How much money do you eat a day?



  • Rocketqueeen
    Rocketqueeen Posts: 96 Member
    Oh man. I wish I could spend $9 a day. Living in NYC is ridiculously expensive. I spend at least 15 but a day. And groceries cost us about 150 or more per week. It seems the healthier I want to eat, the more expensive things are.
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    My husband and I plus 2 dogs and a cat can get by on $200 in groceries and other essentials every 2 weeks. Sometimes more, sometimes less. We restock our meats once every month to month and a half.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    500 a month avg
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    I live on 30usd a month, my average daily food/money intake is 1-1.50 a day

    I don't know. That doesn't sound real at all. Unless you're starving yourself.
    Oh his profile page it says he has suffered ED's off and on since he was 8.
  • punkuate
    punkuate Posts: 127 Member
    Food is roughly £3 a day. $4.39 in dollars. Coffee on the other hand.... Eek!
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    It used to be $75-80/week. Now that I have my middle child in the throngs of early puberty (so TWO eating machine children, ha!) and me in maintenance (which is approaching 2,200+ calories--WHOA), we spend ~$100-$120/week for a family of five (2 adults, 2 pubescent children, plus one preschooler).

    Lots of Aldi/Walmart/ethnic market shopping to save big money. Learned how to be a frugal, wholesome food shopper years ago, when we were on hard times and had to make the food benefits (SNAP) last, while still making healthful/balanced food choices.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Groceries, about $6/day (CDN).

    But I eat out in restaurants a lot. Including those, it would be more like $10-11/day. Even higher if you add in alcohol.

    That's just for me as one person. I splurge on stuff I really enjoy, though, like fancy chocolate, olive oil, cheese, fresh fruits from the farmer's market, sushi, you name it. My calories are limited and I like to spend them in as tasty and satisfying a way as possible.
  • littled1986
    littled1986 Posts: 101 Member
    For myself I spend about 60 on food per week. I just find a couple recipes I want to try and pick out my snacks so I'm just buying the few ingredients I don't already have at home.
  • MelissaMJG
    MelissaMJG Posts: 6 Member
    I spend about $50 a week on my family - myself, my husband, a 13 year old and 16 month old. However, my husband and I eat out almost daily (sometimes twice daily) for free, due to my job so that saves a lot. My in-laws live with us and insist on buying tons of groceries since we won't take rent money. Before they moved in, we were spending about $100 a week. Most of my budget is on fresh produce and protein bars (the stuff the in-laws don't buy).
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I spend 225 every two weeks and maybe 40 or so weekly. We are a family of 4.
  • cresyluna
    cresyluna Posts: 48 Member
    I'm doing a farm share which comes out to about $65/week for my husband and me - I loooove it as it is weekly yogurt, bread, cheese, meat, eggs, tofu and lots of vegetables, cuts down a lot on grocery shopping too (my favorite thing to avoid!) because then I'm only buying to augment the aforementioned instead of just 'anything.' But! We do eat out more than is really reasonable, and things like milk, pasta, sugar, coffee, still need to be purchased, so probably $150-ish a week total between us. So about $11/day.
  • TiffanyR71
    TiffanyR71 Posts: 217 Member
    $200-250/week - my husband and I & our 12 year old son - all raw ingredients for meals - except for my Greek yogurt (not including going out, which we do a few times a month). Could eat healthy for less by shopping sale meat/fish/veg...
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    It's impossible for me to calculate because:
    --I grow a lot of my own food
    --I barter with friends and relatives for food
    --I harvest wild foods which are free (blackberries, mushrooms)
    --I buy inexpensive local produce in the summer (U-pick) and can + freeze (example: cherries for .99/pound)
    --I get a lot of food-related gifts

