lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
edited April 2015 in Getting Started
Literally, 3rd day into taking actual food out of my lunch and having protein world chocolate flavour slender blend in place of a meal at lunch and already feel like ordering pizza. I need ways to change my mindset! I want to do this so much, I want to be slim and toned but how can I keep this up for 1-2 years for weightloss then maintain it for my whole life? All I want is pizza :-( I also would like to know how big I look to other people, anyone pre weightloss not realise how big you are too?


  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    Fit the pizza within your cal goals and have it. I don't believe in deprivation. If anything ..just have a large slice with some salad on the side.
    Then go back to your protein shake the next day.

    It becomes easier when you can adopt a lifestyle that is manageable. Restriction used to end up in me being miserable and then eating a whole lot more.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if you want pizza, then find a way to work pizza into your day and have it. Weight loss does not equal self torture.

    Let me guess, you are trying to eat 100% healthy and avoid "bad" foods??? If yes, then I would suggest avoiding the whole "healthy" "bad" "good" mind set and remember that what matters is the food choices in your overall diet. No food is unhealthy in the context of an overall diet.

    Hit your calorie/macro/micro targets and fill in with the foods that you like. yes, eat nutrient dense foods like chicken, vegetables, rice, etc, but at the same time you can also eat things like pizza, ice cream, bagels, cookies, etc…

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Eat the pizza. What is this protein world slender blend? Bag the drinking of the calories, eat food.
  • lrwxo
    lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you all for the advice so far. I feel like I'm being so strict because I am just starting out and I want to lose a lot of weight!! I suffer with PCOS and I'm not sure if that makes it harder to lose weight, there's not a lot of help for it out there overall, being overweight is a side effect of polycystic ovaries or polycystic ovaries could've been bought on from being overweight? I'm unsure but I do feel guilty even thinking about enjoying food, I feel like I won't lose weight if I eat normally.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    lrwxo wrote: »
    Thank you all for the advice so far. I feel like I'm being so strict because I am just starting out and I want to lose a lot of weight!! I suffer with PCOS and I'm not sure if that makes it harder to lose weight, there's not a lot of help for it out there overall, being overweight is a side effect of polycystic ovaries or polycystic ovaries could've been bought on from being overweight? I'm unsure but I do feel guilty even thinking about enjoying food, I feel like I won't lose weight if I eat normally.

    There are plenty of people on here with PCOS that have lost weight and kept it off. They do have to be a little stricter about intake, but from seeing their comments they still enjoy foods that they like and can eat...

    Honestly, if you are feeling guilty about enjoying food then you really need to reexamine your relationship with food, as in all honesty, that is border line disordered eating…

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    if you want pizza, then find a way to work pizza into your day and have it. Weight loss does not equal self torture.

    Let me guess, you are trying to eat 100% healthy and avoid "bad" foods??? If yes, then I would suggest avoiding the whole "healthy" "bad" "good" mind set and remember that what matters is the food choices in your overall diet. No food is unhealthy in the context of an overall diet.

    Hit your calorie/macro/micro targets and fill in with the foods that you like. yes, eat nutrient dense foods like chicken, vegetables, rice, etc, but at the same time you can also eat things like pizza, ice cream, bagels, cookies, etc…
    He's right

    Throw away everything you think you know about dieting and just calorie count

    It works

    And you don't feel deprived
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    Put actual food back in your lunch. You diary is locked, so I had to google your shake and it's only 150 calories. That's fine for an after workout snack or something, but it's not lunch. You need to keep this up for the rest of your life to maintain...maybe only a year or 2 for weightloss, but forever if you want to keep it off. My advice is to find something sustainable and it doesn't seem that a 150 calorie shake for lunch forever is going to work for you if you're hating it this much already. No reason why you can't have pizza once in a while. Work it into your day's calorie goal.

