How much money do you eat a day?



  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited April 2015
    segacs wrote: »
    I eat roughly ZERO dollars a day for most of the year.

    No, seriously, Mother Nature is mostly what I need

    Gardening is great. But even that costs money. You have to plant from seeds, pay for fertilizer or plant food, water, and heck, you need access to the land to grow stuff on in the first place, so property ownership or community garden fees or whatnot.

    No such thing as a free lunch.

    Yer doin' it wrong.

    I pay zero for seeds. Zero for fertilizer. Zero for water. The land I had long before gardening. Already a sunk cost.

    Time would be the only valid argument, but I guarantee you I spend less time gardening than you do shopping in your grocery store.
    Your diary doesn't show home grown foods, unless you grew a Kroger and a Five Guys.

    I grow those every winter after I've just, y'know, thrown away all that juicy produce, right?

  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I spend about $100 per week for one person, with about $35 of that going to a cafeteria I eat at nearly every day.
  • lindaloo1213
    lindaloo1213 Posts: 283 Member
    edited April 2015
    $80-$110 a week for a family of 4. We get takeout maybe 1x A week for dinner for around $15-$30 depending on what it is. We take leftovers from dinner for lunch or make sandwiches And yogurt.
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    Not sure what I can spend now yet. I have just jumped back on the bandwagon. When I was on it I was spending anywhere from $40-$80 a week and that was with me buying for 2 weeks at a time. I would also have to always replace my fruit and veggies because they went bad before I could eat them all. But now we have an agreement in the house with dinners. The 3 of us cooks dinner for 2 nights a week and buys the food. The other night we take turns going out to eat. I probably spend about $20 on 2 dinners. So right now I take care of my own breakfast, lunch, and snacks. I have noticed that groceries have went up lately. I also live outside of Atlanta so things really are not that cheap. I have a friend who has her own chickens so I get a fresh dozen for $3.50. I could probably actually live off $30 a week for snacks, breakfast, and lunch.
  • FrogDog47
    FrogDog47 Posts: 2 Member
    My congratulations and envy to all of you.

    2 adults ~ $525 per week. We're TRYING to get it down to $400 per week.

    This is everything, we track it all in Quicken.
    Take out & Delivery (grubhub)
    Bars & Alcohol

    We've both re-joined MFP so we're expecting Alcohol and Takeout to drop.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    FrogDog47 wrote: »
    My congratulations and envy to all of you.

    2 adults ~ $525 per week. We're TRYING to get it down to $400 per week.

    This is everything, we track it all in Quicken.
    Take out & Delivery (grubhub)
    Bars & Alcohol
    Dollar bills

    We've both re-joined MFP so we're expecting Alcohol and Takeout to drop.

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Since we grow/raise/hunt a good deal of our food, it's really difficult to calculate food expenses. The food is seemingly "free" until you start figuring in the cost of things like guns, ammo, fertilizers, equipment, gas, seeds, canning jars, feed, fencing, etc.
  • skbrodie
    skbrodie Posts: 81 Member
    About $100 a week for my boyfriend and I, including non-food items.
  • joshuapowell1989
    joshuapowell1989 Posts: 163 Member
    I spend about £50 a week for two of us. Still finding our feet and trying new things. So not always 1 strict weeks food sometimes get bits for the second week also.
  • MelissaAnn1983
    MelissaAnn1983 Posts: 149 Member
    FrogDog47 wrote: »
    My congratulations and envy to all of you.

    2 adults ~ $525 per week. We're TRYING to get it down to $400 per week.

    This is everything, we track it all in Quicken.
    Take out & Delivery (grubhub)
    Bars & Alcohol

    We've both re-joined MFP so we're expecting Alcohol and Takeout to drop.

    I didn't count what I eat out. If I did it would be a lot. I probably easily spend $100 a week on eating out right now. But that is stopping today. I will spend no more than 20 a week.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I eat roughly ZERO dollars a day for most of the year.

    No, seriously, Mother Nature is mostly what I need

    Wow, that's awesome! I wouldn't have guessed that you were a gardener.

    I've never known a gardener that spent $0 on the garden.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    for my dude and i we average about 170-250 a week for groceries it really depends if we need meat that week. damn whole foods... We also probably spend about 100+ on going out a week... we clearly like the eat/drink.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    I eat roughly ZERO dollars a day for most of the year.

    No, seriously, Mother Nature is mostly what I need

    Gardening is great. But even that costs money. You have to plant from seeds, pay for fertilizer or plant food, water, and heck, you need access to the land to grow stuff on in the first place, so property ownership or community garden fees or whatnot.

