I never feel satisfied after a meal.



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    You don't mention eating any vegetables with your meal. That's the best way to really fill out your plate and your stomach.


    Eat a giant salad with your rice and meat.
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    jainafaith wrote: »
    How do you eat your veg? Are you trying to salad or steam these things? Eating them plain just plain sucks - I always cook them into something.

    I just eat either romaine or spinach in my salad and add chicken and dressing to it. I get really sick of eating it. It's just too plain for me.

    Use some spices and bake up the veggies! I make some with sweet potatoes, brocoli, cauliflower and zucchini. Toss with a bit of olive oil, lots of garlic, some Italian spice, salt/pepper and paprika then bake at 400 for about 40 mins. Deliciousness

  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    There's your problem!!! This is my very secret "just threw it all in" recipe from earlier this week, which you could chop and change however you liked. It made a huge pot and I had 12 servings which were a generous ladle-full for 84 calories - leaving room for some rice to go with! You have to make it yummy!

    EDIT: If you can't tell I weighed and threw it all in BEFORE I put it into the mfp recipe calculator!

    Yummm! I'm gonna make this soon! Thanks for sharing this
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    jainafaith wrote: »
    I just had a total of 4-5 bowls of cherrios.... :(
    Don't keep it in the house if you're still in the stage where you're gonna binge on it? Or buy the smaller containers, that way when it's gone, it's gone.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,024 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    You don't mention eating any vegetables with your meal. That's the best way to really fill out your plate and your stomach.

    This ^^

    Veggies go a long way to helping me feel a little bit more full.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,024 Member
    jainafaith wrote: »
    I noticed that I only like tasty food when I eat. I get so sick and tired of eating fruits and vegetables that I end up craving for other snacks.

    Low cal doesn't have to be bland and boring. You mentioned white rice and pork for dinner. Sorry, but ... YAWN.

    Add spice! Last night my husband and I had palak paneer over white rice with chicken. The palak paneer was nice and spicy without being too overwhelming, and all together with the rice and chicken it tasted great!! Best of all, the calories were low.

    Go explore your grocery store. Find tasty low cal foods. Add spice to what you make. Do veggie stir fries or curried veggies for something different. Have some fun with it!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,024 Member
    jainafaith wrote: »
    I just had a total of 4-5 bowls of cherrios.... :(

    Throw the rest out. Don't have foods you're going to binge on in the house.

  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I don't really have any answers. I guess I'll say, when you start to cut back a lot from what you're eating it takes like a month to truly get over the hunger pangs. At least it did for me. But once you get used to it, then you stop getting so hungry all the time. Also if you haven't heard, always make breakfast your biggest meal. That really helps reduce later meals.
    Sorry, but I don't agree with that. Space your calories to enable you to eat when you're most hungry. That will enable you to stay within your deficit.

    I also disagree. Eating a large breakfast does not decrease my appetite later in the day, and what's more, if I eat a very carby breakfast I will keep getting hungry for several hours afterward, after the sugar crash. My hungry time always comes late at night close to bedtime. I've had the best luck with drinking coffee with cream and Splenda in the morning, then a regular lunch, then a fairly filling dinner that's mostly protein and vegetables so I'm still fairly satisfied at night.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,024 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I don't really have any answers. I guess I'll say, when you start to cut back a lot from what you're eating it takes like a month to truly get over the hunger pangs. At least it did for me. But once you get used to it, then you stop getting so hungry all the time. Also if you haven't heard, always make breakfast your biggest meal. That really helps reduce later meals.
    Sorry, but I don't agree with that. Space your calories to enable you to eat when you're most hungry. That will enable you to stay within your deficit.

    I also disagree. Eating a large breakfast does not decrease my appetite later in the day, and what's more, if I eat a very carby breakfast I will keep getting hungry for several hours afterward, after the sugar crash. My hungry time always comes late at night close to bedtime. I've had the best luck with drinking coffee with cream and Splenda in the morning, then a regular lunch, then a fairly filling dinner that's mostly protein and vegetables so I'm still fairly satisfied at night.

    Same here. Eating breakfast is like flipping the ON switch for me. I'm ravenously hungry all day. But if I wait till about 10 am and then have something small and low-cal, I'm good.

  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    More veggies, definitely. But more protein too, to help you feel more satisfied. Also, wait 20 minutes before grabbing for more food.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,024 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    jainafaith wrote: »
    I noticed that I only like tasty food when I eat. I get so sick and tired of eating fruits and vegetables that I end up craving for other snacks.

    Low cal doesn't have to be bland and boring. You mentioned white rice and pork for dinner. Sorry, but ... YAWN.

    Add spice! Last night my husband and I had palak paneer over white rice with chicken. The palak paneer was nice and spicy without being too overwhelming, and all together with the rice and chicken it tasted great!! Best of all, the calories were low.

    Go explore your grocery store. Find tasty low cal foods. Add spice to what you make. Do veggie stir fries or curried veggies for something different. Have some fun with it!

    Today I wandered through one of the local grocery stores and found this:

    Mexican black bean, corn, and quinoa soup in a pouch. 2 servings. Each serving is 101 cal. And it apparently has 1 serve of veggies in it already.