    My grocery spending varies a lot, but it would be extremely rare for me to spend more than $40/week/ less than $5/day. I could eat for much less if I were able to consume more carbs. I have to follow a moderate-carb diet due to medical issues.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Eek. This thread reminds me how much money a spend per day of food. I'm going to try to cut it down this week.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I spend about £50-70 a week for two people but that includes cleaning products and loo roll etc. So I guess it's somewhere between £3-5 per person per day which isn't too bad as we both take packed lunches to work so it's 3 meals a day plus snacks.
  • Kendall2006
    Kendall2006 Posts: 124 Member
    I spend $100 a month on groceries and $115 for my protein powder a month. I am single and very creative when it comes to food. If I do eat out, its only once a month. I prefer making my own food and pinterest is very helpful in that field. Aldi is the best store out there. But I do compare prices in other places in the neighborhood. Some stores have items for cheaper. So I usually do my shopping afterwork as all the stores are on my way home and I don't burn so much gas.
  • SkinnyCat39
    SkinnyCat39 Posts: 122 Member
    Aldi Rocks
  • _JonnyQwest_
    _JonnyQwest_ Posts: 11 Member
    350 a week or of five.....this includes alot of unnecessary luxuries, fish, steaks, etc....could probably get it down to 200 to 250 a week if we shopped better.
  • mokaiba
    mokaiba Posts: 141 Member
    edited April 2015
    xLyric wrote: »
    I just got back from the store with my week's worth of food and was wondering if the $60 was a lot, so I thought I'd ask around and maybe see what other people had to say. If I round up to account for some lunches I already had at home, I'm eating roughly $9 a day. That seems like a lot for me, but it's mainly because I'm a student and don't make very much money. Obviously any replies will similarly be high/low depending on your own circumstances, but I guess I'm just curious now that I'm paying more attention to what I'm spending my money on.

    - $10 chicken breast = 250g average each ~ 9 days worth (I use 3.5 of them a month ~ $35, so $105 for three months)
    - $12 Chia seed bag = 14g each day ~ lasts three months
    - $14 flaxseed bag = 13g each day ~ lasts three months
    - $12 five dozen egg = 7 eggs each day ~ 8.5 days worth (I use 3.5 of them a month ~ $42, so $126 for three months)
    - $6 five lbs baby carrot = 226g per day ~ (1lb=453g) 10 days worth (I use 3 a month ~ $18, so $54 or three months)
    - $48 protein powder 32g = 32g per day ~ 32 days ($144 for three months)

    == $455 per three months
    so, around $151 per month
    which is around, $38 per week (close to $5.50 per day).
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    For my family of 3, I spend about 270$ \ 300$ per week.
    But everyone will have different answers to this because of family size, food preference, and area they live in , among other factors like income and so on. For example, someone who lives in Manhattan will likely have to spend more for the same type of groceries then someone in Ohio would .
    We like fresh produce and my husband loves pricey steaks and we live at the Jersey shore so our bill may be higher then others.
  • dstein46
    dstein46 Posts: 28 Member
    For two adults, we spend about $100 a week, both college students but we cook lots of interesting meals and eat very well. I'm sure we could spend less if we ate simpler but that's no fun!
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    $150 every 2 weeks for a family of 5. Midwest pricing, and my kids barely eat.
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    For our family of 4 (2 adults, a 4 year old and almost 2 year old), we spend $125 a week. And once a month I spend about $150 at Costco as well.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    mokaiba wrote: »
    xLyric wrote: »
    I just got back from the store with my week's worth of food and was wondering if the $60 was a lot, so I thought I'd ask around and maybe see what other people had to say. If I round up to account for some lunches I already had at home, I'm eating roughly $9 a day. That seems like a lot for me, but it's mainly because I'm a student and don't make very much money. Obviously any replies will similarly be high/low depending on your own circumstances, but I guess I'm just curious now that I'm paying more attention to what I'm spending my money on.