    No such thing as a free lunch.

    Yer doin' it wrong.

    I pay zero for seeds. Zero for fertilizer. Zero for water. The land I had long before gardening. Already a sunk cost.

    Time would be the only valid argument, but I guarantee you I spend less time gardening than you do shopping in your grocery store.

    I'm going to call BS on the zero for water, but you seem to have enough skill that I am guessing the other two are plausible.

    I don't have my own land. I spend $60-80/year for my garden plot, seeds (I do some saving and get many in trade or for free), fish emulsion and other supplies. I make my own compost, which keeps things cheap. I easily get $1000 of value in produce every year. I also grow tons of flowers. Yes, there is some minimal effort involved, but that is exercise and time spent outdoors in the fresh air--BONUS.

    I just had a meal yesterday largely made from produce I canned last summer. It's kind of a feeling of accomplishment as well as being a cost savings. I'm also eating top-quality food that I KNOW is organic and free of additives.
  • rianoel
    rianoel Posts: 22 Member
    $150 a week for a family of 3, including dining out.
  • Clueless_Girl2015
    Clueless_Girl2015 Posts: 10 Member
    In trickier times we could get our weekly shop for between $12-$18; but that meant frozen convenience food.
    Today we did the shop for the week and it cost us $99 (two adults and one child) some of that will last longer than this week.
    Generally we try to average out at $50 a week. So that would be what? $7 a day?
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    I eat roughly ZERO dollars a day for most of the year.

    No, seriously, Mother Nature is mostly what I need

    Gardening is great. But even that costs money. You have to plant from seeds, pay for fertilizer or plant food, water, and heck, you need access to the land to grow stuff on in the first place, so property ownership or community garden fees or whatnot.

    No such thing as a free lunch.

    Yer doin' it wrong.

    I pay zero for seeds. Zero for fertilizer. Zero for water. The land I had long before gardening. Already a sunk cost.

    Time would be the only valid argument, but I guarantee you I spend less time gardening than you do shopping in your grocery store.

    How do you water your garden? We have a well, but we had to buy the pump and hose, bucket and rope. Even the baskets I bought to carry the produce from the garden to the house cost money. As did the shelves for the root cellar. And, yeah, we had the land before the garden, but that doesn't make the land free. Even if we'd inherited it, there are taxes. Or the roto-tiller free or make it run on air instead of gas. The hoe, shovel and rake cost money, as did the wheel barrow, etc. The material for cold frames cost money.

    Zero $ garden? It would definitely not be the norm.
  • catedesimone
    catedesimone Posts: 25 Member
    I spend anywhere from $50-90 a week for just myself. I could definitely spend less, but I cut other areas of my budget down so I can spend more on food.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    I eat roughly ZERO dollars a day for most of the year.

    No, seriously, Mother Nature is mostly what I need

    Gardening is great. But even that costs money. You have to plant from seeds, pay for fertilizer or plant food, water, and heck, you need access to the land to grow stuff on in the first place, so property ownership or community garden fees or whatnot.

    No such thing as a free lunch.

    Yer doin' it wrong.

    I pay zero for seeds. Zero for fertilizer. Zero for water. The land I had long before gardening. Already a sunk cost.

    Time would be the only valid argument, but I guarantee you I spend less time gardening than you do shopping in your grocery store.
    Your diary doesn't show home grown foods, unless you grew a Kroger and a Five Guys.

    LOL But to be fair, Spring is often the time a gardener can get the least fresh produce. It varies by location, naturally, but I am also a gardener but right now most of our vegetables come from the grocery. The root cellar is empty and the frost hardy greens are only about 1/2 way to harvest size. We only have frozen and canned stuff left from last year's garden.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    Normally about $70-80 for our vegan family of 5. It has been increasing as the kids grow. We are fortunate to have a really nice, well stocked Aldi close by. I do the bulk of my shopping there and only venture to the health food store for the 'weird vegan things' that Aldi doesn't carry.

    Still haven't made it to Aldis! Need to do this, particularly after reading your post.

    I honestly don't know for sure how much I'm spending now. No longer binging and steering clear of binge foods I'm sure it'd gone down a great deal. In time I'll know how much it's changed... but so far A LOT. Dropping fast foods alone has made me rich. ;) Eating out is crazy the past I just did it and didn't think much about it.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    We spend $250+ a week for family of 4 (2 young kids), not including eating out which we do as a family 1-2 times a week and my husband eats out for lunch M-F. I love cooking and end up using expensive meat/seafood and lots of produce.