    I haven't tried it yet, but it looks interesting. I'm thinking we might steam some more veg to add to it to make it a little bit more substantial. We could add a bit of pasta or rice to it as well. Possibly even some chicken. All up we could create a 300-400 cal meal with it. It has potential ... and looks like it could taste really good. From the ingredient list, it should have some a decent amount of flavour.

    If we don't like it ... we won't have it again. But if we do like it, that's great! Another tasty option to add to our meal list.
  • hhnkhl
    hhnkhl Posts: 231 Member
    In the end it is motivation.
    If you really want to lose weight, you wouldnt be tempted every time.
    You would know when to stop and control.
    You need to understand that eating at a calorie deficit will always be not as satisfying...
    Its your call.
  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 567 Member
    Yeah I'm with the people saying you might need to incorporate more veggies and iron-rich protein. Hunger cravings are your body's way of telling you that it needs something. That doesn't always mean energy/calories, sometimes it means it needs some more nutrients. Maybe try getting some more iron and greens (in the most tasty/low-cal way you can come up with)?
  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 243 Member
    jainafaith wrote: »
    I just had a total of 4-5 bowls of cherrios.... :(

    Eat things that are higher in protein than carbs. E.g. Eggs. A dietician made this recommendation to my workmate and the weight melted off and he never felt the hunger. Something to do with protein making you satisfied so you are far less likely to go searching for that 'something' you crave but can never find until you've eaten 5 bowls of cherrios.

    Also - processed stuff like sausages, cherrios etc - not gonna make you feel satisfied for very long buddy, sorry. Your better to cook up a tasty slab of steak instead
  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 243 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    jainafaith wrote: »
    I just had a total of 4-5 bowls of cherrios.... :(
    Don't keep it in the house if you're still in the stage where you're gonna binge on it? Or buy the smaller containers, that way when it's gone, it's gone.

    Haha I do this because I can't be trusted! If its not in the house I can't eat it!
  • NotQuiteNorm
    NotQuiteNorm Posts: 283 Member
    hhnkhl wrote: »
    In the end it is motivation.
    If you really want to lose weight, you wouldnt be tempted every time.
    You would know when to stop and control.
    You need to understand that eating at a calorie deficit will always be not as satisfying...
    Its your call.

    I see the positive message here, but I think mfp is probably choc full of people who disagree! :) Keep an open mind to everyone's dieting experience as I - unable to resist some things - now have to keep my cereal at my fathers whom I care for and see most days (1-8pm) during my less craving-y times. I also stock my house with minimal low calorie options to things I used to eat in nightly binges (a 6 pack of low cal crisps at a time, a pack of cadbury creme egg biscuits holds 6x77kcal biscuits, fat free yoghurt, banana ice cream, 17kcal ice lollies, etc).

    I'm not trying to binge or "letting" myself if I can help it, but this and logging everything I binge has helped me slowly decrease the cravings. I'm just trying to say that everyone is different and you must remember to be sympathetic to those who are most vulnerable :smiley: we're all here for good reasons!
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member
    hhnkhl wrote: »
    Truth is...when you are trying to lose weight...
    Calories in and Calories out...
    You need to eat at a deficit...
    which means less calories than maintaining weight...
    which leads to cravings...
    I have it...others have it...you have it....
    everyone does...
    You have to be in control and overcome those weaknesses.
    Results are in your hands.

    Once you overcome the strong pains of hunger, you will start losing weight. The first 3 months are the hardest, now I'm eating my calories daily and increasing my cardio
    to maintain my weight loss. :)
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    I really don't understand why you are eating foods you find boring. Is it any wonder you're not satisfied? And I totally disagree with the notion that you have to just deal with strong hunger pangs

    Just start eating food that is interesting and yummy. If nighttime interested your time for being hungry eat lighter during the day and have a wonderful supper.

    Seems like torture to eat stuff you don't love.
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I don't really have any answers. I guess I'll say, when you start to cut back a lot from what you're eating it takes like a month to truly get over the hunger pangs. At least it did for me. But once you get used to it, then you stop getting so hungry all the time. Also if you haven't heard, always make breakfast your biggest meal. That really helps reduce later meals.
    Sorry, but I don't agree with that. Space your calories to enable you to eat when you're most hungry. That will enable you to stay within your deficit.

    I also disagree. Eating a large breakfast does not decrease my appetite later in the day, and what's more, if I eat a very carby breakfast I will keep getting hungry for several hours afterward, after the sugar crash. My hungry time always comes late at night close to bedtime. I've had the best luck with drinking coffee with cream and Splenda in the morning, then a regular lunch, then a fairly filling dinner that's mostly protein and vegetables so I'm still fairly satisfied at night.

    Me as well. I do coffee/2 Tbs milk/3 Splendas in the morning and I'm good till around 4 to 5 pm. Then if I have left overs from that, I may snack on that w/ a side of fresh fruit, yogurt and tea or coffee. Morning eating generally makes me graze more all day and then I'm left w/ nothing after all my workouts and start feeling deprived and hungry. Carb crash would make me sleepy as well and my workouts would suffer. I find downing water throughout the day w/ a 1 hour fast paced walk in the morning, 15, 30 minute workouts throughout the day (also just started weight training 1 hour per session) holds off the hunger as well, for me that is. Plus side I earn some more calories for a yummy meal at the end of the day. Protein, lot's of veg, fresh fruit, lots of yummy spices go a long way too. I'm also still learning, but so far so good :smiley: