Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • brownfamily5512
    brownfamily5512 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello I'm 27 and wanting to lose 100 pounds but I am taking baby steps and setting a goal to lose my first 20 by june. But really need some motivation
  • mispoohbie
    mispoohbie Posts: 31 Member
    Hey guys, I would love to add to this. I have been off and on MFP for several years. I lost 95 pounds a couple of years ago and I have slowly gained 40 of it back. I am looking for friends to motivate and support me. I will do the same in return. I have around 150 pounds I want to get rid of. I added several of you, if I missed you please add me. Looking forward to losing with you all. ~Misty
  • BillLollar
    BillLollar Posts: 9 Member
    I need to join this thread...needed to lose 80 pounds. So far I've lost 30 just using my Fitbit and MFP in the last 65 days. I have 50 more to go, so I need the mutual encouragement of this group. My goal weight is 175 which is less than I've EVER weighed since I turned 18 (now 60 years old). Always struggled with weight, but I maintained 195 pounds throughout 4 years of military service, from age of 18 to 22.
  • helend78
    helend78 Posts: 8 Member
    I'd love to join you all, I'm in the UK and lost almost 5 stone in 18 months up to about August last year but since then I've gained it all back and then some :( I need to get back on track and want to take it slowly and steadily but keep it off. Feel free to add me if you want x
  • llWishfulShrinkingll
    llWishfulShrinkingll Posts: 49 Member
    Hello everyone, Im 20 years old weigh 321 pounds I am looking to loose about 175 pounds. I am looking for anyone looking to lose a large amount of weight to help keep me going. I have lost about 65 pounds before but i have gained all that back and more. I am really ready to be serious this time. I am online everyday. Also have instagram @llWishfulShrinkingll I am going to be using it for weight loss motivation and updates. So follow4follow.
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    Super stressful week physically and emotionally (Family stress /sudden loss of pet :( /yard sale/ilness)- and going back through my diary I noticed a big victory.

    Not one day this week did I go over calories!

    It was hard with all the stress but I made it somehow.

    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My pets are my babies! And super-dooper congrats on your goal!!! That is not just a success but STUNNING success with all you had on your plate. Keep it up!
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    @marsha6570 My hats off to you for having already done so much. I won't be whining about having to lose 100 lbs. Girl, you've done twice what I am trying to do and you're dedicated to do it again!! You ROCK!
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    Welcome bcedI1982! None of us can do this alone, so hop aboard!
  • bcedl1982
    bcedl1982 Posts: 140 Member
    MischelM wrote: »
    Welcome bcedI1982! None of us can do this alone, so hop aboard!

    Thank you MischelM and other MFP members! :) I appreciate the words of encouragement and the friend requests!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome to so many new peeps! We're happy to have you! You are not alone in this fight for health! When I started this thread I never thought I'd find so many supportive people! You have certainly come to the right place because there are some pretty wonderful people here ready to encourage and be encouraged!

    If you haven't already added me and I haven't added you, please do so! The more friends I have the better!

    @MischelM: A quick thank you for your energy and positive vibes!
  • Jinx_Mo
    Jinx_Mo Posts: 150 Member
    shirayne wrote: »
    @MischelM: A quick thank you for your energy and positive vibes!

    Thanks! I'm sure I won't always be the beaming ray of sunshine, but I am just riding on a cloud of "you go, girl!" ever since I decided to take this journey. I just feel really good about my decision, really positive.
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    edited April 2015
    Welcome to all the wonderful new people!! If you are looking for support / motivation you have come to the right place! Feel free to add me if you like!

    Last week I kind of let my exercise fall off a bit. I went out and walked more since it got nicer but I need to get back into working on my arms and stuff. So this week I am going to try and alternate between cardio and weights.

    What are some goals for everyone else this week?
  • 3uttercup
    3uttercup Posts: 5 Member
    I'm also in the same predicament. I'm 5'1, 250 lbs. I kinda resemble a marshmallow. I need all the help and friends I can get. I'm new here and I can't even seem to get started on a healthy diet. I need to lose about 130 lbs. And I have to have surgery on my foot which will put a cog in ANY normal exercise routine. I'd really appreciate help if you can spare it.
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Hi @3cuttercup and welcome!

    It can be hard to start eating right. The best thing you can do is get a food scale and measure your food whenever possible. Also start out with small changes. Cut back our cut out soda. Replace desert at night with fruit or yogurt. Use smaller plates at dinner to trick your mind. Fill half that plate with veggies instead of carbs. Small changes will add up to big changes before you know it.

    Also there are some great videos for chair / seated exercises for after your surgery! Check this one out


  • 3uttercup
    3uttercup Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you so much for your advice.
  • melkithall
    melkithall Posts: 75 Member
    Hey all, I'd like to join this thread! I have oodles to lose, and for the umpteenth time! Every time I'm doing well and succeeding, I get knocked off track. I don't want that to happen this time. I've lost 20lbs and been working more physical activity into my routine. I'm glad to be involved is such an uplifting source of encouragement.
    I just recently (like 3 days ago) decided to cut out my soda addiction. It has been so hard. The headaches and crankiness are awful. My poor family has taken the brunt of it. Even now, I would gladly reach for my Mt.Dew if I had any available. Anyone have any tips on how to get through the withdrawals??
  • treas18bailey
    treas18bailey Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone, I would love to join this group I have read through and you are all so supportive and encouraging and i need friends like that here, I need to loose another 80lbs, i lost about 60lbs 4 years ago and just got to ONEderland and immediately started gaining it back. I now want to loose the weight more than ever with a 13 month old little girl i want to be healthy and able to keep up with her and teach her to be healthy and active so she doesnt have to struggle like i have most of my life.

    I have been using mfp since February and had made some progress, but the past week has been terrible and full of self sabotage, i actually think in the past week i may have nullified all the work i did up till now-crazy how fast it comes back on!!

    Anyway i would love some positive and supportive friends to encourage and support each other through this journey to healthiness. Please anyone feel free to add me as a friend
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    I´m also looking to get some new friends in this thread! 21 5 foot 7 or 8 (depending on which nurse you ask at student health...) on a journey from258 to 135ish, and about 30 pounds down. I log regularly but I have an ankle issue from an injury in October that is keeping me from doing what I really want to pursue, which would be getting super amazingly fit through running and heavy lifting. I´m on every day and I would love to find friends that are similarly motivated to provide support :) I am also studying abroad in Argentina at the moment so I have a pretty interesting diary haha!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    WOW! Look at all these new friends! Welcome to all of you! We lots of support to offer and some great tips and tricks and we'd love to hear from you as well!

    @Hippychick: Thanks for sharing that link for seated exercises!

    @3uttercup: I support the advice of making small changes. It's the little things that add to become big things!
  • 3uttercup
    3uttercup Posts: 5 Member
    Yooooo hoooooo! I'm in need of some fluffy, or once fluffy friends. People that know how depressing this crap can be. People that understand the struggle. The ones that know what its like to try to always keep your jiggles from jiggling. So please please add me, before I succumb to the doughnut that keeps calling my name. (I've named him Charlie) I stabbed him with a fork, but he's still taunting me. ITake it from me, its no fun being bullied by a doughnut!