
  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    CecidoToo wrote: »
    Ceci from Long Island :) first day here, 50 pounds to go

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Wow - take my advice and never get 4 days behind on this thread. I was determined to catch up today and it took all evening. Will someone please send me a cyber kick in the pants? I don't want to do this again.

    Had an awesome day. Slept late. Stayed in bed reading my book and cuddling my kitty. Then it was off to the Y for some easy water workout. (a knee has REALLY been troubling me)It was beautiful spring weather. I had a tremendous acupuncture treatment. Then this evening I caught up with all of you.

    I always enjoy reading about all of your adventures, events, and day-to-day stuff. I learn from you, too. If you are upset, you can send rants this way. I'll feel your pain!

    Jan - glad your procedure is over.
    Mary - It sounds like you're having a wonderful trip.
    Rita - enjoyed the good news. Glad you are back with us.
    Lesley - YEAH! a new pooch! I am so happy for you and hubby.
    Carol - so glad the kitty is home safe.

    I wish I had more time for more comments. You are all in my thoughts. Congrats to those of you who are losing and meeting challenges. (((Hugs))) to those of you who need some TLC!


    PS - Our Blueberry is a little doll. She is so cute. She will have a new little boy cousin this summer so more baby fun is coming soon!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison, we need to get a tree cut down also. How much are you going to have to pay for it? Do they also grind up the roots that are above ground? We had some bad storms lately with a lot of trees down so I know it isn't a good time to call for an estimate.

    Yannie, life ah a way of making us see ourselves in our children when we were that age. We tend to judge them as an adult, not the age that they actually are. They haven't had time to graduate from the school of hard knocks.

    Terri Milwaukee, aren't you the naughty one. and in front of your Dad!

    Vivian, as you can see, a lot of us would love to have some of your Italian lighter fare.

    Janet, no he wasn't in sales. When he wants something, he wants it now. So when he got out of the Navy, he used his GI bill to enroll in a home schooled computer programming class. He really needed a teacher, not a self taught and he ended up throwing it all away. He worked for almost 40 years as a hospital pharmacy technician which is really pretty boring. As far as the life of a party, he loves to get the conversation changed to get in his feelings about politics, how incompetent the world is, drivers, just anything in the world. This has often made us not be invited to parties.

    Carol NC, maybe your kitty doesn't want you to know what he/she did while out. Secrets!!!! I am sure that there is a lot of things about container gardens on Pinterest or on the HGTV web site. My DAd planted a 'pomato' once. He saw it in a gardening magazine. You core a potato and plant a tomato in it and then plant it. The starch in the potato gives a huge crop for the tomato plus you get a good amount of potatoes out of it. But he always did a lot of special stuff to make his soil real special.

    Vicki, they need to nip that 8 year old's philosophy of women in the bud. But of course he is imulating some one who he sees all the time.

    Kim, the song didn't meet up to Charlie's Karaoke standards. But he was the one who came up with the NO SINGING IN TH SHOWER and that's what gave us the idea of completing the song.

    Charlie picked up his stuff and instructions for his colonoscopy today. I don't understand it. I had the exact same prep but I had it scheduled well enough in advance I could follow it completely. The instructions have you starting to adjust your diet 7 days ahead of time. like he wasn't supposed to eat lettuce or tomato but he has salads all the time. OOPS. I think it's called Moviprep. You mix it with lukewarm water and let refrigerate. He will drink half of it Sunday evening and then the other half Monday morning. I may be reading to much into this but it could be that our family doc ordered this to be done as soon as possible because of his change in bowel habits. But he isn't able to follow the directions the way it's supposed to be.

    Joyce, Indiana

  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Please add me to the group. My name is Maryanne, I am 54, married with 3 teenagers, in menopause with hot flashes! I have been on MFP since July 2012 and have lost 16 lbs and kept them off. I still have 30-40 lbs to go. It's very slow but I'm trying to make small changes, nothing too crazy to maintain. My goal is to find a little peace in each day, drink my water and log food.

