Should you force yourself to drink more?

All my life I've just never felt the need to drink much fluid. I just don't often feel thirsty. I usually only drink 1-2 glasses a day, and often don't get the urge to until at least late afternoon.

If I want to drink more than this, especially if it's water, I have to force myself to and it's not very nice.

I don't really understand why everyone is recommended to drink such large volumes of water. Surely after 19 years my body is pretty good at telling me how much I need and when?

Btw, I'm not very active so that could contribute.


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    are you dehydrated

    check your pee ... if it's not light straw colour then drink more

  • mskurski
    mskurski Posts: 31 Member
    A lot of times your stomach or head is saying your hungry but in fact your thirsty. The more you drink, the more you train her brain or stomach to drink more. It does get more natural the more you drink. And I agree w the pee chart abv.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    Oh no, asparagus season is about to start. But yeah, the chart is more reliable than most of the misinformation about water intake.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    edited April 2015
    I sure as heck don't drink extra at least not consistently or if not thirsty.

    People seem to think it will make them feel fuller. And it is true that we sometime mistake thirst for hunger. And that if you drink a big glass of water you will probably eat less right afterwards.

    I drink coffee, and soup, and some water from time to time, and veggies and fruits and yogurt... all these contain moisture.

  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    I didn't used to think I was dehydrated until I started drinking more water. My urine wasn't dark like what's in the chart above but I had dimples in my nails that the doctors couldn't explain...started drinking more water and over time they disappeared...go figure. Oh and drinking more water gives me more energy and my skin doesn't look as dry.

    At first it was hard because I was like you - it's not like I started going from 1-2 cups to 8+ took months.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    are you dehydrated

    check your pee ... if it's not light straw colour then drink more


    But why does it need to be light straw coloured or paler? If it's darker it just means your kidney is concentrating it more by reabsorbing more water. There's nothing wrong with that. You therefore still get the water you need, just by not getting rid of as much instead of drinking more.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    mskurski wrote: »
    A lot of times your stomach or head is saying your hungry but in fact your thirsty. The more you drink, the more you train her brain or stomach to drink more. It does get more natural the more you drink. And I agree w the pee chart abv.

    I actually find that if I drink more frequently I get hungry a lot more frequently.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    are you dehydrated

    check your pee ... if it's not light straw colour then drink more


    But why does it need to be light straw coloured or paler? If it's darker it just means your kidney is concentrating it more by reabsorbing more water. There's nothing wrong with that. You therefore still get the water you need, just by not getting rid of as much instead of drinking more.
    On average might be more applicable, does that work for you?

  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    are you dehydrated

    check your pee ... if it's not light straw colour then drink more


    But why does it need to be light straw coloured or paler? If it's darker it just means your kidney is concentrating it more by reabsorbing more water. There's nothing wrong with that. You therefore still get the water you need, just by not getting rid of as much instead of drinking more.
    On average might be more applicable, does that work for you?

    Still doesn't explain it...
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    edited April 2015
    Most food (well vegetables) are around 80% water so you get a lot of water from your food. . Your body has a pretty good way of telling you if you need fluid that's thirst. the only real time you should maybe try and chug a bit more down if your in a very hot climate or just very hot. The 8 glasses a day thing has no actual basis in science. It was originally an advertising campaign for a mineral water company then people just sort of latched onto it. How can you say a 120 pound woman needs the same amount of water as a 250 pound man? It makes no sense.

    Most of us will get water through various sources and because we are lucky and live in areas that don't have water issues we're likely to be adequately hydrated. I alway find it funny when people go on about how much water they drink like it's some type of competition. In the 1980s/1990s many sports bodies were telling people to drink so much that after some cases of Hyponatreamia in endurance athletes the guidelines are now to drink when you're thirsty

    I don't track fluids of any kind unless they have calories or are electrolyte tablets I use on long runs
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    I am not a big water drinker either. It does not fill me up. The effect on me is more trips to the toilet and that isn't an up side. I think I probably get enough water
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    are you dehydrated

    check your pee ... if it's not light straw colour then drink more


    But why does it need to be light straw coloured or paler? If it's darker it just means your kidney is concentrating it more by reabsorbing more water. There's nothing wrong with that. You therefore still get the water you need, just by not getting rid of as much instead of drinking more.
    On average might be more applicable, does that work for you?

    Still doesn't explain it...
    I don't drink much water at all and I have no problem staying hydrated, apparently there's even water in the food I eat. ;)

  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    I sure as heck don't drink extra at least not consistently or if not thirsty.

