Starting 30 Day Shred Today!! Who's with me? 5/11/2011



  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    Bacon-wrapped feet? Interesting LOL

    Mmm bacon ..
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    Ya'll are awesome, I am so glad that I found such an active 30DS group! I need the motivation and this has def been help! My hubby told me tonight that I need to take it easy, and my response to him was "I can't, I have people people depending on me!" LOL, never had that with an online fitness "group".

    I did my day 4 & 5 today, my endurance has def improved, but I still suck at push ups - even the "wimpy girl" push ups. It hurts my knees to rest on them and I just can't lift my weight for very long. Getting better at everything else, and I think with the side lunges and chest curls that I will eventually be able to withstand more pushups.

    Proud of myself for keeping up with the program,..... now, what to do about these shin splints? (I think my shoes don't have the right suppport for this)
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Hello!!!! I hope everyone's weekend was wonder-fabu-magnificent! I skipped yesterday because I was in a horrible mood... No reason in particular just sometimes I'm a raging lunatic (see my one and only blog for details.. Haha). So, I need to step it up today and feel like I'm really gonna burn it up as soon as I can get my daughter to take a nap. Might do all three levels and possibly a treadmill session... I did say I was a lunatic right? ;)
  • maritimemom
    maritimemom Posts: 192
    Hello everyone,

    I just started Day 1 of the Shred today and JM is insane! I also did The Biggest Loser Challenge on the Wii yesterday and JM kicked my *kitten* during that workout too. lol I just started tracking my food and exercise a week ago so I'm new at this. It feels good to be getting more active and eating healthier...even though I'm sore all over today. :)
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    Good morning everybody - I'm working today and then I have a commitment until 9 pm but I'll still try to get my kettlebell w/o in.
    Welcome to those just joining us! :)

    @Zaggy, don't overdo it! We don't want you injuring yourself! It's ok to take a day off once in a while.

    Hannah, make sure your shoes aren't laced too tight - something as simple as that can set off shin splints for me. Keep at those pushups, they will get easier in time. Do what you can, every little bit helps. A lot of people give up when things get tough - it's up to us to push through this threshold - and believe me, it's worth it! So keep moving forward!
  • sassycurlzss
    sassycurlzss Posts: 47 Member
    Day 5 tonight and week 5 of shred it with weights level 2-2nd week. So disappointed after one month and only a -4 lb loss. Hopefully this shred will help. Ps-Sunday I dont workout I have to have some kind of life, at least I try to! Lol so I'm a day behind.
  • Boo_08
    Boo_08 Posts: 94 Member
    Well I missed doing my shred yesterday.. I started and got warmed up and then when I started doing the jumping jacks my knee would give me pain... sooo rather than irritate it more I just decided to take a day and let it rest and hope that it gets better. right back at it when I get home from work today tho. :D
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    I didn't work out on Sunday. I went to Sunday Funday with my friends instead. And like you Sassycurlzss - I need a life! So I will make up for it today. I will do Day 5 and Day 6.

    It has gotten easier and I took some people's advice and mute her out. I just play music and time flies.

    Over the weekend I was doing major cleaning and I was up and down the stairs and when I USED to do that, I felt like DYING. But this time, it was easy.

    Can't wait til it's done!
  • Hey ladies. I have been keeping up with it. I skipped Sunday because we were gone all day and I really needed to rest a tiny bit before this week started back up. I won't log much on the weekends on this board because I do not allow myself computer time on the weekends. Just log my food through my phone. But, I will be here all throughout the week!!! Good job to everyone for keeping up with this!!!
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    Hannah, make sure your shoes aren't laced too tight - something as simple as that can set off shin splints for me. Keep at those pushups, they will get easier in time. Do what you can, every little bit helps. A lot of people give up when things get tough - it's up to us to push through this threshold - and believe me, it's worth it! So keep moving forward!

    I will make sure they are loose enough, never thought of that! I actually figured that would HELP prevent them so I tied them a little tighter last night. LOL. Thanks for the encouragement, I'll let you know when I get there :) NOT giving up!
  • veriviki
    veriviki Posts: 44
    I haven't finished the whole 30 days yet, but this thread has motivated me to try again :) Do you guys just do the one video a day, or do you also add other exercise in as well?
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Whew... We're approaching 1 week into the shred and everyone is doing awesome. I did level 1 and had a nice 30 min session on the treadmill. Feeling pretty good. Knees are a bit better.
  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    Finally got my DVD in the post yesterday and did my first workout last night. Actually loved it, a little achey in my abs today but nothing too awful. Looking forward to getting on it again after work today :) Good Stuff!
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    I missed another day! I was out late at a friend's and was way too tired at 2am to do it. Today I will make up for my missed days after kickboxing and zumba. I WILL make this happen.
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    I missed my day 6 also, went out for a late dinner and drink (just 1) with my hubs and brother - I am not gonna double up today, but will def get a work out in tonight after work!
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    I haven't finished the whole 30 days yet, but this thread has motivated me to try again :) Do you guys just do the one video a day, or do you also add other exercise in as well?

    Everyone kinda does their own thing, a few people double up with other work outs, personally I can only handle 1 during the week, and will only double up on weekends if needed.
  • espie1024
    espie1024 Posts: 10
    did this for 20 days,it flattens my stomach and lost weight also.very tiring as the end but its worst doin while i am taking 1200 calories a day.
  • espie1024
    espie1024 Posts: 10
    sometimes if i still got the energy i do the 2 levels at the sameday,one in the morning n one ithe afternoon.
  • TheCloverFreak
    TheCloverFreak Posts: 49 Member
    Well i didn't work out the past two days, cause i wasn't feeling really up to it. I was kind of drained, but after two days i am really to keep going. Just got done with my 30ds. I think this is like day four or five for me. I can't even remember! But i did it and that's what counts!
  • kaswain
    kaswain Posts: 80 Member
    Seeing everyones posts is motivating me to go buy this DVD. I think i will get it tonight after work and start it! Excited to see some results. Thank you for the inspiration and motivation!
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