


  • justinegibbons
    justinegibbons Posts: 918 Member
    I'm a hairdresser by trade (I stay home with my son now) and when I was single and trying to provide for him, there was no way in HELL I could've survived on $10k a year. I couldn't have done that before my son either. I agree, I don't think that people working at McDonalds should be making $15/hour but I do disagree with the no tipping notion.. I grew up in Vegas where the entire city survives on tips.. Mostly servers, dealers, dancers, etc. I agree that a tip should never be expected even though I'm in a tipping industry I never expected a tip, I was grateful when I got one though because that tip could've bought my son diapers or food or helped keep the lights on. Not everyone who works for tips is uneducated.. I have $20,000 worth of student loan debt to prove that and that's just beauty school.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    Entry level positions are meant to give a person experience and help guide them to a better lot in life.
    It'd be great if that were still actually true. Entry level positions are meant to act as the next best thing to slave labor (which in our society would be interns).
    All the more reason to stay in school, get an education and strive for a career.

    Struggling provides motivation. The problem now is everyone thinks they are entitled to what everyone else has worked for.

    Everybody has there hand out. My parents weren't privileged enough to get Food stamps. There was no such thing when I was growing up. Everybody pitched in.

    Now, when somebody leaves home, they believe they should have everything they had at home. It shouldn't be that way.

    My first apartment was furnished with a Bean Bag Chair, a hand-me-down mattress and box springs and shelving made from Cinder blocks and 1 x 12 planks.

    When my kids moved out, they thought they should have 50 inch flat screen TV's, Cable, New furniture, etc.

    What happened to working for what you have?

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    Entry level positions are meant to give a person experience and help guide them to a better lot in life.
    It'd be great if that were still actually true. Entry level positions are meant to act as the next best thing to slave labor (which in our society would be interns).
    All the more reason to stay in school, get an education and strive for a career.

    Struggling provides motivation. The problem now is everyone thinks they are entitled to what everyone else has worked for.

    Everybody has there hand out. My parents weren't privileged enough to get Food stamps. There was no such thing when I was growing up. Everybody pitched in.

    Now, when somebody leaves home, they believe they should have everything they had at home. It shouldn't be that way.

    My first apartment was furnished with a Bean Bag Chair, a hand-me-down mattress and box springs and shelving made from Cinder blocks and 1 x 12 planks.

    When my kids moved out, they thought they should have 50 inch flat screen TV's, Cable, New furniture, etc.

    What happened to working for what you have?
    Hypothetically if everyone went to university and earned a degree we would still need people to work in at McDonald's, Dunkin Donuts etc.

    Well, those people are working for what they have. What they're trying to achieve is a living wage that allows them to pay for necessities.
  • Illini_Jim
    Illini_Jim Posts: 419 Member
    I'm most shocked to read you go to a tanning salon....wouldn't have thunk it!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    Entry level positions are meant to give a person experience and help guide them to a better lot in life.
    It'd be great if that were still actually true. Entry level positions are meant to act as the next best thing to slave labor (which in our society would be interns).
    All the more reason to stay in school, get an education and strive for a career.

    Struggling provides motivation. The problem now is everyone thinks they are entitled to what everyone else has worked for.

    Everybody has there hand out. My parents weren't privileged enough to get Food stamps. There was no such thing when I was growing up. Everybody pitched in.

    Now, when somebody leaves home, they believe they should have everything they had at home. It shouldn't be that way.

    My first apartment was furnished with a Bean Bag Chair, a hand-me-down mattress and box springs and shelving made from Cinder blocks and 1 x 12 planks.

    When my kids moved out, they thought they should have 50 inch flat screen TV's, Cable, New furniture, etc.

    What happened to working for what you have?

    That would go nicely with a cable spool coffee table ...
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    We can't have people getting a living wage because then some people would have no one to look down at and feel superior to.
  • BootCampC
    BootCampC Posts: 689 Member
    In NY people who have jobs that are Tip based don't usually get Min wage , so I would rethink not tipping those who rely on it. My son delivers for a restaurant and gets 5.50 hr and depends on the tips to make his salary gas repairs and insurance.
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    emdeesea wrote: »
    We can't have people getting a living wage because then some people would have no one to look down at and feel superior to.
    I like this...so lets say we mandate that everyone gets the exact same pay no matter what the profession. Sound good?

