Alternative for chocolate.. Ideas please!

my name is Zoe, and I am a chocoholic. I am fat. I have started my MFP last week. It has helped me control of my calories. However, chocolate is something I binge on. I am emotional eater. To control this I want to stop eating chocolate.
Do people have an alternative that they snack on if you have a sweet tooth?


  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited April 2015
    There really is no substitute for a good piece of chocolate. I never thought I'd be able to control myself where chocolate was concerned. I couldn't have one piece; I had to have the whole bag.

    So I bought a bag of dark chocolate squares and gave it to my daughter to keep for me. She would give me one each night. Just one. I learned to really savor and appreciate a small piece of good chocolate and now I don't need the bag hidden from me anymore.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    I know I see those individual squares for sale in stores here now. Helps if all you have is that one luscious square.
  • Auntiezozo81
    Auntiezozo81 Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you for your advice :smile:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    CHOCOLATE! Make room daily is my motto!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    You could go for sugar free chocolate. I like sugar free chocolate pudding. I stir in some unsweetened cocoa powder to give it a darker taste because I think it's a little too sweet.

    Or you could go for very dark chocolate. It can often satisfy a chocolate craving but since it's slightly bitter and less sweet, you may not be as prone to binge on it.

    Chocolate almond milk is also a pretty good fix IMO. If you get low/no sugar chocolate powder or syrup you can make it really low calorie, but even the cartons of chocolate aren't too high calorie.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    There is no substitute. Either eat less within your calories or don't eat it period. Pudding, cocoa, those might be okay but if I want chocolate those things don't suffice.
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    Before anyone mentions Carob 'Chocolate' don't go near it. It may be taste like chocolate in some alternate universe but it doesn't in this one.

    Try and learn some moderation what you'll find is after a while you'll enjoy small pieces more. Personally as much as I can eat dark chocolate a lot of it is plain nasty and is no substitute for the chocolate I like. If though you cant teach yourself moderation you may just have to exclude it totally.

    Good luck
  • JordisTSM
    JordisTSM Posts: 359 Member

    Sorry, OP. I've got nothing really constructive here, love my chocolate too much to give it up :smiley:
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    The best substitute for chocolate is better chocolate. I'm serious. You'll feel more satisfied on a square or two of the really good stuff than on an entire bar of the mediocre stuff.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    The best substitute for chocolate is better chocolate. I'm serious. You'll feel more satisfied on a square or two of the really good stuff than on an entire bar of the mediocre stuff.

  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    There is no substitute. Either eat less within your calories or don't eat it period. Pudding, cocoa, those might be okay but if I want chocolate those things don't suffice.

    Yeah, I have to agree with this. I don't want dark, I don't want things that taste kind of like chocolate, I want the real deal. Maybe start by only buying yourself a small portion. I used to be able to sit and eat an entire bag, but that was because I didn't care about my weight. Now that I do, I am perfectly capable of measuring out a serving and eating it without going back for more.

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I have a little bit of chocolate every day. I buy the mini individual servings usually, and hide them at the back of the pantry where I can't see them. I'll have one or two a day and find that's enough. No need for giant bars (which I would previously have munched through in an afternoon)

    I know everyone says dark chocolate is the way to go, but I like milk and find it scratches my chocolate itch in a way that dark doesn't.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Pudding is actually a very good idea. Chocolate that has a higher percentage of cocoa usually has fewer calories.
  • onion68
    onion68 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Zoe! I'm a chocoholic, too! First of all I want to tell you that you are not fat! You have fat, but you also have fingernails, and you are not fingernails! Don't be defined by your physical attributes, but by the person you are. Anywhoo - about the chocolate...In my experience, I cannot have milk chocolate in my house. I can have a bag of dark chocolate squares (60% cacoa or higher) or Dove Dark chocolate promises. One or two squares gives me the chocolate satisfaction I need, but I would never go overboard with dark chocolate. Also, be careful with sugar free chocolate. It often has an artificial sweetener in it called "maltitol." Some people are sensitive to maltitol, and it can have disastrous effects on your gastrointestinal system. Trust me on that. When Reese's Peanut Butter Cups first came out with a sugar free version, I snarfed down 2 or 3 (mini's), but with in minutes, I was paying for it. Aside from the dark chocolate squares, I can also have a deep chocolate flavor vita-muffin top. There's a few dark chocolate chips in there, and it's pretty good if you microwave it for a few seconds!
  • Auntiezozo81
    Auntiezozo81 Posts: 87 Member
    Onion68, what a lovely first sentence. Very kind :smiley:
    All else, maybe smaller amounts and good quality is the way to go.. :smile:
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    fudgesicles always work for me. low cal and very chocolatey
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    krislshoe wrote: »
    fudgesicles always work for me. low cal and very chocolatey

    Oh yes! These are yummy, especially in summer.
  • fallenoaks4
    fallenoaks4 Posts: 63 Member
    I have a cup of Hot Cocoa once in awhile as an evening snack. It's 60 calories for a cup.
  • cbills65
    cbills65 Posts: 164 Member
    Dove dark chocolate squares. I let them melt in my mouth and savor every wonderful moment. One or two will generally satisfy my craving and dark chocolate has some health benefits from what I have read. It's really the only thing I can do when the craving is too much for me to ignore.
  • DeEtteN
    DeEtteN Posts: 8 Member
    My cravings are chocolate and ice cream. So for me I freeze the Jello double chocolate puddings (sugar free) 60 calories. I pull one out and let it sit for just a little bit and then eat it like a popscicle. It takes me a while to eat it and satisfies my craving. Good luck!