    We can do this!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    Off in a minute with my friend to the coast. She is picking me up as she didn't manage to get away last night. I will come back on the train.
    DH seemed a bit preoccupied so I asked him what was wrong. He said he was thinking of going to a very local football match, but couldn't do if he had to pick me up from the station this pm. Men! ! ! ! ! ! I said I was happy to ring for a taxi. I will charge it to the joint account! :laugh:

    My DS and DDIL have just arrived in St Lucia with the DGC. Had a good, if v long, journey. I felt for them before hand as they were clearing the kitchen ready for the building work to start, working, and packing for all of them to go away. Good job she has written a book called THIS BOOK WILL MAKE YOU CALM. :laugh: I should think she was tearing her hair out as she is someone who loves routine and order. :sad: They have gone away to get out of the builder's way and are staying a house that belongs to her parents' friends. Nice! >:) (When I had children that age it was a decrepit caravan in Devon, or a tent) :*

    I have a number 4 cake tin in the cupboard that DH and his previous partner bought for his sister's 40th party twenty two years ago. I thought the party for DGS was going to be local at DDIL's parent's house, but when I emailed them they didn't know anything about it! ! ! I'm not going to take a cake up to London on the train, so will have to wait for further news. I was going to decorate it in a pirate theme. DH kindly offered to line the tin! ! ! ! ! I am not a patient person.

    Barbie - the greatest help to me was a book called Level Up Your Day. I am a huge procrastinator and, all my life, have not been able to do the things of most importance to me. Self sabotage. This book taught me to pick my prime time of day and do the very most important thing then. I told myself it only had to be half an hour, but it was always longer. It has saved me do much angst and I am feeling self respect. My peak time is between 10 and 12 in the morning. I would fritter it away.

    Love to all. It's been raining, but the sun is coming out. :D I must remember sunglasses! B)

    Heather UK

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi everybody, just making a quick stop to say hi. Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Janet ~ My dad built (he actually did the building) a cat fish restaurant at High Falls State Park in the early 70's. People from all over GA came to eat and on the weekends would have to wait a very long time to get in. The cat fish, hush puppies and slaw were delicious. My mom made homemade strawberry short cakes and banana short cakes that were unlike any anywhere. The restaurant stayed in business until around 2005 when my brother sold it. I have heard that the new owner only opens it on the weekends and on reading reviews, the quality has gone down greatly.

    My Pom has not eaten anything since Thursday night, so I am going to try to get him to the vet to find out what is wrong.
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Goodorning Everyone,

    My weight is up today. I eat out a lot so I think I need to more careful re:what I put into my mouth. Today's a new day so here goes.

    We're taking our kitty-son to the vet's this AM. He's diabetic and a bit sluggish. It's time for his 6mo. Check up He's 16 so he could be just slowing down some too.

    There's a work related meeting this afternoon from which I've been excused. DH and I had tickets to go out for a dinner dance on Valentine's Day it was snowed out so the snow date is tonight.

    The group meeting always has something to complain about. So even though I've been excused, I am not certain that it is really not going to cause a problem in the long run.

    Still I do not want to be late for our date tonight & one of our few night out dancing. DH is so understanding about my work schedule I really think I need to have our time tonight be a priority.

    Italy10548 Welcome!

    Jmkmmomnot sure about the cost for tree removal where you live but here it can easily go 1k. I have a few trees that need work but have been saving up for it.

    Naiomi2015 in 47F and sunny Massachusetts
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    We have hot water! Yay! DD got in about 5, reeling from information overload. We ate at Cracker Barrel and ten looked at a few of the suggested apt. Complexes. Now I for night.

    Heather.....I can,t believe the age thing either.....people this old were really "on their last legs" when I was young.......I certainly don,t feel like they looked to me.

    Vicki...hope your day improved,
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning. I had lots more typed last night and it refused to post.
    Gotta run, open house then on the road again.....best to everyone!
  • emme442
    emme442 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am new to this. My name is Em mother of three grand ma of 15. Ages 29 -10. great gran. Of 4. Ages 1-5 Live in Ky. 66yrs old.
    Started with my pal Jan 2014 @ 293# as of today just hit 214. 70 more to go
    My loss mantra is slow n steady (I want it to stay off)
    Have issues with knees but have started trackin steps an miles walked now daily. lookin for tips. and encouragement. loven this warmer weather
    Have a blessed. day
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning everyone! We are on our way home. We should get there this evening sometime. Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    emme442 wrote: »
    Hi I am new to this. My name is Em mother of three grand ma of 15. Ages 29 -10. great gran. Of 4. Ages 1-5 Live in Ky. 66yrs old.
    Started with my pal Jan 2014 @ 293# as of today just hit 214. 70 more to go
    My loss mantra is slow n steady (I want it to stay off)
    Have issues with knees but have started trackin steps an miles walked now daily. lookin for tips. and encouragement. loven this warmer weather
    Have a blessed. day

    Welcome Em!
  • ldolfie2015
    ldolfie2015 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Emme, I am LibbyD. I am 60 years old. Have been using my Fitnesspal 2-3 weeks but have used other programs in past. Dieter since age 12. Got short term results but always more weight re-gained than lost. Finally ready for life style changes. Gave up Coca Cola in January. Working on all sweets and getting there. Exercising and working on consitency. Current wt- 228. Goal 160. Have 3 grandchildren 5, 3, 1. Want to see them grow up. That's my motivation. Health issues, diabetic, High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and hypothyroidism. Sounds like you working on similar goals. Currently. I want to exercise. 7 days straight
    And eat no sugar or unhealthy snacks. Let me know more about you. Thanks.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    Enjoy reading posts.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,616 Member
    edited April 2015
    Mary - WELCOME HOME. :flowerforyou:

    I had a lovely day at the seaside. We ate lunch outside right by the beach. I had a goats cheese and beetroot salad, left the croutons. Delish! Then we briskly walked along the front for an hour so I have burnt off, with my machines this morning, about 750 cals! Yeah! D H has made dinner, but he seems in a funny mood. Picking me up from the train interrupted his football results and the rugby. :sad: He has been weird ever since our blow up yesterday. :ohwell:

    Anyway, I very much enjoyed my friend's company. :)<3

    DH off to cricket tomorrow. Don't feel much like taking him. :grumble:

    Heather UK
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Friend coming over for coffee this morning.....So...hurried up and cleaned my house, vacuumed and mopped the floors.. that drywall dust just doesn't seem to go away, cleaned a couple bathrooms... then she phoned and said "coming over later this afternoon or maybe tomorrow morning" WELL.... I guess I will just head out for a walk with the dogs then!!

    PIP – did that feel good… I can relate!!!

    Bkrimpet – I have a really good reason to stay away from bread,…. No I am not gluten sensitive – I am yeast sensitive… yesterday I bought buns – (the kids are coming – we will bbq) I haven’t had bread for a long time… and yes I crave it once in awhile…. WELL…this morning – I have the bigggest yeast hangover headache ever…

    Skimmed the posts - trying to catch up....

    Hi to everyone new... The more the merrier [drinking:]

    Gotta get outside.... DGS is coming this afternoon for a sleepover ...and we will go outside this afternoon for walk then too.... 10,000 steps HERE WE COME!!!

    Lillian in beautiful sunny West Central Saskatchewan
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2015
    Carol: We do not have farmer’s market deliveries available in my community. I think that option requires a larger and more prosperous community than ours. We do drive to local farms with their own stores during the growing season, though. It sounds to me like your little black kitty has been out “catting around.” Male or female? Fixed? My weight fluctuates between morning and evening every day. I’m heavier in the evening. I do my weigh-ins in the morning on an empty stomach. Regarding container gardening, I did a lot of it in the past but it was not ideal for me. Tomatoes didn’t thrive as well in pots as in the ground and took up way too much space on my deck. I now grow herbs in pots happily and successfully. I have fuchsias in pots and an Alberta Spruce that comes in the house to be a Christmas tree for the season. I’m not sure what to suggest as a potted plant that would hide your air-conditioner from view. I planted a very robust hardy fuchsia in the ground in front of mine. It disappears in winter but could hide an elephant in the summer.

    Yanniejannie: Keep us posted on your weather situation. Is there a mall where you can walk and hang around? I know this would not help your pup. Your daughter OWES you for this! It sounds like you don’t even have a decent wifi connection.

