What did you do to lose 100 lbs?



  • I started my program 5 months ago. I started out on a 1200 cal diet and drank all the water I could and started going to the gym. My meals where 3xs a day and that was pretty much it. I would lose ounces here and there but never really seemed to get the results I wanted. February I changed my diet to a 1600 cal and I eat 5 xs a day at least. I drink mainly water all day (this coming from a Mountain Dew drinker) I usually eat 2 boiled eggs, and oats for breakfast, tuna or a smart ones dinner for lunch and a wide range of meals for dinner. I try my best to go to the gym 5 days a week or I will do other things such as hike or go to the park with my kids. I started seeing the weight come off when I did this. Then it stopped here about 2 weeks ago. When this happened I changed my workout. I decided to go from one machine to another, getting my 30 mins a day in different ways. Then I tried intervals. At first I didn't think I was gonna be able to take it but I am doing them everyday. In the last 2 weeks I have lost 6 lbs in changing my workout. This was a suggestion that was given to me by a trainer. I know trainers are expensive and they do a great job but not everyone can afford them. I am lucky that my employer offers free consultation with them and I can get this help.

    My goal is to lose 60 more lbs and everyday I can see a difference. I am pushing myself to get my body the way I want it.

    Feel free to add me id you like.
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    I have PCOS and I lost 149 pounds all together, but I wont lie when I tell you it took motivation. It took some serious soul searching to look in a mirror and finally tell myself that today is the day I will make changes. No changes will happen, until you fix your attitude. I lost most of my weight by switching sugary / carbonated drinks for water and tea, switching out candy and bread for fruit and by doing HIIT workouts , such as Zumba , T25 and Jillian Michaels. I continue to focus on the positives and try to remember that not EVERYDAY will be perfect. Sometimes Life gets in the way ,and thats alright, try not to beat yourself up over every cupcake or slice of pizza. Just remember , that when you wake up in the morning , you only have one body - and if you messed up yesterday take accountability and make an effort to do better today.
    Nothing worth while happens overnight. If you lose the weight quickly, it will come back quickly. Soon , after living a much healthier lifestyle you will notice how much better you feel. :) good luck on your goals. I look forward to seeing your success story later on!

  • GalactusEmpire
    GalactusEmpire Posts: 90 Member
    Hey there. I have lost over 170 lbs in the last 3 years. Basically just calorie counting and having the self control to say "No". It does effect social life. Having to say no to going out to eat, or going for drinks. Having holiday meals can be a pain. Try and snack beforehand so those delicious foods don't tempt you. I also only buy what groceries I need. And I only buy the food I plan on eating. Making things less accessible to me has definitely helped.

    Exercise isn't too important honestly. You can lose 100 lbs without lifting a weight or taking a step if you eat correctly. But it can help.
  • pineapple_peach10
    pineapple_peach10 Posts: 239 Member
    edited April 2015
    I lowered it because I wasn't losing Any weight. Once I lowered it my weight started to go down finally. I am slowly increasing my calories to find a comfortable rate of loss. Aiming for 2 lbs a week.
    Thank you for your reply

    You're welcome and good luck :)
  • daizyk70
    daizyk70 Posts: 16 Member
    wonut wrote: »
    I've lost 105 lbs to date but it has taken about 10 years. I am about 50 lbs from goal. It's been a journey of the body and the mind with the mind being the hardest part. I still struggle sometimes but I keep working at it. Here's a list of what I feel helped me.

    Accept that I had to make a permanent lifestyle change

    Find exercise I enjoy and will do consistently

    Accept that there will be tough days but a slip one day is not a reason to chuck everything.

    Do not eat my feelings good or bad. Food is to nourish not entertain, console or etc.

    Measure and log my portions and eat on small plates

    Learn to make veggies the largest part of my meal and treat the most calorie dense part as an accessory.

    I know you've probably heard a lot of that before, it's all cliché but I promise it works.

    Good luck.

    This. Totally this!
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    The most I've ever needed to lose was seventy. I'm currently down more than forty. What I have done is found a calorie deficit I can live with week after week and I have stuck with it. Some weeks I lose several pounds and some weeks I lose none, but I keep to the plan. I don't focus on when I will be done. This is just my lifestyle right now.
  • hi im new looking for friends to help me loose weight thanks
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    I know you already said you'd up your calories, but I just want to give you my story too. I've lost 100 pounds and I'm 5'9". Started at 343, currently at about 240 (my scale broke about a month ago, so I'm not exactly sure anymore). I've never eaten less than 1870 calories a day, and I eat back all my exercise calories as well.

