April 2015 Running Challenge



  • skinnyby31
    skinnyby31 Posts: 35 Member
    edited April 2015
    Did my first official race this morning- an urban trails 5k. Felt very official with the bib on me. We got lost in the forest at one stage as the flags just seemed to stop but other than that it was brilliant. My dog was allowed to do it also and we came in at just over 35 mins so I'm thrilled with it. She's come on so much- she used to want to stop and sniff etc but now she realises that when we're running that's not to happen and once we finish the race she gets chicken and can sniff and roll.
  • skinnyby31
    skinnyby31 Posts: 35 Member

    Total: 146.7mi

    April goal: ~180mi

    Well done on the marathon! That's brilliant!

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member

    @SonicDeathMonkey80 - congrats on nailing that goal! The consistancy of your pace is amazing.
    Was it a flat terrain, or do you manage to maintain it across elevation changes too? That seems near impossible to me - from looking at the pace in my training runs, I could probably reconstruct terrain and slope and figure out which course I went, if I somehow lost the position data going along with it :sunglasses:

    Thanks :)
    It was about 300ish feet for the whole course, hence why I choose it in particular race. The heat was pretty bad at the end - nearly 70°
  • JustWant2Run
    JustWant2Run Posts: 286 Member
    1--- 8mi
    2--- 8mi
    3--- 20mi
    4--- 6 mi
    5--- 12mi --- Week total: 66.3 miles
    6--- Rest day
    7--- 14mi
    8--- 8mi
    9--- 12mi
    10--- 8mi
    11--- 8mi
    12--- 20mi --- Week total:70 miles
    13--- Rest day
    14--- 8mi
    15--- 10mi
    16--- 8mi
    17--- 7mi
    18--- 6.2mi

    Total: 162.2 miles

    Goal: 250 miles
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Loving the beautiful mid 50s weather here up north, and enjoying the shorter long runs now that I'm in taper mode. 2 weeks until the Marathon (Pittsburgh).

    4/1 - 8 miles
    4/2 - 5 miles
    4/4 - 8 miles
    4/5 - 20 miles
    4/7 - 5 miles
    4/8 - 8 miles
    4/9 - 5 miles
    4/12 - 20 miles
    4/14 - 5 miles
    4/15 - 8 miles
    4/16 - 6 miles
    4/18 - 4 miles (pace run @ 7:51/mile - but mostly downhill)
    4/19 - 12 miles

    Total: 114 miles
    Goal: 145 miles
    Remaining: 31 miles
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @skinnyby31 Congrats on running the first race - both for you and your dog, sounds like lots of fun!
    Apart from the getting lost bit, of course.

    I also ran my first 5k today - and actually worried about getting lost ahead of time and spent a while studying the course map available online. Could have saved myself the time - apparently that was last years course, this year was somewhat different, but they forgot to update the website. But getting lost was really impossible, there were so many people around: there were also a half and a 10k race on the same 5km-loop, which started 60min/30 min earlier, so all these runners were still on the track in addition to the 5k-runners.

    Guess what? I set a new PR! ;) 30:14 for 5k.
    That made me 33 out of 110 overall, 6/12 in my age group (actually, I don't consider that my age group yet, since my birthday isn't before the end of the month, but oh welll... ^^).

    The last km felt really tough - looking at the splits now that I got home, I can see why: 06:09 - 06:18 - 06:11 - 05:59 - 05:37. I don't think I could have pushed any harder, but still I'm kind of tempted now to pick another 5k race to train for and see if I can't beat those 30 minutes...
    In any case, I got my first medal now - and the ribbon colors match my running watch, isn't that nice? B)


  • SBRRepeat
    SBRRepeat Posts: 384 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thanks for all the kudos, guys! I don't deserve them, but I'll take them nonetheless. If anyone is interested, Girls on the Run always needs volunteer coaches- male or female- and it's only about a four hour commitment a week for 12 weeks.

    Congrats to everyone who raced this weekend- y'all are awesome!! SonicDeathMonkey, your pacing is on point! I thought I was getting good at regulating my pace, but geez, I have a lot to learn, clearly!

    4/18- 2 mile brick after 30 mile ride
    4/19- 8.1 miles, easy, that included a stop for an apple fritter at the local doughnut shop :wink:

    44.6/75 miles
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Goodness! Everyone's been busy! Congratulations to all the weekend racers! I love race day!

    I think I'm going to start a daily barefoot treadmill mile. Seems to be beneficial to understanding my off boimechanics. So, one simple diagnostic mile today.

    37/50 thus far.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    April 1 - rest
    April 2- 6.01 miles
    April 3- 5.15 miles
    April 4 - 34 mile bike ride
    April 5 - 20 mile bike ride - hilly ride.
    April 6 - 6.01 miles
    April 7 - Weight Training
    April 8 - 4.89
    April 9 - 6.02
    April 10 - 5.03
    April 11 - 34 mile bike ride
    April 12 - 40 mile bike ride
    April 13 - 4.25 miles
    April 14 - Weight Training
    April 15 - 5.1 miles :)
    April 16 - rest
    April 17 - Weight Training
    April 18 - 5.15
    April 19 - 41 mile bike ride - note to self: always keep mouth closed when riding bikes during love bug season.

    This month is FLYING by! It's already the 19th!


    @SonicDeathMonkey80 - wow! what a pace! Great job!
    @_nikkiwolf_ -- Awesome on the 5K!!! Now you are definitely going to want to sign up for more!
    @skinnyb31 - great job on your 5K, and with your dog, how sweet!
    @Nottafattie - Love that story, made me tear up too! I love that you passed mom. What the heck was she thinking? Maybe dad said "I'll watch him you go, so she did". IDK but poor kiddo.
    @skippygirlsmom - That's so sweet that you helped the girl make it the last 3 miles. And you got a hug!
    @grimmeanor - great job! Light rain would be awesome at the end like that.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited April 2015
    @_nikkiwolf_ Fantastic time!!! I love the picture. Congrats!
    @skinnyby31 Great race awesome time!

