The curse of the BAGEL



  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I had a bagel this morning in honor of this thread…and because it is deadlift day...

    I'm going to have one this morning as well even though my deadlift day was yesterday, lol. :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »

    As far as your bagels go, I have no advice because I live in NYC and the only substitute for a bagel allowed here is a different flavor bagel.

    I didn't quiet understand this until I actually moved to the Tri-State area. And you're right- not all bagels are equal - and NOTHING anywhere in the country is as good as the bagels in this area. Seriously- they do it right.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,991 Member
    Not sure where this great southern bread thing is coming my experience as soon as you go below the Mason Dixon line the bread gets progressively worse as you go south. Of course I'm sure there are some bastians of good bread but in general it's the North East/Mid Atlantic and West Coast (San Fran for sure) where the good USA bread is at!
    Yeah, but BBQ. :)

  • lulucitron
    lulucitron Posts: 366 Member
    I don't care for bagels myself but if they're your vice, then fit one in a day. Mine is ice cream but I'm buying my own ice cream maker and making healthy ones from scratch.

    Oh and Montreal is good for poutine, interesting French and hydro...since they provide most of the hydro for the east coast of north america.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    lulucitron wrote: »
    Oh and Montreal is good for poutine, interesting French and hydro...since they provide most of the hydro for the east coast of north america.

    LOL. You eat hydro power? Have fun with that. :)

    We're also known for great cheese, raclette and fondue chinoise, tourtiere, anything with maple syrup in springtime, vegetarian and vegan restaurants, Italian, Lebanese, Greek, Irish pub grub, Haitian, Portuguese chicken, all-dressed pizza, crepes and other brunchables, fresh local bistro fare, microbreweries...

    Wait, this thread was about bagels, right? (Sorry, got slightly distracted there.)
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    rosehips60 wrote: »
    :'(:'(:'( I live in Iowa, couldn't get a proper bagel to save my soul

    Hyvee has those artisan ones though!
  • lulucitron
    lulucitron Posts: 366 Member
    Yes, all those things...I adore visiting Montreal.
  • BeaBizzy
    BeaBizzy Posts: 25 Member
    Sweets1954 wrote: »
    I have been getting mini bagels, they are around 100 calories for one. If I get a regular bagel I only eat half--usually the top since that's where the goodies are. I don't have them often because I need to watch my carbs but they are worth the treat to work it into my daily allotment.

    Mini bagels !!! I haven t seen them yet. Will have to look for them I like the portion calorie count. Thank You :smiley:
  • BeaBizzy
    BeaBizzy Posts: 25 Member
    belimawr wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    As far as your bagels go, I have no advice because I live in NYC and the only substitute for a bagel allowed here is a different flavor bagel.

    I haven't touched one since I started cutting, but you are right there.

    Now I'm reminded of a place near where I used to work (and glad I don't wor there anymore as I was in the bagel place every day) on Westchester Ave. and St. Theresa's. In a very unlikely place for bagels, yet among - if not THE - best I ever had.

    Their sun dried tomato bagels... delicious. Pop open the bag and the smell of tomatoes hit you like a brick.

    Mmmmm... have try Sun Dried Tomatoes instead of cheese. Love them and a bit healthier too I bet.
  • BeaBizzy
    BeaBizzy Posts: 25 Member
    edited April 2015
    kbxiii wrote: »
    segacs wrote: »
    None of those are real bagels.

    ...Well, not to a Montrealer, anyway.

    These are proper bagels:


    I hear ya!

    I try to lose weight doing low carb/keto..

    The one thing that makes me derail is a good ol sesame bagel.. or everything bagel.

    I just drooled all over my keyboard.

    But if you're not restricting carbs, just eat the bagel and modify your day elsewhere like many said.. Unless you can't stop at one, then abstinence my dear :'(

    I probably could attribute 95% of my adult weight gain to poor carb choices and no carb control over the years. Hoping to moderate or be kind to myself with a good carb correction. Bagels are a tight spot >:) for me I know it may sound silly but I like the texture more than even the flavor sometimes.

    I am working toward plain bagels with controled cheese potions.

    Had 1/2 bagel yesterday and today. Found a tip here on Mini Bagels too. I am afraid if I don t try to include these delights I will keep indulging to disasterous ruin when I can't hold back anymore.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    BeaBizzy, you're figuring this out fast. You'll do well.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Maybe it's because the only homemade bagels I ever had were in Louisiana, but I don't like them. Can't eat them out of a package, either, where they are usually there as part of the breakfast for networking or other breakfast events.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I've had bagels from Toronto and New York. You don't know a great bagel until you've had one. And I agree with another poster that it's all about the texture.
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    Have half a bagel? Share a bagel?
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    lulucitron wrote: »
    I don't care for bagels myself but if they're your vice, then fit one in a day. Mine is ice cream but I'm buying my own ice cream maker and making healthy ones from scratch.

    Oh and Montreal is good for poutine, interesting French and hydro...since they provide most of the hydro for the east coast of north america.

    As someone who went to college in Maine, I will add that the entire province of Quebec is good for having a low drinking age.

    Also, as someone descended from 18th c Quebequois millworkers? Also excellent for superbold eyebrows.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    rosehips60 wrote: »
    :'(:'(:'( I live in Iowa, couldn't get a proper bagel to save my soul

    Minnesota here. Don't you have any Brueggers in IA? They are the real deal (NY style bagels) I grew up here in a suburb of Mpls with a big Jewish population, and several Jewish deli's, so I have had good bagels all of my life.

    As with most food, work it into your calories. It is all about calorie deficit CICO. Pre-MFP, I had one every morning. Now I have one occasionally. A lot of calories, but worth it for me.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,671 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    segacs wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Please, now we have to hear again about the Montreal nonsense? DYEJewish?

    You wouldn't call it nonsense if you'd tried them.

    And yes, I happen to be Jewish. What's your point?

    Well, that didn't work out the way it was supposed to. You should be able to figure out why I said the Jewish thing. That ones pretty obvious. But you weren't supposed to be Jewish. You ruined the joke. Don't be Jewish next time.

    ROFL I just snorted club soda out my noise. Ouch. Seriously so funny :lol:
  • kissa714
    kissa714 Posts: 65 Member
    hahahha. ditch the husband. jk. i dont see a reason to not eat them if you can fit it into your calorie goal.
  • kissa714
    kissa714 Posts: 65 Member
    better idea: politely ask your husband to not bring them home. if theyre not there, you cant eat them.
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    JarethG wrote: »
    Cortelli wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    I've never liked bagels; way too tough and chewy and always seemed odd to me. Then I found out they were boiled in water and understood why they were that way.

    Not surprised to see you give an opinion like that.

    I'm from New Orleans, where REAL bread is served.

    Yeah, I don't know. I'm pretty sure if you want real bread, you have to go to Europe. European bread puts anything in North America to shame.
    Not any more......or at least that's been my experience over the last decade.....

    Too true and what a great thing.

    And as far as NOLA? OK, I'll give you beignets; but come out to SF for some fresh, hot, crusty sourdough.

    However, you can still get better beignets in SF.

    Do tell! Where can I get an outstanding beignet in SF, because I will be there!