    You may not always lose 2 pounds a week, or sometimes you might lose 3. One week of not losing weight does NOT mean that you've failed or that it isn't working. Your weight can fluctuate by as much as 5+ pounds a day because of stress, excess sodium, a binge on carbs, or just because your body decided to hold onto water today. This is a process, and you have to trust that it's working for the long term better than the short term. Remember that losing 1 pound that week is still 1 pound less than last week. And if you only lose even 1 pound every week, you're still 52 pounds lighter at the end of the year and that will do amazing things for your health and energy. Don't go to extremes to try to lose faster, because when you're looking at 100 pounds you likely have a while. It really does become a lifestyle change.

    And I second everything wonut said. Also, I highly suggest a food scale. It's probably my favorite kitchen appliance and I use it even on days I don't count. I can use it in place of measuring cups so there are less dirty dishes, AND it's more accurate.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    I have lost 135ish pounds. The best thing I did was just to start measuring and lortioning out my food. I had no idea that I was overeating by so much until I started doing that. I started losing with around 1600-1700 a day.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I could always use the motivation and if you need the same add me as a friend and we can motivate you along the way.

    There is nobody who can motivate you. You can be inspired by other people, you can emulate other people's successes, but the only true motivation comes from YOU. Until YOU are motivated, nothing anyone else says or does will help.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Lost 85 pounds since October 2014.

    Start weight 260.6 lbs
    Goal weight 150-145 lbs

    so some more to go :) But doing great.
    Started off with 1200 calories a day. I eat everything only for medical reasons no added sugar or salt.
    Calories are up now to 1300.

    After some weeks i started to walk ( on the treadmill) and now i walk and jog a bit every day. ( 60 minutes) Plus i do 3 times a week some (very) light lifting.
    I eat 25% of the burned calories back.

    Some weeks i lose fast some weeks slower. But it seems i lose at 2 days a week. So most days it stands still and than i lose weight 2 days after each other lol. Pretty much spot on.
    No plateaus, hardly any fluctuations.
  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    edited April 2015
    I lost the first 90 lbs mostly fumbling in the dark for 3.5 years alone (I did lose 20 while following the Special K diet and didn't gain those back even when my weight loss efforts waned for a while). Making better food choices, eliminating 'trigger' foods, and exercising nonstop. I lost the last 25 when I joined this site, counted calories, started weighing all my food and liquids, switching from ONLY doing 1 hour of the elliptical 6 days a week to running 5 days a week with one rest day and one elliptical day, and adding strength training five days a week. Training for a half marathon really burns up those calories. :wink:

    Good luck!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I'm not quite at 100 yet, but here is what I have done in chronological order over several years. I gained weight due to illness and inactivity--my diet was never terrible.

    more swimming
    faster swimming
    weight lifting/cardio circuits
    being conscious of portions
    Zumba (slowly)
    food and exercise tracking (started at 55 pounds loss)
    Zumba (keeping up with instructor)
    authentic Latin dance
    more careful tracking
    realized that I am sensitive to carbs--started eating moderate carb diet
    more casual cardio + one hour/day intense exercise
    returned to serious dancing
    raised calories slightly and added more fat
    more and heavier weight lifting
  • Hovercat
    Hovercat Posts: 43 Member
    I have 5lbs to go before I hit the 100 number but I did it with a ketogenic diet, 95lbs gone in just over a year eating at a high fat/low carb calorie deficit. I've started to include exercise (roller blading!) because the weight hasn't budged in awhile and I fell back on tracking. I'm not even upset at the stall, I went from obese to normal in a year. I feel too awesome to be mad at myself :) It's been almost 18 months low carb and I can't imagine eating any other way now. Pretty good for a chick who used to eat cookie dough right from the tub and doritos for breakfast!
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    edited April 2015
    So many people here are a testament to what we can do with the help of sites like MFP. Congratulations to all of you!

    -160 pounds. Maintenance @ 130 pounds for a little over 17 months.
    No cheat days during the time I was losing. Logged everything I ate and drank, every day. Ate at calorie deficit and moved more, it is that simple, but never easy. I walk almost every day, even in the winter. You just have to stick with it. My goal now is to keep the weight off. The statistics are staggeringly against us doing this. More than 80% of the people that lose weight, gain it all back (some people gain even more back) within 5 years. I want to be one of the ones that beats those odds. Those people are the true success stories. I was totally sedentary 3 years ago. 290#. Out of breath walking up 1 flight of stairs. Now, I go to the gym almost every day (I am on my longest streak right now, every day since 1/25/15). I am 63 years old. If I can do it, anyone can with no existing health issues. I guess you just have to want to be healthier and more active, than you want to be overweight and sedentary. It took me long enough to realize this. Finding MFP and the success of others here, gave me the hope that maybe I could do this too. You can do it also! Best of luck to everyone!