    4/1 - rest day
    4/2 - 4.4 miles - getting ready for HM on the 12th :smile:
    4/3 - 4.4 miles
    4/4 - rest day
    4/5 - 4.9 mile
    4/6 - 3.48 miles
    4/7 - rest
    4/8 - 3.48 miles
    4/9 - rest
    4/10 - rest
    4/11 - rest
    4/12 - 13.1 miles my first half marathon so excited 2:17.58 14 AG/555 OA
    hit a huge wall at 10.2 miles, my legs were spent, before that I was in front of the 2:15 pace group but I'm so proud of myself, I never stopped running and even had time to stop and hug my Skip at mile 10 :-)
    4/13 - rest
    4/14 - rest again
    4/15 - yep one more rest
    4/16 - legs said one more day (so did the thunder and lightening LOL)
    4/17 - 4.5 miles
    4/18 - 5.6 miles
    4/19 - 4.5 miles

    48.4 mile out of 130

  • Timby1
    Timby1 Posts: 294 Member
    Haven't run much this week as my body was saying this was wayyy more than I'm used to and I didn't want to risk
    a bigger injury. However, this morning I ran a 5k and set a new PR! finished in 35:23 and 11:28/m avg. Happy. Dancing.
  • Timby1
    Timby1 Posts: 294 Member
    Oh, and that brings my total to 60.98 for the month. Now feeling a little pressure to hit the other 40 miles in less than 2 weeks,
    but gonna give it a good try!
  • Timby1
    Timby1 Posts: 294 Member
    Oh, and that brings my total to 60.98 for the month. Now feeling a little pressure to hit the other 40 miles in less than 2 weeks,
    but gonna give it a good try!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @skinnyby31 - Congratulations on your 5k! It is so fun to race with your dog! I got my 5K PR running with mine - primarily because he wanted to chase all the other dogs :)
    @_nikkiwolf_ - Congratulations on finishing your first race and with a PR!! Love your picture!! Did you have so much fun?
    @SBRRepeat - love that you ran to the doughnut shop :)
    @Timby1 - Great job on your 5K and PR!!

    Looks like today is going to be a complete rest day for me. Was planning a bit of walking/running on the beach with the dog and my daughter but she is trying to finish a paper that is due before she gets on a plane back to Seattle this afternoon. The Star Wars Fan Fest she and my husband attended was pretty incredible and I only saw the people and costumes outside when I dropped them of... Amazing
  • Remus42
    Remus42 Posts: 149 Member

    April 1 - 6k
    April 2 - 5.5k
    April 4 - 4k
    April 8 - 4k
    April 9 - 6.5k
    April 10 - 4k
    April 11 - 7k Awesome day for a run. Take that 7k.
    April 13 - 6k
    April 15 - 5k Updating my runs from the other day. Going to hit up another one today and
    will be back to post that shortly.
    April 18 - 8k Another beautiful spring day.
    April 19 - 5k And hit my goal. Yay going to have to increase it for this month. :smiley:
  • italysharon
    italysharon Posts: 195 Member
    April 1: 4.14
    April 2: 5.01
    April 3: nada nada mermalada
    April 4: 6.12
    April 5: 3.29
    April 6: 5.26
    April 7: 1.5 & Pump
    April 8: nothing
    April 9: 1.5 & Pump
    April 10: 6 miles outside
    April 11: nothing
    April 12: 7 miles outside
    April 13: nothing
    April 14: 2 miles ™ & Pump
    April 15: 3.25 outside… awful! painful! done.
    April 16: 3.25
    April 17: 0 :-(
    April 18: 4 ™
    April 19: 2 ™

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @timby1 super job on the PR!!
    @shanaber my cousin went to a Star Wars "event" one time she said it was both scary and amazing.
    @remus42 great work getting to goal!!
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    75 miles again for me, but this time I'm only counting the miles I run. Walking miles are just a bonus.

    4/1 - 3 miles - total: 3 miles
    4/3 - 4 miles - total: 7 miles
    4/6 - 7.5 miles - total 14.5 miles
    4/7 - 7 miles - total 21.5 miles
    4/8 - 6.2 miles - total 27.7 miles
    4/9 - 4.75 miles - total 32.45
    4/11 - 7.5 miles - total 39.95

    Amendment: If I walk a total of less than 5 minutes out of 90, I'm not going to try to take the walk breaks back out of my mileage total.

    4/12 - 4.5 miles - total 44.45

    Another amendment: I can't differentiate running time and walking time when I run outdoors, so I'm counting the whole thing. I think I prefer the treadmill, overall.

    4/13 - 7 miles - total 51.45
    4/14 - 2 miles - total 53.45
    4/15 - 2 miles - total 55.45
    4/16 - 2 miles - total 57.45
    4/19 - 2.5 miles - total 59.95

  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    4/3: 3.88 mi
    4/4: 3.57 mi
    4/5: 3.72 mi
    4/7: 3.81 mi
    4/8: 1.25 mi (quick stop by the park after Zumba)
    4/9: 4.37 mi
    4/11: 6.72 mi
    4/12: 4.67 mi
    4/14: 4.39 mi
    4/16: 4.02 mi (treadmill)
    4/18: 6.97 mi

    Current Total: 47.37 miles (of 35 mi goal ... oops I really undershot)