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Illini_Jim wrote: »
    I'm most shocked to read you go to a tanning salon....wouldn't have thunk it!
    I tan every year about this time in reparation for summer vacation. This year I am going to Cabo in May for 2 weeks and Vegas in August for 1 Week. I also have a 10 Day motorcycle ride in July. I tan, so I won't burn. My full head of hair provides no protection.

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    emdeesea wrote: »
    We can't have people getting a living wage because then some people would have no one to look down at and feel superior to.

    It's a shame that you think that is what this post is all about.

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Archon2 wrote: »
    emdeesea wrote: »
    We can't have people getting a living wage because then some people would have no one to look down at and feel superior to.
    I like this...so lets say we mandate that everyone gets the exact same pay no matter what the profession. Sound good?

    Socialism? Why didn't somebody already think of this?

  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    Archon2 wrote: »
    emdeesea wrote: »
    We can't have people getting a living wage because then some people would have no one to look down at and feel superior to.
    I like this...so lets say we mandate that everyone gets the exact same pay no matter what the profession. Sound good?

    Socialism? Why didn't somebody already think of this?

    Well, we could try it over and over until it finally works. Its only fair, right?

  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Besides, as I mentioned, you can live a good life (almost) anywhere in the USA on $10k/year. That would be $5/hour after taxes if you worked full-time.

    Im sure ppl could live on 10k a year - but not with any significant quality of life. They couldn't save for retirement. They also couldn't raise or support a family. If anything bad/tragic happens to them they will probably be wiped out. They will also not be contributing to the economy in general - and if something bad befalls them - are one step away from being a drain on the economy.

    BTW genuinely curious - what kind of returns are you getting on your investments? Retired by 40 is impressive
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    In it's purest form, it sounds like a good idea. Just eliminates all drive. What's the point of working hard, if they are going to give the same things to the lazy guy next to you. Pretty soon we'd all be standing around with our hand out.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Archon2 wrote: »
    emdeesea wrote: »
    We can't have people getting a living wage because then some people would have no one to look down at and feel superior to.
    I like this...so lets say we mandate that everyone gets the exact same pay no matter what the profession. Sound good?

    So high school grads make the same amount of money as a PHD grad? That sounds good to you?
  • kathdela
    kathdela Posts: 148 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    In it's purest form, it sounds like a good idea. Just eliminates all drive. What's the point of working hard, if they are going to give the same things to the lazy guy next to you. Pretty soon we'd all be standing around with our hand out.
    Well, more people would be willing to go to college if they knew they wouldn't have to pay it off for the next 30 freaking years. Also, flipping burgers, serving food, etc isn't really a job everyone is anxious to stay in forever. Ya'll are acting like if they get $15/hr for it, they'll NEVER leave. But the fact remains that the jobs kinda suck. People treat you like garbage. They use you as examples for their debates on if they're deadbeats or not. Giving them $15/hr gives them the chance to A. reinvest in the economy and B. Pull themselves above water enough to get to a position they'd rather be in. Go get a GED, go to college. You can't do these things when you're poor. Some people have done it, sure, but overall, when you're working 60 hour weeks, it's kind of impossible to go to college and put in the time and effort it takes to get a degree.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Archon2 wrote: »
    emdeesea wrote: »
    We can't have people getting a living wage because then some people would have no one to look down at and feel superior to.
    I like this...so lets say we mandate that everyone gets the exact same pay no matter what the profession. Sound good?

    So high school grads make the same amount of money as a PHD grad? That sounds good to you?

    That would be nice. I'd love to see the 25% of Adjunct Professors on public assistance be able to make a living wage.
  • SarahLynne22
    SarahLynne22 Posts: 9 Member
    I work doing payroll at a restaurant in Illinois. Servers, bartenders and bussers get a fraction of the minimum wage, because tips are supposed to make up the missing portion of their salary. Please do not take it out on people who are relying on that money to survive.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited April 2015
    I work doing payroll at a restaurant in Illinois. Servers, bartenders and bussers get a fraction of the minimum wage, because tips are supposed to make up the missing portion of their salary. Please do not take it out on people who are relying on that money to survive.