    Heather: I agree with you on the “Am I really 65?” comment. I know I’m really 65 and stunned to think I’ll be 66 on my birthday in a few months. I keep thinking how surprised I am to feel this healthy and happy. It took me too many years to find my determination to be healthy and enjoy life but I’m beyond pleased that I finally did. Better late than never.

    Bkrimpet: Logging every bite and swallow is the best possible goal. You’ve chosen well.

    Vicki: I’m sending peaceful thoughts your direction. Two major sources of stress at once is tough to deal with.

    Rita: Thanks so much for sharing the book list.

    Joyce: Funny song. Did it cheer your DH up?

    Janet: I am so sorry your catfish treat was ruined by bad cooking at the restaurant. The last catfish I had was dry and tasteless. I had it in a restaurant in CO. I guess I’m not a catfish fan or cook. The only time I ever liked catfish was in a restaurant in Little Rock, AR. They deep-fried everything, including corn on the cob. I didn’t care for the corn.

    Sylvia: Wonderful NSV! Your before and after pictures at the hospital proves how much you’ve accomplished! Today’s joke is thought provoking.

    Pip: Sorry your DH took out his frustrations on you. It was a terrible, horrible, no good, bad day. Seattle and Tacoma traffic is beyond horrible. DS and DDIL live in Auburn so we have recent experience.

    Joyce: We keep a box of Quaker lowfat granola bars in each car for “emergencies.” DH is diabetic, and although I’m not diabetic they’ve come in handy for me, too.

    Emme422: Welcome to a great group.

    Heather: I hope you and DH get back on track quickly. I wonder if he is down about something.

    We’re in the office with the heater on today. DH has found some interesting articles on Alzheimer’s that were on BBC news. Here is the link to BBC news: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-32233571 The article that caught his eye is titled “Being overweight “reduces the risk” One of our myfitnesspal members has posted links that suggest that certain dietary fats are protective against alzheimer’s. I see Susanna’s posts in the news feed. She isn’t part of this group. Here is the link to what the US government department of health has to say: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12580703

    After reading these articles, I plan to remain at a healthy weight and include foods that contain healthy fats, such as salmon and veggies in my diet. I also plan to be sure I get adequate rest, which is a key for better health and brain function for me.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good afternoon! Not much accomplished this morning, other than taking DGS to his soccer game. That was fun, but I'm sorry to say that he might not be the best player on the team. He might be the best cheerleader though. He just stands around in the back of the field jumping around, pointing at imaginary objects, stomping on grass, and avoiding the ball at all costs. But he had fun and he got some exercise, so I think that's a win. He was happy to have his new team shirt, new knee socks, and his new shin guards. It cost a fortune but he looked like a player, anyway. The poor coach kept saying: Ian, where are you going? Ian, pay attention! Ian, the game is over here! But nothing fazed him. AAH, to be young and clueless. Most important of all of course, was the snack after the game.

    Hubby is at a conference this morning on campus, and will finish about 2:30, then we are going to the lake. It's supposed to rain, but that's OK. I love it out there in the rain.

    Katla, I'm surprised by that article. The last thing I read was that extra weight made your risk worse, not better. I wish they could make up their minds on stuff like that. If you read ten different studies on a subject you will get ten different conclusions. Makes it hard to try to do the right thing. I'm going to be 60 in July and can't quite get my head around that. I still feel like a confused teenager, how can I possibly be 60! I remember my grandmothers at my age (or younger) and thinking that they were ancient. One of my distant relatives posted a photo on facebook of my grandmother and grandfather sitting on the porch of their house on the farm, and she was way younger than me (now) in that picture but looking at it she looks so old. I only look old when I look in the mirror. :)

    Welcome Em! Tell us more!

    Mary, I hope you are having a nice trip.

    Later ladies!

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Sylvia, that was amusing what you said about Ian. My grandson played soccer last Fall at age 4 and did the exact same thing. He was so funny. One time he ran off the field during the game to give the other grandma a hug. had to shoo him back.

    I am 66 and really feel my age physically but not mentally. My mom is 89 and I am going to post a picture I took of her at 87. I sure hope I look that good at that age.
