For those who have always been overweight

How have you set your target weight/when did you know it was time to stop losing? I've basically always been obese, with a few interludes of merely overweight I've dropped 65 pounds, from 260 to 195. I'm still overweight by standard BMI and BF% measures, but I question whether I could maintain or would feel healthier at a "normal " weight. I am leaning toward dropping another 5-10 lb, then declaring victory. Have others see a target in the overweight range?


  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I also have a target in the slightly overweight range. It makes sense given my body shape, the fact that I am athletic and given some health issues. I haven't *always* been fat, but I have pretty much always been slightly overweight.

    What helped me was to ask several of my doctors for their opinions. They all came up with a similar recommended number for my body.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Go ahead and question how you will feel, but *know* that you will absolutely *BE* healthier, regardless of how you now think you will then feel in the future.

    Victory isn't simply declared by giving up and calling it "done", right?
  • c23prince
    c23prince Posts: 84
    Most of my adult life I've been able to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Not the case as a child and into my first year of college. I use to weigh 285 roughly. I took a slow approach to dieting and got down to 221 to join the Marines in 2003. When I left Parris Island i was at 178. Over the years with hard training and watching what I eat I have built muscle and now at 241 with a BMI of 14% when I lean out I usually shoot for 8 to 10%. It has definitely been a life long lifestyle change that I have to stay committed too. The only advice I can give due to everyone's circumstances being different is get to a healthy weight and try to maintain it by eating healthy and moderate exercise. Some body types just want allow us to lose weight easy...good luck on your journey and where it takes you.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    I asked my sister her weight. She is of a similar build to me, but slim. I can always tweak if need be!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I chose a number that sounded good, discovered it was still overweight, now I'm aiming for somewhere in the middle-upper range of BMI.
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    Go ahead and question how you will feel, but *know* that you will absolutely *BE* healthier, regardless of how you now think you will then feel in the future.

    Victory isn't simply declared by giving up and calling it "done", right?

    Why do you say I will be healthier? The research I have seen indicates no significant difference in health outcomes between overweight and normal BMIs. IOW, it is basically a U shaped risk curve, with significantly adverse health effects for the underwent and obese, but not in between. Do you have different research?
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    I picked a number that sounded nice in the upper end of a normal BMI for my height. I have no interest in beingt skinny.

    I've been obese since 1997 and morbidly obese since 2001. So a very long time.

    I am 149cm/4'11" and chose 52kg/115lbs. I was this height and 59kg when I was 14 and didn't look too bad at all, so 52kg sounds good to me.
  • usernoid1
    usernoid1 Posts: 11 Member
    I have always always always been fat. In a few pictures I see that I was not fat, but I know I thought I was. Except on the day I was born, which is why I use by baby picture as my avatar - NOT FAT! Even underweight!! lol. Anyway, I have lost 115 lbs. I believe I would like to weigh in the middle of my BMI range but there are things to consider. Will I have to get a body tuck? It looks like I may, so I would include the possible weight of that skin into what I don't want to lose. Lots of different things to think about. I aiming for a final BMI in the middle of my "ideal body weight" range. I will never FEEL "normal," have to consult with doctors and such, as you did, to figure out where I will land. BEST OF LUCK!!
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I just chose a weight right in the middle of "healthy" BMI. It seemed as good a target as any other.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I don't have a "goal" weight anymore, I just want to be strong and hot!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    I chose a number that sounded good, discovered it was still overweight, now I'm aiming for somewhere in the middle-upper range of BMI.

    pretty much this.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I picked 150 for starters because I couldn't even pick out a time I weighed that little. Maybe middle school. That was still overweight for me. No, I was not happy until I got into a healthy weight/height range.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I picked the weight when I felt the best physically. It was a little over weight but a very brief period in my early 20's when I was actually in really great shape. Since I tend to carry a lot of muscle and feel like I am built to carry a little extra I think it is a good target. When I finally get there I will reevaluate and decide if I want to continue. That's a long ways off though so for now I at least set a goad that I know I have reached before.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Originally my goal was to get down to a size 14, so I could shop for regular clothes in a regular store. And then I thought, well maybe size 12. Then 10. Then 8. And then I thought since I was so close it would be great to get under 140lbs.
    I never would have expected these results when I started.
  • allison1983weber
    allison1983weber Posts: 126 Member
    I have several goals in mind. I started at 266 now I am 237. I have been working at it since January. My goals are: to get to onederland, to lose 100lbs, to lose 60lbs this year. I focus on whatever goal sounds right at the time. If I am having a great day I think about losing 100lbs total. If I have a bad day I just think about 60lbs in a year. These are all goals that I would be proud to accomplish. Just keep going...never give up...that's what I tell myself :)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Pfft...if we could subtract the weight of excess skin, I would be pretty close to goal now.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited April 2015
    How have you set your target weight/when did you know it was time to stop losing? I've basically always been obese, with a few interludes of merely overweight I've dropped 65 pounds, from 260 to 195. I'm still overweight by standard BMI and BF% measures, but I question whether I could maintain or would feel healthier at a "normal " weight. I am leaning toward dropping another 5-10 lb, then declaring victory. Have others see a target in the overweight range?


    I was overweight my entire life, my highest weight being 220. I lost about 30 pounds in 20's and maintained for a long time between 185 and 195, but I also fluctuated a lot, once or twice getting as low as 165. I had convinced myself that 165 was where I was supposed to be because I could not get lower than that.

    In my early forties, after I'd gained quite a bit of weight back, I decided to hire a trainer at the gym because I wanted to get below 165. With his help, which included weight lifting and dietary consultation, i was able to get to 155. He taught me about portion control and logging my food and taking charge of my dietary habits.

    Over time, I "forgot" what he'd taught me and found I'd put about 30 pounds back on. Two years ago I found MFP, read a lot, learned a lot, started weighing and logging food and lost the weight until I was in a healthy weight range for my height. I have been maintaining at 139/140 for over a year now, and I feel fantastic.

    As for you- you are the only one who can make the decision of how much you want to lose and where you want to be. However, I never in a million years envisioned myself being a healthy weight that is not in the overweight range, and I feel wonderful and victorious and now know I can manage my weight.

    Oh, and I never did choose a goal weight, I just lost weight until I felt good. I've thought of losing a few vanity pounds, but the number doesn't matter.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    I don't have a "goal" weight anymore, I just want to be strong and hot!