    I used to be a busboy where I was making close to 15-20 dollars an hour with hour wage and tips at a restaurant/bar. Then place got a new GM and my pay went down a lot. I was complaining and later found out older GM was taking tips from bartender and servers to pay busboy because busboy bust there *kitten* the get things done.

    Surprisingly this place on weekends, barbacks make more than bartenders.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    edited April 2015
    What I don't understand is why we are so pissed off at the people making minimum wage, yet are perfectly content with CEOs making millions or taking stock options as a means to avoid paying taxes... Why is it OK for the Walton family being the richest in the country to pay their employees so little that they require so much government assistance? Yeah, let's subsidize the employees of Walmart since the Walton's can't bear to part with a few million.... People are entirely too pissed off at the wrong class..... Let them eat cake, am I right?
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    kathdela wrote: »
    "one estimate suggests that raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour could increase the cost of a Big Mac by 68 cents." If paying $.68 more so some kid putting themselves through college can actually take a night off once a week to study is so unpalatable to you, don't eat there. Make your own burgers. It's a job you deem easy enough for them to get paid not a living wage for, do it yourself.

    Where I'm from, 90% of the people flipping burgers are people who are high school dropouts and couldn't be bothered to get themselves an education to work a higher paying job.

    Then they complain that they don't get paid enough.

    Besides, as I mentioned, you can live a good life (almost) anywhere in the USA on $10k/year. That would be $5/hour after taxes if you worked full-time.

    And where I'm from, 90% of the jobs are low-paying service -oriented jobs unless you are in the medical field (and even as an LPN, licensed for over 2 years, my friend has not been able to secure a full time nursing job. She had more full time work opportunity when she was a housekeeper at the nearby (chain) motel.) You can get a job as a teacher, maybe...waiting list is long and schools are cutting budgets. So the most plentiful jobs in my area are: cashiers/retail, fast food, wait staff/hospitality staff.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Rent here is anywhere from 750 /month to 1600 a month. No joke. You also need a vehicle to get everywhere, no public transportation, and the terrain/road conditions are not condusive to biking unless you live really close to your job and your job has a place for you to shower LOL - so add in gas, insurance, maintenance. Count on the rotten potholes to take a tire or two out before its time during the year....
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    FYI for those of you that don't know this!

    Servers do not make the same minimum wage as theirs is much lower due to the fact that they do receive tips. For example: currently in Colorado the min wage is $8.23 per hr but only $5.21for Tipped workers. The troubling thing about this is that no matter how good you are at your job, some people just don't tip period! Either because they don't like to or are unaware that Servers do make less than min wage.

    Coming from a family of Restaurant workers, I'm asking you all to remember this and if you get good service, please remember to tip your Servers!!! Thank You! :smile:
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    All the more reason to stay in school, get an education and strive for a career.

    Struggling provides motivation. The problem now is everyone thinks they are entitled to what everyone else has worked for.

    What happened to working for what you have?

    How long after completing their degree do they have to wait for the job? My friend has been an LPN for over 2 years and still can not secure full time work. Another friend of mine was turned down for a teaching job at the school because she had a master's degree and all they were looking to hire was a bachelor's degree.

    It's not as easy as you make it sound. All those years of school, and debts mounting up, and no full time jobs to be had....just stop and think about that. You may be in a region that has plentiful opportunities for employment, but that's not true for all of America.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    What I don't understand is why we are so pissed off at the people making minimum wage, yet are perfectly content with CEOs making millions or taking stock options as a means to avoid paying taxes... Why is it OK for the Walton family being the richest in the country to pay their employees so little that they require so much government assistance? Yeah, let's subsidize the employees of Walmart since the Walton's can't bear to part with a few million.... People are entirely too pissed off at the wrong class..... Let them eat cake, am I right?

    I am not mad at the people making minimum wage. If they increase it to $15 and hour, fine.