    Hard to say how big you look with only a face picture. Before my weightloss, I knew I looked big, but now looking at before and afters, I'm sometimes surprised how big I really did look in comparison to now.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    edited April 2015
    As the others have said, go ahead and eat the Pizza.
    Just don't use your whole day's food allowance on it. ;)
    When you deprive yourself of something, that's when you crave it more.
    Maybe the next time you want Pizza, try making a healthier version (maybe with a Flatbread or Pitta base and add your own favourite toppings).
    I really don't believe in these Protein shake things either.....i prefer to get my calories from solid food!
  • crystalnichols395
    crystalnichols395 Posts: 68 Member
    I say if you want pizza try the lean cuisine pizza. Also I never thought of myself as being as big as I really am until I saw a picture of my at one of my friends weddings back in October. Then it hit me hard and I couldn't believe I let myself go like that. Add me if you want always looking for people to motivate and people to motivate me as well. Like I tell everyone we can kick fat in the butt together.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    2 slices of pizza with a side salad ...roughly 450 calories much are you aiming for a day
  • lrwxo
    lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lrwxo wrote: »
    Thank you all for the advice so far. I feel like I'm being so strict because I am just starting out and I want to lose a lot of weight!! I suffer with PCOS and I'm not sure if that makes it harder to lose weight, there's not a lot of help for it out there overall, being overweight is a side effect of polycystic ovaries or polycystic ovaries could've been bought on from being overweight? I'm unsure but I do feel guilty even thinking about enjoying food, I feel like I won't lose weight if I eat normally.

    There are plenty of people on here with PCOS that have lost weight and kept it off. They do have to be a little stricter about intake, but from seeing their comments they still enjoy foods that they like and can eat...

    Honestly, if you are feeling guilty about enjoying food then you really need to reexamine your relationship with food, as in all honesty, that is border line disordered eating…

    Thanks for the PCOS heads up, I'll have a little look on here for success stories unlike the negative ones Google produced me with. Ummm maybe that was a little dramatic of me but I don't have an eating disorder. I don't have a healthy relationship with food, but does anyone who is overweight? That's part of this process for me, to change my lifestyle, it's not a diet
  • lrwxo
    lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
    I say if you want pizza try the lean cuisine pizza. Also I never thought of myself as being as big as I really am until I saw a picture of my at one of my friends weddings back in October. Then it hit me hard and I couldn't believe I let myself go like that. Add me if you want always looking for people to motivate and people to motivate me as well. Like I tell everyone we can kick fat in the butt together.
    Thanks so much I will add you now :-) I may take someone's previous advice and make my own pizza! I tried it last year and found it fun and tasty!
  • lrwxo
    lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
    Put actual food back in your lunch. You diary is locked, so I had to google your shake and it's only 150 calories. That's fine for an after workout snack or something, but it's not lunch. You need to keep this up for the rest of your life to maintain...maybe only a year or 2 for weightloss, but forever if you want to keep it off. My advice is to find something sustainable and it doesn't seem that a 150 calorie shake for lunch forever is going to work for you if you're hating it this much already. No reason why you can't have pizza once in a while. Work it into your day's calorie goal.

    Hard to say how big you look with only a face picture. Before my weightloss, I knew I looked big, but now looking at before and afters, I'm sometimes surprised how big I really did look in comparison to now.

    That's a good point, I'm unsure of what I need to do to lose the weight healthily. I could use a personal trainer or google it or take genera
    Advice but ive learnt that everyone is different and I don't want to try something and feel like
    Giving up if it doesn't wrk. I'm very impatient too :-( I know I need to just change up my lifestyle a bit and change my mind set
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    Drinking meals rarely works. Shakes are great for a pre/post workout as a way to rev the morning engine or boost protein, but (for me anyways) drinking calories isn't the same as chomping down on a tasty breakfast or snack. When i have tried just a smoothie for breakfast I always find I want more because I feel like all i did was 'have a drink'. Now if i pair my shake with some cottage cheese or some fruit or a piece of toast then I get the best of both worlds.

    In terms of pizza. We never stop craving pizza. At least i haven't! :P Part of this goes back to what i mentioned above, if you're satisfied with your meal the pizza craving will pass. If it doesn't, have a slice with some salad as mentioned by others.

    Like others have said and will continue to say there really aren't any bad foods. Just last night i finished my dinner of beef chop suey with chow mein and felt like some candy. so i had some. Why? Because i had calories left over for the day and I wanted it. did i eat the whole bag of starbust or pb cups. Nope. I had 1 mini cup and 4 starburst and didn't feel deprived.

    The foods people label as "bad" are merely less calorie dense. So while yes you can eat half a commerical pizza, if that's all you eat for the day :P Which doesn't sound like much fun. A whole lot more nutrient dense food can fit into the same space that pizza will fill.

