I still look fat

I've lost 34lbs. I'm 6lbs away from my goal weight . I now weigh 131. When I started I weighed 165. I still see myself fat. I thought I'd be proud of myself for what I've done on my own. I'm still not happy an comfortable with myself.


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that. That's a huge loss. I actually have about the same exact stats as you. Sometimes I feel chubby still--but progress pics say otherwise (sometimes). Have you taken any? I'm sure you look great.
  • cheyenne__brown
    cheyenne__brown Posts: 25 Member
    I understand how you feel, no matter what weight I am I always feel the same. As you see yourself every day, any change is going to be gradual, so you won't pick up on the difference as much as someone who sees you less often. Have you tried looking at pictures at yourself before and comparing them to now? You have lost a lot of weight, so a lot of change will have occurred and I'm sure you look amazing! Getting used to and changed body can take some time though, try looking in a mirror picking up on the things that you really like about yourself and have improved and just be kind to yourself sweetie
  • pinnkkk
    pinnkkk Posts: 10
    Thank you :) yea I've taken pic. Thank you girls. I have been trying to be more positive an to love myself. I guess the weight affected my brain more than I thought.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    pinnkkk wrote: »
    Thank you :) yea I've taken pic. Thank you girls. I have been trying to be more positive an to love myself. I guess the weight affected my brain more than I thought.

    It can be an emotional process. I was looking at myself recently and I broke down crying, realizing I am the smaller I have been in my "adult" life. I weigh less than I did in middle school.

    34 lbs is a big loss, really.
  • pinnkkk
    pinnkkk Posts: 10
    It really is a big loss. I'm happy for you an your loss. I know those were happy tears. I know what you've went through to get where your at. It's hard work.
  • pinnkkk
    pinnkkk Posts: 10
    This is me before and after.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Holy! Huge difference. Absolutely stunning.

    How tall are you?
  • Thats a very big difference, good job so far!
  • pinnkkk
    pinnkkk Posts: 10
    Thank you :) I'm very short 4'11. My goal is 125 that's 40lbs. I should weight 94 to 124or something like that. Lol! It's easy to dress up at home, but to go in public is hard.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You're almost there! I know working on confidence and loving your body is hard. But really, you should be proud. You look great. Enjoy yourself every bit of the way to your goal. It's the only body you're going to get and you are really taking great steps to taking the best care of it you can.
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    If you aren't happy with your body, you may need to re-evaluate and maybe just keep up what you are doing until you are happy with it. Great job on your weight loss!
  • Dgydad
    Dgydad Posts: 104 Member
    Girl, you look GOOD! If you aren't content with your self-image, sure, you've got work to do. But really - what's left is much more emotional and psychological than physical. Lose that last 6 pounds; do it b/c it's the goal you set. But find some support for the other stuff. That's where you're biggest opportunities are! ;)
  • American_Beauty
    American_Beauty Posts: 20 Member
    I'm going through this now, started at 168, now at 143.5, first goal is 135 and final 125. Just shy of 25 pounds gone, and I do this often; I agree with everyone else, you look fabulous! I too am short, towering in at 5'2" and even though others see it, I struggle thinking the same thing, you've got this honey, we just have to have our brain see ourselves in a different light. <3
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Congratulations on the hard work you did to lose weight. <3
  • pinnkkk
    pinnkkk Posts: 10
    Thank you very much everyone :) I will for sure keep it up. I've changed my lifestyle alot. I really believe working on loving yourself is the hardest part. I wasn't ready for this part. I thought everything would automatically fall into place. You girls have made me feel good by noticing my hard work. I truly appreciate all your kind words :)
  • gle8442
    gle8442 Posts: 126 Member
    You look great!!! But I understand your pain, too. I've lost 45 lbs and I am at a normal weight for my height now, but I still look (and feel) fat. I look at photos of women who are my same height and weight, and they look much slimmer than me! Sometimes this bothers me a bit, but I also have to realize that we are all different. In my case, my frame size seems to be really small (the cut off for a "small frame" is a wrist size of 6 inches, and mine has actually gone from 6.25 down to now 5.5) Also, maybe I need to put on more muscle! I haven't reached my goal weight yet, but I am treating it like an estimate only, I will see how I feel when I get there.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    Your before and after photos are great. Congratulations on your super transformation. You look beautiful!

    I lost 34 pounds as well. I'm 5'5" and started at 188. Today I'm 154. I still see myself as being a little too heavy too. (I never say "fat"...it's such a downer).

    I want to lose another 10 pounds but also build and tone muscle. I'm finding that weights are helping me achieve a tighter, toned feel. Have you tried weight resistance machines, floor exercises or lifting?

    You are so close to where you want to be. Stay focused, work hard and give yourself credit for being a success!
  • pinnkkk
    pinnkkk Posts: 10
    Thank you :) I have not tried lifting. That maybe something I should consider. Great advice.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited April 2015
    pinnkkk wrote: »
    Thank you :) I have not tried lifting. That maybe something I should consider. Great advice.

    Lifting helps you maintain lean body mass while you're in a deficit, instead of losing a lot of muscle along with fat (which is what happens in a deficit), you'll lose less. Not only will it help you be stronger, it really helps with aesthetics and feeling fit.