    Why are you so pissed off at the Waltons. They will be forced to pay $15 and hour too if minimum wage increases. They are no different than any other employer. They are just bigger and easier to focus on. By the way, they employ more people in the USA than any other employer in the USA. They are the biggest employer in over half the States. Would you like to see them fail, so that you can pay welfare to 2.2 million people?

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    FYI for those of you that don't know this!

    Servers do not make the same minimum wage as theirs is much lower due to the fact that they do receive tips. For example: currently in Colorado the min wage is $8.23 per hr but only $5.21for Tipped workers. The troubling thing about this is that no matter how good you are at your job, some people just don't tip period! Either because they don't like to or are unaware that Servers do make less than min wage.

    Coming from a family of Restaurant workers, I'm asking you all to remember this and if you get good service, please remember to tip your Servers!!! Thank You! :smile:

    Read my original post.

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    What I don't understand is why we are so pissed off at the people making minimum wage, yet are perfectly content with CEOs making millions or taking stock options as a means to avoid paying taxes... Why is it OK for the Walton family being the richest in the country to pay their employees so little that they require so much government assistance? Yeah, let's subsidize the employees of Walmart since the Walton's can't bear to part with a few million.... People are entirely too pissed off at the wrong class..... Let them eat cake, am I right?

    I am not mad at the people making minimum wage. If they increase it to $15 and hour, fine.

    Why are you so pissed off at the Waltons. They will be forced to pay $15 and hour too if minimum wage increases. They are no different than any other employer. They are just bigger and easier to focus on. By the way, they employ more people in the USA than any other employer in the USA. They are the biggest employer in over half the States. Would you like to see them fail, so that you can pay welfare to 2.2 million people?

    We're already paying for food stamps to the people who work full time for Walmart and McDonald's. We subsidize those massive multi-million dollar companies with tons of money so they don't have to pay their workers.

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    What I don't understand is why we are so pissed off at the people making minimum wage, yet are perfectly content with CEOs making millions or taking stock options as a means to avoid paying taxes... Why is it OK for the Walton family being the richest in the country to pay their employees so little that they require so much government assistance? Yeah, let's subsidize the employees of Walmart since the Walton's can't bear to part with a few million.... People are entirely too pissed off at the wrong class..... Let them eat cake, am I right?

    I am not mad at the people making minimum wage. If they increase it to $15 and hour, fine.

    Why are you so pissed off at the Waltons. They will be forced to pay $15 and hour too if minimum wage increases. They are no different than any other employer. They are just bigger and easier to focus on. By the way, they employ more people in the USA than any other employer in the USA. They are the biggest employer in over half the States. Would you like to see them fail, so that you can pay welfare to 2.2 million people?

    We're already paying for food stamps to the people who work full time for Walmart and McDonald's. We subsidize those massive multi-million dollar companies with tons of money so they don't have to pay their workers.

    That's why I am for raising the minimum wage.

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    TheRoadDog wrote: »
    What I don't understand is why we are so pissed off at the people making minimum wage, yet are perfectly content with CEOs making millions or taking stock options as a means to avoid paying taxes... Why is it OK for the Walton family being the richest in the country to pay their employees so little that they require so much government assistance? Yeah, let's subsidize the employees of Walmart since the Walton's can't bear to part with a few million.... People are entirely too pissed off at the wrong class..... Let them eat cake, am I right?

    I am not mad at the people making minimum wage. If they increase it to $15 and hour, fine.

    Why are you so pissed off at the Waltons. They will be forced to pay $15 and hour too if minimum wage increases. They are no different than any other employer. They are just bigger and easier to focus on. By the way, they employ more people in the USA than any other employer in the USA. They are the biggest employer in over half the States. Would you like to see them fail, so that you can pay welfare to 2.2 million people?

    We're already paying for food stamps to the people who work full time for Walmart and McDonald's. We subsidize those massive multi-million dollar companies with tons of money so they don't have to pay their workers.

  • Spnneil06
    Spnneil06 Posts: 18,745 Member
    Up here in wyoming servers only make like 4 dollars an hour because of the expected tip, only reason I don't wait tables here!