    If a craving hits, find a distraction. If that goesn't work, drink some water. If that doesn't work and it's been 10-15 mins, grab a slice. There are thin crust/veggie/whole wheat options available at some pizzeria's. You can also make your own and freeze portions to grab when you feel. Homemade always taste betters, is easier to log and less calories!

    Phew, sorry I'm so wordy, but one last point. Make sure you are getting adequate fats and protein in each meal. It really helps with feeling full!

    In terms of "looking big" sometimes taller or larger boned people don't look as heavy as they actually weigh in while smaller boned people can seem much larger than they weigh. It also depends on distribution of excess weight. My sister is 5'10 and large boned, but weighs about 250, she doesn't look it and can still fit into L or XL clothing in "regular stores". I'm 5'3 280 lbs and small boned and i wear 2x-3x and size 22-24 pants in plus size stores. No one would ever in a million years guess we were within 30lbs of one another.

    That final word being said, lose wight for you. If you feel uncomfortable at your weight or with your health status, change it. You can't do it for or because of anyone else!!!

    Good luck on your journey to being the best you!
  • lrwxo
    lrwxo Posts: 28 Member
    As the others have said, go ahead and eat the Pizza.
    Just don't use your whole day's food allowance on it. ;)
    When you deprive yourself of something, that's when you crave it more.
    Maybe the next time you want Pizza, try making a healthier version (maybe with a Flatbread or Pitta base and add your own favourite toppings).
    I really don't believe in these Protein shake things either.....i prefer to get my calories from solid food!

    Thanks so much for your ideas! :-) I do love homemade pizza with a flatbread or something. I would usually use a tomatoe purée type paste and put in a bit of pepper, fresh basil etc so it actually tastes like pizza sauce but I know what's going into it! Not quite the same as dominos lol but my life can no longer move forward with dominoes making me fat
  • GoodMorningBaby
    GoodMorningBaby Posts: 3 Member
    PCOS does make it a bit harder to lose weight but it's totally doable. Being a bit stricter with calories helps and eating your calories instead of drinking them can help with the starch/sugar cravings.
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    lrwxo wrote: »
    Thank you all for the advice so far. I feel like I'm being so strict because I am just starting out and I want to lose a lot of weight!! I suffer with PCOS and I'm not sure if that makes it harder to lose weight, there's not a lot of help for it out there overall, being overweight is a side effect of polycystic ovaries or polycystic ovaries could've been bought on from being overweight? I'm unsure but I do feel guilty even thinking about enjoying food, I feel like I won't lose weight if I eat normally.

    I, too, have PCOS. Info says it makes it harder to lose weight, but it''s not impossible. We just need to be a bit more diligent, imo. For me, because I was borderline Type 2 diabetes with my PCOS (that's why I started here), I find eating lower carb makes a difference in my success. I don't do super low carb or anything, but I try to keep it under 100g per day and get the majority of those from low GI carbs....I'm not always "perfect", though...sometimes I have cake and pizza :)

  • priyakaurdhami
    priyakaurdhami Posts: 1 Member
    totally agree with the second post, enjoy it but fit it into your calories goal, so if needs be workout before of after you've had it. This isnt a quick fix so you're going to need to learn how to still enjoy the foods your craving without feeling super guilty. When i first started about a year ago (i gave up and im starting all over again because being almost 13 stone and 18 is not healthy) whenever I would eat something 'fatty' I would workout and eat the calories i burned off in prep for the food, that way I would know that I had earned it and that also in order to have it I would have to work my *kitten* off, kind of put me off of eating fatty food because i knew how hard it was to burn it off. Hope this helped, im only on my 4th day, so a reborn noob is trying to help x
  • eeelizabeth2012
    eeelizabeth2012 Posts: 132 Member
    Try healthy ways of making pizza. What you crave will change with time. Maybe try smaller portions of pizza, on whole wheat thin crust, LOTS of veggies, just a little but of low fat cheese, and a health meat, for example.

    I got a Fitbit 5 weeks ago as a present and it changed everything for me. I focus more on working out (trying to get all my steps in) and competing with other people. THAT is my focus more than food now. It has really helped me a lot and I lost 7 lbs in the first 4 weeks so far.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Try to work the things you love into your calorie allotment.
    For me, I switched to pizza with veggie toppings. Honestly, I do not miss the meat and it saves me calories so I can have a little more.
    This is all about what will be sustainable, hopefully for life, so find what works for you, and it will make it easier long term.
    The very best of luck to you.