    People seem to think it will make them feel fuller. And it is true that we sometime mistake thirst for hunger. And that if you drink a big glass of water you will probably eat less right afterwards.

    I drink coffee, and soup, and some water from time to time, and veggies and fruits and yogurt... all these contain moisture.

    Whenever I try this I end up ravenous about 30 mins after drinking the water. Surely most of the time it's not mistaking thirst for hunger but rather the large volume of fluid temporarily fills the stomach, creating the short-lived feeling of being full.... so actually you were hungry but drinking just subsides it for a while.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Drink if you're thirsty.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    isulo_kura wrote: »
    Most food (well vegetables) are around 80% water so you get a lot of water from your food. . Your body has a pretty good way of telling you if you need fluid that's thirst. the only real time you should maybe try and chug a bit more down if your in a very hot climate or just very hot. The 8 glasses a day thing has no actual basis in science. It was originally an advertising campaign for a mineral water company then people just sort of latched onto it. How can you say a 120 pound woman needs the same amount of water as a 250 pound man? It makes no sense.

    Most of us will get water through various sources and because we are lucky and live in areas that don't have water issues we're likely to be adequately hydrated. I alway find it funny when people go on about how much water they drink like it's some type of competition. In the 1980s/1990s many sports bodies were telling people to drink so much that after some cases of Hyponatreamia in endurance athletes the guidelines are now to drink when you're thirsty

    I don't track fluids of any kind unless they have calories or are electrolyte tablets I use on long runs

    Thanks for the reply! That definitely makes more sense. I can definitely see drinking more being more of an issue in warmer climates/ if you're highly active.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    are you dehydrated

    check your pee ... if it's not light straw colour then drink more


    But why does it need to be light straw coloured or paler? If it's darker it just means your kidney is concentrating it more by reabsorbing more water. There's nothing wrong with that. You therefore still get the water you need, just by not getting rid of as much instead of drinking more.

    dehydration is dehydration

    the colour signifies that adequate liquid (doesn't have to be water) is being taken in

    urine is about flushing through the system, the kidney shouldn't have to work harder

    this is the closest they get to appropriate advice

    you can google hydration and look for the science for your answers (I'm happy with the top summary part and don't really care to know that much more)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I make sure im hydrated so my body is working efficiently. Its also importnat for exercise.

    Go and look up dehydration, but rather you than me.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    are you dehydrated

    check your pee ... if it's not light straw colour then drink more


    But why does it need to be light straw coloured or paler? If it's darker it just means your kidney is concentrating it more by reabsorbing more water. There's nothing wrong with that. You therefore still get the water you need, just by not getting rid of as much instead of drinking more.

    dehydration is dehydration

    the colour signifies that adequate liquid (doesn't have to be water) is being taken in

    urine is about flushing through the system, the kidney shouldn't have to work harder

    this is the closest they get to appropriate advice

    you can google hydration and look for the science for your answers (I'm happy with the top summary part and don't really care to know that much more)

    But the only reason it's clearer is because you're removing more water which suggests there's more of an excess. As long as your urine isn't really concentrated, surely it's fine. The whole point of the kidney is to regulate water reabsorption to maintain homeostasis... it's just doing it's job surely?

    I tried doing a quick google and could just see a bunch of magazine-style websites (the type that also advocate detoxes, etc.). I'll have a better look later if I have time.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I find if I drink enough water my body lets me know when I haven't....that could be the don't drink enough so your body has decided well I guess I should shut this happens with food so why not liquids.

    based on the chart I am hydrated 98% of the time except for first thing in the morning and some weekends when I "forget" to take my water with me.

    It doesn't have to be water btw just stay hydrated...fruit, veggies, soups, juice, Milk...just be aware most people say water as it is calorie free.

  • Charlot4444
    Charlot4444 Posts: 170 Member
    For me drinking keeps me full for hours. And I'm not ravenous after 1/2 hour.

    I don't drink a lot of plain water unless in the middle of heavy cardio. Tea (mostly herbal) and a bit of crystal light usually very diluted makes up my liquids. I also take my food into consideration (fruits Vegs etc)

    My body needs to repair build etc. So I make sure it has what it needs. Or I try to. Proteins fats carbs and water. I don't want to take the chance that my body could be doing more for me by restricting something as simple as drinking a bit more water so I personally strive to get the minimum every day and usually get way more. I have no doctor's paper just this is how I choose to do it.