    - $10 chicken breast = 250g average each ~ 9 days worth (I use 3.5 of them a month ~ $35, so $105 for three months)
    - $12 Chia seed bag = 14g each day ~ lasts three months
    - $14 flaxseed bag = 13g each day ~ lasts three months
    - $12 five dozen egg = 7 eggs each day ~ 8.5 days worth (I use 3.5 of them a month ~ $42, so $126 for three months)
    - $6 five lbs baby carrot = 226g per day ~ (1lb=453g) 10 days worth (I use 3 a month ~ $18, so $54 or three months)
    - $48 protein powder 32g = 32g per day ~ 32 days ($144 for three months)

    == $455 per three months
    so, around $151 per month
    which is around, $38 per week (close to $5.50 per day).

    Do you have Trader Joe's/Aldi or Grocery Outlet in your area? You can probably find better prices on the flax and chia. Grocery Outlet sometimes has 3oz/85G bags of chia for 99 cents.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I just got back from the store... I have a family of 5: two adults, two adult-sized teens, and a 6-year old. I spent $60 for mostly meat and vegetables, a couple of bread items, and some dairy/cheese. It should last 4-5 days, though my teens aren't always here for dinner. We will probably need a Walmart trip to stock up on yogurt, cereal, fruit and coffee, so figure another $30. I buy nuts, grains and other staples when I see them on sale. I live just outside of Chicago, so I don't think I'm doing too bad! I can't wait until my garden vegetables are producing though. That makes a big dent!
  • Lexicpt
    Lexicpt Posts: 209 Member
    About $200 a month for myself, my SO and my 4 year old. This doesn't include dinners out (usually once a week) and most weekday lunches. I live in Iowa and shop a lot of sales and we don't eat a lot of red meat.
  • allotmentqueen75
    allotmentqueen75 Posts: 9 Member
    For family of four (two hungry kids) in uk I pay £80-£90 per week on my food shop. If we eat out it's a lot more but I try to keep this to a minimum.
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited April 2015
    mokaiba wrote: »
    xLyric wrote: »
    I just got back from the store with my week's worth of food and was wondering if the $60 was a lot, so I thought I'd ask around and maybe see what other people had to say. If I round up to account for some lunches I already had at home, I'm eating roughly $9 a day. That seems like a lot for me, but it's mainly because I'm a student and don't make very much money. Obviously any replies will similarly be high/low depending on your own circumstances, but I guess I'm just curious now that I'm paying more attention to what I'm spending my money on.

    - $10 chicken breast = 250g average each ~ 9 days worth (I use 3.5 of them a month ~ $35, so $105 for three months)
    - $12 Chia seed bag = 14g each day ~ lasts three months
    - $14 flaxseed bag = 13g each day ~ lasts three months
    - $12 five dozen egg = 7 eggs each day ~ 8.5 days worth (I use 3.5 of them a month ~ $42, so $126 for three months)
    - $6 five lbs baby carrot = 226g per day ~ (1lb=453g) 10 days worth (I use 3 a month ~ $18, so $54 or three months)
    - $48 protein powder 32g = 32g per day ~ 32 days ($144 for three months)

    == $455 per three months
    so, around $151 per month
    which is around, $38 per week (close to $5.50 per day).

    How big is your flax seed bag? I can get a pound of ground flax seed for around $4 at Meijer-you may be able to find a better deal someplace else, maybe Amazon? Same with chia seeds-I pay around $8 for these.

    eta: if you're in the states check out Amazon-you can get Bobs Red Mill Chia seeds 4-pack for $37.39. That's for 4 pounds and free shipping :) Also some really good prices on flax seed there too.

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I - 1 adult - spend around 2500 NOK a month for groceries, including non-food, and some meals out of the house (cheap family restaurant-type places, maybe 2-3 times a month). That's around $71/week or $10/day. I eat mostly cheap stuff like jasmine rice, potatoes, crispbread, oatmeal, milk, carrots, frozen peas, apples, tuna, cheap cuts of meat, but quite a lot of meat, and some more expensive fruits, cheeses, nut butters etc. Try to avoid "health food" and "organic" stuff unless nothing else is available or the price is the same.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    family of 5 - if i had to guess, i would guess $150-200 a week (some weeks more, some less), but thats not counting me and hubby eating lunch out pretty frequently.