. I want to lose that 2 - 3 pounds and maybe a few more to be a little leaner. (I'm short so 2 pounds on me is visibly noticeable!!) Plus the suit I have on in my profile picture was just a little tighter than it was last year - I like this suit and I want it to fit correctly.

    I gained 57 lbs my second pregnancy. It took me several years to slowly lose it and I don't want to be there again. I've maintained the loss for a dozen years now.
  • mindcontrolcandy
    mindcontrolcandy Posts: 8 Member
    When I realised at 26 my relatively ok metabolism would not last forever and if I left it any longer those extra pounds are going to be a darn side harder to shift.
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    I was only going to get older......
  • Paperchains38
    Paperchains38 Posts: 42 Member
    I want to look good in what ever i choose to wear on my 40th (in just over a years time), the other main reason is that i would like another child but i don't want to go through the pains of a healing caesarean scar with a large belly overhang like i did last time as that causes all sorts of problems.
  • Roeygal
    Roeygal Posts: 26
    Mine began when we got back the photographs from my friend's relative's wedding. Whereas I thought I could've looked a little nice that day... NOPE. I binned the dress immediately and joined the nearest gym.
  • RBillard
    RBillard Posts: 49 Member
    probably TMI but I had to shave before going in for a Vasectomy and nicked myself because i couldn't see what i was doing. that was definately a wake up call, the gut had to go!
  • KellyLouiseGibson
    KellyLouiseGibson Posts: 175 Member
    Well mine was a few reasons, I went into a UK size 16 last year and could no longer find anything to fit and look nice, I couldn't even shop in River Island any more. I no longer wanted to be the big girl out my group of friends. My Asthma went really bad and I realised I needed to lose weight for my own health. I want to fit in a tight size 10 dress for once in my life. I have always had the horrible flabby belly on the beach well not any more this year is my year!
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    Because I look for any socially acceptable reason to take my shirt off, and I hate feeling like I'm too fat to do it. Lol.
  • WilloughbyR72
    WilloughbyR72 Posts: 22 Member
    The major one was the checkup almost everything was out of whack and the big straw an A1c of 9. That scared the ever living daylights out of me.
  • Foxyroxy312
    Foxyroxy312 Posts: 7 Member
    I was always fat. After having the twins I knew it had to be done. Lost 110 lbs. then my dad health took a serious beating, financial issues, raising kids, stress,....I just let life get in the way and allowed it to lose focus. Then, my own health started going haywire, suspected endometriosis (which I probably had my whole life anyways, just never noticed till I got older and gained all the weight back) which caused all kinds of painful issues. Doc pretty much said all the weight gain didn't help. So for the past two years I've been on a yo-yo. Now, I am home again as a full time mom, decided to make this my full time job.....(heck of a lot easier than my old job working with 9 different cardiologist...eekk!).

  • looneytunes32
    looneytunes32 Posts: 108 Member
    Cholesterol levels were too high so it was try to bring them down by losing weight, or go on meds.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    After watching my mom suffer thru her last years with diabetes and do dialysis every day, I decided I did not want my life to be like that.
  • elizhalleck
    elizhalleck Posts: 1 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I got tired of looking at all the fat on my body.

    Yeah. I feel the same way. Its coming off this year. !###
  • DeannaCoersCarter
    DeannaCoersCarter Posts: 62 Member
    I had my 21st birthday and was drunk and some waiters were singing to me with my red face and monster margarita. My mom decided to take pictures. I looked huge and I never thought I possibly looked that bad. I thought I looked normal with a little extra but I looked awful. I got the pictures back and knew that something had to change and it wasn't the drunken-ness, the lovely waiters, or the camera. It was me.

    However, this is not to say that my 21st wasn't THE BEST. I got bought a shot of tequila by one of the waiters and my husband, mom, sister, and niece were with me. It was a wonderful day!
  • qwertymmii
    qwertymmii Posts: 34 Member
    One day I woke up and put on my glasses and they were too tight. Literally squeezing my round fat face. I gained just enough to make them not fit properly. It was like having a fat wardrobe was just the norm but I couldn't get wider glasses too! ENOUGH! Joined MFP.
  • annanaidoo
    annanaidoo Posts: 34 Member
    I'm a teacher and every year we take class photos. When I looked at my 2012 vs 2013 photo I was shocked at the amount of weight I had piled on. That was my moment.
    Since then I've lost 15 kgs and still working on another 9-10 kgs. It's been hard especially in the last 5 months to keep the motivation but I can't give up. I want my 2015 photo to reflect 1.5 years worth of hard work and not the last 5 months of my struggles.
  • kristenveganvixen
    kristenveganvixen Posts: 87 Member
    A combination of a few things I think- a scary asthma clinic nurse told me I had an overweight BMI, I hated some recent holiday pics of myself, my hubby had recently joined the gym and MFP to lose so I decided to join him
  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    Ryudori wrote: »
    Because I look for any socially acceptable reason to take my shirt off, and I hate feeling like I'm too fat to do it. Lol.

    LoL.....Love it
  • SophieKean90
    SophieKean90 Posts: 52 Member
    For me, it was a few summers back, i saw 3 absolutely disgusting photos of myself, i lost a tonne of weight and felt better, i took a break for my birthday, only needing to lose another stone to stone and a half, i got too comfortable within a relationship which was new at the time, and never really went back properly. The relationship got very unhappy and i started to emotionally eat, clothes were getting too tight and i had about 4 outfits i could still fit into even though i didnt like any of them.

    The relationship finally ended just before last christmas and we still live together for a few more months, during that time period i would try and be good but give myself too big a portions and not pay attention to what i was eating so i gained again, as the living situation can be quite difficult. A few weeks ago, i ripped my final pair of work trousers, and was living out of a pair of leggings and two tops. i felt so miserable and ridiculous,, remebering how 6 + years ago before i had my child which had made me gain weight (coupled with a stressful life which resulted in emotional eating) i had once been a uk size 8. my clothes were size 16, but if im honest i was really a size 18, i just didnt have the clothes and refused to buy the clothes as that would mean that i could get comfortable in 18s.

    Currently my weight is the same as it was before christmas. im looking at losing a minimum of 51lbs in total. im taking hideous 'underwear shots' at the moment, so i can see the loss bit by bit, and it is certainly a motivator for me!

    On a side note, i am looking for new friends as i have found in the past it can be a really good motivator if you build up a relationship, so feel free to add me :) im trying my best to ensure i am on every day. i have only just started re-using it MFP again.
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 556 Member
    Lets see... I didn't want to wear a swimsuit on my own honeymoon, I was finding excuses not to go hiking with my husband, and I was hiding bags of Cheetos and Dr Pepper that I'd eaten from my husband in shame.

    It really sucked. I'm so much happier now.